Một phần của tài liệu LVTN - Xay dung giao dien lap trinh OCI.doc (Trang 98 - 101)

VI. Tóm tắt câc hăm


I.Giới thiệu

Chương năy giới thiệu câc hăm ânh xạ datatype OCI vă câc hăm thao tâc. Xem thím chương 9

II.Câc hăm ânh xạ datatype vă câc hăm thao tâc

Câc hăm ânh xạ vă câc hăm thao tâc trả về một trong câc giâ trị sau :

Table 15-1 Common Navigational Function Return Values

Return Value Meaning

OCI_SUCCESS The operation succeeded

OCI_ERROR The operation failed. The specific error can be retrieved by calling OCIErrorGet() on the error handle passed to the function.

OCI_INVALID_HANDLE The environment or error handle passed to the function is NULL.

Một số hăm trả về câc giâ trị khâc trong bảng 15-1 . Khi sử dụng những hăm năy phải có một nơi chứa để trả về một giâ trị trực tiếp từ lời gọi hăm hơn lă thông qua một tham số OUT .

OCICollMax() OCIRawPtr() OCIRawSize() OCIRefHexSize() OCIRefIsEqual() OCIRefIsNull() OCIStringPtr() OCIStringSize()

III.Giới thiệu câc hăm

Table 15-2 OCI Datatype Mapping and Manipulation Functions Quick Reference

Function Purpose

COLLECTION ITERATOR FUNCTIONS OCICollAppend() Collection append element

OCICollAssignElem() Collection assign element OCICollAssign() Assign collection

OCICollSize() get current size of collection (in number of elements) OCICollTrim() trim elements from the collection

OCICollGetElem() get pointer to an element

OCICollMax() return maximum number of elements in collection OCIIterCreate() Create ITerator to scan the varray elements OCIIterGetCurrent() get CURrent collection element

OCIIterDelete() Delete ITerator

OCIIterInit() Initialize ITerator to scan the given collection OCIIterNext() get NeXT collection element

OCIIterPrev() get PReVious collection element, DATE FUNCTIONS

OCIDateToText() convert date TO String OCIDateAddDays() ADd or subtract Days OCIDateAddMonths() ADd or subtract Months

OCIDateDaysBetween() get number of days BeTWeen two dates OCIDateCheck() CHecK if the given date is valid

OCIDateCompare() CoMPare dates

OCIDateLastDay() get date of LaST day of month OCIDateNextDay() get date of Next DaY

OCIDateFromText () convert String TO Date

OCIDateSysDate() get current SYStem date and time

OCIDateZoneToZone() convert date from one time Zone TO another Zone OCIDateAssign() assign date

OCIDateGetDate() get the date portion of a date OCIDateGetTime() get the time portion of a date OCIDateSetDate() set the date portion of a date OCIDateSetTime() set the time portion of a date

NUMBER FUNCTIONS OCINumberToInt() convert number TO Integer OCINumberToReal() convert number TO Real OCINumberToText() convert number TO String OCINumberAbs() ABSolute value (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});

OCINumberArcCos() Arc COSine OCINumberAdd() ADD numbers OCINumberAssign() ASsiGn number OCINumberArcSin () Arc SINe OCINumberArcTan() Arc TANgent OCINumberArcTan2() Arc TaNgent 2

GVHD :KS.Bùi Hoăi Thắng

OCINumberCeil() CEiling of number OCINumberCmp() CoMPare numbers

OCINumberCos() COSine

OCINumberHypCos() CoSine Hyperbolic OCINumberDiv() DIVide numbers

OCINumberPower() EXPonentiation to base e OCINumberFloor() FLooR of number

OCINumberFromInt() convert Integer TO Number OCINumberIsZero() comparison with ZERo OCINumberLn() Logarithm Natural

OCINumberLog () LOGarithm to arbitrary base OCINumberMod() MODulo division

OCINumberMul() MULtiply numbers OCINumberNeg() NEGate number

OCINumberIntPower() take an arbitrary base to an arbitrary integer PoWeR OCINumberFromReal() convert Real TO Number

OCINumberRound() ROUnd Oracle number to a specified decimal place OCINumberSetZero() INItialize number to zero

OCINumberFromText() convert String TO Number

OCINumberSign() obtains SiGN of an Oracle number

OCINumberSin() SINe

OCINumberHypSin() SiNe Hyperbolic

OCINumberSqrt() SQuare Root of number OCINumberSub() SUBtract numbers

OCINumberTan() tANgent

OCINumberHypTan() TaNgent Hyperbolic

OCINumberTrunc() TRUncate an Oracle number at a specified decimal place REF FUNCTIONS

OCIRefToHex() convert REF to Hexadecimal string OCIRefAssign() ASsiGn one REF to another

OCIRefClear() CLeaR or nullify a REF

OCIRefIsEqual() compare two REFs for EQUality OCIRefFromHex() convert Hexadecimal string to REF OCIRefHexSize() return size of hexadecimal representation OCIRefIsNull() test if a REF is NULl

TABLE FUNCTIONS OCITableDelete() DELete element

OCITableExists() Test whether element EXIsts OCITableFirst() return FirST index of table

OCITableLast() return LaST index of table

OCITableNext() return NeXT available index of table OCITablePrev() return PReVious available index of table OCITableSize() return current size of table

STRING FUNCTIONS OCIStringAssign() Assign String to String

OCIStringAllocSize() get Allocated SiZe of string memory in bytes OCIStringAssignText() Assign Text string to String

OCIStringPtr() Get String Pointer OCIStringSize() Get String siZe

OCIStringResize() ReSiZe string memory RAW FUNCTIONS OCIRawAssignBytes() Assign raw Bytes to Raw OCIRawAssignRaw() Assign Raw to Raw (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});

OCIRawAllocSize() Get Allocated SiZe of raw memory in bytes OCIRawPtr() Get Raw data Pointer

OCIRawSize() Get Raw siZe

OCIRawResize() ReSiZe memory of variable-length raw

Một phần của tài liệu LVTN - Xay dung giao dien lap trinh OCI.doc (Trang 98 - 101)