working with ssas data mining

Working with Spatial Data

Working with Spatial Data

... CHAPTER 10 WORKING WITH SPATIAL DATA Figure 10-7 Previewing data downloaded from the Geonames web site 300 CHAPTER 10 WORKING WITH SPATIAL DATA Table 10-1 Column Properties for Geonames Data Column ... geometry datatype offsets its associated loss of accuracy 312 CHAPTER 10 WORKING WITH SPATIAL DATA However, you should exercise great caution when using the geometry datatype to store geographic data ... bounding box of a map: 313 CHAPTER 10 WORKING WITH SPATIAL DATA Figure 10-11 The multilevel grid used by spatial indexes 314 CHAPTER 10 WORKING WITH SPATIAL DATA DECLARE @BoundingBox geography;...

Ngày tải lên: 05/10/2013, 08:48

38 432 0
Working with Temporal Data

Working with Temporal Data

... 342 CHAPTER 11 WORKING WITH TEMPORAL DATA When a user submits new data or updates existing data, thereby altering date/time data in the database, the database should convert the data from the ... midnight on 1900-01-01, but you can use any date/time within the range of the data type you’re working with CHAPTER 11 WORKING WITH TEMPORAL DATA Using the DATEDIFF function, find the difference ... and working with some of the following query patterns, you can manipulate the data to 360 CHAPTER 11 WORKING WITH TEMPORAL DATA things such as correlate the number of concurrent queries with...

Ngày tải lên: 05/10/2013, 08:48

50 579 0
Tài liệu Working with Primitive Data Types doc

Tài liệu Working with Primitive Data Types doc

... Displaying Primitive Data Type Values In the following exercise, you'll use a C# program named PrimitiveDataTypes to demonstrate how several primitive data types work Display primitive data type values ... 2\PrimitiveDataTypes folder in your My Documents folder Select the file PrimitiveDataTypes.sln and then click Open The solution loads, and the Solution Explorer displays the solution and PrimitiveDataTypes ... for the new solution file On the Debug menu, click Start Without Debugging The following application window appears: In the Choose A Data type list, click the string type The value 42 appears...

Ngày tải lên: 15/12/2013, 00:15

6 368 0
Tài liệu Working with local data pptx

Tài liệu Working with local data pptx

... DeleteCommand DataSet Tables DataTable DataRowCollection DataRowCollection DataColumnCollection DataColumnCollection ConstraintCollection ConstraintCollection DataRelationCollection DataRelationCollection ... Using DataSets Using XML Using SQL Server CE Lesson: Using DataSets ADO.NET Model Creating a DataSet Filling the DataSet Persisting the DataSet as an XML File Binding to a DataSet Using a DataGrid ... save data myDataSet.WriteXml("win\tmp.xml") Use the ReadXml method to populate data from the file Dim myDataSet As New DataSet() myDataSet.ReadXml("win\tmp.xml") Practice: Persisting the DataSet...

Ngày tải lên: 25/01/2014, 19:20

30 635 0
Module 3: Working with Local Data pdf

Module 3: Working with Local Data pdf

... DeleteCommand DataSet Tables DataTable DataRowCollection DataRowCollection DataColumnCollection DataColumnCollection ConstraintCollection ConstraintCollection DataRelationCollection DataRelationCollection ... Using DataSets Using XML Using SQL Server CE Lesson: Using DataSets ADO.NET Model Creating a DataSet Filling the DataSet Persisting the DataSet as an XML File Binding to a DataSet Using a DataGrid ... save data myDataSet.WriteXml("win\tmp.xml") Use the ReadXml method to populate data from the file Dim myDataSet As New DataSet() myDataSet.ReadXml("win\tmp.xml") Practice: Persisting the DataSet...

Ngày tải lên: 28/06/2014, 14:20

30 325 0
Tài liệu Wiley - Data Mining with Microsoft SQL Server 2008 (2009)01 pdf

Tài liệu Wiley - Data Mining with Microsoft SQL Server 2008 (2009)01 pdf

... Implementing a Data Mining Process Using Office 2007 Introducing the Data Mining Client Importing Data Using the Data Mining Client Data Exploration and Preparation Discretizing Data with the Explore Data ... the MovieClick Mining Structure and Model Using Data Mining Designer Working with the Mining Structure Editor Adding the Genre Column to the Movies Nested Table Working with the Mining Models ... Creating Data Mining Objects Setting Up Your Data Sources Understanding Data Sources Creating the MovieClick Data Source Using the Data Source View Creating the MovieClick Data Source View Working with...

Ngày tải lên: 22/01/2014, 22:20

40 515 2
Tài liệu Wiley - Data Mining with Microsoft SQL Server 2008 (2009)02 pptx

Tài liệu Wiley - Data Mining with Microsoft SQL Server 2008 (2009)02 pptx

... Business Problems for Data Mining Anomaly detection — How you know whether your data is ‘‘good’’ or not? Data mining can analyze your data and pick out those items that don’t fit with the rest Credit ... online transaction processing (OLTP) databases and more than 70 data warehouses The first step is to pull the relevant data into a database or a data mart where the data analysis is applied For example, ... the goal of data miners is to deliver reports to marketing executives SQL Server Data Mining is integrated with SQL Server Reporting Services to generate reports directly from data mining results...

Ngày tải lên: 27/01/2014, 09:20

10 527 1
Imputation Methods to Deal with Missing Values when Data Mining Trauma Injury Data pot

Imputation Methods to Deal with Missing Values when Data Mining Trauma Injury Data pot

... complete data set, and the model is then tested on the same set of data used to build it However, it is not ideal to test the model with the same data used to build it, and to allow comparison with ... the data with an ANN However, all imputation methods slightly improve the positive predictive value of the ANN models compared with complete-case analysis Table Evaluations of Methods Data mining/ ... with missing GCS scores will then have their missing values replaced with observed values selected at random, with replacement, from patients in the same subset i.e patients who are similar with...

Ngày tải lên: 28/03/2014, 23:20

6 510 1
data mining and business analytics with r

data mining and business analytics with r

... (test) data sets is central to most data mining methods One must always check whether the relationships found in the training data set will hold up in the future Many data mining tools deal with ... through data mining and business analytics It is not only business applications of data mining that are important; data mining is also important for applications in the sciences We have enormous data ... construct data sets for the mining of text data xi CHAPTER Introduction Today’s statistics applications involve enormous data sets: many cases (rows of a data spreadsheet, with...

Ngày tải lên: 05/05/2014, 13:27

361 592 0
Lesson 2 Working with data in a connected environment

Lesson 2 Working with data in a connected environment

... sequentially read data from a data source  The return results of Command SQL statements (no constructor)  How to use DataReader with data providers?  How to retrieving data using a DataReader? Connected ...  Only one DataReader use at a time  Tie to connection => cannot used other DataReader  Explicitly close DataReader after used  DataReader cannot be used for data binding  Using with stored ... true if DataReader is closed  Close():  Closes the DataReader  This allows you to use the Connection for another task Slide Get data from DataReader object  Using DataReader to retrieve data...

Ngày tải lên: 13/05/2014, 12:19

21 302 0
Chapter 6 Working with Data in a Connected Environment

Chapter 6 Working with Data in a Connected Environment

... System .Data Architecture Program DataReader DataSet DataProvider DataAdapter Database VB.Net 2005 - Chapter Details: System .Data Architecture Program DataReader Action SQL Maintain data DataSet ... data DataSet Get data Command Object Maintain data Get data Connection Object DataAdapter Provider Database VB.Net 2005 - Chapter 6 Main Difference:DataSet-DataReader DataSet Data structure to ... Environment in ADO.NET ways using with ADO.NET Data Source Web Form Connection Data Adapter DataSet Windows Form Disconnectd Connected Data Source Web Form Connection Command DataReader Windows Form VB.Net...

Ngày tải lên: 13/05/2014, 12:19

27 259 0
Data mining discovering and visualizing patterns with python

Data mining discovering and visualizing patterns with python

... subplot(211) # top figure with the real classes plot (data[ t==1,0] ,data[ t==1,2],’bo’) plot (data[ t==2,0] ,data[ t==2,2],’ro’) plot (data[ t==3,0] ,data[ t==3,2],’go’) subplot(212) # bottom figure with classes assigned ... Data Mining: Discovering and Visualizing Patterns with Python Get More Refcardz! Visit #183 Data Mining CONTENTS INCLUDE: ❱ Data Importing and Visualization ... figure with classes assigned automatically plot (data[ c==1,0] ,data[ c==1,2],’bo’,alpha=.7) plot (data[ c==2,0] ,data[ c==2,2],’go’,alpha=.7) plot (data[ c==0,0] ,data[ c==0,2],’mo’,alpha=.7) show() The support...

Ngày tải lên: 20/01/2016, 14:16

7 376 0
Khai thác dữ liệu chuỗi thời gian dựa vào rút trích đặc trưng bằng phương pháp điểm giữa và kỹ thuật xén = time series data mining based on feature extraction with middle points and clipping method

Khai thác dữ liệu chuỗi thời gian dựa vào rút trích đặc trưng bằng phương pháp điểm giữa và kỹ thuật xén = time series data mining based on feature extraction with middle points and clipping method

... RÚT TRÍCH ĐẶC TRƢNG BẰNG PHƢƠNG PHÁP ĐIỂM GIỮA VÀ KỸ THUẬT XÉN (TIME SERIES DATA MINING BASED ON FEATURE EXTRACTION WITH MIDDLE POINTS AND CLIPPING METHOD) Chuyên ngành: Khoa học máy tính Mã số ... and Clipping, called MP_C, which performs effectively with the support of Skyline index Through formal proof and experiments on benchmark datasets, we show that MP_C satisfies the lower bounding ... contribution of this thesis is the application of MP_C method to the three important time series data mining tasks: clustering, motif detection and time series prediction As for clustering, we exploit...

Ngày tải lên: 26/02/2016, 20:11

168 647 4
Chapter 9: Working with Selections and Selection Layers

Chapter 9: Working with Selections and Selection Layers

... When working with tones, I recommend working at the size you’re planning to print While you can export to any size, you’ll have a much better idea towards how the final product will look when working ... image looks how you want it within the page and print guide (if applicable) When you’re happy with the settings, click OK Why not use an 8-bit ink layer? Sometimes when working on a task, the simplest ... Your Work Figure 10-3: The various strokes you can create with the Pen tool Here’s a semi-advanced trick for when you’re working As you’re working on your line art, click the Flip Image Horizontally...

Ngày tải lên: 27/08/2012, 14:31

39 754 0
A simple introduction to working with LVM

A simple introduction to working with LVM

... while Found volume group "skx-vol" using metadata type lvm2 Now that we have a volume group (called skx-vol) we can actually start using it Working with logical volumes What we really want to ... use with LVM and then include it in a volume group Why would you this? Well it would let you create new partitions on the fly, and make better use of your space In my case I have a laptop with ... we'll create a small volume with the name 'test': root@lappy:~# lvcreate -n test size 1g skx-vol Logical volume "test" created This command creates a volume of size 1Gb with the name test hosted...

Ngày tải lên: 18/09/2012, 10:12

7 674 0
Data warehuose and data mining

Data warehuose and data mining

... trong qui trình KDD Pattern Evaluation Data mining Task relevant data Data warehouse Data cleaning Knowledge Data integration selection Mục đích KTDL Data Mining Descriptive Predictive Classification ... Environment • Subject = Customer • Data Warehouse Biến thời gian • Time • Data • 01/97 Data for January • • 02/97 Data for February • • 03/97 Data for March • • Data • Warehouse Ổn Định • Là lưu ... Nội Dung • Kho liệu (Data warehouse) • Khai thác liệu (Data mining) – Giới thiệu – Giới thiệu – Qui trình khám phá tri thức – Định nghĩa – DW - Traditional Database – Luật kết hợp – Mục...

Ngày tải lên: 18/01/2013, 16:15

36 480 0
Data Mining - Chapter 2

Data Mining - Chapter 2

... ZhaoHui Tang, Jamie MacLennan, Data Mining with SQL Server 2005”, Wiley Publishing, 2005  [6] Oracle, Data Mining Concepts”, B28129-01, 2008  [7] Oracle, Data Mining Application Developer’s ... lý liệu Pattern Evaluation/ Presentation Data Mining Patterns Task-relevant Data Data Warehouse Data Cleaning Selection/Transformation Data Integration Data Sources 2.1 Tổng quan giai đoạn tiền ... Micheline Kamber, Data Mining: Concepts and Techniques”, Second Edition, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, 2006  [2] David Hand, Heikki Mannila, Padhraic Smyth, “Principles of Data Mining , MIT Press,...

Ngày tải lên: 23/01/2013, 22:17

57 728 19
Data mining

Data mining

... Name Chỉ định tên worksheet mà bạn chọn vào Nhấp vào nút ( ) để chọn từ danh sách worksheet sẵn Data range: Bạn nhập liệu bắt đầu với hàng không trống với phạm vi rõ ràng: • First non-blank row: ... thị tên theo lệnh thực hiện, bạn đặt tên lại cho lệnh “phan cum” hay tùy ý bạn Use partitioned data: Sử dụng liệu phân vùng Nếu trước liệu bạn thực lệnh Partition Number of clusters: Xác định ... Kinh Tế TPHCM 23 Hình 5.3: Bảng tùy chọn neural Model: Model name: Tên mô hình Use partitioned data: Sử dụng liệu phân vùng Method: Phương pháp Có sáu phương pháp để xây dựng mô hình mạng thần...

Ngày tải lên: 17/02/2013, 16:08

40 768 10
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