Vị trí, mô tả công việc và quá trình thực hiện công việc Mô tả công việc được phân công

Một phần của tài liệu BÁO cáo THỰC tập DOANH NGHIỆP tại CÔNG TY TNHH PHẦN mềm FPT (Trang 28 - 32)

Mô tả công việc được phân công

Nội dung công việc: Thực tập sinh C/ Embedded A, Lập trình ngôn ngữ C

Bảng 3.1: Lộ trình thực tập tháng thứ nhất Ngày học Tên bài học Nội dung, kiến thức

12/01/2022 Variable in C

- Introductory question? - Basic Data Types - Store Class

- Key word for variable - Pointer variable

- Struct Data type - Structure


Array, Decision and Looping Array in C Decision in C Looping In C 14/01/2022 Function What is function

Inline keyword, inline function Phân biệt macro-like function và function

Variable argument list

Function argument, function return Recursion

17/01/2022 Practicce and review Practice Time: Assignment



Management & Pointer Basics

1 Memory layout

2 Variable and memory location 3 Linker file and memory

4 Pointer variable

5 Assigning values to a pointer 6 Memory allocation for a pointer 7 Pointer arithmetic

19/01/2022 Practicce and review Practice Time: Assignment

20/01/2022 Macro and Bit Operations

C Preprocessor Overview Macro

C Preprocessor Directives Bit Operations

21/01/2022 Data Structure & Algorithms Data structure and Algorithms 24/01/2022 Practicce and review Practice Time: Assignment

25/01/2022 Pointer Advances Day 1

Assigning pointer to address Wrong using pointer

Pointer essence Function pointer Callback function

26/01/2022 Pointer Advances Day 2 Assignment Review & Guides 27/01/2022 Pointer Advances Day 3 Assignment Review & Guides

28/01/2022 Optimization in C Optimization

07/02/2022 C_Common defects C_Common defects

08/02/2022 FILE handing FILE handing

09/02/2022 Mock project 1 (6 Days)Mock Introduction Introduce mock test 1

10/02/2022 Mock project 1 (6 Days)Do The Mock test Do the Mock test - Day 1 11/02/2022 Mock project 1 (6 Days)Review Mock test Do the Mock test - Day 2Review Mock test 14/02/2022 Mock project 1 (6 Days)Do mock test Do the Mock test - Day 3 15/02/2022 Mock project 1 (6 Days)Review Mock test Do the Mock test - Day 4Review Mock test 16/02/2022 Mock project 1 (6 Days)Do mock test Do the Mock test - Day 5 17/02/2022 Mock project 1 (6 Days)Present Mock Do the Mock test - Day 5Review Mock test

B, Embedded system

Bảng 3.2: Lộ trình thực tập tháng thứ hai Ngày học Tên bài học Nội dung, kiến thức


Embedded System Getting Started + Embedded Software Development

Introduction to the course Embedded system Introduction Setup working environment and try to create a sample project for Freedom KL46Z board by using IAR IDE then download to the board.


Embedded Software Development & Getting started with Kl46

freedom board

Embedded Software Overview and Basic Development Process Input/output Basic

Overview on Freescale Freedom KL46

Overview on Development IDE: IAR

freedom board (Cont) blink a led with given frequency. 23/02/2022 Cortex Microcontroller Software Interface Standard (CMSIS) Overview on Common Microcontroller Software Interface Standard (CMSIS). Update Assignment 1 base on CMSIS


ARM Cortex-M

architecture overview

Introduction to ARM Cortex-M architecture

Describe about the programmer model in ARM Cortex-M

Explain on Instruction Set Archtecture


ARM Cortex-M

architecture overview (Cont)

Write an example application to blink a led by using a system timer (SysTick)

Update the previous exercise, the blink frequency can be changed by using the SW1 button

28/02/2022 Exception and Interrupt

Introduce on Interrupt

Management in ARM Cortex-M Organization of Vector Table Some important registers: NVIC & SCB

01/03/2022 Exception and Interrupt (Cont) Exceptions sequences and handling optimization technique 02/03/2022 Practice and review Assigment guide

03/03/2022 Pheripheral ADC/DAC

ADC/DAC module

Practice time: Write an example application use light sensor to show light intensity of one led (or LCD if have).

04/03/2022 Practice and review Practice time: Write an software timer

07/03/2022 Peripherals PIT Timer

Overview on KL46 Timer modules

Periodic Interrupt Timer (PIT) KL46 PIT Module

08/03/2022 Practice and review Practice time: Write an software timer

Practice time: Write an example application use read/write

EEPROM module by I2C connection.

10/03/2022 Practice and review Practice time: Write an software timer

11/03/2022 Peripherals UART Introduction to UART Data Transmission/Data Reception RS232 Standard Freedom KL46 UART

Practice time: Write a program sends a “Hello world!” to PC through UART.

Một phần của tài liệu BÁO cáo THỰC tập DOANH NGHIỆP tại CÔNG TY TNHH PHẦN mềm FPT (Trang 28 - 32)

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