
Windows Powershell in Action, 2nd Edition potx

Windows Powershell in Action, 2nd Edition potx

... streaming is accomplished by splitting cmdlets into three clauses: BeginProcessing , ProcessRecord , and EndProcessing . In a pipeline, the BeginProcessing clause is run for all cmdlets in ... > In this example, you see a string that extended across multiple lines. When that string was displayed, the newlines were preserved in the string. The handling of end-of-line characters in PowerShell ... parsing 54 ✦ Statement termination 56 ✦ Comment syntax in PowerShell 58 2.5 How the pipeline works 60 Pipelines and streaming behavior 61 ✦ Parameters and parameter binding 62 2.6 Formatting...

Ngày tải lên: 29/03/2014, 14:20

1K 2.6K 0
windows forms in action 2nd edition

windows forms in action 2nd edition

... 3 CHAPTER 1 Getting started with Windows Forms 1.1 Programming in C# 4 1.2 Windows Forms controls 14 1.3 Loading files 19 1.4 Resizing forms 26 1.5 Recap 32 With the introduction behind us, we ... void Main(); public static int Main(); public static void Main(string[] args); public static int Main(string[] args); The expression string[] specifies an array of string objects. Arrays in C# ... programs presented in Windows Forms in Action is available to purchasers of the book from the Manning web site. Visit the site at for instructions on downloading this source...

Ngày tải lên: 28/04/2014, 15:35

841 8.4K 10
Windows PowerShell Pocket Reference, 2nd Edition docx

Windows PowerShell Pocket Reference, 2nd Edition docx

... pillars in this introductory tour of PowerShell. If you are running Windows 7 (or later) or Win- dows 2008 R2 (or later), PowerShell is already installed. If not, visit the download link to install ... be interested in the source of the material in this pocket reference: my book Windows PowerShell Cook- book, 3rd Edition (O’Reilly). xxvi | A Guided Tour of Windows PowerShell Mode ... 342391. $myHexString = [Convert]::ToString(65098, 16) $myHexString gets the string value of fe4a. $myBinaryString = [Convert]::ToString(12345, 2) $myBinaryString gets the string value of 11000000111001. NOTE See...

Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 06:21

200 1.8K 0
Android in Action SECOND EDITION ppt

Android in Action SECOND EDITION ppt

... Serving up RestaurantFinder with Intent 102 Defining Intents 102 ■ Implicit and explicit invocation 103 Adding external links to RestaurantFinder 104 ■ Finding your way with Intent 106 ■ Taking ... revised edition was changed to Android in Action, Second Edition during development, we kept the original book title in our graphics and sample applications. Author Online Purchase of Android in Action, ... things up 432 ■ Examining the code 433 ■ The user interface 433 ■ Opening the database 435 ■ Unpacking the transaction function 436 ■ Inserting and deleting rows 438 Testing the application...

Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 20:20

594 1.5K 0
o'reilly - mastering regular expressions in java 2nd edition

o'reilly - mastering regular expressions in java 2nd edition

... the processing: PatternMatcherInput inputObj = new PatternMatcherInput(inputCSVtext); while ( matcher.contains(inputObj, rCSVmain)) { String field;//We’ll fill this in with $1 or $2 String first ... results. Applying the regex Her e ar e the main Matcher methods for actually applying its regex to its string: find() Applies the object’s regex to the object’s string, retur ning a Boolean indicating whether ... string-ending line terminators. With the Pattern.MULTILINE mode, ! $ " can match after certain embedded line terminators as well. With Java 1.4.0, Pattern.UNIXRLINES does not in uence !$...

Ngày tải lên: 25/03/2014, 10:50

36 570 0
A Manual for Integrating Gender Into Reproductive Health and HIV Programs: From Commitment to ACtion (2nd edition) ppt

A Manual for Integrating Gender Into Reproductive Health and HIV Programs: From Commitment to ACtion (2nd edition) ppt

... Actively involving women in identifying, prioritizing, and re- solving their own RH problems and in determining and negoti- ating the conditions in which RH services are delivered; n Ensuring that ... Building Capacities on Gender Mainstreaming: A Training Module. Collective for Research and Training on Develop- ment -Action, March 2005. Medical Women’s International Association. Training Manual ... gender-based constraints? Record the constraints, noting that information pertaining to one domain can sometimes contribute to an identified constraint in another domain. For instance, restrictions...

Ngày tải lên: 28/03/2014, 14:20

88 544 0
Windows XP For Dummies, 2nd Edition pot

Windows XP For Dummies, 2nd Edition pot

... click the Cancel Printing button in this dialog box at any time during the printing process if you run into some kind of printing prob- lem that necessitates abandoning the photo printing. If you don’t ... the Taking a Tour or Tutorial link in the Explore Windows navigation pane. Finally, click the T ake the Windows XP Tour or Take the Windows Media Player Tour link that then appears in the main part ... 99 Customizing the Notification area 100 Customizing the Start menu 101 Switching between programs 102 Arranging windows on the desktop 103 Using Task Manager 104 Creating custom toolbars 105 Using Windows...

Ngày tải lên: 29/03/2014, 05:20

243 1.1K 0
Spring in Action, 3rd Edition ppt

Spring in Action, 3rd Edition ppt

... com.springinaction.springidol; import java.util.Map; import com.springinaction.springidol.Instrument; import com.springinaction.springidol.PerformanceException; import com.springinaction.springidol.Performer; public class OneManBand ... com.springinaction.springidol; public class Instrumentalist implements Performer { public Instrumentalist() { } Listing 2.5 Defining a performer who is talented with musical instruments (continued) The ... <> CONTENTS xi 8.4 Securing web flows 222 8.5 Summary 223 9 Securing Spring 224 9.1 Introducing Spring Security 225 Getting started with Spring Security 226 ■ Using the Spring Security...

Ngày tải lên: 29/03/2014, 14:20

426 1.2K 0
manning jquery in action 2nd ed

manning jquery in action 2nd ed

... is in print. MANNING Bear Bibeault Yehuda Katz IN ACTION SECOND EDITION Covers jQuery 1.4 and jQuery UI 1.8 12 CHAPTER 1 Introducing jQuery Traditionally, the onload handler for the window ... 327 ■ Fetching the sort order 329 10.4 Changing the size of things 330 Making things resizable 331 ■ Resizability events 334 Styling the handles 335 10.5 Making things selectable 336 Creating selectables ... by pointing your browser at or from the publisher’s web- site at Another margin icon you will find sprinkled...

Ngày tải lên: 29/04/2014, 15:26

486 1.8K 0
Androidin Action 2nd edition

Androidin Action 2nd edition

... synchronizing lifecycle 414 ■ Synchronizing LinkedIn data 414 15.7 Wrapping up: LinkedIn in action 417 Finalizing the LinkedIn project 417 ■ Troubleshooting tips 418 Moving on 419 15.8 Summary 419 Download ... originally writ- ten by Charlie Collins remains in this second edition. Early on in the project Chris and I were discussing the need to bring social networking into the book. Chris exam- ined ... demonstrates integrating with an external data source. In particular, this application brings Android into the social networking scene by integrating with the popular LinkedIn professional net- working...

Ngày tải lên: 27/05/2014, 21:20

594 1.3K 0
john wiley sons john a tracy the fast forward mba in finance 2nd edition pdf

john wiley sons john a tracy the fast forward mba in finance 2nd edition pdf

... vii CONTENTS PREFACE xiii PART 1 FINANCIAL REPORTING OUTSIDE AND INSIDE A BUSINESS CHAPTER 1—GETTING DOWN TO BUSINESS 3 Accounting Inside and Out 4 Internal Functions of Accounting 6 External Functions of Accounting 6 A ... & Sons, Inc. The Fast Forward MBA in Finance JOHN A. TRACY The Fast Forward MBA in Finance SECOND EDITION 1 CHAPTER Getting Down to Business E 1 Every business has three primary financial ... technology, clarifying the business model, thinking out clear strategies, hiring and motivating people, making tough choices, solving problems, and arbitrat- ing conflicts of interests between...

Ngày tải lên: 28/06/2014, 12:20

337 462 1
Getting started in bonds 2nd edition phần 1 potx

Getting started in bonds 2nd edition phần 1 potx

... Gelb Getting Started in Online Investing by David L. Brown and Kassandra Bentley Getting Started in Online Brokers by Kristine DeForge Getting Started in Internet Auctions by Alan Elliott Getting ... Started in Stocks by Alvin D. Hall Getting Started in Mutual Funds by Alvin D. Hall Getting Started in Estate Planning by Kerry Hannon Getting Started in Online Personal Finance by Brad Hill Getting ... Hill Getting Started in 401(k) Investing by Paul Katzeff Getting Started in Security Analysis by Peter J. Klein Getting Started in Global Investing by Robert P. Kreitler Getting Started in Futures by...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 16:21

30 264 0
Getting started in bonds 2nd edition phần 2 ppt

Getting started in bonds 2nd edition phần 2 ppt

... buy savings bonds at regular recurring intervals by debiting your personal checking or savings account. You can also manage your savings bond inventory on your computer using the web site’s Savings ... falling as interest rates rise. This is because interest rates tend to rise when there is in a- tion in an attempt to keep in ation from getting out of control. Most bonds’ principal and interest ... bonds would be sitting pretty as other bond investors see the purchasing power of their fixed interest and fixed princi- pal decline—a decline probably magnified by higher in- terest rates decreasing the value...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 16:21

31 312 0
Getting started in bonds 2nd edition phần 3 ppt

Getting started in bonds 2nd edition phần 3 ppt

... viable business again. The reason for the distinction between investment- grade and high-yield bonds is because at one time banks were allowed to invest only in bonds ranked in the top four rating ... be used for other things. INSURED BONDS Some investors like the added peace of mind that comes with buying insured municipal bonds. They are willing to forgo some yield to have an insurance company ... accepted insurance companies enjoy an AAA rating. These private companies insure most of the bonds in the insured municipal market. These industry leaders include: MBIA Municipal Bond Insurance...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 16:21

31 341 0
Getting started in bonds 2nd edition phần 4 pps

Getting started in bonds 2nd edition phần 4 pps

... traps for the unsuspecting individual investor. RISKS OF INTERNATIONAL INVESTING As mentioned at the beginning of our discussion about international investing, when you invest in foreign bonds (or ... the intricacies of interrelated cur- rency movements. Even if international investing doesn’t interest you, you should be aware that you may be investing interna- tionally without realizing it ... people considering investing in securities such as stocks, bonds, mutual funds or unit investment trusts. It details what the investment objectives are, what it invests in, and how it has performed in the...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 16:21

31 275 0
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