... For describing the lowest point The number of students hit a trough/plunged to a trough of 2000 For describing a fluctuation The number fluctuated between ... The number fluctuated between and The number fluctuated wildly around and Some words for describing “approximately” About/around/approximately/well over/roughly ...
Ngày tải lên: 04/10/2012, 09:39
... to the Seine River in Paris It is a metal structure that is 1, 063 feet high and weighs 7, 417 tonnes The tower has been a tourist attraction since 18 89, when it was built, and there are 1, 665 steps ... incorporate the tower's ticket office, shopping facilities, a cinema and museum and two floors of underground parking Although details have yet to be finalised, the principle is that the five floors will ... climbed in order to reach the two viewing platforms There are now plans to build below the foundations of the tower These plans include the development of five underground levels that will incorporate...
Ngày tải lên: 04/10/2012, 10:02
Example about System in Writing Task 1
... again Introduction: First sentence Overview: Second sentence Key features: Entry of cold water into boiler; circulation of hot water to radiators and taps; return of water to boiler Supporting information: ... radiators; radiator tubes Paragraph breaks: The paragraph breaks mark stages in the process Linkers: and, from there, then, once, again Reference words: it, both, there, which, this Topic vocabulary: enters, ... appropriate mix of active and passive structures and a range of sentence types are used Length: 17 2 words ...
Ngày tải lên: 04/10/2012, 10:02
... https://www.facebook.com/notes/t%E1%BB%B1-h%E1%BB%8Dc -ielts8 0/t%E1%BB%95ng-h%E1%BB%A3p-t%C3%A0i-li%E1%BB%87ut%E1%BB%B1-%C3%B4n-thi -ielts/ 204554 519 738563 + Simon http:/ /ielts- simon.com/ +Dominic Cole Written by ... với viết IELTS Đừng “trâu bò” ngày viết 10 task hay task làm Thay vào viết 10 introduction Task 1, 10 câu overview, 10 paragraph phần thân bài… Việc chia nhỏ phần thứ giúp bạn đỡ nản, thứ hai ... HIGH-SCORING IELTS WRITING - MODEL ANSWERS (BASED ON PAST PAPERS Nói thật chúng chả có ích bạn tưởng đâu Bạn tham khảo mẫu tác giả sau: + Mat clark Sách down đây: https://www.facebook.com/notes/t%E1%BB%B1-h%E1%BB%8Dc -ielts8 0/t%E1%BB%95ng-h%E1%BB%A3p-t%C3%A0i-li%E1%BB%87ut%E1%BB%B1-%C3%B4n-thi -ielts/ 204554 519 738563...
Ngày tải lên: 05/02/2014, 19:47
IELTS writing task 1 simon
... slight increase in years of schooling from 19 80 to 19 90 On the other hand, the figure for industrialised countries rose from nearly years of schooling in 19 80 to nearly 11 years in 19 90 From 19 80 ... irrigated land (18 4 words, band 9) 1. 6 Car ownership The graph below gives information about car ownership in Britain from 19 71 to 2007 Writing Task - Simon Page The graph shows changes in the number ... contain a lot of numbers Here's some advice: Writing Task - Simon Page 11 • • • • • • Try to write paragraphs - introduction, summary of main points, detail paragraphs Before you start writing, ...
Ngày tải lên: 09/04/2014, 07:42
ielts academic writing task 1
... 400,000 couples got married in the UK in 19 51 Around 400,000 weddings took place in the UK in the year 19 51 In 19 51, there were around 400,000 marriages in the UK C In 19 51, the number of UK marriages ... again was around 10 0,000 C -About 10 0,000 couples remarried in the UK in 19 51 -There were approximately 10 0,000 remarriages in the UK in 19 51 C -19 51 saw that around 10 0,000 weddings which were ... organized In these two paragraphs, you need to: - Select key information - Include numbers - Make comparisons IELTS Writing Task 1: how to write an introduction The introduction to an IELTS writing task...
Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 16:10
IELTS writing task 1
... States 46 29 29 10 4 China 38 27 23 88 Great Britain 29 17 19 65 Russia 24 26 32 82 South Korea 13 28 Germany 11 19 14 44 France 11 11 12 34 Italy 11 28 Hungary 17 10 Australia 16 12 35 Source: ... - A Writing Task - G Writing Task IELTS Speaking IELTS Practice Tests IELTS General Tests IELTS Sample Exam IELTS Line Graphs IELTS Tips IELTS Writing Samples Speaking Part Speaking Part & IELTS ... % % % % % 2006 15 .9 13 .2 38.3 21. 5 11 .0 19 96 12 .8 11 .3 38.2 24.6 13 .1 1986 9.7 8.7 35.6 27.0 18 .9 19 81 8.5 7.6 29.0 27.4 27.6 year Source: ABS Births Australia 20 01, 2006 (33 01. 0) Test Tip You...
Ngày tải lên: 25/09/2014, 16:52
IELTS Writing Task 1
... shows the reasons for study according to age of student in 2 014 BAR CHART: BAND SCORE There are parts you need to write for your IELTS writing task 1: 1) Introduction 2) Overview 3) Body paragraph ... organizing the information ⇒)Note: Your organization is 25% of your mark on IELTS Writing Task BAR CHART: BAND SCORE 1) Introductions: paraphrase the description Put this description into introduction ... IELTS WRITING TASK Steps to Mastering Academic task SOME STEPS TO COMPLETE TASK STEP 1, 2: Identify Types of Charts, Look for Trends BAR CHART TABLE SOME STEPS TO COMPLETE TASK STEP...
Ngày tải lên: 16/11/2014, 21:21
Sample writing task 1 ielts collection(pie chart mix) very good
... years of schooling from 19 80 to 19 90 On the other hand, the figure for industrialised countries rose from nearly years of schooling in 19 80 to nearly 11 years in 19 90 From 19 80 to 19 90, the number ... 2 .1% in Yemen and a massive 18 .2% in Italy Finally, it is anticipated that the 15 to 59 age group will grow by around 10 % in Yemen, but shrink by around 15 % in Italy Mix chart essays IELTS Writing ... https://www.facebook.com/luyenvietIELTS Onluyenthi .IELTS@ gmail.com Page Tổng hợp: fanpage https://www.facebook.com/luyenvietIELTS Onluyenthi .IELTS@ gmail.com IELTS Writing Task 1: selecting The following bar chart...
Ngày tải lên: 22/01/2015, 20:19
an exploratory study on the teaching and learning of ielts task 1 in vietnam = nghiên cứu thăm dò về việc dạy và học luyện thi phần 1 của bài thi viết ielts ở việt nam
... on the IELTS writing task 1 The writing skill and academic writing skill in English 1. 1 The writing skill There are different definitions about writing skill in English depending on each linguist’s ... Academic Writing, writing task is the subject to less research than the other Writing task 1, actually, is among two kinds of integrated -writing, including reading-based writing, that is, composing writing ... preparation course in order to get good scores in this test During my time teaching IELTS preparation courses, I got my interest in IELTS writing task In IELTS test, writing task 1, in which test...
Ngày tải lên: 03/03/2015, 08:59
Liệt kê tất cả các lỗi ngữ pháp cần tránh trong IELTS (writing task 1)
... three-year-old boy IELTS Grammar: using 'with' instead of 'and' Here's a structure that my students found interesting: A) The IELTS exam is popular, and over million people take it every year B) The IELTS ... they have the same meaning? When is each one used? By contrast / In contrast I often use these two phrases in both writing task and They are exactly the same, and are used in a similar way to "however" ... something falls (e.g the price fell) somebody reduces something (e.g the company reduced the price) You will probably use 'fall' to describe numbers on a graph or chart for IELTS Writing Task 1: ...
Ngày tải lên: 06/04/2015, 06:43
ielts writing task 1 10 academic IELTS essays
... countries in Australia over years, 2 011 -2 014 In 2 011 Malaysia invests the highest however, all countries invested between 80 and 10 0, except Somalia which invested around 20 USD million In 2 012 , all ... followed similar patterns except for in 2 012 Germany experienced a negative increase as did Japan in 2 013 China attained the largest consumption increase in 2 011 , reaching over 700 (USD billions), Japan ... in 2 013 when it was Japan Overall the majority of the countries experienced positive increase in consumption except individual countries during 2 012 and 2 013 14 2 © IELTSPodcast.com / B.Worthington,...
Ngày tải lên: 13/04/2015, 09:05
ielts writing task 1 viet general statement cho line graph
... after noticeable rises in thefirst 70 years, the forecast is that there will be upward trends in the figures for these countries in the rest of the given period 2.2 Nếu line graph có xu hướng ... VnDoc - Tải tài liệu, văn pháp luật, biểu mẫu miễn phí Line graph 1: Upward trend Kết hợp với phần Expressions of prediction bạn có >>> Ví dụ: Eg1: It is clear that the figures for these countriesare ... trend(s) in …., while/whereas ……… witnessed (a/an) downward/upward trend(s) Line graph 2: Two general trends – Upward and downward >>> Ví dụ: It can be clearly seen that there were upward trends in...
Ngày tải lên: 21/09/2015, 10:27
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