... billion for the week ended September 15. Bank reserve balances decreased $118 billion, offset by a $110 billion increase in Treasury deposits with Federal Reserve banks (part of “Other”). ... futures markets expect a rate increase around late 2011 or early 2012. As of September 22, the futures market for fed funds indicates an implied rate of about 24 bps for the July 2011 contract. ... delinquency rates on credit cards have been declining across many of the major card issuers in the United States. In July, the U.S. 30-day index was down 75 basis points from the year prior,...
Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 20:20
... be 58 AsEME’sbegintoindustrialize,theyinitiallyhave the benefit of rapidurbanization(asagriculturalproductivity rises)and the internationaltransfer of technology.Overtimeboth of these“catchup“factorssupportinggrowth becomelessimportant. 59 Itisimportanttonotethat the debatewaswith the Keynes of the “Treatise”andnotyet the Keynes of the “GeneralTheory”.In the TreatiseonMoney,Keynescalledformonetaryauthoritiestotake“extraordinary”, “unorthodox”monetarypoliciestodealwith the slump.Kregel(2011)p1,contends that The unorthodoxpolicies thatKeynesrecommendsareanearlyperfectdescription” of the ultraeasymonetarypoliciesfollowedinJapan, andmorerecentlyinothercountries.Recall,asnotedabove,thatKeynes’enthusiasmforsuchmonetarymeasures hadfadedby the time of the GeneralTheory. ... no trends(awayfromdesiredlevels)inrecentyears,theydoseemtohavebecomemorevolatile. 55 Alternativeexplanationsfor the “GreatModeration”arediscussed at lengthinBorioandWhite(2003) 56 AmoredetailedanalysisisavailableinWhite(2008).SeealsoIssing(2012)p10. 57 The OECDestimatesthat the level of potentialin the OECDcountriesfellafter the onslaught of the crisisby about3percentonaverage.Theystress,however,thattheseestimatesarehighlyimprecise. ... place, conscious of the possibilitythatremedies(more of the same)mightactuallymake thingsworse overtime. The Austrian conclusion was that credit created by the banking system, rather...
Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 23:20
Federal Reserve Bank of New York Staff Reports: What Fiscal Policy Is Effective at Zero Interest Rates? pot
Ngày tải lên: 29/03/2014, 13:20
Tài liệu Federal Reserve Bank of New York Staff Reports - Why Are Banks Holding So Many Excess Reserves? doc
... Sources of Bank Reserves Figure 5 illustrates the link between the size of the Federal Reserve s liquidity facilities and the quantity of reserves in the banking system. The top half of this ... many reserves. The examples show how the quantity of bank reserves is determined by the size of the Federal Reserve s policy initiatives and in no way reflects the initiatives’ effects on bank ... majority of the newly-created reserves will end up being held as excess reserves almost no matter what banks do. The central message of the article is that the data in Figure 1 only reflect the size...
Ngày tải lên: 16/02/2014, 12:20
... restructuring of the banking system, a gradual open- ing to foreign investment, the partial privatization of state-owned banking institutions, and measures to strengthen the capitalization of Vietnamese ... central bank and a commercial bank. The 1990 Ordinance on the State Bank of Vietnam separated the central bank s functions and delegated its banking activities to four newly created SOCBs, ... in the Asia Pacific region. The views expressed in this publication are solely that of the author and do not necessarily represent the position of the Federal Reserve System. V ietnam’s banking...
Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 10:20
Preferences of the Central Reserve Bank of Peru and optimal monetary policy rules in the inflation targeting regime ppt
... fluctuation of the exchange rate in the previous period and on the two-period lag of the output gap. The verticality of the aggregate supply is imposed by the restriction that the sum of the lagged ... on the choice of values of the parameters of preferences that minimize the square deviation between the true interest rate and interest rate optimal simulation. The results showed that the ... restricts the central bank s loss function. The second advantage is that this method facilitates the demonstration of the effects of the changes on calibrated parameters. Specifically, the calibration...
Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 14:20
Federal Reserve Bank of New York Staff Reports: Shadow Banking ppt
... tobias.adrian@ny.frb.org). The views expressed in this paper are those of the authors and do not necessarily reect the position of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York or the Federal Reserve System. Abstract The ... since the summer of 2007 helped ease the $5 trillion contraction in the size of the shadow banking system, thereby protecting the broader economy from the dangers of a collapse in the supply of ... definition of shadow banking, and an estimate of the size of shadow banking activity. Section 3 discusses the seven steps of the shadow credit intermediation process. Section 4 is by far the longest...
Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 21:20
Federal Reserve Bank of New York Staff Reports: Shadow Banking Regulation pdf
... States rehypothecation is subject to a 140% cap. The re-hypothecation in the U.K. subsidiary of repo collateral arguably greatly exacerbated the impact of the collapse of Lehman Brothers to the ... re-hypothecation of collateral by dealers. Singh and Aitken (2009) investigate the role of re-hypothecation in the shadow banking system. Re-hypothecation is the practice that allows collateral ... subsidy related to implicit support of FHLB liabilities by the US Government. The secured nature of an advance, as well as the lien the Federal Home Loan Bank has on the other assets of the borrower,...
Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 21:20
Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis Quarterly Review: Money and Interest Rates docx
Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 23:20
Federal Reserve Bank of New York Staff Reports: Bank Liquidity, Interbank Markets, and Monetary Policy pptx
Ngày tải lên: 29/03/2014, 13:20
Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis Research Department Staff Report 328: Business Cycle Accounting potx
Ngày tải lên: 29/03/2014, 20:20
Tài liệu Reserve Bank of India: Functions and Working doc
... floatation of new loans is done at Public Debt Of ce at of ces / branches of the Reserve Bank and by the Internal Debt Management Department at the Central Of ce. For the final compilation of ... nationalised the Reserve Bank under the Reserve Bank (Transfer of Public Ownership) Act, 1948. Origins of the Reserve Bank of India The functions of the Reserve Bank today can be categorised ... 13 The Central Board of Directors is at the top of the Reserve Bank s organisational structure. Appointed by the Government under the provisions of the Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934, the...
Ngày tải lên: 16/02/2014, 10:20
... summary Federal reserve web addresses Board of Governors www.federalreserve.gov Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta www.frbatlanta.org Federal Reserve Bank of Boston www.bos.frb.org Federal Reserve Bank ... a Federal reserve system making sense OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE 1 MAKING SENSE OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE 17 1. Who created the Federal Reserve System? (page 1) 2. Name the three parts of the Federal ... oversees the activities of Reserve banks. Board oF governors making sense OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE 3 THE FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM isit a Federal Reserve bank, and you’ll see that its operations...
Ngày tải lên: 16/02/2014, 12:20
Tài liệu Office of the Comptroller of the Currency Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System pptx
... available since the origination of the loan, the estimated value of the home at the time of error will be based on the estimated value of the home at loan origination adjusted by the Case-Schiller ... Remediation Framework Approach 1. What is the purpose of the Financial Remediation Framework? The Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC) and the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve ... calculated? A borrower’s equity is calculated based on the estimated value of the borrower’s home at the time of the servicer’s error reduced by the amount the borrower still owes on the property....
Ngày tải lên: 17/02/2014, 21:20
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Office of the Comptroller of the Currency potx
... a banking organization to set aside the issue of estimating the likelihood of severe events and to focus more on what kinds of events could threaten the viability of the banking organization. ... among other things, the validity of the assumptions, the severity of tests, the robustness of the estimates, the performance of any underlying models, and the stability and reasonableness of the ... Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Office of the Comptroller of the Currency Guidance on Stress Testing for Banking Organizations...
Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 03:20
Report of the Sub-Committee of the Central Board of Directors of Reserve Bank of India to Study Issues and Concerns in the MFI Sector doc
... outside the scope of the proposed Act, and are infact regulated by Reserve Bank. b) Therefore, the organisations which are not regulated by the Reserve Bank account for an estimated 8% of the ... b) There has, therefore, to be a linkage between the amount of the loan and the tenure of the loan. It is, therefore, suggested that for loans not exceeding Rs. 15,000, the tenure of the loan ... private equity has entered the sector. On the one hand, there was a huge unsatisfied demand for microfinance credit and on the other, there was a limitation on the capacity of not-for-profit...
Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 14:20
Current situation of credit activity and solutions to the credit crisis at the military commercial bank the period of 2005 2007
Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 10:25
the global curse of the federal reserve; manifesto for a second monetarist revolution (2011)
Ngày tải lên: 30/10/2014, 16:55