Do vậy, các bạn cần có cái nhìn đúng nhất về cách viết câu. Đừng tập trung vào việc dùng từ khủng mà hãy bỏ công sức để giải thích ý 1 cách đơn giản và đi thẳng vào vấn đề.
Computer-based games can have a very 1. Computer-based games: keyword
positive effect on teenagers. They can help bài, dễ hiểu và ‘natural’ hơn ‘Audio
Trích từ sách của cô Pauline: them to develop important life-skills, like and visual games which are designed “Audio and visual games which are designed to problem-solving, and also aid in their to be played on the computer’
be played on the computer immensely positively intellectual development. - hãy dùng văn natural chứ đừng làm
affect teenage gamers, both refining their life OR nó phức tạp
skills such as problem solving, critical thinking as Computer-based games can have a very 2. They: tăng độliên kết câu
well as interpersonal communication and positive effect on teenagers, helping them to 3. …develop important life-skills, like
enhancing their intellectual development.” develop important life-skills, like problem- problem-solving, and also aid in
Nhiều từkhủng đúng không? solving, and also aid in their intellectual their intellectual development: kết
development. quả cuối cùng của chủ ngữ -> đi
1 đoạn văn trên mạng:
“(1) On the one hand, visiting isolated natural
places has some benefits. (2) Firstly, this is a (1)There are also a number of benefits for newer and more interesting type of travelling. (3) tourists traveling to isolated natural
(1)topic sentence – 2 bên như nhau Going to other cities or countries has been too environment. (2) One of those benefits is that
(2) key words là ‘one-of-a kind- common for most people, so it might be more natural areas offer one-of-a-kind traveling
experience’ rõ ràng trong 1 câu, trong khi exciting for them to explore new places such as experience to visitors. (3) For example, those
bên 6.5 cần 3 câu để nói về 1 ý. the South Pole or the Amazon rainforest. (4) This who decide to take a vacation to South Pole
(3) Thêm example để tăng tính thuyết gives them valuable experiences and will be able to immerse in the wilderness and
phục unforgettable memories.” the atmosphere that are entirely different
Văn rõ ràng, dễ follow nhưng giải thích 1 ý from the world they know. cần 3 câu, trong khi chúng ta chỉ cần 1 câu và
thêm 1 ví dụ để lập luận chắc hơn.
“Secondly, when visiting remote areas, people, Secondly, many people, especially scientists especially scientists, might acquire more travel to remote areas such as South Pole in knowledge about the natural habitat. For
efforts to protect them from humans. In fact,
example, when coming to the North Pole, 2 câu rõ ràng, mạch lạc và có kết quả là
if no insights and information about the
scientists can learn about the life of polar bears nếu k làm việc này thì con người sẽ phá impact of humans on the natural habitat are
which live far away from humans.” collected and made known to the public, even hủy những nơi đó.
rõ được việc học các loài động vật thì mang Đoạn này tốt hơn trước nhưng lại không chỉ innocent people can unintentionally damage these areas.
Topic: online learning vs traditional learning Moreover, since most learners work either full Firstly, this is the most convenient method of or part-time, they require a flexible/adjustable learning. That is, students can learn based on studying timetable. This means that an
their comfort and time and there are not specific
individual is able to listen to a lecture 2 câu đơn giản rõ ràng, giải thích rõ luận classroom studies or curricular activities. Hence,
available in college intranet at any time even điểm và kết quả cuối cùng của example. they can choose a course at any time and midnight without class attendance, which can
complete it when they wish to do the same. be conducive to the balance of academic and
3 câu giải thích 1 vấn đề working achievement.
Không có kết quảcuối cùng của sựviệc Topic: The animal species are becoming extinct due to human activities on land and in sea. What are the reasons and solutions?
On land, trees are being cut down to make “With regard to the humane factors affecting way for urban expansion, leading to the animal species, there are two main ones. Firstly, destruction of natural habitats.
deforestation has been conducted for ages in For example, the media has revealed many 2 câu đơn giản rõ ràng, có example làm order to make ways for factories, residential instances of wild elephants attacking rõ luận điểm và kết quả cuối cùng của houses so that not only does the economy thrive aggressively people from mountainous areas example.
but also the housing problem, which can be in Vietnam since the local cleared huge plots mitigated, however, the life of many species has of wild forests for planting crop and raising to suffer from counter effect. Moreover, wood livestock, which destroys their homeland. that is a backbone material for many industries is
no longer available to be inhabitable for animals.”