
Xilinx synthesis technology

Xilinx synthesis technology

... “Log File Analysis,” describes the XST log file, and explains what it contains • Chapter 10, “Command Line Mode,” describes how to run XST using the command line The chapter describes the xst, run ... Revision 06/01/00 1.0 Initial Xilinx® release 06/15/00 1.1 Accumulated miscellaneous updates and bug fixes 07/26/00 1.2 Accumulated miscellaneous updates and bug fixes 08/28/00 1.3 Fine tuning of text ... information Descriptions for revisions prior to v3.0 have been abbreviated For a full summary of revision changes prior to v3.0, refer to v2.21 template set 06/06/03 4.0 Accumulated miscellaneous...

Ngày tải lên: 22/09/2016, 01:37

368 1.3K 0
Accessing Files and Directories

Accessing Files and Directories

... you require Exercise Summary Discussion – Take a few minutes to discuss what experiences, issues, or discoveries you had during the lab exercises  Manage the discussion here based on the time ... directories The dot (.) and underscore ( _ ) are the only two nonalphanumeric characters that are not metacharacters This is why you can use the dot (.) and the underscore ( _ ) in file names A hyphen ... Links will be discussed more fully later in the course If necessary, introduce symbolic links here by explaining that they are a way to give an alternate name to a file Further discussion of both...

Ngày tải lên: 02/10/2013, 09:20

19 325 2
Removing Large Files and Log Rolling

Removing Large Files and Log Rolling

... unnecessary files The small script in this chapter tracks down and cleans up core files The script was intended to be run as an hourly cron job, although you could change the schedule to fit your needs ... I’ve received from this script have characterized chronic issues with applications on more than one occasion Without the script, I would have never seen the patterns This script steps through each ... distributions The following is a simple script that copies the existing log file to a backup with a version number and then zeroes out the file During the time the script is being run, any existing...

Ngày tải lên: 05/10/2013, 08:51

5 239 0


... should care about getting more comments and likes How to get more likes and comments Supercalifrag discount code A CharityHowTo.com publication by John Haydon Click to Share on Twitter HOW TO USE THIS ... ACQUIRE AND MAINTAIN DONORS, VOLUNTEERS, AND PASSIONATE SUPPORTERS SAVE 15% WITH THE FOLLOWING DISCOUNT CODE: 21WAYS JOHN HAYDON ADVISES NON-PROFITS AND SMALL BUSINESSES HOW TO IMPLEMENT INBOUND...

Ngày tải lên: 19/10/2013, 19:16

29 584 1
Basic Router Operation - Backing Up and Restoring Router Configuration Files and IOS Software Images

Basic Router Operation - Backing Up and Restoring Router Configuration Files and IOS Software Images

... Flash to make room The letter 'e' is output to the screen to indicate that Flash memory is being erased Exclamation points are output to the screen to indicate that the IOS is being copied [NA-IOS-LS3-F03] ... CertificationZone Page of download, by their fully qualified name not their name relative to a directory Scenario You've configured your router, and now you want to save your configuration somewhere other...

Ngày tải lên: 27/10/2013, 07:15

5 458 0
Tài liệu Basic Router Operation - Backing Up and Restoring Router Configuration Files and IOS Software Images doc

Tài liệu Basic Router Operation - Backing Up and Restoring Router Configuration Files and IOS Software Images doc

... Flash to make room The letter 'e' is output to the screen to indicate that Flash memory is being erased Exclamation points are output to the screen to indicate that the IOS is being copied [NA-IOS-LS3-F03] ... CertificationZone Page of download, by their fully qualified name not their name relative to a directory Scenario You've configured your router, and now you want to save your configuration somewhere other...

Ngày tải lên: 11/12/2013, 13:15

5 418 0
Tài liệu Creating Files and Directories Using Windows 2000 docx

Tài liệu Creating Files and Directories Using Windows 2000 docx

... characters listed below \ /: *? " < > | - IT Essentials II v2.0 - Lab 8.4.1 Copyright  2002, Cisco Systems, Inc ...

Ngày tải lên: 11/12/2013, 15:15

2 519 0
Tài liệu 16.3. Working with Files and Directories pptx

Tài liệu 16.3. Working with Files and Directories pptx

... command described next.) 16.3.6 srm (Secure Removal) srm is a command line version of the Finder's Secure Empty Trash function (Section 2.6.2) It lets you choose just how thoroughly Mac OS X scrubs ... enough to meet U.S Department of Defense security requirements Strong If you don't specify either -s or -m, srm will perform a strong secure removal That entails recording over the spot where ... attributes to store all kinds of file metadata In fact, many of the special Leopard features described in this book, like Time Machine and Downloaded Application Tagging, depend on extended attributes...

Ngày tải lên: 14/12/2013, 12:15

8 446 0
Tài liệu Sharing and Securing Files and Folders pptx

Tài liệu Sharing and Securing Files and Folders pptx

... in your personal store • Enable strong protection (requires Internet Explorer 5.0, NT 4.0 SP4 or above): This option enables iteration count, which provides stronger security This option is compatible ... the file system, you have what is known as the encrypting file system or EFS The EFS is fully discussed later in this chapter 4667-8 ch22.f.qc 5/15/00 2:18 PM Page 791 Chapter 22 ✦ Sharing and ... Directory; it derives from the security services of the NTFS and the Win32 security system (this is discussed in more detail in Chapters and 10) It helps to understand ownership if you’ve done some...

Ngày tải lên: 17/01/2014, 08:20

40 363 0
Tài liệu Accessing Files and Folders pdf

Tài liệu Accessing Files and Folders pdf

... file lists The View tab options are described in Table 10.1 FIGURE 10.7 TABLE 10.1 The View tab of the Folder Options dialog box Folder View Options Option Description Display Compressed Files and ... available for offline access, and configure how offline files will respond to network disconnection, as described in the previous sections EXERCISE 10.2 Configuring Offline Files and Folders Select ... Options (continued) Option Description Share This Folder Specifies that the folder is available through local access and network access Share Name Specifies a descriptive name by which users...

Ngày tải lên: 24/01/2014, 09:20

57 434 0


... one drawer £300.00 £150.00 £168.76 £180.00 ROLT drawer bedside £300.00 £150.00 £168.76 £180.00 ROBSC drawer wellington £716.00 £358.00 £402.76 £429.60 RO5DW over chest £780.00 £390.00 £438.76 £468.00...

Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 23:20

6 240 0
Including Files and Applets in JSP Pages

Including Files and Applets in JSP Pages

... %> • Footer defined the accessCount field (instance variable) (i i bl ) • If main pages used accessCount, they i d C t th would have to use @include – Otherwise accessCount would be undefined • ... additional power, however – Main page • int C t 0; – Included page • • 12 Include Directive Example: Reusable Footers ... to use for inter-applet communication if i f i l i i or for identifying applet to scripting languages like JavaScript p • title 27 – Used identically to rarely used TITLE attribute Attributes...

Ngày tải lên: 13/05/2014, 10:59

16 313 0
Tiết 3 - Bài 11 Files and Folders

Tiết 3 - Bài 11 Files and Folders

... D:\ DATA INPUT PROCESS OUTPUT totrinh.doc SCREEN SCANNER Anna.jpg Trần Thị Hồng Baitho.doc Chỉ ång II: HÃÛ ÂIÃƯU HNH BÀI 11: TỆP & QUẢN TỆP Tiãút thỉ ï b a Hãû thäúng qun l tãûp Cạc ... Cạc thao tạc våïi tãûp v thỉ mủc Trần Thị Hồng II HÃÛ THÄÚNG QUN L TÃÛP Khại niãûm: HƯ thèng qu¶n tƯp lµ mét thµnh phÇn cđa hƯ ®iỊu hµnh, cã nhiƯm vơ: • - Cung cÊp c¸c dÞch vơ ®Ĩ dƠ dµng thùc ... gi÷a th«ng tin vµ ph­¬ng tiƯn mang th«ng tin §éc lËp gi÷a ph­¬ng ph¸p l­u tr÷ vµ ph­ ¬ng ph¸p Sư dơng bé nhí ngoµi mét c¸ch hiƯu qu¶ Tỉ chøc b¶o vƯ th«ng tin gióp h¹n chÕ ¶nh h­ëng cđa c¸c...

Ngày tải lên: 19/04/2015, 19:00

18 275 0
Creating and Editing Files

Creating and Editing Files

... left and press Enter, or scroll through the list and select the option you want and then press Enter To close the code completion box without entering any selection, press Esc To turn off code completion ... its own source file If the class is nested within the scope of an inner class, method, or variable, it is moved up to the same level as that scope Convert Anonymous Class to Inner Converts an anonymous ... removes the bookmark F2 30 Description of Command Next Bookmark Go to the next bookmark Chapter Creating and Editing Files Using NetBeansTM 5.0 IDE Keyboard Shortcut Description of Command Shift-F2...

Ngày tải lên: 03/10/2013, 03:20

14 340 0
Macros and procedures

Macros and procedures

... of the macro is: ENDM An example of a macro, to place the cursor on a determined position on the screen is: Position PUSH AX PUSH BX PUSH DX MOV AH, MOV DH, MOV DL, MOV BH, INT 10H POP DX POP BX...

Ngày tải lên: 06/10/2013, 20:20

4 171 0
Processes and Files

Processes and Files

... commands: ls echo set Page 98 Why can't I run my shell script? When you get to chapter of the textbook you will be introduced to shell scripts Shell scripts are small executable files that contain a ... |-5*[mingetty] |-msql2d |-netscape-commun -2*[netscape-commun] |-panel |-portmap |-safe_mysqld -mysqld -mysqld -mysqld |-soffice.bin -soffice.bin -5*[soffice.bin] |-syslogd |-xfs `-xscreensaver gtop The ... services including displays of memory and file system usage Figure 6.1 is a screen shot of the memory usage screen Figure 6.1 Screen shot of gtop Page 104 Job control Jobs and processes are the same...

Ngày tải lên: 19/10/2013, 02:20

42 485 0
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