Speak and Listen

Một phần của tài liệu GA anh 8 (Trang 83 - 84)

II/ Language knowledge:

Speak and Listen

* Speak

1. Practice the dialogue with a partner.

New words:

air mail (n) : thư gửi qua đường hàng kgo6ng surface mail (n) : thư từ.. chuyển bằng đường bơ ̣, đường sắt, đường biển (khơng phải bằng đường (hàng khơng))

charge (v) : tính giá, đòi trả

Charge( n) (charge list) bảng tính tiền

parcel : gói; bưu kiê ̣n (như) postal parcel, package

2. Look at the following brochure and the information in the box. Make similar dialogues.

What is this? (a letter) Where can I post this letter? (at the post office)

How can I post it? (stick a stamp on it)

How much is a stamp? (800 VND)

Is it more expensive when I send a parcel? (Yes, it is)

Remarks and introduces the lesson.

* Pre-speaking: 10’ Introduces new words and structure.

Reads the word

Checking vocabulary: slap the board.

Sets the situation: Mrs. Kim wants to send a parcel to Qui Nhon, so she has to go to the post office.

* While – speaking: Reads aloud the conversation.

Calls some pairs to practice the conversation.

Asks sts some questions What does Mrs. Kim send to Qui Nhon? (a parcel)

Does she send it air mail? (No. She sends it surface mail)

How much does she pay? (19,200VND)

Gives sts some prompts and asks sts to make the similar dialogues


Give the meaning. Take note.

Repeat in C and I Join the activity in I Listen and pay attention. Listen.

Practice in pairs. Listen and answer in I Look at the information. Listen to T instructions -

Letter / Kon Tum / surface mail / 20g Postcard / Ho Chi Minh City / air mail / 15g Parcel / Ca Mau / air mail / 2kg

Clerk: Can I help you?

Customer: yes. I want to send this letter to Kon Tum. Clerk: Do you want to send it air mail or surface mail? Customer: Surface mail please. How much is it? Clerk: I’ll have to weigh the letter first. It’s 20g. That will be 800Vnd.

Customer: Thanks. Here you are.  the comparisons

Ex :

The red book is the same as the yellow one. The red book is as big as the yellow one. The yellow book is not as/ so big as the brown dictionary.

Form: the same as S1 + be +

(not) as + adj + as + S2

* Listen : Na is new to the neighborhood. She’s

talking with Nam about what she’s going to do on the weekend. Lookk at the advertisement of “what’s on this week ?”

1. Listen to the conversation. Then fill the blank in

each of the advertisement with one phrase from the box.


Một phần của tài liệu GA anh 8 (Trang 83 - 84)

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