why maternity care is not medical care



... e-book ISBN ISBN 0-203-90244-0 (Glassbook Format) 00-055327 Contents Foreword vii Robbie Davis-Floyd INTRODUCTION: WHY MATERNITY CARE IS Not MEDICAL CARE xi Part I:The Politics of Maternity Care ... “truth in advertising” we wish to point out what we have not done in this book This book is not an attempt to support one design for maternity care over another Although we discuss empirical ... area of medical practice—the organization and provision of maternity care is a highly charged mix of medical science, cultural ideas, and structural forces Maternity care can be distinguished from...

Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 13:20

320 410 0
Faces and Places Group Portraits and Topographical Photographs in the Photo Albums of the Sugar Industry in Colonial Java in the Early Twentieth Century

Faces and Places Group Portraits and Topographical Photographs in the Photo Albums of the Sugar Industry in Colonial Java in the Early Twentieth Century

... Java sugar industry is the main concern in this thesis As I discuss in the following chapters, their photographic representation has distinct characteristics Such characteristics might take many ... sugar industry were not only reflected in academic works before WW II but also in different kind of publications.20 In the tourist book published in English by the Official Tourist Bureau of the ... which the British India administrator J.S Furnivall praised Van den Bosch, noting that he had brought “sudden and profound, almost miraculous” 17 economic progress to the Indies Another (Amsterdam:...

Ngày tải lên: 14/05/2015, 10:07

138 260 0


... sort of analytic framework – a carefully drawn map if you will.15 Critics say that this sort of management is impossible but, managed or not, biotechnology is not going to go away With the prediction ... Despite this kind of adversity, however, the world’s farmers did triple yields between 1965 and the 1990s, and this without yield variability rising significantly Much of the thanks for this was ... 1970s But such prices meant disaster for poor developing world farmers who lost their farms to rich ones Another problem – recognized by 1970 – was the displacement and disappearance of a wide variety...

Ngày tải lên: 01/11/2013, 11:20

12 478 0


... simply not exist It is frustrating when one learns that the registers for a particular parish have been lost (or even, in one instance, stolen) Even if the register does survive, it may not be ... of the canon law itself? Was not the English law of marriage based on the canon law, and did not medieval canonists Basically, in overseas jurisdictions where it is not possible to comply with ... my husband Liam, not only for his patience and forbearance, but also for his diligence as a research assistant, his willingness to engage with the arguments in the book, and his meticulous proof-reading...

Ngày tải lên: 18/02/2014, 13:20

371 459 0
Behind the Postmodern Facade: Architectural Change in Late Twentieth-Century America pptx

Behind the Postmodern Facade: Architectural Change in Late Twentieth-Century America pptx

... Although the syllogism is necessary to found the discipline's discourse, it is compromised by a contradiction characteristic of this profession The discourse of architecture is constructed autonomously, ... profession that is inherently not isolated, not pure or narcissistic, one that has to be integrated into the surrounding society and culture to exist It is only in the polemics of current discourse ... this path is modernism, which is vulnerable to the same kind of appropriation Mass culture is prior and determining; modernism is its effect."14 If, as Hermann Broch suggests, kitsch is...

Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 13:20

360 815 0
Some aspects of American culture and society in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries through a number of selected short literary works

Some aspects of American culture and society in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries through a number of selected short literary works

... includes all his material property, his family, his relationship with other people, his belief and values, his personality as well as his talent And “all he does” is concerned with either his material ... 36 his responsibility for his own mistakes The split cherry tree was his fault so it was not his father to pay for that It was his father who sacrificed to send him to high school so it was not ... beginning of this decade held one of the tensest periods in American history in particular and in the world history in general, which was known as the Cuban missile crisis The crisis commenced...

Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2012, 15:01

49 785 1
Tài liệu Noblewoman aristocracy and power in the twelfth century anglo norman realm pptx

Tài liệu Noblewoman aristocracy and power in the twelfth century anglo norman realm pptx

... Preface This book began life as a Ph.D thesis, supervised by Professor David Bates during his time at Cardiff I had been won over to medieval history, in spite of the excitements of more modern history ... participants therein is not clarified directly, because the authors are interested in discussing succession systems and rules of inheritance, or feudalism and lordship, not in discussing women’s ... English Feudalism, 1066 –1166 (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1932; 2nd edn, Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1961) Ibid., p 55 10 See his analysis of the joint action of Hugh de Gournay and Milisent his wife:...

Ngày tải lên: 14/02/2014, 20:20

289 549 0
Spanishness in the Spanish Novel and Cinema of the 20th – 21st Century docx

Spanishness in the Spanish Novel and Cinema of the 20th – 21st Century docx

... commonly applied to any SPANISHNESS IN THE SPANISH NOVEL AND CINEMA OF THE 20TH-21ST CENTURY individual who is a native speaker of Spanish or is of Spanish descent— including Hispanic-Americans As ... catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library Copyright © 2007 by Cristina Sánchez-Conejero and contributors All rights for this book reserved No part of this book may be reproduced, ... otherwise, without the prior permission of the copyright owner ISBN 1-84718-346-8; ISBN 13: 9781847183460 TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction From Iberianness to Spanishness: Being Spanish...

Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 15:20

30 623 0
Báo cáo " Reconstructing sedimentary environments of MR1 core and investigating facies’ geotechnical properties through the piezocone penetration test in the Late Pleistocene-Holocene periods in the Mekong River Delta " docx

Báo cáo " Reconstructing sedimentary environments of MR1 core and investigating facies’ geotechnical properties through the piezocone penetration test in the Late Pleistocene-Holocene periods in the Mekong River Delta " docx

... (-41.5 to -27.8 m) This unit consists of two parts The lower part is characterized by inter-bedded, brownishgray silty clay and clayey to sandy silt Faint bedding exists in the brownish-gray silt (Fig ... order 1) Unit (-46.05 to -41.5 m below present sea level) This unit consists of darkish and greenishgray silty clay to clayey silt and discontinuous T.M Hoang et al / VNU Journal of Science, Earth ... the unit 4) Unit (-25 to -22.0 m) This unit consists of darkish-gray clayey silt in the lower part and greenish-gray clayey silt and silty clay mud with discontinuous, very thin sandy bedding...

Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 12:20

13 865 0
From certainty to uncertainty the story of science and ideas in the 20th century

From certainty to uncertainty the story of science and ideas in the 20th century

... is in this way, Heisenberg argued, that uncertainty arises It is the result of the disturbances we make when we attempt to interrogate the quantum world Because the quantum is indivisible this ... itself a candy, neither is it an apple In other words, since the class of all candies is not a candy, it is not a member of itself There is nothing too shocking about this; it’s simple common ... classes are not members of themselves The class of apples is not an apple; the class of shoes is not a shoe So why not invent a whole new class called “the class of all classes that are not members...

Ngày tải lên: 09/04/2014, 16:38

247 412 0
empires of belief - why we need more scepticism and doubt in the 21th century

empires of belief - why we need more scepticism and doubt in the 21th century

... shall go on to discuss in Introduction Chapter 5, this is not scepticism as we understand it, since it is generally underpinned by quite a reactionary brand of politics that is, if anything, ... Jewish conspiracy to make the West feel guilty for its history of persecution of Judaism and thereby gain political leverage Their objective is not to raise questions about the nature of historical ... conclusions in this instance, with Hume making it quite clear in various works how low his opinion is of organised religion and the religious impulse Hume is particularly critical of monotheism, arguing...

Ngày tải lên: 05/06/2014, 11:25

217 239 0
state university of new york press the philosophers voice philosophy politics and language in the nineteenth century oct 2002

state university of new york press the philosophers voice philosophy politics and language in the nineteenth century oct 2002

... does not make it clear at this point who his audience is Indeed, from the above statement it seems that his audience is himself—his goal is to inform himself and to satisfy himself, in his meditations, ... criticism Strauss sees Locke as a follower of Machiavelli and locates Locke’s immoralism in his defense of property According to Strauss, “economism is Machiavellianism come of age.”41 What is at issue ... and thus take up his historic task Given the fact that Italian politics consisted of petty monarchs at war with one another, it is not surprising that Machiavelli addressed his hopes to a monarch...

Ngày tải lên: 11/06/2014, 12:45

325 521 0
shadows of war violence power and international profiteering in the twenty-first century

shadows of war violence power and international profiteering in the twenty-first century

... life this economy of power entails This is the magician’s trick: the production of invisible visibility SHADOWS AND INVISIBILITIES The Mozambican soldier continued his conversation: Invisibility: ... assist him He began to wipe tears from his face: “My child is sick, so sick, I have to find a pharmacy that is open, that still has medicines to fill this prescription for my child Nothing is open, ... what is not his So he’s distraught over this love affair, and he loses his perspective Mopes, drinks too much, tries to have sex when he shouldn’t Generally makes a mess of it all A chief isn’t...

Ngày tải lên: 06/07/2014, 15:28

308 930 1
The problems of confucianism in the late warring states period and xunzis reconstruction of confucianism

The problems of confucianism in the late warring states period and xunzis reconstruction of confucianism

... focused on law and punishment in his teachings, as seen in his book Cheng Xiang Thus, Xunzi was not a Confucian This dissertation tries to show how biased and inaccurate this view is Wang Zhong 汪中, ... renewal of Confucianism “Confucianist appearance, Daoist contents” became characteristic of the new Confucianism 11 Yu’s conclusion is not so radical as that of Zhao and probably is more accurate ... Translation mine 10 history of Chinese thought In this dissertation, I will argue in more detail why it is so Who is a True Confucian? To see if Xunzi is a Confucian or not, we should make clear...

Ngày tải lên: 12/09/2015, 08:16

147 319 0
The Duality of Memory and Communication in the Implementation of a Multiprocessor Operating System

The Duality of Memory and Communication in the Implementation of a Multiprocessor Operating System

... address to another vm_regions(task, address, size, elements, elements_count) Return a description of this task’s address space vm_statistics(task, vm_stats) Return statistics about this task’s ... The thread is the basic unit of computation It is a lightweight process operating within a task; its only physical attribute is its processing state (e.g., program counter and registers) All ... thread can suspend another thread by sending a suspend message to the port representing that other thread even if the request is initiated on another node in a network It is thus possible to...

Ngày tải lên: 12/09/2012, 15:05

23 1,3K 1
Organizing pairwork and groupwork in the context of high school classrooms at pham van nghi upper secondary school, nam dinh province: A case study

Organizing pairwork and groupwork in the context of high school classrooms at pham van nghi upper secondary school, nam dinh province: A case study

... only English may be established To make mistakes : Another problem is incorrectness While students work in pairs and groups, the teacher usually not disturb them, even if he/she notices ... here is that the teachers here often tried to correct all the mistakes appeared ; both linguistic and grammatical ones It is not necessary for CLT The communicative approach shows that not all mistakes ... of these classroom arrangements and one can not unanimously state which one is better, since each teacher has his/her own likes and dislikes It is his/her individual choice which one should be...

Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2012, 14:54

62 1,4K 6
Tiểu luận tiếng anh : Robinson Crusoe – A Representative of the English Bourgeoisie in the early 18th century

Tiểu luận tiếng anh : Robinson Crusoe – A Representative of the English Bourgeoisie in the early 18th century

... and that is just how it is: It is not “ His name is Friday” or “ the closest that I can come to pronouncing his tribal name is Friday” Crusoe gave the name to the man, and the man did not object ... say: “this is a goat” and then signal to Friday to say what it was called in his language Crusoe pointed to a goat and said ‘This is a goat”-end of discussion He even clothed Friday in his way ... the is land and even a religious missionary When the island became inhabied, Crusoe was truly successful in his discovery of setting his order He was like an almighty lord who could give his commands...

Ngày tải lên: 26/11/2012, 12:02

15 2,4K 13