... symposium specifically addressed the issue of Socially Intelligent Agents - The Human in the Loop A special issue 2 Socially Intelligent Agents Figure 1. 1 Elephants are socially intelligent ... Socially Intelligent Agents (e.g robots, emotions, conversational skills, narrative, social learning and imitation etc., cf [12 ], [10 ], [3], [7], [2], [11 ], [4]), or b) present a small ... relationships between agents and humans, edited by Alan Bond, agents and emotions/personality edited by Lola Cañamero, and communities of social agents, edited... Eva Hudlicka Psychometrix Associates,
Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 02:21
... computational systems, special issue of The Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation (JASSS), 20 01 Kerstin Dautenhahn (guest editor): Socially Intelligent... special journal issues ... psychological and social strategies when making sense of artificially produced intelligent behaviour as with real world intelligence (e.g., humans and animals) There might... Fall symposium Socially ... individual to be well adjusted to its society is not easy to predict without it being situated there. Not only are there emergent societal dynamics that only occur in that context but also the society
Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 02:21
Socially Intel. Agents Creating Rels. with Comp. & Robots - Dautenhahn et al (Eds) Part 3 doc
... Intentionality, and Intelligence: Some Foundational Issues for Artificial Intelligence Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Artificial Intelligence, forthcoming [3] Barlow, H The Social Role ... relationship? Theoretically, social behavior should include: (i) the ability to act in compliance with a set of social commitments [1], (ii) the ability to negotiate commitments with a social group (where ... Mutual Control Alan H. Bond California Institute of Technology Abstract We describe an approach to social action and social relationship among socially intelligent agents [4], based on mutual
Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 02:21
Socially Intel. Agents Creating Rels. with Comp. & Robots - Dautenhahn et al (Eds) Part 4 pps
... been metaphorically represented, respectively, in terms of emotional states and personality traits Endowing socially intelligent agents with a personality re- 62 Socially. .. Emotional ... between people with commonalities they do not yet know about, or guide group discovery and learn- ing, among other potential applications. In group settings, nonverbal cues are just as crucial ... level of anxiety, belief in imminent threat, etc.) [4] In this chapter we focus... individuals differ in their enduring emotional, interpersonal, experiential, attitudinal and motivational styles”
Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 02:21
Socially Intel. Agents Creating Rels. with Comp. & Robots - Dautenhahn et al (Eds) Part 5 pps
... of neural network classifiers We used ensemble7 sizes from to 15 classifiers Results for ensembles of 15 neural networks, the s70 data set, all three sets of features, and both neural network architectures ... approaches: Knearest neighbors, neural networks, ensembles of neural network classifiers, and set of experts In general, the approach that is based on ensembles of neural network recognizers outperformed ... minimalist, incremental design approach that starts with a minimal set of “core” features allows us not only to identify Playing the Emotion Game with Feelix 75 more easily what is essential9
Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 02:21
Socially Intel. Agents Creating Rels. with Comp. & Robots - Dautenhahn et al (Eds) Part 7 pdf
... experiments that are analogous to the social domain The common problems with this approach is ecological validity - the more parameters are controlled, the less analogous the experimental setting As the ... Computational Model, Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation, 1(4), , 1998 [17] Ranyard, R and Craig, G Evaluating and Budgeting with Instalment Credit: An Interview Study, Journal of Economic ... the outset The mention of social networks shows why questions also need to be presented spatially and temporally We need to know not just whether the consumer has exchanged messages, but with whom
Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 02:21
Socially Intel. Agents Creating Rels. with Comp. & Robots - Dautenhahn et al (Eds) Part 8 pps
... and a half, allowing eight to ten children to play with the robots. No special attention was put on trial length for each child, since our goal was to let all the children of the class play with ... Plumet, J. Beaudichon, D. Waller, M. Bouvard, and M. Leboyer. Micro-analysis of social interactions between autistic children and normal adults in semi-structured play situations. International ... social communication is very low compared to neurologically typical children who learn social cues naturally while growing up. In trying to comprehend social nuances in communication or social
Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 02:21
Socially Intel. Agents Creating Rels. with Comp. & Robots - Dautenhahn et al (Eds) Part 9 pot
... physical focus, from emotional appraisal, dialog and problem solving, all competing for the agent’s physical resources (arms, legs, mouth, head, etc.) For instance, the dialog module derives dialog ... specifically its goals, planning and deliberative reaction to world events The dialog module models how to use dialog to achieve goals Emotional appraisal is how the agent emotionally evaluates ... Readable Social Cues As with human infants, Kismet should send social signals to the human caregiver that provide the human with feedback of its internal state This allows the human to better predict
Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 02:21
Socially Intel. Agents Creating Rels. with Comp. & Robots - Dautenhahn et al (Eds) Part 10 ppt
... 182 Socially Intelligent Agents cordance with the social context (as assessed within this social layer) In this sense, social reasoning is formalized as a form of meta-reasoning Social Assessment: ... movements are set explicitly and then Experiences with Sparky, a Social Robot 175 a global emotional state is set Sparky’s onboard computer interprets these commands to drive all 10 degrees of ... a social setting (and what skills can it forget)? We hope that our findings can help to guide the development of future robots that either must or would like to be social with humans We also hope
Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 02:21
Socially Intel. Agents Creating Rels. with Comp. & Robots - Dautenhahn et al (Eds) Part 12 ppsx
... Experiences with architecture for intelligent, reactive agents. Journal of Exper- imental and Theoretical Artificial Intelligence, pages 237–256, 1997. [5] Cynthia Breazeal. A motivational system ... showed PETS to other children. They were eager to type in stories to see what PETS would do. Indeed, they wrote at least half-dozen short stories within half an hour. They also enjoyed changing PETS’ ... ears, and wings. Children can also write and tell stories using the My PETS software. Just as the robotic animal is constructed from discrete components, My PETS is also constructive. This application
Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 02:21
Socially Intel. Agents Creating Rels. with Comp. & Robots - Dautenhahn et al (Eds) Part 13 pptx
... that the emotional tone in the work is a direct effect... always a sensory experience even in virtual space Jennifer Fisher describes Montreal artist Char Davies’ virtual reality installation Eph´ ... and challenging aspects of modeling social intelligence in 242 Socially Intelligent Agents autonomous agents In a territory in-between the two, Talk Nice is designed to touch emotional chords ... just as strongly when we interact with computer games as when we interact with each other in 230 Socially Intelligent Agents more conventional conversational settings. Further, by building systems
Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 02:21
Socially Intel. Agents Creating Rels. with Comp. & Robots - Dautenhahn et al (Eds) Part 14 doc
... 1000 Proposals 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 Average Utility 2 local hillclimbers 1 local simulated annealer 1 local hillclimber 2 local simulated annealers Annealer Hillclimber Annealer 550/550 ... [...]... on all positions, they form a coalition to negotiate with agents not in the coalition or with other coalitions The process ends when all agents are members of a single coalition ... bundled in what we call dialogical framework By sharing a dialogical framework, we enable heterogeneous agents to exchange knowledge with other agents Scene Interactions between agents are
Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 02:21
Socially Intel. Agents Creating Rels. with Comp. & Robots - Dautenhahn et al (Eds) Part 15 potx
... social awareness 103,188 social being 158 social bond 150 social choice 244 social commitments 29 social communication 157,164 social competence 88 social constructs 38 social context 267 social ... 109,111,251,252 social situation 90 social skills 38 social state 182,185,186 social theory 115 social understanding 93 socialisation 85 socially competent 173 socially constructed 38 socially intelligent ... 243,244,251 negotiation strategy 255 neural net 251 neural network(s) 81,83,169,255 nonverbal behavior 142 nonverbal cues 45 nonverbal social cues 45 normal science 111 normative theory 219 norms
Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 02:21
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