Việt Nam bắt cóc và tra tấn. van-pa-bi-cong-viet-nam.html
16RFA. Linh mục An Tôn Đặng Hữu Nam trả lời phỏng vấn việc bị hành hung. vấn việc bị hành hung. in_depth/Catholic-priest-attacked-by-
(CPC) because “The Vietnamese government continues to control all religious activities through law and administrative oversight, restrict severely independent religious practice, and repress individuals and religious groups it views as challenging its authority, including independent Buddhists, Hoa Hao, Cao Dai, Catholics, and Protestants.” In June of 2015, USCIRF suspended a visit to Vietnam as Vietnam refused to issue an entry visa.
In a visit to Vietnam from October 4 to 11, 2015, a delegation of the US State Department’s Office of International Freedom of Religion met with a number of Vietnamese officials of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Government Committee for Religious Affairs, several state-controlled as well as independent religious organisations to learn about religious life in the country.
- The Conference on Freedom of Religion or Belief in South-East Asia, held in Bangkok, Thailand, from September 29 to October 1, 2015, was attended by many human rights activists and members of religions and civil society organizations from 10 ASEAN countries and from other countries like Britain, France, Germany, United States, and Ireland. Representatives from Vietnamese organizations inside and outside of Vietnam also participated and raised concerns about freedom of religion in Vietnam.18
18 RFA. Hội nghị tự do tôn giáo khu vực Đông Nam Á. on-free-of-religion-10012015121259.html
in 2015 to advocate for freedom of religion, such as participating in hearings and meetings with international human rights organizations, denouncing religious oppression, and protesting against the draft Law on Belief and Religion. - The Association to Protect Freedom of Religion (APFOR) was founded in early 2014 with the purpose of “helping all citizens exercise their right to freedom of religion and fight against all action restricting or hindering this right.” Although not legally recognized, the Association has members operating openly in many places in Vietnam. In 2015, the Association issued 4 quarterly reports on violations of religious freedom.
- At the 28th UN Human Rights Council meeting on March 10 and 11, 2015, the UN Special Rapporteur on Freedom of Religion or Belief, Prof. Heiner Bielefeldt, mentioned in his official report of his mission in Vietnam from July 21 to 31, 2014, that “religious life and religious diversity are a reality in Viet Nam today, autonomy and activities of independent religious or belief communities, so-called unrecognized ones, remain restricted and unsafe, with their rights to freedom of religion or belief grossly violated in the face of constant surveillance, intimidation, harassment and persecution.” This was the second time Vietnam allowed a UN Special Rapporteur on Freedom of Religion or Belief to visit Vietnam. The defunct Special Rapporteur Amor Abdelfatah’s report from his 1998 visit to Vietnam also had similar conclusions.17
- In its 2015 annual report, The United States Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF) recommended that Vietnam be placed on top of the “list of countries of particular concern for freedom of religion”