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A study of the linguistic features of suggestion verbs in english and their vietnamese equivalents

A study of the linguistic features of suggestion verbs in english and their vietnamese equivalents

... features of SVs in English and their Vietnamese equivalents It is hoped that the results of the study can help to raise the awareness of Vietnamese learners of English in terms of this kind of ... wish to carry out the thesis entitled “A Study of the Linguistic Features of Suggestion Verbs in English and Their Vietnamese Equivalents” with the purpose of helping learners of English understand ... so that they can apply the right use of these verbs in using the English language 1.2.2 Objectives The objectives of this study are: - To describe the syntactic and semantic features of SVs in...

Ngày tải lên: 26/11/2013, 13:17

13 1,3K 5
A study of the linguistic features of saying verbs used in political documents in english and vietnamese

A study of the linguistic features of saying verbs used in political documents in english and vietnamese

... learners be able to use these verbs flexibly on the basis of mastering the meaning and the relationship among these verbs 1.6 THE ORGANIZATION OF THE STUDY The thesis consists of five chapters, as ... delivered by the leaders of the Socialist LITERATURE REVIEW AND THEORETICAL BACKGROUND Republic of Vietnam 1.4 RESEARCH QUESTIONS What are the semantic and syntactic features of the saying verbs ... During the process of learning a foreign language, learners make it impossible for the researcher to provide more sufficient and often impose the use of their mother tongue on that of the target...

Ngày tải lên: 26/11/2013, 13:19

13 835 3
A discourse anslysis of the linguistic features of the advertisements of food and drink in english versus vietnamese

A discourse anslysis of the linguistic features of the advertisements of food and drink in english versus vietnamese

... the syntactic and semantic features of advertisement language The readers and the writers of these kinds 1.4 SCOPE OF THE STUDY This study deals with discourse analysis of the syntactic and of ... features of and stylistic devices of the advertisements of food and drink in English and Vietnamese at discourse level? linguistic features of the advertisements of food and drink in What are the ... 4.6 Modes of commitment to the benefit/value Customers’ Clearing Misconceptions of the product advertised As regard to the polarity of the proposition of the directive, apart from the affirmative...

Ngày tải lên: 26/11/2013, 13:27

13 1,5K 1


... misuses of the product Of all the concepts the engineer must deal with, this one is perhaps the hardest to analyze and the most difficult to accept Part of the reason, of course, is the difficulty of ... probability of the event occurring and then to assess, also using a numerical scale, the seriousness of the harm The product of these two numbers is the Hazard Index and permits a relative ranking of the ... element of the characterization of the users If the best of all worlds, the only product uses the engineer would be concerned with are the intended uses Unfortunately, the law requires that the product...

Ngày tải lên: 23/01/2014, 07:20

17 519 0
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: "A Method for Correcting Errors in Speech Recognition Using the Statistical Features of Character Co-occurrence" pptx

Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: "A Method for Correcting Errors in Speech Recognition Using the Statistical Features of Character Co-occurrence" pptx

... results of the stricter of two evaluators Table 4-2 shows the number of change in the evaluated level The rate of improvement after correction was 7% There were also a lot of cases that improved their ... candidates, when one of their Error-Parts includes the other, and their frequencies are the same value, the candidate whose Error-Part includes the other is accepted Condition of Inclusion-2: If ... understanding of the recognition results On the other hand, there were four level-down cases Three of these cases were caused by the misdetection of errors in the SSC procedure The remaining case...

Ngày tải lên: 20/02/2014, 18:20

5 588 0
Update: The Radiographic Features of Pulmonary Tuberculosis pot

Update: The Radiographic Features of Pulmonary Tuberculosis pot

... nature of tuberculosis, the morbidity and mortality of the natural course of the disease, and the excellent therapeutic results of antituberculous chemotherapy in most cases, there is good reason ... patients had disease involving the anterior segment of an upper lobe; 18 patients had involvement of the basilar segments of the lower lobes However, in the vast majority of these cases, disease was ... The site of primary tuberculosis in the lungs reflects areas of greatest ventilation; the most common sites are the middle or lower lung zones or the anterior segment of an upper lobe [1 2] The...

Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 03:20

10 376 0
Báo cáo khoa học: "Discovering the Lexical Features of a Language" pot

Báo cáo khoa học: "Discovering the Lexical Features of a Language" pot

... example ac- the lexical features found seem to be correct, but how tually generated by the program: can we judge that the features are indeed the correct ones? How can one set of hypothesized features ... Count the number of times b follows a in the corpus Divide this value by the number of times a occurs in the corpus Such a model is clearly insufficient for expressing the g r a m m a r of a natural ... are sufficiently similar with respect to the transitions into and out of them, then it is assumed • FIRST LAST t h a t the states are equivalent The set of all suffi• LITTLE MUCH ciently similar...

Ngày tải lên: 17/03/2014, 08:20

2 299 0
Changing only the aesthetic features of a product can affect its apparent usability pptx

Changing only the aesthetic features of a product can affect its apparent usability pptx

... the aesthetics and usability of each of model, then used them, then rated them again for both aesthetics and usability The order of rating (usability-aesthetics or aesthetics-usability) and the ... none of the other models This then is a partial replication of the key effect observed in Experiment for the model showing the largest effect of the aesthetics manipulation as evidenced in the ... depiction of the effect of context has been left out of Figure for the sake of simplicity) Changing only the aesthetic features of a product can affect its apparent usability A Product Features...

Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 13:20

13 347 0
Hướng dẫn sử dụng tính năng bảo mật trong Samsung Galaxy S3 ppt

Hướng dẫn sử dụng tính năng bảo mật trong Samsung Galaxy S3 ppt

... cập trái phép nên thực thi Trên Galaxy S3, ta thay đổi hình khóa cách, vào Settings > Security > Screen lock Có nhiều tùy chọn đây, không thích phương pháp truy cập theo mã PIN thông thường, chọn ... Security > Encrypt device Điều khiển từ xa Chiếc Galaxy S3 chứa tính thực có ích gọi remote controls, cho phép người dùng định vị điện thoại từ website Samsung khóa từ xa hay xóa liệu Nếu điện thoại ... định xác vị trí lúc giữ cho liệu an toàn Để cài đặt remote controls, đăng ký tài khoản website Samsung để đăng nhập tương tác với điện thoại từ xa Việc đăng ký sử dụng miễn phí, cần địa email...

Ngày tải lên: 28/06/2014, 05:20

5 509 0
Chapter 18 - Lithium Batteries: The Latest Variant of Portable Electrical Energy pdf

Chapter 18 - Lithium Batteries: The Latest Variant of Portable Electrical Energy pdf

... helium It is the most lightweight of the lightweight metals, the alkali metals According to the rules of chemistry it behaves similarly as the other metals of the same column of the periodic ... with the model of the molecular orbital (MO) and band theory10 The oxidation potential of the electrolyte has to be higher than the potential of the anode (or than the Fermi energy of the anodic ... structure – as long as there is no disorder within the planes The geometry of the edges is either of the ‘arm chair’ or of the ‘zigzag’ type (Figure 18.36) Here the carbon atoms themselves are also...

Ngày tải lên: 05/07/2014, 07:20

65 378 0
Báo cáo khoa hoc:"Comparative analysis on the structural features of the 5 flanking region of κ-casein genes from six different species" pot

Báo cáo khoa hoc:"Comparative analysis on the structural features of the 5 flanking region of κ-casein genes from six different species" pot

... in the first and fourth introns of the rabbit κ-casein gene [10] Therefore, the lack of the two ruminant repetitive elements in the other three species and the lack of the L1PA2 insertion in the ... digestibility of milk [5] In spite of the importance of κ-casein in the assembly and stability of casein micelles, a detailed analysis of its regulation and comparison with the structural features of the ... points of the three repetitive elements mentioned in the text are marked by arrows the insertion of the L1MA5A and the Bov-tA elements happened after the divergence of the ruminants, while the insertion...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 18:21

12 430 0
Báo cáo y học: " Analysis on the clinical features of 22 basaloid squamous cell carcinoma of the lung" doc

Báo cáo y học: " Analysis on the clinical features of 22 basaloid squamous cell carcinoma of the lung" doc

... attracted the attention of many scholars Through retrospectively analyzing cases of basaloid squamous cell carcinoma of the lung and PDSC, this study examines the clinical features of basaloid ... contrast, most of the other studies based their analyses on patients with BC or large cell carcinoma Conclusions Although there is a low incidence of basaloid squamous cell carcinoma of the lung, ... cases in the proportion of patients who smoked (p = 0.513) This study also showed that the proportion of male was significantly higher among the PDSC cases (p = 0.001), and the proportion of male...

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 09:23

6 401 0
A study on the linguistic features of the discourse marker but and their vietnamese translation equivalents

A study on the linguistic features of the discourse marker but and their vietnamese translation equivalents

... (Background of the research) Rationale of the study Aims and objectives of the study Research questions Scope of the study Methods of the study Design of the study Part II: Development Chapter 1: Theoretical ... (11) The girl found a red brick (12) The girl put the red brick on the wall In (11) the girl is called agent of the action finding, the NP a red brick is the patient of the action In(12) the red ... expectations about the narrative in progress From the above review on the studies of But, I suggested on the complementation of the dissertation tiltled “ A study on the linguistic features of the discourse...

Ngày tải lên: 17/07/2015, 11:04

122 946 4
a study on the main features of short jokes and implications for teaching speaking to students of grade 12 at ngoc tao upper secondary school

a study on the main features of short jokes and implications for teaching speaking to students of grade 12 at ngoc tao upper secondary school

... see what the researcher said and then they followed what the teacher said The students worked together in pair work They had to make a dialogue in front of the class then translated what they ... demands of reality As a typical example of comic rigidity, Bergson cites the story of the customs officers who went bravely to the rescue of the crew of a wrecked ship The first thing the customs ... Part One, the INTRODUCTION, presents the rational, the aim, the scope and the methods of the study as well as the organization of the study Part Two is the DEVELOPMENT, which consists of three...

Ngày tải lên: 25/12/2015, 17:19

57 673 0
Safeguarding Public and Environmental Health: What are the Necessary Requirements of UV Reactor Validation Protocols?

Safeguarding Public and Environmental Health: What are the Necessary Requirements of UV Reactor Validation Protocols?

... than necessary) on the owner and users of the UV system There are several ways to conduct a validation of reactor performance depending on whether the challenge organism has the same or different ... Both of these can only be calculated when the particulars of the specific site are known The validation results, de-rated for microbiological variability, can then be equated to performance in the ... to performance in terms of the target Thus, the best validation protocol would require the use of challenge microbes that have the same UV-sensitivity as target microbes The RED Bias would be necessarily...

Ngày tải lên: 05/09/2013, 09:08

8 545 0
The What, Why and How of Sys Admin

The What, Why and How of Sys Admin

... exactly what the organisation wants A lot of the need for Systems Administration is to bridge the gap between what people/organisations want to and what the organisation’s computers can What they The ... fits into the organisation It should cover the responsibilities of the systems administrator as well as those of the users Group meetings, whether of the users in general or of a committee of representatives, ... the rights and responsibilities of the users What they can and can't What happens if they break those rules the rights and responsibilities of the administrators An often overlooked policy Should...

Ngày tải lên: 19/10/2013, 02:20

21 489 0


... Frequency of Syntactic Features of the names of coffee shop in English Versus Vietnamese Summary of Syntactic Features of the names of coffee shop in English Versus Vietnamese Frequency of Semantic Features ... reviews the previous studies as well as theories relevant to the study The focus of the study is on the linguistic features of the names of coffee shops in English and Vietnamese so the concept ... reasons, we have decided on the thesis: “A Study of Linguistic Features of the Names of Coffee Shops in English Versus Vietnamese” as the topic of my MA thesis with the hope that language learners...

Ngày tải lên: 26/11/2013, 12:41

43 1K 0
A study of some linguistic features of expressions describing the villains in kiều story and their english translational equivalents

A study of some linguistic features of expressions describing the villains in kiều story and their english translational equivalents

... Bà and S Khanh They did business on the body This is an important factor contributing to personalize the character of women They were the owners or the partner of the brothels In the Appearance ... 5.1 SUMMARY OF THE FINDINGS With the aim of studying the EDVs in the masterpiece of Nguy n Du in terms of lexical and semantic means and their English translational equivalents, the research ... behavior, the state… of the figures in had to remember when trying to understand their meaning order to show the attitude or the implication of the author Moreover, readers would find them interesting...

Ngày tải lên: 26/11/2013, 13:21

13 834 2
A study of semantic and pragmatic features of the adjective warm and its vietnamese equivalents

A study of semantic and pragmatic features of the adjective warm and its vietnamese equivalents

... as an element of the meaning of a word; a description of the characteristic feature of what the word refers to E.g the sense of “grasshopper” is “an insect which can jump high the study, which ... which the polysemy of the adjective is displayed semantic features of the adjective Warm through analyzing its grammatical structures It should be noted that the variety of the meaning of the adjective ... to various features of that in expression - Finding out the features of pragmatics of the adjective Warm so that individuals have the best understanding and the most effective use of such adjective...

Ngày tải lên: 26/11/2013, 13:21

13 865 0