Vị trí, mô tả công việc và quá trình thực hiện công việc

Một phần của tài liệu BÁO cáo THỰC tập DOANH NGHIỆP tại CÔNG TY TNHH PHẦN mềm FPT 3 (Trang 32 - 37)

Mô tả công việc được phân công

Nội dung công việc: Thực tập sinh C/ Embedded A, Lập trình ngôn ngữ C

Bảng 3.1: Lộ trình thực tập tháng thứ nhất

Ngày học Tên bài học Nội dung, kiến thức

12/01/2022 Variable in C

- Introductory question? - Basic Data Types - Store Class

- Key word for variable - Pointer variable

- Struct Data type - Structure


Array, Decision and Looping Array in C Decision in C Looping In C 14/01/2022 Function What is function

Inline keyword, inline function Phân biệt macro-like function và function

Variable argument list

Function argument, function return Recursion



Management & Pointer Basics

1 Memory layout

2 Variable and memory location 3 Linker file and memory

4 Pointer variable

5 Assigning values to a pointer 6 Memory allocation for a pointer 7 Pointer arithmetic

19/01/2022 Practicce and review Practice Time: Assignment

20/01/2022 Macro and Bit Operations

C Preprocessor Overview Macro

C Preprocessor Directives Bit Operations

21/01/2022 Data Structure &

Algorithms Data structure and Algorithms

24/01/2022 Practicce and review Practice Time: Assignment

25/01/2022 Pointer Advances Day 1

Assigning pointer to address Wrong using pointer

Pointer essence Function pointer Callback function

26/01/2022 Pointer Advances Day 2 Assignment Review & Guides 27/01/2022 Pointer Advances Day 3 Assignment Review & Guides 28/01/2022 Optimization in C Optimization

07/02/2022 C_Common defects C_Common defects 08/02/2022 FILE handing FILE handing

10/02/2022 Mock project 1 (6 Days)

Do The Mock test

Do the Mock test - Day 1

11/02/2022 Mock project 1 (6 Days)

Review Mock test

Do the Mock test - Day 2 Review Mock test

14/02/2022 Mock project 1 (6 Days)

Do mock test Do the Mock test - Day 3

15/02/2022 Mock project 1 (6 Days)

Review Mock test

Do the Mock test - Day 4 Review Mock test

16/02/2022 Mock project 1 (6 Days)

Do mock test

Do the Mock test - Day 5

17/02/2022 Mock project 1 (6 Days)

Present Mock

Do the Mock test - Day 5 Review Mock test

B, Embedded system

Bảng 3.2: Lộ trình thực tập tháng thứ hai Ngày học Tên bài học Nội dung, kiến thức


Embedded System Getting Started + Embedded Software Development

Introduction to the course Embedded system Introduction Setup working environment and try to create a sample project for Freedom KL46Z board by using IAR IDE then download to the board.

21/02/2022 Embedded Software Development & Getting started with Kl46

Embedded Software Overview and Basic Development

Overview on Freescale Freedom KL46

Overview on Development IDE: IAR Workbench


Getting started with KL46 freedom board (Cont)

Write an example application to blink a led with given

frequency. 23/02/2022 Cortex Microcontroller Software Interface Standard (CMSIS) Overview on Common Microcontroller Software Interface Standard (CMSIS). Update Assignment 1 base on CMSIS


ARM Cortex-M

architecture overview

Introduction to ARM Cortex-M architecture

Describe about the programmer model in ARM Cortex-M

Explain on Instruction Set Archtecture


ARM Cortex-M

architecture overview (Cont)

Write an example application to blink a led by using a system timer (SysTick)

Update the previous exercise, the blink frequency can be changed by using the SW1 button

28/02/2022 Exception and Interrupt Introduce on Interrupt


Organization of Vector Table Some important registers: NVIC & SCB

01/03/2022 Exception and Interrupt


Exceptions sequences and handling optimization technique

02/03/2022 Practice and review Assigment guide

03/03/2022 Pheripheral ADC/DAC

ADC/DAC module Practice time: Write an

example application use light sensor to show light intensity of one led (or LCD if have).

04/03/2022 Practice and review Practice time: Write an

software timer

07/03/2022 Peripherals PIT Timer

Overview on KL46 Timer modules

Periodic Interrupt Timer (PIT) KL46 PIT Module

08/03/2022 Practice and review Practice time: Write an

software timer

09/03/2022 Pheripheral I2C

I2C module

Practice time: Write an example application use read/write EEPROM module by I2C connection.

10/03/2022 Practice and review Practice time: Write an

11/03/2022 Peripherals UART Introduction to UART Data Transmission/Data Reception RS232 Standard Freedom KL46 UART

Practice time: Write a program sends a “Hello world!” to PC through UART.

Một phần của tài liệu BÁO cáo THỰC tập DOANH NGHIỆP tại CÔNG TY TNHH PHẦN mềm FPT 3 (Trang 32 - 37)

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