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Tài liệu Professional Windows Phone 7 Game Development: Creating Games using XNA Game Studio 4 pptx

Tài liệu Professional Windows Phone 7 Game Development: Creating Games using XNA Game Studio 4 pptx

... 397 GameInfo.cs 397 Adding the Dice Model 40 4 Die.cs 40 5 Creating the MainGame Screen 41 4 MainGame.cs 41 4 Creating the DiceSelect Screen 41 7 DiceSelect.cs 41 7 Enhancing Your Game 42 3 Summary 42 4 CHAPTER ... 231 MainGame.cs 231 GameOver.cs 2 34 Proper Care and Feeding of the Back Button 237 Screen.cs 237 Title.cs 240 MainGame.cs 240 InGameMenu.cs 241 GameOver.cs 241 Creating a Base Game Template 241 Stripping ... 43 1 GeoCoordinate 43 3 GeoCoordinateWatcher 43 3 FindMe 43 5 GeoPosition 43 9 Summary 43 9 CHAPTER 14: TAKE A PICTURE; IT’LL LAST LONGER! 44 1 Launchers and Choosers 44 1 NowPictureThis 44 3 ftoc.indd xviiiftoc.indd...

Ngày tải lên: 16/02/2014, 00:20

554 2,6K 2
XNA Game Studio 4.0 Programming ppt

XNA Game Studio 4.0 Programming ppt

... 6 XNA Game Studio Connect 9 Writing Your First Game 11 Your First XNA Game Studio Windows Game 11 Your First XNA Game Studio XNA Xbox 360 Game 11 Your First XNA Game Studio Windows Phone 7 Game ... Want to be a Game Developer? 1 A Brief History of XNA Game Studio 1 What Is Available in Game Studio 4. 0? 3 Why This Book? 4 1 Getting Started 5 Installing XNA Game Studio 4. 0 5 Downloading the ... 38 Summary 40 4 Introduction to 3D Graphics 41 3D Graphics in XNA Game Studio 41 What Are 3D Graphics? 42 Makeup of a 3D Image 42 3D Math Basics 43 Coordinate Systems 44 Vectors in 3D Graphics 46 Matrix...

Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 13:20

526 4,8K 3
3D Graphics with XNA Game Studio 4.0 pptx

3D Graphics with XNA Game Studio 4.0 pptx

... the base Game class, ensuring that the game runs correctly. base.Draw(gameTime); The complete code for the Game1 class is now as follows: public class Game1 : Microsoft .Xna. Framework .Game { ... game should update itself protected override void Update(GameTime gameTime) { base.Update(gameTime); } // Called when the game should draw itself protected override void Draw(GameTime gameTime) ... matrices to the effect e.World = localWorld; 3D Graphics with XNA Game Studio 4. 0 Create attractive 3D graphics and visuals in your XNA games Sean James BIRMINGHAM - MUMBAI Downloa d f r o m...

Ngày tải lên: 14/03/2014, 21:20

292 2K 0
microsoft  xna  game  studio  4 0  learn  programming  now

microsoft xna game studio 4 0 learn programming now

... Live Gamer Tag. You can nd membership details at http://create.msdn.com. XNA Game Studio Connect The XNA Game Studio Connect program provides the link between your Xbox 360 and the XNA Game Studio ... by XNA Game Studio draws a red screen. 12. It is not possible to use an Xbox 360 gamepad on a PC. 13. To write an XNA game for a Windows Phone, you use a special version of XNA called XNA ... You must have an Xbox 360 to create games with C# and XNA. 3. XNA is a programming language. 4. XNA Game Studio is an IDE. 5. The C# compiler produces an XNA output le. 6. C# is a framework. ...

Ngày tải lên: 05/05/2014, 15:09

465 5,6K 1
XNA Game Studio Express Aula 4 pptx

XNA Game Studio Express Aula 4 pptx

... '.') ? CharacterWidth / 2 : CharacterWidth; } } XNA Game Studio Express XNA Game Studio Express Aula 4 Aula 4 Uso de Uso de Fontes Fontes no XNA no XNA Alexandre Santos Lobão Alexandre Santos Lobão contato@AlexandreLobao.com contato@AlexandreLobao.com P P ó ó s s em em Desenvolvimento Desenvolvimento de ... = Energia = Tipos de armas = 9876 543 210 9876 543 210 012 345 6789 012 345 6789 9876 543 210 9876 543 210 012 345 6789 012 345 6789 01 01 20 3. Utilizar a fonte Na classe Game1 .cs // Define a variável da fonte Font ... são são gerados gerados dois dois arquivos arquivos : : Program.cs – Game1 .run Game1 .cs – com os métodos: Initialize() LoadGraphicsContent() UnloadGraphicsContent() Chamados a cada game loop Update(GameTime gameTime) Draw(GameTime gameTime) 15 3....

Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 15:21

22 300 0
Tài liệu Professional Windows Phone 7 Game Development: Creating Games using XNA Game Studio docx

Tài liệu Professional Windows Phone 7 Game Development: Creating Games using XNA Game Studio docx

... Hedda Gjerpen Download from Wow! eBook <www.wowebook.com> xx CONTENTS PERFORMANCE TUNING AND OPTIMIZATION 45 CHAPTER 13: 3 Profiling 45 4 Using the Simulator 45 4 Using the Device 45 4 Benefits of ... Menu 46 7 Summary 46 8 INTEGRATING IADS 46 CHAPTER 14: 9 Joining the iAd Network 46 9 Setting Up Banking Information 47 0 Enabling Your Application for iAds 47 0 Configuring Your iAd Preferences 47 0 Preparing ... Window 513 The Inspector Window 5 14 The Connections Panel 5 14 Summary 5 14 APPENDIX B: IPHONE DEVELOPER CENTER 515 Resources for the iOS 4 SDK 515 Downloads 516 iOS 4 Reference Library 516 Sample...

Ngày tải lên: 16/02/2014, 00:20

602 505 0
Microsoft XNA game studio

Microsoft XNA game studio

... Devices, 40 Keyboard Input, 40 GamePad Input, 41 Porting your 2D Games to the Zune, 41 A Starter 2D Game Example, 42 Adding the Images, 42 Animating the Asteroid, 43 Controlling the Ship, 45 Adding ... the XNA Game Studio Connect page. On the XNA Game Studio Connect page, select the Connect to Computer option and press the A controller button to make the connection. MICROSOFT XNA GAME STUDIO ... with .md2 Format, 44 0 Animating Models in Milkshape, 44 0 Creating the Quake II Model, 44 1 Loading Your Quake II Model in Code, 44 6 Loading and Controlling Quake II Models in Code, 45 1 Loading the...

Ngày tải lên: 11/03/2014, 19:44

561 3K 0
Microsoft® XNA™ Game Studio 3.0 Unleashed pot

Microsoft® XNA™ Game Studio 3.0 Unleashed pot

... and Running with XNA Game Studio on Your PC and Xbox 360 1 Introducing the XNA Framework and XNA Game Studio 7 What Is the XNA Framework? 7 The Foundation of the XNA Framework 8 XNA Today 9 Installing ... Mapping 40 3 Normal Mapping 40 3 Parallax Mapping 40 7 Relief Mapping 41 0 Texture Animation 41 4 20 Special Effects 41 7 Transitions 41 7 Cross-Fade (Dissolve) 42 2 Directional Wipes 42 3 Making ... 42 3 Making Fire 42 8 21 Particle System 43 5 Particle System Defined 43 5 Point Sprite Defined 43 6 Creating the Particle Class 43 6 Creating the VertexPointSprite Struct 44 2 Microsoft XNA Game Studio...

Ngày tải lên: 29/03/2014, 02:20

792 828 0
Microsoft XNA Game Studio Creator’s Guide- P1 doc

Microsoft XNA Game Studio Creator’s Guide- P1 doc

... Devices, 40 Keyboard Input, 40 GamePad Input, 41 Porting your 2D Games to the Zune, 41 A Starter 2D Game Example, 42 Adding the Images, 42 Animating the Asteroid, 43 Controlling the Ship, 45 Adding ... the Unit Vector, 243 Dot Product, 243 Dot Product Method, 244 Dot Product Example, 244 Chapter 15 Review Exercises, 246 16 Matrices 247 Matrix Multiplication, 248 Matrix Types, 248 Transformation ... Exercises, 399 24 Content Pipeline Processors 40 1 Content Processors, 40 2 ContentImporter, 40 3 ContentTypeWriter, 40 3 ContentTypeReader, 40 4 Custom Content Processor Example, 40 4 Building a Custom...

Ngày tải lên: 02/07/2014, 06:20

30 357 0
Microsoft XNA Game Studio Creator’s Guide- P2 pptx

Microsoft XNA Game Studio Creator’s Guide- P2 pptx

... the XNA Game Studio Connect page. On the XNA Game Studio Connect page, select the Connect to Computer option and press the A controller button to make the connection. MICROSOFT XNA GAME STUDIO ... connection. MICROSOFT XNA GAME STUDIO CREATOR’S GUIDE 14 FIGURE 2 -4 XNA Game Studio Connect main page MICROSOFT XNA GAME STUDIO CREATOR’S GUIDE 34 Explorer. You may want to create a sub-folder under ... your PC. On the Games blade of the Xbox 360 Dashboard (under Demos and More), launching XNA Game Studio Connect will display the XNA Game Studio Connect main page (see Figure 2 -4) . The Connect...

Ngày tải lên: 02/07/2014, 06:20

30 293 0
Microsoft XNA Game Studio Creator’s Guide- P4 pot

Microsoft XNA Game Studio Creator’s Guide- P4 pot

... file in your game project: float4x4 wvpMatrix : WORLDVIEWPROJ; struct VSinput{ float4 position : POSITION0; float4 color : COLOR0; }; struct VStoPS{ float4 position : POSITION0; float4 color : COLOR0; }; struct ... performed on a per-pixel basis rather than a per-vertex basis. MICROSOFT XNA GAME STUDIO CREATOR’S GUIDE 90 MICROSOFT XNA GAME STUDIO CREATOR’S GUIDE 80 class so they can be used in your project. ... very simi- lar in syntax to XNA data types. Table 6-1 compares the XNA data types with the HLSL data types used in this book. MICROSOFT XNA GAME STUDIO CREATOR’S GUIDE 74 2. In the first example,...

Ngày tải lên: 02/07/2014, 06:20

30 306 0
Microsoft XNA Game Studio Creator’s Guide- P5 ppsx

Microsoft XNA Game Studio Creator’s Guide- P5 ppsx

... M.M 14 = 0.0f; //Right M.M21 = U.X; M.M22 = U.Y; M.M23 = U.Z; M.M 24 = 0.0f; //Up M.M31 = L.X; M.M32 = L.Y; M.M33 = L.Z; M.M 34 = 0.0f; //Look M.M41 = 0.0f; M.M42 = 0.0f; M.M43 = 0.0f; M.M 44 = 1.0f; XNA s ... M.M13=R.Z; M.M 14= 0.0f; //RIGHT M.M21= U.X; M.M22=U.Y; M.M23=U.Z; M.M 24= 0.0f; //UP M.M31= L.X; M.M32=L.Y; M.M33=L.Z; M.M 34= 0.0f; //LOOK M.M41= 0.0f; M.M42=0.0f; M.M43=0.0f; M.M 44= 1.0f; return ... website. float4x4 wvpMatrix :WORLDVIEWPROJ;//world view proj matrix uniform extern texture textureImage; // store texture // filter (like a brush) for showing texture MICROSOFT XNA GAME STUDIO CREATOR’S...

Ngày tải lên: 02/07/2014, 06:20

30 245 0
Microsoft XNA Game Studio Creator’s Guide- P6 docx

Microsoft XNA Game Studio Creator’s Guide- P6 docx

... Figure 10 -4) . CHAPTER 10 Adding Skies and Horizons to Your Levels Setting X Y Z Camera Position 42 00.m 44 00.m 65.4m Fixed Height Above Surface Yes 65.4m Target Position 42 00.m 7935.7m 65.4m Fixed ... – p.s. interpolates between verts OUT.color *= IN.color; } MICROSOFT XNA GAME STUDIO CREATOR’S GUIDE 128 MICROSOFT XNA GAME STUDIO CREATOR’S GUIDE 150 If you try the program now, you will see ... XNA GAME STUDIO CREATOR’S GUIDE 152 147 A higher pixel count enables better-quality images, but higher pixel counts also re- duce the memory available. This may lower the frame rate in your game...

Ngày tải lên: 02/07/2014, 06:20

30 286 0
Microsoft XNA Game Studio Creator’s Guide- P7 pps

Microsoft XNA Game Studio Creator’s Guide- P7 pps

... the existing version of DrawIndexedGrid() with this one: MICROSOFT XNA GAME STUDIO CREATOR’S GUIDE 1 84 171 bool Timer(GameTime gameTime){ bool resetInterval = false; // add time lapse between frames ... runs: MICROSOFT XNA GAME STUDIO CREATOR’S GUIDE 168 const float TIME_SCALE = 20000.0f; // adjust V by time scale verticalAdjustment // time scale V increment -= (float)gameTime.ElapsedGameTime.Milliseconds/TIME_SCALE; // ... game class so the vertices can be stored, updated, and used for drawing while the game runs: private VertexPositionColorTexture[] vertices = new VertexPositionColorTexture [4] ; MICROSOFT XNA GAME...

Ngày tải lên: 02/07/2014, 06:20

30 293 0
Microsoft XNA Game Studio Creator’s Guide- P8 potx

Microsoft XNA Game Studio Creator’s Guide- P8 potx

... lost group in- MICROSOFT XNA GAME STUDIO CREATOR’S GUIDE 212 FIGURE 14- 8 Joint, base, and fan all centered at the origin MICROSOFT XNA GAME STUDIO CREATOR’S GUIDE 1 94 If you view the contents ... in a game. When you’re in 3D view, right-clicking the viewport and choosing Textured will show the model with the texture applied. MICROSOFT XNA GAME STUDIO CREATOR’S GUIDE 2 04 FIGURE 14- 2 MilkShape ... windmill fan blade will ap- pear with the texture on it as in Figure 14- 5. MICROSOFT XNA GAME STUDIO CREATOR’S GUIDE 208 FIGURE 14- 4 Texture Coordinate Editor while texturing the fan blade Next, you...

Ngày tải lên: 02/07/2014, 06:20

30 310 0