... Talking and Listening RANGE OF PURPOSES Getting on with others Finding out Asking questions Explaining Giving information Persuading Giving opinions Making suggestions Solving ... VIEWING Novels Poems Plays Reference books Leaflets Advertisements CD ROMS Web pages Reading Writing Learning Talking & Listening Helping with Writing ♦ Discuss writing ... READING WRITING We know a lot about writing from reading The language and setting out of writing is determined by what it is for and who it is for (purpose) (audience) READING AND...
Ngày tải lên: 15/09/2013, 03:10
Ngày tải lên: 02/04/2014, 05:20
7 tips for writing in English
... 7 tips for writing in English! 7 mẹo nhỏ cho việc học Viết tiếng Anh Viết là một trong những kỹ năng ngôn ngữ tương ... "Yes" thì nghĩa là bài vit ca bn ó t yờu cu ri y! ã Bi vit ó rừ rng cha? ã Tt c cỏc ý cn din t ó din t c cha? ã Bn cú cm thấy hài lòng với những gì mình đang đọc không? (hóy nh l bn ó vit nú ... Di: My advice to you is always to remember to take an umbrella; you never know when it might rain. ã Ngn: Don't forget to take an umbrella. 4. Dùng câu rõ ràng Nếu bạn có nhiều ý muốn diễn...
Ngày tải lên: 02/10/2012, 11:46
Writing In English
... as… Expressing your ideas concisely Being concise in your writing means expressing your ideas in as few words as possible. This involves not repeating what you say, cutting out irrelevant ... beginning, or they will never continue to the end. A good introduction gets the reader wanting more. Points to include in an introduction In the introduction to an article you present your ... 5 2.2 Planning your Writing 6 2.3 Paragraph Writing 7 2.4 Introductions 9 2.5 Writing the Main Body 12 2.6 Conclusions 14 2.7 Sections of a Research Paper 17 2.8 Describing Tables and...
Ngày tải lên: 05/10/2012, 10:00
An error analysis on the use ofcohesive devices in writing by freshmen majoring in English at thang long university
... arise when a linguistic feature in the target language is unknown in the source language. In this case, definite article in English (the target language) is a linguistic feature unknown in Vietnamese ... to 10.77% of all errors discovered in their writing. Table 4.2 shows that these errors take root from both inter-lingual and intra-lingual sources. Inter-lingual source, however, is blamed for ... to forget articles, especially definite article, when producing noun phrases in English. Definite article does not contain any information in itself, its meaning is that the noun it modifies...
Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2012, 14:12
Writing In English - Style
... as… Expressing your ideas concisely Being concise in your writing means expressing your ideas in as few words as possible. This involves not repeating what you say, cutting out irrelevant ... will be of interest to compose … It might be of interest to compose… These findings suggest the following interpretation… These findings would / might / could suggest the following interpretation… ... sort to form one sentence. Repeating words, signposting and using linking devices which help the reader to connect and relate information are useful ways of achieving clarity and readability....
Ngày tải lên: 25/10/2013, 20:20
Pre writing activities used to teach 12 th form students at hong linh high school in english writing lessons
Ngày tải lên: 19/12/2013, 14:05
Mother tongue interference in learning english writing of first year english majors students at vinh uiniversity
Ngày tải lên: 20/12/2013, 22:46
Writing for the web its not what you learned in english class
... Tags: copywriting, how to write f or the web, online writing, search engine optimization, SEO, web writing, website copywriting, website writing, writing, writing f or the web, writing tips About ... m http://www.verticalrespo nse.com/blo g /writing- fo r-the-web-its-no t-what-you-learned -in- english- class/ Writing for the Web (It’s Not What You Learned in English Class) Content Marketing/Copywriting Published on January ... building my website, but I have no idea how to write anything f or it. Help!” Writing doesn’t come easy f or many people, let alone writing f or the Web. Sure, we’ve all plowed through English...
Ngày tải lên: 27/01/2014, 11:07
Tài liệu Spanish-English Writing Structure Interferences in Second Language Learners pptx
... than the positive one in L2 writing. Also, L1 always interfered in L2 writing, and the way of thinking in L1 in uenced the pattern of the text organization in L2 writing (James, 1980). Many ... papers in English during the semester. The results of this study indicated that the in uence of L1 (Spanish) can denitely hinder the writing processes in L2. In addition, four basic mistakes in ... L2 existed in the area of writing. Interventions Three interventions took place during grammar classes. One of these interventions took place at the beginning of the semester, one in the middle...
Ngày tải lên: 24/02/2014, 18:20