windows mobile 6 development in visual studio 2010

 programming in c# with visual studio 2010 vol i (microsoft)

programming in c# with visual studio 2010 vol i (microsoft)

... are found in most Visual Studio solutions. 1-20 Programming in C# with Microsoftđ .Visual Studio 2010 Templates in Visual Studio 2010 Key Points Visual Studio 2010 supports the development ... 1-18 Programming in C# with Microsoftđ .Visual Studio 2010 Key Features of Visual Studio 2010 Key Points Visual Studio 2010 presents a single development ... L15-1 1- 16 Programming in C# with Microsoftđ .Visual Studio 2010 Lesson 2 Creating Projects Within Visual Studio 2010 This lesson introduces you to Visual Studio 2010 and describes...

Ngày tải lên: 24/01/2014, 19:37

628 3,5K 0
 programming in c# with visual studio 2010 vol II (microsoft)

programming in c# with visual studio 2010 vol II (microsoft)

... A: Creating and Using Properties 10- 26 Lesson 2: Creating and Using Indexers 10-38 Lab B: Creating and Using Indexers 10-50 10-2 Programming in C# with Microsoftđ Visual Studio 2010 Module ... Reading and Writing Files 5-45 Module 6: Creating New Types Lesson 1: Creating and Using Enumerations 6- 3 Lesson 2: Creating and Using Classes 6- 12 Lesson 3: Creating and Using Structures 6- 33 ... Using Visual Studio 2010 1 -66 Lab: Introducing C# and the .NET Framework 1-78 Module 2: Using C# Programming Constructs Lesson 1: Declaring Variables and Assigning Values 2-4 Lesson 2: Using...

Ngày tải lên: 24/01/2014, 19:43

884 7,7K 0
Using a DataReader Object in Visual Studio .NET

Using a DataReader Object in Visual Studio .NET

... The running form Using a DataReader Object in Visual Studio .NET You can't visually create a DataReader object in Visual Studio .NET (VS .NET); you can only create them using program ... ConnectionString property is set to: data source=localhost;initial catalog=Northwind;persist security info=False;user id=sa;pwd=sa;workstation id=JMPRICE-DT1;packet size=40 96 Notice the substring pwd=sa ... substring pwd=sa in this string to set the password. Finally, run your form by pressing Ctl+F5 on your keyboard, or select Debug â Start Without Debugging. Figure 9.4 shows the running form. ...

Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2013, 10:15

4 535 0
Tài liệu .Visual Studio 2010 SP1 tăng cường hỗ trợ các nhà phát triển docx

Tài liệu .Visual Studio 2010 SP1 tăng cường hỗ trợ các nhà phát triển docx

... phát triển tích hợp (IDE) Visual Studio 2010 (VS2010) Service Pack 1 (SP1), cung cấp các khả năng như trợ giúp tốt hơn, IntelliTrace cho hệ thống 64 -bit và SharePoint. Trình trợ giúp tại ... Visual Studio 2010 SP1 tăng cường hỗ trợ các nhà phát triển Microsoft ra mắt trình trợ giúp tại chỗ (local help viewer) cho Visual Studio 2010, tích hợp Project Server ... những trường hợp này. Ngoài ra, VS2010 SP1 có các công cụ Silverlight 4; đơn vị hỗ trợ thử nghiệm cho Net 3.5, phó chủ tịch Microsoft phụ trách nhóm Visual Studio là Jason Zander cho biết trong...

Ngày tải lên: 23/02/2014, 01:20

7 527 1
Tài liệu LINQ to SharePoint DSL Extension for Visual Studio 2010 ppt

Tài liệu LINQ to SharePoint DSL Extension for Visual Studio 2010 ppt

... screen to uninstall programs. 2. Localize the “LINQ to SharePoint Extension for Visual Studio 2010 and click Uninstall: Picture: Uninstallation (1) 3. Click Yes: Picture: Uninstallation ... To add a tool in your schema, just drag and drop tool from the toolbox to the design area. 3.2.4 LINQ to SharePoint explorer The new Visual Studio LINQ 2 SharePoint Explorer window enables ... Picture: Select data to remove in an existing schema 10. Click on Finish button to applying modifications to your schema. [LINQ TO SHAREPOINT DSL EXTENSION FOR VS2010 – USER GUIDE] 1-4 |...

Ngày tải lên: 26/02/2014, 02:20

90 457 3
Moving to Microsoft® Visual Studio® 2010 doc

Moving to Microsoft® Visual Studio® 2010 doc

... codename Velocity) Model MEF Addin public PagingResult<Itinerary> SearchByZipCode(int activityTypeId, string zip, int pageSize, int pageNumber) { using (var ctx = new PlanMyNightEntities()) ... ctx.Itineraries.Include("Activities") where itinerary.Activities.Any(t => t.ActivityId == activityId) && itinerary.IsPublic orderby itinerary.Rating select itinerary; ... itinerary.IsPublic orderby itinerary.Rating select itinerary; return PageResults(query, pageNumber, pageSize); } } public PagingResult<Itinerary> SearchByRadius(int activityTypeId, double...

Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 22:20

103 549 0
sams teach yourself html5 mobile application development in 24 hours (2012)

sams teach yourself html5 mobile application development in 24 hours (2012)

... language) 2. Mobile computing—Programming. 3. Application software Development. I. Title. QA 76. 76. H94K97 2012 0 06. 7’4—dc23 20110 363 80 Printed in the United States of America First Printing: November ... Microdata 261 Using Microformats 261 Using Microdata 267 Using RDFa 269 Deciding Which Format to Use 270 Mobile and Microformats 271 Summary 272 Q&A 273 Workshop 274 HOUR 16: Working with HTML5 ... for damages resulting from the use of the information contained herein. ISBN-13: 978-0 -67 2-33440-5 ISBN-10: 0 -67 2-33440-2 Library of Congress Cataloging -in- Publication Data: Kyrnin, Jennifer. Sams...

Ngày tải lên: 21/03/2014, 12:01

492 777 0
Windows Mobile Game Development: Building Games for the Windows Phone and Other Mobile Devices pdf

Windows Mobile Game Development: Building Games for the Windows Phone and Other Mobile Devices pdf

... 5 Preparing for Windows Mobile Development Challenges 6 Numerous Windows Mobile Versions and Editions 6 Hardware Considerations 8 Using Visual Studio for Windows Mobile Development 10 Installing ... consideration. Using Visual Studio for Windows Mobile Development Let’s take a look now at the steps required to begin development of Windows Mobile games and applications. Installing Visual Studio ... Displaying Text 60  Clearing the Background 63  Painting in Action 63  Bitmaps 64  Creating Bitmaps Using Graphics Primitives 64  Creating Bitmaps from Predrawn Graphics 65  Painting Bitmaps...

Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 15:21

468 1,5K 0
Sams Teach Yourself HTML5 Mobile Application Development in 24 Hours pot

Sams Teach Yourself HTML5 Mobile Application Development in 24 Hours pot

... language) 2. Mobile computing—Programming. 3. Application software Development. I. Title. QA 76. 76. H94K97 2012 0 06. 7’4—dc23 20110 363 80 Printed in the United States of America First Printing: November ... HTML5 50 Detecting HTML5 Functions 52 Degrading Gracefully 58 Using CSS3 Media Queries to Detect Mobile Browsers 60 Testing Your Applications 63 Summary 64 Q&A 64 Workshop 65 HOUR 5: JavaScript ... writing HTML. On Windows type in Notepad in the Search programs and files box in your Start menu. On Macintosh, type in TextEdit in the Spotlight. Use either the vi or Emacs command on a Linux computer. ...

Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 21:20

492 1,2K 1
c# 4, 4, and wpf, with visual studio 2010 jump start

c# 4, 4, and wpf, with visual studio 2010 jump start

... MVC application using Visual Studio 2008. Though, if you are using Visual Studio 10, then you are going to want to follow these steps: 1. Open Visual Studio 2010 by selecting File New Project. ... usernameFromXml End Sub End Class using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Runtime.Caching; using System.Xml.Linq; namespace RuntimeCaching { public partial class ... using Visual Studio 2010, the first order of business is to install the MVC Framework on your 2008 development box. Start at by downloading the latest release. If you like living...

Ngày tải lên: 31/03/2014, 16:41

130 441 0
tiểu luận các nguyên lý sáng tạo áp dụng trong microsoft visual studio 2010

tiểu luận các nguyên lý sáng tạo áp dụng trong microsoft visual studio 2010

... đám mây hƣớng dịch vụ Windows Azure Platform (Paas), ứng dụng tập trung cho doanh nghiệp Sharepoint 2010 Các nền tảng ứng dụng này kết hợp với công cụ Visual Studio 2010 và Team Foundation ... năng. 15 5 .6 Áp dụng nguyên tắc thực hiện sơ bộ 15 5.7 Áp dụng nguyên tắc thay đổi màu sắc. 16 6 CHƢƠNG IV - KẾT LUẬN 18 6. 1 Tóm tắt các kết quả đạt đƣợc 18 6. 2 Hƣớng phát triển 18 6. 3 Tài ... hiện đƣợc Phạm Minh Quốc – 12 12 031 Cao học Khóa 22 GVHD: GS.TSKH. Hoàng Kiếm Trang 12 6 CHƢƠNG III – Các nguyên lý sáng tạo áp dụng trong Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 6. 1 Áp dụng nguyên...

Ngày tải lên: 05/04/2014, 10:29

18 493 0
Android application development in 24 hours (2010, darcey l )

Android application development in 24 hours (2010, darcey l )

... . 3 56 Managing and Sharing Data . 358 Accessing Underlying Device Hardware . 362 Summary 364 Q&A 364 Workshop . 365 HOUR 22: Testing Android Applications 367 Testing Best Practices 367 Maximizing ... ptg HOUR 10: Building Forms to Collect User Input 161 Designing the Settings Screen . 161 Implementing the Settings Screen Layout 165 Using Common Form Controls 167 Saving Form Data with SharedPreferences ... 257 Accessing Network Services 260 Indicating Network Activity with Progress Bars . 262 Running Tasks Asynchronously 265 Downloading and Displaying Scores . 267 Downloading and Parsing Question...

Ngày tải lên: 24/04/2014, 11:02

475 733 1
115 useful keyboard shortcuts for visual studio 2010

115 useful keyboard shortcuts for visual studio 2010

... 20 06- 2014. Terms of Use Visual Studio 2010 win Comments (11) Edit Add login/ register 7 56 Table of Contents: 1. Manage Visual Studio 2. Bookmarks 3. Code Editor 4. Coding 5. Build and Debug 6. ... Debugging Ctrl + F5 Bypass debugger Ctrl + Alt + P Show attach to p rocess window Ctrl + Alt +break Break all executing threads ▲ up 6. Tool Windows Ctrl + / Put cursor in the find/command box in toolbar Ctrl ... F Find in files Alt + F3 , s Stop current find in files operation Ctrl + F3 / Ctrl + Shift + F3 Find next / find previous in selected text Alt + F12 Find symbol Ctrl + D Put cursor in fin d /command...

Ngày tải lên: 28/04/2014, 15:32

6 407 0