women apos s empowerment and demographic and health outcomes

Midlife and Older Women Family Life, Work and Health in Jamaica pot

Midlife and Older Women Family Life, Work and Health in Jamaica pot

... various discourses on women s lives was that in some instances the dominant discourses were close to those the literature presents about the lives of First World women of this age group, and were ... bars, food stands, places of enterprise and churches along this road The small food shops supply items that might be needed on a regular basis, such as sugar, rice, flour, bread, eggs, matches, salt ... research project were obtained through a survey, case studies, the use of various libraries and library sources, and by discussions with specific people in the communities studied, as well as...

Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 12:20

184 380 0
Sibship Size and Health Outcomes in Later Life among the Mexican Elderly pptx

Sibship Size and Health Outcomes in Later Life among the Mexican Elderly pptx

... self-reported health In tables and 5, I study the relationship among sibship size, education and health outcomes by focusing on diagnoses of specific diseases While the regressions are estimated for ... outcomes and they seem to influence health outcomes separately While the relationships between sibship size and health conditions are generally positive, estimates of respiratory illness for men stand ... predictors of certain diseases Figure illustrates simple relationships between years of education and nine health outcome measures for men and women In some cases, clear relationships are discerned...

Ngày tải lên: 14/03/2014, 17:20

35 478 0
Inappropriate Medication Use and Health Outcomes in the Elderly docx

Inappropriate Medication Use and Health Outcomes in the Elderly docx

... individual s health status The first set, referring as predisposing variables, comprises age, sex, race, education, employment status, and marital status.22 The second set comprises enabling variables such ... stratification, clustering, multiple stages of selection, and disproportionate sampling This results in serious departures from simple random sampling assumptions To obtain valid estimates of 1936 FU ... coding and econometric modeling were conducted using SAS version (SAS Institute, Inc., Cary, NC) and Stata version (Stata Corp., College Station, TX), respectively RESULTS Descriptive Statistics After...

Ngày tải lên: 14/03/2014, 20:20

6 613 0
Báo cáo y học: " Acute bronchodilator responsiveness and health outcomes in COPD patients in the UPLIFT trial" pot

Báo cáo y học: " Acute bronchodilator responsiveness and health outcomes in COPD patients in the UPLIFT trial" pot

... defining responsiveness These findings indicate that acute bronchodilator responsiveness testing as measured in this study should not be used in Page 10 of 11 predicting long term health outcomes and ... various professional societies Advantages and disadvantages of using any of the proposed criteria have been extensively discussed in the literature To summarize, published reports suggest that ... least three post-randomization spirometry test sets Cox regression was used to calculate hazard ratios for analyses of time to first exacerbation and for mortality Results Study population Baseline...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 13:22

11 291 0
Birth weight ethnic differences and health outcomes in childhood

Birth weight ethnic differences and health outcomes in childhood

... Epidemiology and Disease Control Division, Ministry of Health, Singapore) The discharges are coded as ICD-9 diagnoses and also as primary and secondary causes of admission Date and duration of hospital stay ... Mental disorders: ICD 290-319 (iv) Diseases of genitourinary system: ICD 580-629 (v) Diseases of the skin and subcutaneous tissue: ICD 680-709 (vi) Diseases of the musculoskeletal system and connective ... illnesses for the particular disease may require admission and would be captured in this register The strengths of using this register were that it captures all hospital discharges and thus admissions...

Ngày tải lên: 12/09/2015, 09:17

156 391 0
Pharmacoeconomics and health outcomes research for hepatitis b virus infection in singapore

Pharmacoeconomics and health outcomes research for hepatitis b virus infection in singapore

... the disease Hence, the purpose of this thesis is to conduct costeffectiveness and health status assessment studies for HBV infection in Singapore to provide healthcare professionals and decision ... description and analysis of the costs and consequences of pharmaceuticals and pharmaceuticals services, and its impact on individuals, health care systems, and society On the other hand, outcomes research ... cost-effectiveness, cost-benefit, cost-of-illness, cost-utility, and decision analysis, as well as quality-of-life and other humanistic assessments Table 1.1 outlines different types of pharmacoecoeonomic...

Ngày tải lên: 14/09/2015, 09:38

246 193 1
Exploring Linkages: Women’s Empowerment, Microfinance and Health Education docx

Exploring Linkages: Women’s Empowerment, Microfinance and Health Education docx

... client s earnings and decisions on household purchases Increase in personal savings Increases in business and non-business assets Effect of education on HIV/AIDS awareness among three-year+ clients ... tables and 3) Table Increase in personal savings New clients year+ clients Personal savings 42% 48% Table Increases in business and non-business assests New clients year+ clients Increase in business ... increases women s right to access opportunities and resources It enables them to develop their businesses, increase financial stability, maintain and increase personal assets and meet basic needs (see...

Ngày tải lên: 05/03/2014, 22:21

15 343 0


... addressing disparities themselves high-priority issues essential to MDG strategies: health inequity and the experience of poverty, health systems as social institutions that are greater than the sum ... decisions • Countries must take steps to strengthen vital registration systems Targets and indicators All targets should be framed in equity-sensitive terms • Universal access to reproductive health ... their health are often catastrophic, thus deepening poverty • As core social institutions, dysfunctional and abusive health systems intensify exclusion, voicelessness, and inequity while simultaneously...

Ngày tải lên: 12/02/2014, 23:20

207 1K 0


... Reforming Women s Reproductive Health A health reform agenda that has women s reproductive health as a national goal must address certain core issues that span the health system: Health insurance ... sexually transmitted infections Women s Health and Health Care Reform Polls and voter analysis data consistently demonstrate that Americans value personal responsibility but expect society and government ... America s health, it must address these health needs of women Moreover, reproduction and sexuality are basic aspects of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, guaranteed by the Constitution and...

Ngày tải lên: 13/02/2014, 07:20

23 503 0


... addressing disparities themselves high-priority issues essential to MDG strategies: health inequity and the experience of poverty, health systems as social institutions that are greater than the sum ... decisions • Countries must take steps to strengthen vital registration systems Targets and indicators All targets should be framed in equity-sensitive terms • Universal access to reproductive health ... their health are often catastrophic, thus deepening poverty • As core social institutions, dysfunctional and abusive health systems intensify exclusion, voicelessness, and inequity while simultaneously...

Ngày tải lên: 05/03/2014, 10:20

207 683 0
Gender Inequality and Women’s Empowerment pdf

Gender Inequality and Women’s Empowerment pdf

... rewards, statuses, opportunities and roles as shall be discussed below Low educational level is one of the causes and consequences of females’ low socio-economic status In spite of the fact that significant ... access and control profile It indicates the gender based access to resources, control over the use of resources and the benefits of the use of resources Access simply refers to the use of resources ... differentials and correlates based on data supplied by the Demographic and Health Survey (DHS) of 2005 Moreover, an attempt was made to assess levels and differentials of women s empowerment based on...

Ngày tải lên: 05/03/2014, 13:20

58 427 0
Women’s Employment and Its Relation to Children’s Health and Schooling in Developing Countries: Conceptual Links, Empirical Evidence, and Policies pptx

Women’s Employment and Its Relation to Children’s Health and Schooling in Developing Countries: Conceptual Links, Empirical Evidence, and Policies pptx

... intrahousehold bargaining and differential preferences of wives and husbands See Glick and Sahn (2000) for discussion 16 siblings or more adolescent and adult males in the household spend more ... Research is also needed on the demand for these services and for specific characteristics of providers This is especially the case where some level of contributions by parents will be necessary ... American and South Asia women s economic activity has increased significantly since 1970 (Mehra and Gammage 1999) In regions where it has stayed the same or fallen slightly, such as East Asia and...

Ngày tải lên: 14/03/2014, 09:20

52 465 0
Who’s got the power? Transforming health systems for women and children pot

Who’s got the power? Transforming health systems for women and children pot

... reproductive health services, and the strengthening of health systems This will require that health systems be seen as social institutions and that access to health services be considered a fundamental ... institutions should substantially increase aid • Countries should increase allocations to their health sectors • User fees for basic health services should be abolished Human resources: The health ... health and development community thinks about and addresses health systems can have the impact necessary to meet the Goals This report seeks to capture the texture of the task force s discussions and...

Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 10:20

40 289 0
Women’s Health and Pregnancy Outcomes: Do Services Make a Difference?* pptx

Women’s Health and Pregnancy Outcomes: Do Services Make a Difference?* pptx

... rendering supervisory visits from health center staff less necessary The basic measures of access to public and to private services—distances to the closest public and private facilities as reported ... public spending have little or no impact on health; in some cases, public-sector investments are even associated with poorer health outcomes (For a discussion, see Strauss and Thomas 1995.) At least ... also influence health status, as seems likely, cross-sectional estimates of the relationship between presence of a village midwife and health status will be biased unless the specifications include...

Ngày tải lên: 28/03/2014, 12:20

33 496 0
Improving Women’s Health and Perinatal Outcomes: The Impact of Oral Diseases ppt

Improving Women’s Health and Perinatal Outcomes: The Impact of Oral Diseases ppt

... and well-being Emerging research is beginning to establish distinct associations between periodontal diseases and adverse chronic health conditions such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and ... community health centers to provide dental health services is an important strategy for increasing access in underserved areas As part of the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) oral health ... behavioral, and social factors present at different stages in a woman s life course that increase individual susceptibility to adverse oral diseases and conditions Women s and Children s Health Policy...

Ngày tải lên: 28/03/2014, 13:20

12 465 0
Tài liệu Men’s knowledge and awareness of maternal, neonatal and child health care in rural Bangladesh: a comparative cross sectional study pptx

Tài liệu Men’s knowledge and awareness of maternal, neonatal and child health care in rural Bangladesh: a comparative cross sectional study pptx

... using SPSS version 11.5 The analysis involved calculation of summary statistics used in comparing grouped districts Independent t-tests were used to assess differences between means The chi-squared ... access to labour and other markets and their income and assets [18,19] This affects women s health and health- seeking behaviour in several ways, firstly, by Page of controlling behaviours and ... means of decision-making on maternal, neonatal and child health issues between intervention and control districts Methods Study setting This cross-sectional comparative study was conducted in six...

Ngày tải lên: 12/02/2014, 19:20

9 722 0


... high stakes for women in the health care system and reveal some of the system s gaps in meeting women s health needs One in six non-elderly women is uninsured and faces considerable obstacles in ... this report is to present a profile of women and the health system and to discuss women s health care within the context of their lives It focuses on women s health status, their health insurance ... progress has been made in improving women s health and in understanding women s unique roles in the health care system The importance of health care cuts across all aspects of women s lives Without...

Ngày tải lên: 12/02/2014, 23:20

62 452 0
Tài liệu Ethiopia Demographic and Health Survey 2011 Preliminary Report doc

Tài liệu Ethiopia Demographic and Health Survey 2011 Preliminary Report doc

... 2011 EDHS sample was selected using a stratified, two-stage cluster design, and EAs were the sampling units for the first stage The 2011 EDHS sample included 624 EAs, 187 in urban areas and 437 ... Cluster Survey (MICS) to reflect the population and health issues relevant to Ethiopia Issues were identified at a series of meetings with various stakeholders from government ministries and ... Tigrigna The Household Questionnaire was used to list all the usual members and visitors of selected households Some basic information was collected on the characteristics of each person listed, including...

Ngày tải lên: 18/02/2014, 15:20

38 426 0
Women, Ageing and Health: A Framework for Action pot

Women, Ageing and Health: A Framework for Action pot

... organizations need to systematically assess gender- and age-based vulnerabilities, needs and strengths This assessment is needed to ensure equal access for women and men of all ages to services at all stages ... comprehensive tobacco control strategies and policies that address prevention, protection, and cessation have seen considerable success.90 These efforts must address gender- and agespecific risks Women, ... responsibilities that society and families assign to women and men Both sex and gender influence health risks, health- seeking behaviour, and health outcomes for men and women, thus influencing their access...

Ngày tải lên: 05/03/2014, 13:20

60 531 0
Women and Health Learning Package Developed by The Network: TUFH Women and Health Taskforce Second edition, September 2006 docx

Women and Health Learning Package Developed by The Network: TUFH Women and Health Taskforce Second edition, September 2006 docx

... general session However, tutors must be sure to motivate quiet and shy students to share their views and queries on the case Tutors should guide students to focus the discussion on the most relevant ... Obesity is a chronic disease, and its consequences include an elevated risk of premature death and a variety of serious health problems such as heart disease, hypertension and stroke, diabetes, ... include health promotion and education, gender studies, and women s sexual and reproductive health She was the coordinator of the Research Unit on Education and Health, and is currently responsible...

Ngày tải lên: 05/03/2014, 15:20

27 536 0