... enter info find After you enter the command, press SPACE to read more or “q” to quit January 2002 13:14 138 Chapter 8: Where to Go from Here Documentation via the Internet The Internet changes ... complicated command sequence more than once January 2002 13:14 140 Chapter 8: Where to Go from Here You might also want to learn Perl Like the shell, Perl interprets script files full of commands ... went to press, one especially Unix-friendly search engine was Google, at http://www.google.com Here are some other places to try: • Magazines, both in print and online-only, have Unix tutorials...
Ngày tải lên: 24/01/2014, 14:20
... may not be known but the question remains whether AKI could have been prevented prior to transfer to ICU Chertow and colleagues [15] previously showed that even small changes in serum creatinine ... necessary to shift our attention more to the actual way we look after patients at risk of AKI, that is, how we recognise high-risk patients and prevent AKI This call for 'attention to basics' ... care unit according to RIFLE Crit Care Med 2007, 35:1837-1843 Mehta RL, Pascual MT, Soroko S, Savage BR, Himmelfarb J, Ikizler TA, Paganini EP, Chertow GM, for the Program to Improve Care in Acute...
Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 11:23
Where Do I Go From Here? Civilian Transition ppt
... Health & Personal Total InCharge Payment Student Loans Other G: Secured & Unsecured Debts Totals M onthly Cash Flow H: Total Income (Total From Line A) I: Total Expenses (Add Totals From Lines B,C,D,E,F ... retirement to ensure they can get the coverage they need to protect their family at a more affordable price An added benefit of a non-employer provided policy is it goes wherever you go meaning if there’s ... the power to make your benefits go farther Consider a “Veteran-Friendly” School Want to know the secret to making a quick transition from “boots to books?” Target a school tuned into supporting...
Ngày tải lên: 18/03/2014, 03:20
Lessons Learned from the Field: Where do we go from here? docx
... field workers tried to take the women found to suffer from a disease for health care, the women did not always have time to go; often field workers had to negotiate for permission from the husband ... clear that there is an urgent need to develop multi-sectoral, interdisciplinary coalitions to overcome the obstacles to effective RTI management There are, however, many obstacles to effective ... behavior prior to having clinical exams We had asked them to refrain from washing prior to going to the clinic so that if they had reported discharge the physician would be able to observe it...
Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 12:20
Báo cáo khoa học: "Evidence-based guidelines for bleeding in trauma patients: where do we go from here" ppt
... ultimately, there is a ‘best way‘ to care for bleeding patients The goal of evidence-based guidelines is to help develop recommendations not only to identify the best practice but also to decrease ... Patterns of errors contributing to trauma mortality: lessons learned from 2.594 deaths Ann Surg 2006, 244:371-380 Gonzalez EA, Moore FA, Holcomb JB, Miller CC, Kozar RA, Todd SR, Cocanour CS, Balldin ... of an operational protocol, how does one define ‘successful resuscitation’? A definition of successful resuscitation to one surgeon may still be considered a state of ongoing bleeding and continued...
Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 03:20
So, you want to go to grad school in Economics? A practical guide of the first years (for outsiders) from insiders pptx
... advisor is right: It’s going to be difficult In fact, we can agree and go even further: It’s going to be the most difficult experience of your life However, should you decide to go for it, the rewards ... all comes down to one particular test And here s where the bad luck comes into play If you don’t get the score you expect, you still have time to reschedule a second test and try to improve your ... you should be ready to work Here it is where you should be ready to work Homework assignments (also known as problem sets) are designed to test your endurance and ability to work under pressure...
Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 05:20
Chapter 1 - IMS Vision: Where Do We Want to Go? ppsx
... example, an operator may have a voicemail service able to store voice messages and a third party develops a textto-speech conversion service If the operator buys the text -to- speech service from the third ... people to carry their terminals everywhere with little difficulty 1.3 Why we need the IMS? On the one hand, we have mentioned that the idea of the IMS is to offer Internet services everywhere and ... business model to charge the user because the operator is not aware of the contents of those bytes: they could belong to a VoIP session, to an instant message, to a web page, or to an email On...
Ngày tải lên: 01/08/2014, 17:21
PicturePath A single row of photos carries your reader from here to there.
... picture path It’s out of the ordinary, attractive and easy, too—a single row of photos carries your reader from here to there Here s an easy way to make your message stronger Turn your page sideways, ... Placerville, CA 95667 Store hours: Sat 8–9, Sun 10–6 www.belltransnowboarding.com Model 462 BOOT SALE A single row of photos carries your reader from here to there Thomas Wright There Our eyes naturally ... (left to right) 1b 5f (a–m) iStockphotos.com | d e f g h i j k l a b c m Photos.com BOOT SALE 3a BELLTRAN SNOWBOARDING BOOTS & BOARDS 1545 East Sutterville Road Placerville, CA 95667 Store hours:...
Ngày tải lên: 01/03/2016, 22:20
Where to Buy Stocks
... however, there’s nothing to stop the stock from going even lower.) Stop-Loss Order: Protecting You from Financial Disaster As the name implies, the purpose of a stop-loss order is to protect ... direction they want them to go Often, the market moves aggressively in one direction, only to reverse course an hour later In general, if you are new to the stock WHERE TO BUY STOCKS 63 market, avoid ... loss WHERE TO BUY STOCKS 61 Some people solve this problem by using a “mental” stop loss (some people write it on paper) Unfortunately, most investors not have the discipline to sell a stock...
Ngày tải lên: 24/10/2013, 08:20
Google Adwords-Chapter 1:"Are You Prepared To Profit From Instant Web Traffic?"
... to use Google than Yahoo or MSN) Reason 2: Google AdWords delivers instant results - you can have your ad campaign up and running in 10 minutes flat Compared to this Yahoo can take anywhere from ... please stop reading this now! Welcome to The Player's Guide To Adwords Domination Before we start, I want to cut a deal with you You see, I wrote this eBook out of a desire to teach others how to ... started to think about what people want to learn the most when it comes to making money online What you want to learn most about making money online? Is it: n How to make more sales? n How to create...
Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2013, 10:15
Tài liệu The Investing Secrets of Warren Buffett—and how to profit from them pptx
... everyday investors To listen to Professor Price describing how he got started with Conscious Investor, click here or go to www.buffettsecretsrevealed.com/av.html To make it even easier to make use of ... under your margin of safety To access powerful “what if” analysis tools to test the sensitivity of your stock to changes in key drivers of its share price Click here, or go to www.buffettsecretsrevealed.com/demo.html ... how to use Conscious Investor: To know precisely what price to pay for great companies under your margin of safety To access powerful “what if” analysis tools to test the sensitivity of your stock...
Ngày tải lên: 09/12/2013, 20:15
Tài liệu Top 10 Reasons To Work From Home ppt
... in a corporate atmosphere, you could really get tons of work done by making yourself at home Power In your home, there’s no one to watch over you and tell you what to or how to it If you love being ... well-suited to telecommuting that you surpass all the expectations you ever set for yourself Some people create virtual empires out of their home where as they never could have risen to the top in ... cause major panic for someone working outside the home but to a telecommuter, they are all in a day’s work Creativity If you think better in the buff, type...
Ngày tải lên: 25/01/2014, 00:20
Tài liệu Surviving Your Stupid Stupid Decision to Go to Grad School by Adam Ruben pdf
... Or will you shut your laptop in anger, thrust your head into your hands, and lament your stupid, stupid decision to go to grad school? If there’s one thing I’ve learned from writing a book about ... commi ing to your program, ask yourself two basic questions: Can you afford to go to grad school? And if you can’t, will that stop you? Write the annual amounts you’re likely to receive from the ... Go to grad school,” you know what to (See a doctor It’s supposed to say, “Ka-thump, ka-thump.” Seriously If your heart speaks words, you’re fucked.) Grad school would seem exactly like purgatory...
Ngày tải lên: 13/02/2014, 23:20
Tài liệu “Don’t spit in the well - you may need to drink from it!” -- Unknown, Russia. docx
... washed or blown from land into water sources Sediment pollution is difficult to identify, because it comes from non-point sources, such as construction, agricultural and livestock operations, ... it is sometimes impossible to tell where the pollutants originated However, here are a few statistics about North America and Canada: It is estimated that five million tonnes of road salt are used ... especially fish that live in the water There has not been enough research to determine the effects that PPCPs can have on humans, but there is evidence to suggest that these chemicals may be partially...
Ngày tải lên: 18/02/2014, 04:20
Tài liệu Endoscopy versus IVF: The Way to Go docx
... a trial of salpingoneostomy If failed or inaccessable, salpingectomy could be offered prior to IVF/ICSI to improve the chance of a live birth Sometimes, laparoscopic access to the isthmic part ... in patients with history of repeated laparotomies, Endoscopy versus IVF: The Way to Go 39 intestinal reanastomosis, or kidney transplantation This situation may pave the way to hysteroscopic occlusion ... be exerted to restore normal anatomy whenever possible This concept is of utmost importance particularly for the developing countries with limited resources where no national programs to support...
Ngày tải lên: 19/02/2014, 22:20
... employees" translates into S where: setof(E-CC,employee(E) & setof(C,childof(E,C),CC),S) is to implement this semantics in an efficient way, giving results comparable to what could be achieved ... far, but it would seem to be primarily a database rather than a linguistic issue, and to highlight the limitations of traditional databases, where all facts have to be stored explicitly Queries ... considered to extend the database with "virtual files" Often a better approach would be to apply these rules to preprocess the query in advance of actual execution In any event, there seems to be...
Ngày tải lên: 21/02/2014, 20:20
GIS for Web Developers Adding Where to Your Web Applications pdf
... learn how to query certain pieces of it and use the tools to create entirely new data sets If the second goal of the book is to show you how to be a consumer of the data, the third goal is to show ... notion of multipolygons (We also show you how to group simple polygons into multipolygons to get back to the expected 50 state/50 record database table.) Not surprisingly, there are multipoints ... View > Source to see how it was put together To me, this is the best of all worlds—let it be a black box to those who don’t care to look any further, but also cater to those who want to lift up...
Ngày tải lên: 14/03/2014, 09:20