microsoft windows small business server 2003
... Business Server Installing the Operating System Using the Windows Small Business Server Setup Wizard Summary Upgrading or Migrating to Windows Small Business Server 2003 58 Choosing Between Upgrading ... II Installation and Setup Installing Windows Small Business Server 2003 Upgrading or Migrating to Windows Small Business Server 2003 Completing the To Do List and Other Post-Installation Tasks ... allows the installation of the Windows Small Business Server CD versions on only the main Windows Small Business Server computer Workstations or Clients All the clients of a Windows Small Business...
Ngày tải lên: 05/05/2014, 11:52
... respectively Expletives If a subject NP dominates an NP which consists of the pronoun it, and an S- trace in 180 LST annotates the list symbol in enumerations S/ fin/ NP-SBJ/ 3s/ domV_ VP/ 3s+ ... classes are ordered If a string is matched by the regular expressions of more than one word class, then it is assigned to the first of these word classes For each word class, we compute part-of-speech ... complementizers (0), ADVP traces, and SBAR traces Péter Dienes and Amit Dubey 2003b Deep syntactic processing by combining shallow methods In Proceedings of the 41st Annual Meeting of the ACL, pages 431–438,...
Ngày tải lên: 17/03/2014, 04:20
... is of rank-one At this point we proved the n-convexity in the sense of Kraus as mentioned in Section The remaining part is essentially the same as Kraus’ approach Since for ≤ X of rank-one and ... ⎪ , ⎪ ⎪ s u ⎪ ⎪ ⎨ f s − f t, s , ⎪ ⎪ s t ⎪ ⎪ ⎪f s ⎪ ⎪ ⎩ , if s / u, if s u / t, if s t u 2.11 Fixed Point Theory and Applications Since the functional calculus is invariant for unitary similarity, ... is n-convex on < A ≤ B ≤ C < β − , then C−B Tr f C − s − f B − s { B − s − A − s } −Tr f B − s − f A − s { C − s − B − s } ϕ 2.5 s ds ≥ 0, Fixed Point Theory and Applications because α
Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 20:20
Influence of trace erythromycin and erythromycin h2o on microbial consortia in sequencing batch reactors (SBRs
... resistance was shown in Fig 2.1 The best-studied antibiotic resistance exists in the clinically important strains, which comprises a small part of genes associated with the resistance The second ... diverse compounds, such as human and veterinary pharmaceuticals, personal care products, surfactants and surfactant residues, pesticide degradates, plasticizers, and various industrial additives ... multi-drug resistant pathogens has resulted in serious therapeutic difficulties in controlling infections using the natural antibiotics since the 196 0s (Aminov, 2009) In order to cope with such super...
Ngày tải lên: 10/09/2015, 15:51
... proof is based on the trace formula and some Tauberian arguments The rest of this paper is organized as follows: In Section 2, we recall some definitions and auxiliary results The main results are ... Dimassi and J Sj¨ ostrand Spectral asymptotics in the semi-classical limit, volume 268 of London Mathematical Society Lecture Note Series Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1999 [12] M Dimassi ... operators and scattering operators Dokl Akad [1] M S Nauk SSSR, 144:475–478, 1962 [2] M Sh Birman and A B Pushnitski Spectral shift function, amazing and multifaceted Integral Equations Operator...
Ngày tải lên: 12/10/2015, 10:38
Tài liệu A collection of various computer and security logs pdf
... address mask request is intended for a diskless system to obtain its subnet mask at bootstrap time The requesting system broadcasts its ICMP request However, others may use this to determine a subnet ... NAM Service NISServ started as Windows Service Info 04/01/2001 21:15:16 NAM Service NISServ stopped as Windows Service Info 04/01/2001 21:15:15 NAM Service NISServ stopped as Windows Service Info ... subnet mask of a network to find out how many hosts reside on the network > icmp: address mask request > icmp: address mask is 0xffffffe0...
Ngày tải lên: 21/12/2013, 05:17
Báo cáo khoa học: "Weakly-Supervised Acquisition of Open-Domain Classes and Class Attributes from Web Documents and Query Logs" pot
... valine, serine, isoleucine, aspartic acid, aspartate, taurine, histidine, } marine animals={whales, seals, dolphins, turtles, sea lions, fishes, penguins, squids, pacific walrus, aquatic birds, comb ... J and higher K) The resulting pairs of an instance and a class label are arranged into sets of class instances (e.g., {rabies, west nile virus, leptospirosis, }), each associated with a class ... fish species and 68% for instances of constellations Our evaluation of the accuracy of class instances is again stricter, since the evaluation sample is larger, and includes more varied classes,...
Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 01:20
Báo cáo khoa học: "Application of deltamethrin for spraying or dipping to protect Scots pine seedlings against Hylobius abietis L and logs against Tomicus piniperda L" ppsx
... in the Lochow and Myszyniec forest districts We carried out the same experiment variants in both districts, these being the dipping of seedlings before planting in a and 2% emulsion and the spraying ... whereas the content in sprayed plants was undetectable Taking the results obtained into account and the fact that dipping of seedlings uses less insecticide per (which is important economically and ... treatments using Decis over spring periods In 1986, experiments were carried out in the Sekocin Forest Research Institute examining the extent of beettle attack on pinewood treated with Decis At...
Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 23:21
Báo cáo y học: "Trace Elements, Heavy Metals and Vitamin Levels in Patients with Coronary Artery Diseas"
... understanding of their mode of action and why they are essential to life (7) Some studies have assessed the association between iron status and CAD risk but the results have been inconsistent ... use of nonspesific measures of body Fe stores, such as serum transferrin (16-19) The strongest supporting evidence that Fe is a risk factor for CAD stems from a cohort study of eastern Finnish ... Adsorption Spectrophotometer Statistical Analysis Data were presented as mean±standard deviation (SD) Using SPSS package 16.0 (SPSS Inc Chicago, IL, USA), data between the groups were compared with Student’s...
Ngày tải lên: 25/10/2012, 10:51
Xem lại các báo cáo của chương trình – View logs
... lý Windows System Restore Thiết đặt tùy chọn mặc định Windows Một s tính khác chương trình Created by Nguyễn Hoàng Long ... thêm: Giới thiệu Acronis Bảng so s nh tính tạo file ảnh cho ổ đĩa tạo file lưu cho liệu Cài đặt Acronis True Image – Install Tạo phân vùng bảo mật – Acronis Secure Zone Sao lưu hệ điều hành liệu ... CD Rescue Phục hồi liệu từ file lưu – Restore Kích hoạt chức phục hồi liệu mà không cần vào hệ điều hành – Active Acronis Startup Recovery S dụng đĩa cứu hộ để lưu – Bootable CD, DVD Rescue...
Ngày tải lên: 17/10/2013, 17:15
Test Logs - Introduction
... Processing Tests or Keypad Tests Basic Skills Tests or Data Entry Tests Progress Graph Game Scores Test Report for each test Test Director: Facilitates consistent and repetitive testing process ... for Linux-based databases include: QMySQL dbMetrix PgAccess Cognos Powerhouse This is not yet available for Linux; Cognos is looking into what interest people have in the product to assess what ... section indicates which functions were and were not tested 2.Test Results – This section indicates the results of testing, including any variance between what is and what should be 3 .What works/What...
Ngày tải lên: 25/10/2013, 03:20
Module 9: Monitoring Event Logs
... if someone attempts to gain access to another user s account by guessing the password Analyzing Success Security Events In some situations, you should analyze success events, such as successful ... all servers and domain controllers Only administrators and server operators should shut down servers and domain controllers, and only at specified times Deny user access to the folder containing ... problems and monitor Windows 2000 Server security events Analysis and Administrative Action You analyze event logs to determine actions, such as users gaining access to printers or files, and to...
Ngày tải lên: 26/10/2013, 23:15
Volatile organic compound emission and other trace gases from selected animal buildings ppt
... actual emission surge to the total emissions, we assumed that each abundance spike was caused by a short duration, symmetric emission This was then modelled as being Gaussian in shape, adjusting the ... contains flux estimates from both sub-models, and emission values were estimated for Germany assuming that emission factors not differ significantly across different sheds and that management systems ... factors affecting their release and the subsequent effects on the environment To begin addressing these issues, more comprehensive studies of aerial pollutants from livestock husbandry are necessary...
Ngày tải lên: 05/03/2014, 21:20
Secure Audit Logs to Support Computer Forensics. potx
... we discuss notation and tools In Section we present our general scheme Then, in Section we discuss some extensions and variations on the scheme Finally, in Section we provide a summary of what ... Audit logs are useless unless someone reads them Hence, we rst assume that there is a software program whose job it is to scan all audit logs and look for suspicious entries In our system, there ... periodically submitting audit logs and log entries to a trusted time-stamping server HS91 : the perrecord encryption keys and permission masks permit selective disclosure of log information, and there is...
Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 19:20
Báo cáo khoa học: "Mining Entity Types from Query Logs via User Intent Modeling" pdf
... President), rather than all possible obscure senses (Freebase contains 30+ senses, including ones such as Impersonated Celebrity and Quotation Subject) In scenarios such as this, our proposed ... hand label their training data In contrast, our system self-labels training examples by searching query logs for high-likelihood entities, and must handle any errors introduced by this process ... models3 The more expressive models benefitted more than the less expressive ones Table reports results for Model IM using K = 200 user intents This was determined by varying K and selecting the...
Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 18:20
Báo cáo khoa học: "Learning Semantic Categories from Clickthrough Logs" pdf
... self-loops In the task of learning one category, scores of labeled (seed) instances are set to whereas scores of unlabeled instances are set to The output is a score vector which holds relatedness to ... to seed instances in descending order In the task of learning two categories, scores of seed instances are set to either or −1, respectively, and the final label of instance xi will be determined ... using a seed term “singapore” to learn the Travel domain This is a bipartite graph whose left-hand side nodes are terms and right-hand side nodes are patterns The strength of lines indicates...
Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 01:20
Analysis of the atmospheric distribution, sources, and sinks of oxygenated volatile organic chemicals based on measurements over the Pacific during TRACE-P pdf
... summarized in Table Because of its BB source specificity and lack of fossil fuel source, we first use ERs with respect to CH3Cl to assess BB sources of selected OVOC While somewhat less robust, because ... originating from fossil fuel and biomass combustion 3.2.2 Plume Composition and Biomass Burning Source Estimates [19] During TRACE-P several plumes originating from biomass combustion were sampled ... concentrations and large emission rates have been measured in many forested ecosystems and grass land areas [Kimmerer and MacDonald, 1987; Kelsey, 1996; Lamanna and Goldstein, 1999; Schade and Goldstein,...
Ngày tải lên: 14/03/2014, 20:20
Trace Element Analysis of Food and Diet pot
... ever increasing use of chemicals, sprays, preservatives, food processing and canning In order to get the minimum adverse impact, it is important to measure and continuously monitor their levels in ... environmental and biological samples has attracted worldwide interest, and a lot of papers are published in this field Since early 197 0s, there has been an increasing interest in the levels of several ... results of the measurements are arranged in ascending order, the median is the midpoint in the series In this case, the number of results in series, N, can be even or odd If N is odd, it is easy...
Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 16:20
... distribution in soil phases and the physiochemical association in soil near the subsurface are of increased interest Pu in surface soils seems to be primarily associated with the hydrous oxide coatings ... Extractants: Chemical and physical interferences both in extraction and analysis steps, respectively Extraction steps: Selectivity, readsorption processes, and redistribution processes If the single ... is expressed as: s2 total = s2 measurement + s2 sampling (1) where s2 measurement and s2 sampling are the variances due to the measurement and sampling, respectively [15] The measurement and sampling...
Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 23:56
SALSA: Analyzing Logs as StAte Machines pdf
... derived state-machines (in this case, one for P1 and another for C1), SALSA can derive interesting statistics, such as the durations of states SALSA can then compare these statistics and the sequences ... clocks are loosely synchronized across hosts for correlating events across logs from different hosts Log-analysis tools Splunk [10] treats logs as searchable text indexes, and generates visualizations ... file-system of the executing daemon (typically, logs on each slave host and logs on the master host) Typically, logs (such as syslogs) record events in the system, as well as error messages and...
Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 19:20