... q − 1, then the possible values of m − n are 2s; where s > 1, (s, 2p) = 1, and 2p < m < n + 2p, 4s; where (s, 2p) = 1, m−n= 2i s; where i > 2, (s, 2p) = 1, and m > p, cp, if c = ... all permutation binomials occur in pairs over F4p+1 where p and 4p + are primes Theorem 12 Let q = 4p + where p and q are primes The following are paired permutation binomials over Fq : (i) (1, ... Suppose q = 4p + where p > and q are primes Let N1 and N2 be the numbers of permutation binomials over Fq of the form x(xp + a) and x3 (xp + a) of degree less than q − 1, respectively, where a = Let...
Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 13:21
... MFCC values m[0 12] the first and second derivative are calculated as following: m1[0] = m1[k] = m[k]-m[k-1] for k = 12 m2[0] = m2[k] = m1[k] - m1[k-1] for k = 12 Where m1 and m2 are the first and ... contour smoothly, frames are overlapped with desired period The two frames of contact are used for power balancing between the two diphones Assume that x(n) and y(n) are frames of contact with ... into our software running in T-Engine This software allow users to use speech-commands to query information about places in Ha Noi Figure illustrate the main screen of the software, in this screen...
Ngày tải lên: 12/04/2013, 16:05
Managers and Leaders - Are They Different?
... harmony between what they expect and what they are able to realize from life But suppose the pains of separation are amplified by a combination of parental demands and individual needs to the degree ... arise out of necessities rather than desires and, therefore, are deeply embedded in their organization’s history and culture Frederic G Donner, chairman and chief executive officer of General Motors ... dependency and a longing for good and heroic parents? Or is it true that no matter how competent managers are, their leadership stagnates because of their limitations in visualizing purposes and generating...
Ngày tải lên: 24/10/2013, 07:15
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: Toggle switches, pulses and oscillations are intrinsic properties of the Src activation/deactivation cycle doc
... activity are likely to occur when the activities of both activatory phosphatase (RPTP) and inhibitory kinase (Csk) are high, whereas Src oscillations may occur when these activities are low (Figs and ... [RPTP] values, 117.5, 126.5 and 135.5 nM, are indicated by dashed lines 1–3 in (A) and shown by upper line in (B) The catalytic efficiency of RPTP (steps and 6) is kcat/ KM = 3.6 · 10)3 and 0.02 ... sum of the two eigenvalues to zero and taking only those parts of the curve where both eigenvalues are purely imaginary Acknowledgements We thank Dr W Kolch for discussions and critical reading...
Ngày tải lên: 18/02/2014, 11:20
Jeremy Grantham: US Stocks are Expensive and Bonds are Disgusting ppt
... Mason Hawkins, the chairman and CEO of Memphis-based Southeastern Asset Management, spoke the previous day and articulated the opposing view: Margins and earnings are neither at peak or temporarily ... small-cap.” International large- and small-cap stocks and emerging equities are at fair price, he said Grantham said that investors face short-term risks in emerging markets, and that China’s economy ... can be addressed, he said We can have enough energy if we are “sensible” and start building solar- and wind-powered smart electrical grids And if we “recycle like mad,” we will have enough metals...
Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 04:20
Báo cáo khoa học: Amino acids Thr56 and Thr58 are not essential for elongation factor 2 function in yeast potx
... acids and agar were from BD (Franklin Lakes, NJ, USA) Ammonium sulphate and amino acids were from Merck (Darmstadt, Germany) Strains, plasmids and primers The strains and plasmids used are listed ... Leu2F and Leu2R (supplementary Table S1) These two primers contained 20 nucleotides that matched the 5¢- and 3¢-sequence of LEU2, and 40 nucleotides with a sequence identical to the 5¢- and 3¢-sequences ... mm Mg(CH3COO)2, 100 mm KCl and mm dithiothreitol, and suspended in the same buffer containing mm PMSF and 4000 U RNasine The cell suspension was mixed with glass beads and the yeast cells lysed...
Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 05:20
Báo cáo khoa học: 3 Cdt1 and geminin are down-regulated upon cell cycle exit and are over-expressed in cancer-derived cell lines potx
... geminin and actin (as loading control) are shown in serum deprived NIH3T3 cells, and and 12 h following serum re-addition, and compared with mRNA levels in proliferating cells Both Cdt1 and geminin ... During the cell cycle, Cdt1 and geminin mRNA levels are mostly stable and protein levels are primary controlled by Fig Expression of Cdt1 and geminin proteins in quiescent and proliferating NIH3T3 ... serum deprivation and contact inhibition, similar to cyclin A and more dramatically than Cdt1 For example, geminin protein levels are undetectable upon serum starvation and are already reduced...
Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 16:20
Báo cáo khoa học: The signature amidase from Sulfolobus solfataricus belongs to the CX3C subgroup of enzymes cleaving both amides and nitriles Ser195 and Cys145 are predicted to be the active site nucleophiles pot
... thiomidate and acyl-enzyme intermediates, and tetrahedral ( 109.5°) water-bonded intermediate In contrast, serine and thiol protease and amidase are confined to interacting with planar substrates and ... solfataricus The side chains of the putative catalytic residues are shown Ser171 and Lys96, shared by the two triads are in red catalytic triad and forms an angle of about 107° with its plane (Fig 5A) ... catalytic site of the SsAH-WT and SsAH-K96R models are shown in (C) and (D), respectively GLY193 ASP224 Fig Comparison between the putative catalytic sites of the SsAH-WT and SsAH-K96R models with...
Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 21:20
Báo cáo khoa học: Mutagenesis of hydrogenase accessory genes of Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 Additional homologues of hypA and hypB are not active in hydrogenase maturation ppt
... precursor of the cyanide ligands [6,7] Iron is probably introduced into this process by a complex of HypC and HypD [8] At this complex, the coordination of the CN and CO ligands to iron might be accomplished ... activity were detected in hypA2 and hypB2 mutants compared with wild-type cells, and neither was able to complement their respective counterparts in the DhypA1 and DhypB1, the transcription of ... activity of wild-type cells and of deletion mutants of the hydrogenase accessory genes and DhupE (B) RT-PCR with RNA of wild-type and all the deletion mutants of the hyp genes and hoxW For each strain,...
Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 08:20
Báo cáo khoa học: "Features and Values" docx
... for features (I am much indebted to Fernando Pereira for his advice on this topic.) Negative values are created by the following operation If A and B are distinct, i.e contain a different value ... negative constraints of both A and C and it inherits all that could fail in some later unification Disjunction is more complicated Suppose A, B and C are all simple atomic values In this situation ... the operations are performed They all become the same graph at the end If graphs A and B contain the same attribute but have incompatible values for it, they cannot be unified If A and B arc compatible,...
Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 18:20
Extent of Dental Disease in Children Has Not Decreased, and Millions Are Estimated to Have Untreated Tooth Decay pptx
... Healthcare Research and Quality Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnostic, and Treatment Department of Health and ... year, the lower and upper limits of this range are 12.1 million and 13.0 million, respectively 23 U.S Department of Health and Human Services, Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, “Dental ... dental disease and receive dental care, are not new Our reports dating back to 2000 highlighted the problem of chronic dental disease and the factors that contribute to low use of dental care by lowincome...
Ngày tải lên: 14/03/2014, 09:20
Báo cáo khoa học: Krit 1 interactions with microtubules and membranes are regulated by Rap1 and integrin cytoplasmic domain associated protein-1 doc
... to and activates b integrins [5] VAV1 and TIAM1 are localized by Rap1GTP to sites of cell spreading and serve as exchange factors for Rac [6] ARAP3 is a GTPase-activating protein for RhoA and ... supernatant (S) and the pellet (P) were analyzed by SDS ⁄ PAGE and quantified by fluorometry Protein precipitation in the absence of liposomes has been substracted Bands below Krit1 band are E coli ... conformation where the FERM domain is masked by another part of the protein and an open ‘active’ conformation where the FERM domain is unmasked Cleavage, phosphorylation or PIP2 binding are activation...
Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 05:20
Báo cáo Y học: The unorthodox histidine kinases BvgS and EvgS are responsive to the oxidation status of a quinone electron carrier ppt
... Georgellis and coworkers [22], the quinones are membrane localized electron transporters which are interesting candidates as redox indicators for sensor proteins such as ArcB, BvgS and EvgS As ... activity of BvgS and EvgS In the genus Bordetella, ubiquinone-8 (Q-8) is the predominant quinone [27], whereas the major quinones synthesized by E coli are Q-8, menaquinone-8 (MK-8) and demethylmenaquinone-8 ... maximal phosphorylation levels of BvgS and EvgS in the absence of Q-0 and/ or dithionite were taken as 100% which correspond to P/protein values of 28.5% and 15.5%, respectively 100 80 60 40 20...
Ngày tải lên: 17/03/2014, 23:20
Structure patterns are concerned with how classes and objects are composed
... OldSquarePeg { public: void squarePegOperation() { something } } Adapter Class class PegAdapter: public RoundPeg { private: OldSquarePeg* square; public: PegAdapter() { square = new OldSquarePeg; ... patterns are concerned with how classes and objects are composed to form large structures Different categories Adapter Bridge Composite Decorator Façade Flyweight Proxy Scenario Outlets and Plugs ... SquarePeg class OldSquarePeg { public: void virtual squarePegOperation() { function } } class RoundPeg { public: void virtual roundPegOperation() { function } } class PegAdapter: public OldSquarePeg,...
Ngày tải lên: 19/03/2014, 22:32
Báo cáo khoa học: The b-N-acetylglucosaminidases NAG1 and NAG2 are essential for growth of Trichoderma atroviride on chitin doc
... Dnag2-I and Dnag2-II are Dnag2 strains C2332 and A523, and nag1Dnag2-I and nag1Dnag2-II are Dnag1Dnag2 strains 713 and 1921, respectively Chitin degradation in Trichoderma atroviride NAG1 and NAG2 are ... normal growth and sporulation of the knockout strains, and (C) minimal medium with chitobiose Dnag2-I and Dnag2-II are Dnag2 strains C2332 and A523, and nag1Dnag2-I and nag1Dnag2II are Dnag1Dnag2 ... (total protein) Error bars show SEM values of the measurements D2-I and D2-II are Dnag2 strains C2332 and A523, and DD-I and DD-II are Dnag1Dnag2 strains 713 and 1921, respectively cultures, but...
Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 05:22
Báo cáo khoa học: Apo a-lactalbumin and lysozyme are colocalized in their subsequently formed spherical supramolecular assembly doc
... microscopy and CSLM are compared This comparison was B Fig Confocal scanning laser micrographs of microspheres prepared from apo a-LAFITC and unlabelled LYS (A) or unlabelled apo a-LA and LYS-RBITC ... microspheres prepared from apo a-LA-FITC and LYS-RBITC (A), and fluorescence intensity of FITC (green line) and RBITC (red line) along the dotted line (B) Scale bar ¼ lm at the microsphere area The size ... 12 000 g for 30 and the supernatants were recovered and freeze-dried Preparation of LYS ⁄ apo a-LA mixtures Stock solutions of labelled and unlabelled LYS and apo a-LA were prepared by solubilization...
Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 07:20
SilverStripe 2.4 Module Extension, Themes, and Widgets Beginner''''s Guide potx
... general and what they are used for How SilverStripe is developed and why it's useful to have a company behind an open source project What resources are available, where to find documentation, and ... placeholders and control structures, which are both placed within the regular markup language Placeholders start with a $ and are processed and replaced by the template engine Control structures are written ... you are on http://silverstripe.org/helpand-support/ it will return help -and- support, on http:// silverstripe.org/help -and- support/more-help/ more-help, and on http://silverstripe.org/help-andsupport/?whatever=1...
Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 14:20
Báo cáo khoa học: Sp1 and Sp3 are involved in up-regulation of human deoxyribonuclease II transcription during differentiation of HL-60 cells pptx
... complex C1 disappeared and a new complex, SC1, with a higher molecular mass was formed (lane 11), and, when anti-Sp3 IgG was used, bands C2 and C3 disappeared and bands SC3a and SC3b appeared (lane ... DNase II promoter, are essential for both basal and PMA-mediated induction of DNase II transcription These sites bind Sp1 and Sp3, and protein levels and binding of Sp1 and Sp3 are increased in ... ACGCGT and CTCGAG are MluI and XhoI restriction sites, respectively, created to facilitate cloning are underlined b Mutated bases Ó FEBS 2003 Transcriptional regulation of human DNase II by Sp1 and...
Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 17:21
The Geek Atlas: 128 Places Where Science and Technology Come Alive pptx
... Boston area, and became a U.S citizen; his parents remained in Canada in Brantford, Ontario, and Bell visited frequently and had a workshop there But the best place to understand Bell’s life and ... Edinburgh, Scotland Air Defence Radar Museum, RAF Neatishead, England Albury Church, Albury, England Alexander Fleming Laboratory Museum, London, England Anderton Boat ... Bletchley, England National Museum of Scotland, Edinburgh, Scotland National Railway Museum, York, England Natural History Museum, London, England Poldhu, Cornwall, England ...
Ngày tải lên: 29/03/2014, 14:20