without rules or logic

Tài liệu Powerful Sex Foods and Stimulants Improve Your Sexual Health Without Harmful Side Effects or Outrageous Costs doc

Tài liệu Powerful Sex Foods and Stimulants Improve Your Sexual Health Without Harmful Side Effects or Outrageous Costs doc

... author, publisher, and distributor of this product assume no responsibility for the use or misuse of this product, or for any injury, damage and /or financial loss sustained to persons or property ... cholesterol or extra calories.) And much like bee pollen, Spirulina is great for increasing sexual vigor. Avena Sativa: Avena sativa is the scientific name for the grass commonly known as oats (or ... result of using this report. While every effort has been made to ensure reliability of the information within, the liability, negligence or otherwise, or from any use, misuse or abuse of the operation...

Ngày tải lên: 14/02/2014, 21:20

29 314 0
Báo cáo khoa học: "Insertion, Deletion, or Substitution? Normalizing Text Messages without Pre-categorization nor Supervision" docx

Báo cáo khoa học: "Insertion, Deletion, or Substitution? Normalizing Text Messages without Pre-categorization nor Supervision" docx

... Association for Computational Linguistics:shortpapers, pages 71–76, Portland, Oregon, June 19-24, 2011. c 2011 Association for Computational Linguistics Insertion, Deletion, or Substitution? Normalizing ... nonstandard words with the corresponding English forms) using a web-based approach, there- fore avoiding the expensive human annotation. We use the Edinburgh Twitter corpus (Petrovic et al., 2010) for ... of them with the OOV to form the training pairs. For the OOV tokens consisting of both letters and digits, we use simple rules to recover possible original words. These rules include: 1 → “one”,...

Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 22:20

6 330 0
A study in the growth mechanism of silicon nanowires with or without metal catalyst

A study in the growth mechanism of silicon nanowires with or without metal catalyst

... mechanism of silicon nanowires synthesized with or without a metal catalyst via chemical-vapor-deposition (CVD) is discussed by using a developed vapor–liquid–solid and novel sulfide-assisted growth ... including ultra sensitive bio-sensor, field effect transistors (FETs), and single - electron detector [4]. The fabrication of SiNWs involves metal-assisted or metal- free growth. The metal-assisted ... precursor of SiH 4 (Eq. (1)). When dropping Si atoms come to contact with the metal particle located on the substrate (Fig. 2B a), a liquid metal–Si alloy will be formed. With more and more Si...

Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 15:09

5 577 0
Báo cáo khoa học: "Learning Constraint Grammar-style disambiguation rules using Inductive Logic Programming" potx

Báo cáo khoa học: "Learning Constraint Grammar-style disambiguation rules using Inductive Logic Programming" potx

... the rules, compared to the initial experiments (Eineborg and Lindberg, 1998). The rules can look at word form, part of speech, morphological features, and whether a word has an upper or lower ... list of very unlikely readings for certain words was pro- duced ('lexicai rules& apos;). For a word form plus tag to qualify as a lexical rule, the word form should have a frequency of ... different word forms in the corpus were represented in the lexicon by one look-up word and an ambiguity class, the set of different tags which occurred in the corpus for the word form. The lexicon...

Ngày tải lên: 17/03/2014, 07:20

5 244 0
Cannibals all! or, Slaves without masters doc

Cannibals all! or, Slaves without masters doc

... rich, or independent respectable people, who live well and labor not at all; the professional and skillful respectable people, who do a little light work, for enormous wages; the poor hard-working ... labor; for your capital is your amassed labor. That would be, to do as common working men do; for they take the pittance which their employees leave them, to live on. They live by labor; for ... the one or other class. The men without property, in free society, are theoretically in a worse condition than slaves. Practically, their condition corresponds with this theory, as history and...

Ngày tải lên: 17/03/2014, 13:20

177 140 0
The Naked Presenter: Delivering Powerful Presentations With or Without Slides (Voices That Matter)

The Naked Presenter: Delivering Powerful Presentations With or Without Slides (Voices That Matter)

... more like a conversation between friends or coworkers than a formal, one-way, didactic lecture. tThe potential of your speech or your presentation to change things—maybe even change the world—goes ... thank for their help: my great editor, Karyn Johnson, for her fantastic suggestions and unbeliev- able patience; Mimi Heft for her help with the design; Hilal Sala, production editor, for her ... endeavors that are part of your work. At the 2008 Creativity World Forum in Flanders, Belgium, the legendary British comedian, actor, and writer John Cleese spoke on the role of creativity in work....

Ngày tải lên: 17/03/2014, 17:29

216 530 1
Báo cáo hóa học: " Adenoviruses with an avb integrin targeting moiety in the fiber shaft or the HI-loop increase tumor specificity without compromising antitumor efficacy in magnetic resonance imaging of colorectal cancer metastases" pdf

Báo cáo hóa học: " Adenoviruses with an avb integrin targeting moiety in the fiber shaft or the HI-loop increase tumor specificity without compromising antitumor efficacy in magnetic resonance imaging of colorectal cancer metastases" pdf

... since individual tumors inside bod y cavity can be followed. MRI allows also the use of non-subcutaneous tumor models for tumor growth fol- low-up. Tumors grown in the correct organ likely resemble ... Finland. Authors’ contributions The work presented here was carried out in collaboration between all authors. SLA, GB, SP and AH defined the research theme and designed methods and experiments. Laboratory ... since tumor cell transduction was increased more than transduction to normal tissue, increasing trend in t umor-to-organ ratio was seen in comparison with unmodified virus. Figure 4 Ant itumor efficacy...

Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 16:20

11 715 0
Marketing Without Advertising

Marketing Without Advertising

... publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise without prior written permission. Reproduction ... apply to the forms contained in this product when reproduced for personal use. For information on bulk purchases or corporate premium sales, please contact the Special Sales Department. For academic sales ... legal changes and technical corrections. New edi- tions contain major legal changes, major text additions or major reorganizations. To find out if a later printing or edition of any Nolo book...

Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2012, 15:43

296 1.3K 1
Khái niệm logic

Khái niệm logic

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2012, 22:35

7 1.4K 6
Ham logic.doc

Ham logic.doc

... dụng: Kiểm tra vector hay ma trận có giá trị khác 0 hay không. Trang 2 Vietebooks Nguyễn Hồng Cương b) Cú pháp: y = any(x) c) Giải thích: y: biến chứa kết quả. x: tên vector, hay ma trận. y ... dụng: Tìm phần tử trong vector hay ma trận theo yêu cầu. b) Cú pháp: k = find(x) [i,j] = find(x) [i,j,s] = find(x) c) Giải thích: k: chỉ vị trí của phần tử cần tìm trong vector. i,j: chỉ số hàng và ... số hàng và số cột tương ứng của phần tử cần tìm. s: chứa giá trị của phần tử cần tìm. x: tên vector, ma trận hay là yêu cầu đề ra. Nếu không nêu ra yêu cầu thì mặc nhiên là tìm các phần tử khác...

Ngày tải lên: 22/08/2012, 14:18

6 696 0
When the Discussion Gets Stalled or Heated

When the Discussion Gets Stalled or Heated

... Procedure  Pause when formulating  judgment   Understand what was meant by  actions or words  Reflect on information and ask  for additional information  Reinterpret by applying an  alternate explanation  Redirect conversation toward  goals ... Impasse  Take a break to develop strategies  Define cost consequences if agreement is not reached  Reconsider outcomes to be accomplished  Lower your dependence on them and increase their  dependence on you  Break problem into smaller parts  If impasse is on substance, focus on process – how to proceed  from here  If impasse is on process, try the shared text approach  Keep power in your pocket (e.g. attorney, credible reference)  Keep the door open Ulterior Motive Deception  Lying  Creating impression others will think poorly of them in order to  gain compliance  Threatening someone with power you don’t possess  Switching sides on an issue to create confusion  Suggesting you will provide something of value you don’t  intend to deliver  Offering false flattery  Intimidating other side with false claims  Making intentional misrepresentations  Pretending to be angry, insulted or annoyed to induce  cooperation When ... Differences • Dismissive – interrupting, talking over, ignoring  {men engage more frequently than women} • Exclusionary – leaving someone out of the  meeting, discussion or social gathering • Undermining – going behind the back of others or using insults to discredit arguments • Retaliatory – used when other party feels  threatened • Patronizing – use a condescending tone {happens  more to women} ...

Ngày tải lên: 22/08/2012, 22:07

15 622 0

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