youth´s young adult life outcomes a significant public health concern



... hospital treatment, and increased risk of death from cardiovascular and respiratory diseases or lung cancer Particulate matter is estimated to cause about 8% of deaths from lung cancer, 5% of deaths ... attributable to selected major risks Geneva, World Health Organization ( WHO (2008) Air quality and health Geneva, ... World Health Organization (WHO) air quality guidelines2,3,5,6 Particulate matter with a diameter of 2.5 µm or less (PM 2.5 ) 10 µg/m3 (annual mean) 25 µg/m3 (24 h mean) Particulate matter with a...

Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 02:20

6 401 1
báo cáo hóa học: " Older People’s Quality of Life (OPQOL) scores and adverse health outcomes at a one-year follow-up. A prospective cohort study on older outpatients living in the community in Italy" docx

báo cáo hóa học: " Older People’s Quality of Life (OPQOL) scores and adverse health outcomes at a one-year follow-up. A prospective cohort study on older outpatients living in the community in Italy" docx

... OPQOL total and health- related scores and adverse health outcomes at univariate analyses N Adverse health outcomes Odds Ratio (95% CI) P OPQOL total score (lowest quartile vs rest) Any fall 184 ... Otero-Rodriguez A, Leon-Munoz LM, Balboa-Castillo T, Banegas JR, Rodriguez-Artalejo F, Guallar-Castillon P: Change in health- related quality of life as a predictor of mortality in the older adults Qual Life ... When taking falls, ED admissions and hospitalisation as adverse health outcomes we decided for a qualitative rather than a quantitative approach - i.e we chose to assess the occurrence of any such...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 15:20

10 694 0
báo cáo hóa học: "Investigating the missing data mechanism in quality of life outcomes: a comparison of approaches" pdf

báo cáo hóa học: "Investigating the missing data mechanism in quality of life outcomes: a comparison of approaches" pdf

... MAR MAR - MAR MAR - MAR MAR MAR MAR KAT Baseline months 12 months 24 months MCAR MAR MAR - MCAR MAR MAR - MAR MAR MAR MAR MAR MAR PRISM Baseline 12 months 24 months MAR MAR - MAR MAR - MAR MAR ... Mechanism Trial Assessment REFLUX Baseline months 12 months MAR MCAR - MCAR MCAR - MCAR MAR MCAR MAR MAVIS Baseline months 12 months MCAR MCAR - MCAR MAR - MAR MCAR/MAR MAR MCAR/MAR RECORD months ... analysis method Complete-case analysis (excluding patients who have incomplete data) will only be unbiased (although not optimal) if the data are MCAR Under MAR, available case analysis such as...

Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 18:20

10 425 0
Prerequisites to a civilized life  the american colonial public health system in the philippines, 1901 to 1927

Prerequisites to a civilized life the american colonial public health system in the philippines, 1901 to 1927

... colonial public health system became a means that Michel Foucault, “Governmentality”, in Aradhana Sharma and Akhil Gupta, eds., The Anthropology of the State: A Reader (Malden, MA: Blackwell Publishing, ... Belgian Congo and Uganda”, examines the training of medical assistants in Congo and Uganda as a political and medical necessity 63 This “training” parallels the rationale of educating medical doctors ... medical practitioners are actually innovative and eager to acquire new skills In fact, a substantial body of literature on local medical practices and local healers has already sufficiently argued...

Ngày tải lên: 11/09/2015, 16:05

264 508 0
Tài liệu Commodore Barney''''s Young Spies A Boy''''s Story of the Burning of the City of Washington docx

Tài liệu Commodore Barney''''s Young Spies A Boy''''s Story of the Burning of the City of Washington docx

... naturally a quarrelsome man, had they made sport of everybody in the American army and navy, save Joshua Barney; but a word against him was to the old man much as a red flag is to a bull, and in a twinkling ... face, my man;" said the Commodore "Come aboard at once." 153 As we pulled away I glanced back at our fleet and saw that the vessels were well on fire 233 As soon as the line was made fast, a ... meal that night was a veritable feast I had never but once before had such an appetizing repast, and that one exception was when oysters were scarce, and a Baltimore dealer gave us a dinner at the...

Ngày tải lên: 21/02/2014, 08:20

170 747 0
Diabetes & Women’s Health Across the Life Stages: A Public Health Perspective potx

Diabetes & Women’s Health Across the Life Stages: A Public Health Perspective potx

... Standards for Federal Statistics and Administrative Reporting Hence, these names are used: American Indian or Alaska Native, Asian/Pacific Islander, black not of Hispanic origin, Hispanic, and ... Diabetes and Women’s Health Across the Life Stages: A Public Health Perspective Figure 2-7 Median annual income of adults aged 25 years or older, by sex and educational attainment— United States, ... criteria are applied to diabetes, this condition can clearly be differentiated Diabetes and Women’s Health Across the Life Stages: A Public Health Perspective Research has shown that many risk factors...

Ngày tải lên: 05/03/2014, 13:20

222 1K 0


... murmured at my work, no matter how disagreeable it was—I was respectful and obedient, and after a year's hardship I was favorably reported at head quarters, and was then allowed to live with a man ... the native But a series of telegraphic signals was carried on by the convict, that at last gave the barbarian to know what was wanted, and the sight of half a hand of tobacco sharpened his faculties ... company remained as late as usual, and declared by a unanimous vote that they would meet again at the same place the next evening, and hear further particulars Before sunset the next day I had...

Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 03:21

867 383 0
The welfare state as a determinant of women’s health: support for women’s quality of life in Canada and four comparison nations pptx

The welfare state as a determinant of women’s health: support for women’s quality of life in Canada and four comparison nations pptx

... Canada and four comparison nations, 2001 Canada Overall rank Seats in parliament (%) Female legislators, senior officials, managers (%) Female professional and technical workers (%) Ratio female:male ... [22] Health Canada Taking action on population health: a position paper for health promotion and programs branch staff Ottawa: Health Canada; 1988 Retrieved September 2003, ... increasing poverty and low income threatens Canadians’ health and health care system Canadian Review of Social Policy 2003;51:9–28 [19] Raphael D, Bryant T The limitations of population health as...

Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 11:20

17 843 0
báo cáo hóa học: " A randomized trial of a lifestyle intervention in obese endometrial cancer survivors: quality of life outcomes and mediators of behavior change" pptx

báo cáo hóa học: " A randomized trial of a lifestyle intervention in obese endometrial cancer survivors: quality of life outcomes and mediators of behavior change" pptx

... demographic and clinical data was obtained at baseline and prior to randomization QOL and self-efficacy were assessed at baseline and at 3, 6, and 12 months Eating behavior and depression was assessed ... analysis used repeated measures analysis of variance (ANOVA) with the 3, and 12 month data as outcomes and the appropriate baseline measurement as a covariate to test for the main effect of group ... Data are presented as the mean (standard deviation) LI (n = 23), UC (n = 22) * p value for repeated measures ANOVA with baseline measurement as covariate and 3, and 12 months as outcomes or paired...

Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 19:20

9 444 0
Báo cáo hóa học: " Evaluation of quality of life and description of the sociodemographic state in adolescent and young adult patients with phenylketonuria (PKU)" docx

Báo cáo hóa học: " Evaluation of quality of life and description of the sociodemographic state in adolescent and young adult patients with phenylketonuria (PKU)" docx

... Sociodemographic and socioeconomic data The data on marital status, children and habitation are shown in table Data on school and professional education are summarised in table A great percentage of patients ... professional qualifications was the same, the only remarkable feature was that more than half of the female patients had not finished a vocational training at the time of the inquiry in contrast to approximately ... social outcome in a large collective of young adult classic PKU patients and an age-matched control collective In the patient group the marriage rate was low and only a very small number of unmarried...

Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 22:20

7 418 0
báo cáo hóa học:" Percutaneous endoscopic lumbar discectomy: clinical and quality of life outcomes with a minimum 2 year follow-up" doc

báo cáo hóa học:" Percutaneous endoscopic lumbar discectomy: clinical and quality of life outcomes with a minimum 2 year follow-up" doc

... Visual Analogue Scale pre and postoperatively Visual Analogue Scale pre and postoperatively tages of this technique include less paraspinal musculature trauma and smaller wounds Bone removal is ... introduced at the safe triangle of Kambin, [2] the risk of nerve damage was low We did not have any neurological deficit in all the patients done under general anesthesia The advantage of general anesthesia ... DA: Endoscopic transforaminal lumbar discectomy and reconfiguration: A postero-lateral approach into the spinal canal Surg Neurol 1998, 49:588-98 Lew SM, Mehalic TF, Fagone KL: Transforaminal...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 01:20

8 584 0
Health and Quality of Life Outcomes BioMed Central Editorial Open Access Not-only-a-title Clare pptx

Health and Quality of Life Outcomes BioMed Central Editorial Open Access Not-only-a-title Clare pptx

... daily life, satisfaction with treatment, and health- related quality of life The role that PROs can and should play in evaluating the efficacy of pharmaceuticals and medical devices and the means ... journal, such as patient satisfaction This title has the advantage of familiarity but also makes the crucial distinction between two of the most important goals attainable – health and quality ... stigmatizing, offending etc.) Luigi Grassi, MD Director Unit of Psycho-Oncology Azienda Ospedaliera Universitaria di Ferrara Arcispedale S Anna, Ferrara, Italy I have read all of these materials and...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 15:20

10 330 0
Health and Quality of Life Outcomes BioMed Central Commentary Open Access A brief guide to the pdf

Health and Quality of Life Outcomes BioMed Central Commentary Open Access A brief guide to the pdf

... reliability above 0.7, Page of (page number not for citation purposes) Health and Quality of Life Outcomes 2003, and the majority are above 0.9 I have never come across a QOL scale that is incapable ... a new one, but there are many currently available [1] References Garratt A, Schmidt L, Mackintosh A and Fitzpatrick R: Quality of life measurement: bibliographic study of patient assessed health ... population – it is not a unique feature of a scale Neither the scale nor the treatment can be characterised as showing a particular effect size (i.e., having a particular sensitivity to change),...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 15:20

5 349 0
Health and Quality of Life Outcomes BioMed Central Review Open Access A review of mothers'''' pptx

Health and Quality of Life Outcomes BioMed Central Review Open Access A review of mothers'''' pptx

... Yamamoto M, Yamada K, Hirata N, Kawata Y, Hirayama A, Kashiwai H, Momose H, Shiomi T, Suemori T, Natsume O and Hirao Y: Pregnancy and delivery in the patients with spina bifida – report of cases ... SF-36 as a "standardized measure of health- related quality of life. " The generally good SF-36 scores (compared with normative data for healthy Americans of similar age) are ascribed to these patients ... women's ailments and psychosocial conditions Family practice 1992, 9(3):270-3 Morita K, Seki T, Shinojima H, Tabata T, Chikaraishi T, Tanda K, Nonomura K, Koyanagi T, Hirano T, Sakakibara N, Kishida...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 15:20

8 296 0
Health and Quality of Life Outcomes BioMed Central Research Open Access A population-based study pot

Health and Quality of Life Outcomes BioMed Central Research Open Access A population-based study pot

... Remission Partial Remission Partial Remission Partial Remission Partial Remission Partial Remission Partial Remission Partial Remission Partial Remission Partial Remission Partial Remission Partial Remission ... a symptom and variables at initial classification (i.e., age at initial classification, sex, race, education, income, fatigue severity, wellness score, illness duration, onset type, and age at ... Demographic characteristics of CFS subjects at initial classification (N = 65) Characteristic Description Female (%) Current age in years (mean, standard deviation, range) Race (%) White Black American...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 15:20

9 286 0
Health and Quality of Life Outcomes BioMed Central Research Open Access A new measure of patient pot

Health and Quality of Life Outcomes BioMed Central Research Open Access A new measure of patient pot

... An instrument to measure patient satisfaction with healthcare in an observational database: results of a validation study using data from CaPSURE American Journal of Managed Care 2000, 6(1):70-76 ... both health care services and pharmaceutical products, conceptual advances in the field have lead to a proliferation of satisfaction measures across many disease states [21,22] These measures can ... well as direct- and non-direct inquiry techniques Topical carbonic anhydrase inhibitors (CAI) are available as monotherapies or as a fixed combination with timolol maleate, a beta-blocker, and may...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 15:20

13 279 0
Health and Quality of Life Outcomes BioMed Central Research Open Access A new instrument to pot

Health and Quality of Life Outcomes BioMed Central Research Open Access A new instrument to pot

... Table 7: Paired sample test and Spearman Rank correlation coefficients between nurses and physicians related to the same patient at the same day (22 pairs) Factor – Communication – Negative Affect ... [3] measuring positive affects such as pleasure, interest, and contentment as well as negative affects such as sadness, anxiety/fear, and anger according to operationalized criteria during a series ... F: Practical aspects of quality of life measurement: Design and feasibility study of the Quality-of-LifeRecorder and the standardized measurement of quality of life in an outpatient clinic Cancer...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 15:20

8 262 0
Health and Quality of Life Outcomes BioMed Central Research Open Access Validation of a general potx

Health and Quality of Life Outcomes BioMed Central Research Open Access Validation of a general potx

... Am J Manag Care 1997, 3:1701-1706 Fottler MD, Ford RC, Bach SA: Measuring patient satisfaction in healthcare organizations: qualitative and quantitative approaches Best Pract Benchmarking Healthc ... satisfaction with healthcare in an observational database: results of a validation study using data from CaPSURE Am J Manag Care 2000, 6:70-76 Westbrook JI: Patient satisfaction: methodological ... this scaling method was associated with a greater proportion of meaningful variance across a variety of parametric analyses Moreover, a commonly cited advantage of VAS type scales is ease of...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 15:20

13 260 0
Health and Quality of Life Outcomes BioMed Central Review Open Access Toward a theoretical model ppt

Health and Quality of Life Outcomes BioMed Central Review Open Access Toward a theoretical model ppt

... poor health valued intermediate health states almost as much as nearnormal states Conversely, patients in good health valued intermediate states nearly as little as poor health states Patients ... physical and mental health tended to recalibrate their standards for comparing health states in a manner that downplayed current personal problems, and small gains were more valuable to disabled ... relationships concerns appraisal processes The path from mechanisms to appraisal (A3 ) indicates that coping mechanisms can lead to changes in the appraisal of QOL However, catalysts (A1 ) or antecedent...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 15:20

12 222 0