... and the probability of having a condition conditional on screening, P (D|S). We speculate that in the case of males the positive effect of education on the number of diseases is driven by the ... ex- ercising and the body mass index - contribute to explaining the gradient. The size of this contribution is larger when we consider the entire history of behaviors rather than only behaviors in the ... vector of cost of education shifters, is convex in the years of education, optimal education is given by V E (E, p, à, X) = E (E, Z) (9) 3.1 The Contribution of Health Behaviors to the Education Gradient:...
Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 14:20
... to the poor. There is clearly a need for rigorous systematic reviews of the evidence of the impact of microfinance on the poor. Further, while many of the first institutions offering microfinance ... that only these kinds of studies are rigorous, as will be discussed in Section 2 of this report. 2. Synthesise what these studies tell us about: a. The impact of microfinance on the incomes of ... incomes of the poor b. The impact of microfinance on wider poverty/ wealth of the poor c. The impact of microfinance on other non-financial outcomes for the poor. The volume and nature of the evidence...
Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 21:20
A CFD analysis on the effect of ambient conditions on the hygro-thermal stresses distribution in a planar ambient airbreathing PEM fuel cell
Ngày tải lên: 05/09/2013, 14:58
Indoor tests to investigate the effect of brine depth on the performance of solar still
Ngày tải lên: 05/09/2013, 16:10
The effect of EGR rates on NOX and smoke emissions of an IDI diesel engine fuelled with Jatropha biodiesel blends
Ngày tải lên: 05/09/2013, 16:11
Tài liệu The effect of economic growth on my city pdf
... Hai_Trung-Anh strongly, and many buildings and big houses are grown up a lot.Morever, the growth of economy has given a lot of advantages by making people richer, healther, and freer to enjoy their lives.I ... healther, and freer to enjoy their lives.I always pride of my city whenever I talk about him.I wished that could work at my hometown after finishing at university. ...
Ngày tải lên: 18/01/2014, 07:20
Tài liệu New Estimates on the Effect of Parental Separation on Child Health ppt
... father is non-white −0.002 0.198 [0.992] - mother is black, father is non-black 0.213 0.224 [0.343] - mother is Hispanic, father is non-Hispanic 0.074 0.203 [0.717] - mother is other, father is ... are of other race, mother is white (not father), mother is Hispanic (not father), mother is of other race (not father), mother is foreign-born (not father), father is foreign-born (not mother), ... that the test of the balancing property is performed only on the observations whose propensity score belongs to the intersection of the supports of the propensity score of treated and controls....
Ngày tải lên: 12/02/2014, 11:20
Tài liệu Báo cáo " The effect of cobalt substitution on structure and magnetic properties of nickel ferrite " pptx
... (2009) 153-159 159 The first term in above expression corresponds to the contribution of magnetocrystalline anisotropy of material, the second one is given by shape anisotropy of crystalline particles ... part of several tens percent of H C and the last one whereas can only reach several hundreds of gauss. Thus, the increasing of Co-concentration led to the increasing of anisotropy property of ... X-ray diffraction study shows the presence of cubic spinel. The increase of Co 2+ ion concentration yields the monotonic increase of M S , H C . Magnetic measurements show the studied system...
Ngày tải lên: 13/02/2014, 04:20
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: "The Effect of Pitch Accenting on Pronoun Referent Resolution" ppt
... about the order of items in Cf. These hypotheses arise from the following chain of assumptions: (1) To analyze the effects of pitch accents on pronominals, it is necessary to distinguish between ... value. This is because the salience most relevant to the at- tentional state is the proximity of a discourse entity to the head of Cf the closer it is, the more it is centered and therefore, ... effect is attentional, on the order of items in Cf; (2) the obligation to accent a pronominal for attentional r~asons depends on the variance between what the text predicts and what the speaker...
Ngày tải lên: 20/02/2014, 22:20
Tài liệu Báo cáo Y học: Dissecting the effect of trifluoroethanol on ribonuclease A Subtle structural changes detected by nonspecific proteases ppt
... investigated the influence of trifluoroethanol on the conformation of RNase A with particular consideration of the pretransition region of global unfolding. In correspondence to reports by other authors ... the content of secondary structure only after the disruption of the native tertiary structure of RNase A (Figs 2–4). Interestingly, the preservation of the tertiary structure coincides with the ... appreciable effect on the tertiary and secondary structure was found only at higher concentrations of the solvent [13]. At low concentrations of trifluoroethanol, the propagation of helical structures seems...
Ngày tải lên: 22/02/2014, 07:20
What is the price of a mousetrap? The assessment of value from cloud services pptx
... upon exponential or other disruptive consumption rates? The figure below displays mobile phone subscriptions as just one example of the exponential and tectonic forces currently at play in the ... I discuss one functional transformation that has taken placed as a result of cloud services, namely; the impact on the assessment of value. This is a timely discourse as the vast majority of ... know the price of a mousetrap? Customers no longer need to know the price of servers, software and the rest of the parts making up the IT service stack. This knowledge is as useful as knowing the...
Ngày tải lên: 09/03/2014, 02:20
the effect of monetary incentive on effort and task performance a study of vietnamese company
... maximizes; therefore, there is no ground to believe that they will act on the interest of the company. On the other hand, it is not easy to mediate these relationships. If there is not any mechanism ... of Coca-Cola, a total of $111.8 million which consisting of annual salary, bonuses, and long-term compensation. This was also one of the most well-paid monetary incentive packages in the history ... information. 1.2. Scope of research This study focuses on the effectiveness of using monetary incentives in motivating effort and task performance. However, this thesis on the effect of monetary...
Ngày tải lên: 13/03/2014, 14:20
Báo cáo " Research on the effect of urban expansion on agricultural land in Ho Chi Minh City by using remote sensing method " ppt
... norm of the South‐East Region and equal1/3 of the MekongDelta.Thissituation is apressure on suburbanfarmersinkeeping agricultural production[6]. Accordingto the investigation of Institute of ... growth process, anditsimpact on the land‐usedistributionin the northernpart of HoChiMinhCity. Keywords:Agriculturalland;GIS;Remotesensing;Suburban;Urbanexpansion. 1.Introduction * Over the world, the cities cover only about one percent of the earth’s surface, but most of the issues happening in the cities greatlyimpact on the environmentandglobal change ... under urbanizationinHoChiMinhCity. 2. The studyarea Ho Chi Minh City has a very favorable geographicallocationin the centre of the rich Southern region with many resources. The city has the common administrative boundary...
Ngày tải lên: 14/03/2014, 15:20
The effect of annealing conditions on the red photoluminescence of nanocrystalline Si/SiO films
... states. The peak energy and the spectral shape are determined by the concentration ratio of these two components while the PL intensity is determined by the concentrations of these two components ... their amount. The actual PL is determined by both the concentrations of PL centers and of nonradiative recom- bination centers. This leads to the much strong enhance- ment of PL in the case of ... by Si-NL8 states. The red PL consists of these two states. The peak energy and the PL intensity are determined by the concentrations of these two components at the corre- sponding annealing temperature...
Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 15:31
Báo cáo khoa học: The effect of HAMP domains on class IIIb adenylyl cyclases from Mycobacterium tuberculosis pptx
... partially interacted with the hydrophilic surfaces of the HAMP helices. Finally, we wished to characterize the effect of the HAMP domains in the context of the membranous holoenzymes. Therefore we attempted ... during the survival of the pathogen under changing environmental conditions in the host. The AC activities of these class IIIb CHDs are two orders of magnitude lower than those published for the ... AC isoforms. However, significant AC activity was only seen upon expression of the Rv3645 holoenzyme (1 nmol cAMPặmg )1 ặmin )1 )inisolatedcell membranes. Solubilization and purification of the...
Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 12:20
Free Movement of Goods and Their Use – What Is the Use of It? pptx
... “common to all restrictions on freedom of movement, namely the criterion of access to the market.” 80 This would be “based on the effect of the measure on access to the market rather than on the ... states the conclusion in the judgment, and the second lays the embryonic foundation of the principle of mutual recognition of goods. 121 The last judgment cited in support of the proposition is ... REGAINED? The first of the cases under discussion to come to judgment was Commission v. Portugal, 99 a decision of the Third Chamber of the ECJ. In a model of orthodox application of the basic...
Ngày tải lên: 30/03/2014, 06:20
Ngày tải lên: 30/03/2014, 12:20