word representations a simple and general method for semisupervised learning

Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: "Word representations: A simple and general method for semi-supervised learning" doc

Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: "Word representations: A simple and general method for semi-supervised learning" doc

... semi-supervised learning approach that we use is that it is simpler and more general than that of Ando and Zhang (2005) and Suzuki and Isozaki (2008). Their methods dictate a particular choice of model and ... certain word representations are preferable for certain tasks. Lin and Wu (2009) finds that the representations that are good for NER are poor for search query classification, and vice-versa. We apply ... such as Ando and Zhang (2005), Suzuki and Isozaki (2008), and Suzuki et al. (2009) achieve state-of-the-art accuracy. However, these approaches dictate a particular choice of model and training...

Ngày tải lên: 20/02/2014, 04:20

11 688 0
Báo cáo khoa học: "A Fast and Accurate Method for Approximate String Search" pptx

Báo cáo khoa học: "A Fast and Accurate Method for Approximate String Search" pptx

... Brill and Moore (2000) proposed employing a generative model for candidate generation and a hierarchy of trie struc- tures for fast candidate retrieval. Our approach is a discriminative approach and ... Human Language Tech- nology and Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing, HLT ’05, pages 955–962, Morristown, NJ, USA. Association for Computational Linguistics. Alfred V. Aho and Margaret ... λ is large. 3.3 Candidate Generation In candidate generation, given a misspelled word w m , we find the k candidates from the vocabu- lary, that can be transformed from w m and have the largest...

Ngày tải lên: 30/03/2014, 21:20

10 508 0
Báo cáo khoa học: " A simple pattern-matching algorithm for recovering empty nodes and their antecedents∗" pot

Báo cáo khoa học: " A simple pattern-matching algorithm for recovering empty nodes and their antecedents∗" pot

... recall measures for evaluating parse accuracy do not mea- sure the accuracy of empty node and antecedent re- covery, but there is a fairly straightforward extension of them that can evaluate ... knowledge than the pattern-matching algorithm described here. This algorithm is both simple and general, and can serve as a benchmark against which more complex ap- proaches can be evaluated. NP NP DT the NN man SBAR S NP NNP Sam VP VBZ ... terminal (i.e., the word) and its preterminal label. Auxiliary verbs such as is and being are relabelled as either a AUX or AUXG respectively. The relabelling of auxiliary verbs was performed primarily...

Ngày tải lên: 17/03/2014, 08:20

8 347 0
Getting Started With ASP.NET ASP.NET is a new and powerful technology for writing dynamic web pages.

Getting Started With ASP.NET ASP.NET is a new and powerful technology for writing dynamic web pages.

... have built-in Java support via something known as the Java Virtual Machine (JVM), and there are several standard <object> and non-standard <applet> tags that are used to add Java ... The advantage are that the download time is faster than Java, and also you don't have to worry about integrating different languages into the page, as Curl is capable of providing the same ... CGI receives and transmits data means that the data is not easily manipulated by many programming languages, so you need one with good facilities for manipulating text and communicating with...

Ngày tải lên: 06/11/2013, 00:15

792 597 0
Tài liệu Tips, Tools, and General Guidance for Public Speaking pptx

Tài liệu Tips, Tools, and General Guidance for Public Speaking pptx

... Tools, and General Guidance for Public Speaking, Page 4 What does it mean to speak from the heart? ã You speak because of a call , grounded in faith and mercy and grace; ã You speak because ... Tools, and General Guidance for Public Speaking, Page 19 HANDLING QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS 1. Anticipate questions and plan answers. 2. Repeat or rephrase each question before answering ... is always a good idea to leave them wanting more. So, finish early and leave extra time for Q& ;A. LWR: Tips, Tools, and General Guidance for Public Speaking, Page 16 If your audience...

Ngày tải lên: 20/12/2013, 23:15

39 390 0
Tài liệu Clinical Anatomy A revision and applied anatomy for clinical students docx

Tài liệu Clinical Anatomy A revision and applied anatomy for clinical students docx

... contains air, the trachea is more radio-translucent than the neigh- bouring structures and is seen in posteroanterior and lateral radiographs as a dark area passing downwards, backwards and slightly ... the Fallopian tubes, uterus and vagina, 148 The posterior abdominal wall, 149 ◊◊The suprarenal glands, 151 ◊◊Abdominal aorta, 151 ◊◊Inferior vena cava, 153 ◊◊Lumbar sympathetic chain, 153 Part ... vein Pretracheal fascia (containing thyroid, trachea, oesophagus and recurrent nerve) Anterior jugular vein C6 Investing fascia Pre-vertebral fascia Fig. 16◊The cervical part of the trachea and its environs...

Ngày tải lên: 17/02/2014, 19:20

455 1,1K 1
Superfruits: (Top 20 Fruits Packed with Nutrients and Phytochemicals, Best Ways to Eat Fruits for Maximum Nutrition, and 75 Simple and Delicious Recipes for Overall Wellness) pdf

Superfruits: (Top 20 Fruits Packed with Nutrients and Phytochemicals, Best Ways to Eat Fruits for Maximum Nutrition, and 75 Simple and Delicious Recipes for Overall Wellness) pdf

... disease. Accordingly, the omega fats, which are polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) called docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and eicosapen- taenoic acid (EPA), are now accepted generally as a new and ... vita- mins associated with fat, such as vitamins A and E, are particularly dependent on vitamin C for protection against oxygen free radicals that may damage DNA and cell structure. Vitamin ... deter: Cardiovascular diseases ▶ In ammation and pain ▶ Several types of cancer ▶ Microbial, fungal, parasitic, and viral infections ▶ Metabolic syndrome, obesity, and diabetes ▶ Gastrointestinal and...

Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 05:21

241 506 0
Báo cáo khoa học: A simple in vivo assay for measuring the efficiency of gene length-dependent processes in yeast mRNA biogenesis doc

Báo cáo khoa học: A simple in vivo assay for measuring the efficiency of gene length-dependent processes in yeast mRNA biogenesis doc

... encodes a periplasmic acid phosphatase, which is very easy to assay [19]. The levels of acid phosphatase activity of an untransformed S. cerevisiae strain in SC-galactose medium are almost undetecta- ble, ... mRNA in a transcript length-dependent fashion, suggesting a role for SAGA in transcription elongation. The use of this assay allows the identifica- tion and ⁄ or characterization of new mutants and ... 5Â-CAGGATCGGTCGATTGTGC-3Â (Stab Vida, Oeiras, Portugal). Acknowledgements We thank Francisco Malago n and Francisco Navarro for their critical reading of the draft; we also thank S. Buratowski, T. Kokubo, A. Ponticelli,...

Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 12:20

14 435 0