Chương 10.“ Too to” or “enough…to”

Một phần của tài liệu ÔN TẬP CHƯƠNG TRÌNH TIẾNG ANH 9 (Trang 40 - 42)

IV. So sánh kép.

Chương 10.“ Too to” or “enough…to”

A.Lý thuyết.

I.Too ….to : quỏ …khụng thể.

- Được dựng để chỉ một nguyờn nhõn đưa tới một kết quả phủ định. * Form: Too + adj/adv + to –inf

* Eg: - He is too young to go to school. - She ran too slowly to catch the train.

- Nếu động từ theo sau diễn tả một sự việc được thực hiện bởi một chủ ngữ khỏc với chủ ngữ của động từ đi trước thỡ ta dựng:

* Form: Too + adj/adv + for + somebody + to –inf

* Eg : - The questions are too difficult for us to answer.

- The box was too heavy for the children to carry.

II.Enough to …: đủ …để cú thể.

- Được dựng để chỉ một nguyờn nhõn đưa tới một kết quả tất nhiờn. * Form: adj/adv + enough + to – inf

* Eg: - He is sick enough to need a docter.

- The policeman ran fast enough to catch the thief.

- Nếu động từ theo sau diễn tả một sự việc được thực hiện bởi chủ ngữ khỏc với chủ ngữ của động từ đi trước thỡ ta dựng :

* Form: adj/ adv + enough + for + somebody + to – inf

* Eg: - The exercises are easy enough for you to do.

- He spoke English slowly enoughfor us to understand.

B.Bài tập.

I. Combine these sentences, using “ too… to ” or “ enough… to ”, ( Kết hợp cỏc cõu sau dựng “too … to” hoặc “enough to…”) hợp cỏc cõu sau dựng “too … to” hoặc “enough to…”)

1. These oranges are ripe. You can eat them. 2.He is strong. He can carry this table.

3. The house is large. My family can live in it. 4.It was very late. They didn’t go to the party. 5.The dress is so dirty. She can’t wear it. 6.She is tall. She can reach the top shelf. 7.Mr Brown isn’t rich. He can’t buy car.

8.My grandmother is very weak. She can’t lift the box. 9.The film is very good. The children won’t miss it. 10. Those shoes are large. You can wear them.

II. Combine these sentences, using “ …too + adj + for + …+ to-inf ”. ( Kết hợp cõu dựng “ … too + adj + for + …+ to-inf”) hợp cõu dựng “ … too + adj + for + …+ to-inf”)

.1.The child can’t drink this milk. It’s too hot. 2.We can’t lift this weight. It’s too heavy.

3. They can’t push the piano through that door, it’s too narrow. 4.You can’t hang the picture on that wall. It’s too small.

5. She can’t watch this programme. It’s too boring.

III. Combine these sentences, using “ adj + enough + (for) + to-inf ”. (Nối cõu dựng “ adj + enough + (for) + to-inf”.) cõu dựng “ adj + enough + (for) + to-inf”.)

1.You shouldn’t wear this coat in winter. It’s not warm enough. 2.Don’t stand on that chair. It’s not strong enough.

3. You can’t sleep in this bed. It’s not wide enough for you two. 4. I couldn’t make coffee for everyone. There weren’t enough cups. 5. He didn’t finish the examination. He didn’t have enough time.



1. These oranges are ripe enough for you to eat. 2. He is strong enough to carry this table.

3.The house is large enough for my family to live in. 4.It was too late for them to go to the party.

5. The dress is too dirty for her to wear. 6.She is tall enough to reach the top shefl. 7. Mr Brown isn’t rish enough to buy a car. 8. My grandmother is too weak to lift the box. 9.The film is too good for the children to miss. 10. Those shoes are large enough for you to wear.


1.This milk is too hot for child to drink. 2. This weight is too heavy for us to lift.

3. That door is too narrow for them to push the piano through. 4. That wall is too small for you to hang the picture on.

5.This programme is tooboring for her to watch.

1.This coat is not warm enough for you to wear in the winter. 2. That chair is not strong enough ( for you) to stand on. 3. This bed is not wide enough for you to sleep in.

4. There weren’t enough cups for me to make coffee for everyone. 5. He didn’t have enough time to finish the examination.

Một phần của tài liệu ÔN TẬP CHƯƠNG TRÌNH TIẾNG ANH 9 (Trang 40 - 42)

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