... synthesized and purified MBP-NifL in the p resence of oxygen ( Fig. 2) . T his indicates a direct protein–protein interaction between MBP- NifL(–N, )O 2 ) and NifA, which is consistent with the finding ... NifL and NifA, which are m issing in the in vitro analysis. H owever, we have not detected other proteins in significant amounts besides MBP-NifLandNifAinthein vivo formed complexes by silver staining. In ... by direct protein–protein interaction with NifL in A. vinelandii [25,26]; and in diazotrophs, w hich do not contain NifL, there is evidence that GlnK or the paralog GlnB-protein directly modulate...
Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 16:20
Báo cáo khoa học: Re-evaluation of intramolecular long-range electron transfer between tyrosine and tryptophan in lysozymes Evidence for the participation of other residues doc
... bityrosine signal was observed in all peptides containing tyrosine 23 or 53 but not in peptides containing tyrosine 20 alone. According to these results, tyrosines 23 and 53 could be involved in ... unravel the mechanistic basis of LRET in proteins, systematic investigations on electron transfer between tyrosine and tryptophan in proteins and peptides have been conducted [710]. In this experimental ... are obtained rst, and the stoichiometry N 3 ặ /Trp ặ is observed. This oxidation is always followed by a reaction, in which Trp ặ disappears and TyrO ặ is formed. The limiting step is intramolecular,...
Ngày tải lên: 17/03/2014, 10:20
Báo cáo khoa học: "A Tradeoff between Compositionality and Complexity in the Semantics of Dimensional Adjectives" potx
... state is inconsistent tTerminates in arbitrarily long (finite) time if the system is inconsistent fMay not terminate if the solution is inadmissible a text may contain errors. Second, reasoning ... otherwise, it is inadmissible. A labelling L is admissible if it only assigns admissible labels; otherwise, L is inadmissible. Then it can be shown that if a system of product constraints is ... con- sistent and its solution is admissible, then the Waltz algorithm terminates in O(pS) time. Moreover, if the system is inconsistent, the algorithm will find the inconsistency in finite...
Ngày tải lên: 01/04/2014, 00:20
the unfinished revolution how a new generation is reshaping family work and gender in america dec 2009
... turning point. In an age of declining budgets and overburdened editors, I have been exceedingly fortunate to have James as an editor and a friend. Since this book is about families, writing ... no longer offers the promise of permanence, nor is it the only option for bearing and rearing children, but there is no clear route to building and maintaining an intimate bond. Most women ... ghter and had a lot of free time. And if she’d been home and been miserable, that would have made me mis- erable. And I was always happy. And Kristen enjoyed playing with friends and learning...
Ngày tải lên: 10/06/2014, 21:30
Báo cáo sinh học: "Detailed genetic analysis of hemagglutinin-neuraminidase glycoprotein gene in human parainfluenza virus type 1 isolates from patients with acute respiratory infection between 2002 and 2009 in Yamagata prefecture, Japa" docx
... surface glycoproteins: hemagglutinin-neuraminidase (HN) glycoprotein and fusion protein (F protein) [1]. HN glycoprotein shows multiple biological functions that include hemagglutinin and enzymatic ... reference strains in this study to construct the phylogenetic tree. In addition, we calculated the pairwise distances for all strains, including the present isolates and reference strains to assess ... Antigenic structure, function, and evolution of the hemagglutinin-neuraminidase protein of human parainfluenza virus type 1. J Infect Dis 1997, 176:867–875. Discussion In this study, we performed...
Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 18:20
... Adviser RNDr. Josef Rusek, CSc. Published in co-edition with ACADEMIA, Publishing House of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences. Prague Czechoslovakia Distribution of this book is being handled ... Nethdands Library of Congress Cataloging -in- Publication Data Interrelationships between microorganisms and plants in soil. (Developments in soil science ; 18) Bibliography: p. Includes ... nutrition of aoil organisms, and compares them with modern ecological terminology.There is a similarity in meaning between auto- chthonous and oligotrophic, and zymogenous and copiotrophic, but...
Ngày tải lên: 29/06/2014, 09:20
... determine the impact of shrimp farming on land cover in the Ca Mau Peninsula, in general, and on mangrove forests, in particular. The land cover changes between 1968 and 2003 were determined and ... R.K, Adger, W.N. and Lorenzoni, I.: 1998, Towards Integrated Modelling and Analysis in Coastal Zones: Principles and Practices, Texel, Netherlands, Land-Ocean Q Interactions in the coastal zone ... L. and Davidson, A.: 2000, Modelling and visualizing the fate of shrimp pond effluent in a mangrove fringed tidal creek, Estua- rine, Coastal, and Shelf Science 50, 85–97. 536 BINH ET AL. 4. Discussion The...
Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 02:20
Báo cáo toán học: "The Active Bijection between Regions and Simplices in Supersolvable Arrangements of Hyperplanes" pdf
... containing ω with min(D )=a i .Bymatroid elimination of ω from D and D , there is a positive cocircuit D of − ω R containing e with min(D ) ≥ min(D). Hence a j ≤ min(D) ≤ min(D ) ... containing it, hence also in the final 1qa, therefore in the same way in p and in 1qa. Interestingly enough, it turns out that α is equivalent in a very simple way to a classical bijection between ... of this form, then there exist i, j and k such that {b i ,b j }⊆H k \H k−1 . Since the intersection of b i and b j is contained in a hyperplane of H k−1 , there exists a circuit containing b i ,...
Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 08:22
Báo cáo khoa học: "Growth relationships between root and shoot in walnut seedlings (Juglans regia L.)" potx
... variables during the 2 growing seasons were characteristic of the walnut seedling and relatively in- dependent of climatic hazards because they were obtained in different ... active elongation. Discussion and Conclusion The results show that there was an evolu- tion between years in the relative periodi- city of root and shoot growth of walnut seedlings. Since ... analyses. The results for the 1985 sowing are presented in Figs. 3 (sowing yr) and 4 (2nd yr). Comparison of component weights (variables) vs principal components (mea- surement...
Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 02:21
Báo cáo y học: " NeMeSys: a biological resource for narrowing the gap between sequence and function in the human pathogen Neisseria meningitid" pot
... causes meningitis and septicemia. Results: By determining and manually annotating the complete genome sequence of a serogroup C clinical isolate of N. meningitidis (strain 8013) and assembling a ... distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. Neisseria genomics<p>The genome of a clinical isolate of Neisseria meningitidis is described. This and ... aldolase), which is essential in P. aer- uginosa. This points to interesting differences between N. meningitidis and these species. Third component of NeMeSys: eight additional (re)annotated Neisseria...
Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 20:20
Báo cáo y học: " Relationship between daylength and suicide in Finland" pps
... University of Helsinki, and the meteorologists Anneli Nordlund and Seppo Sarkkula at the Finnish Meteorological Institute, all in Helsinki, Finland, for their help in data processing. The Finnish Cultural ... for Y1 in Finland, and mean = .1 12 for X2 in Fin- land), as do all the underlined values for different types of weather changes in Helsinki and Oulu compared with each period at issue in Tables ... Y2) periods of the equation of time in Finland, Helsinki and Oulu, and according to daily changes (+/-) in temperature (T) and sunshine hours(S) in Helsinki and Oulu. X1: 11.02-14.05 Y1: 15.05-25.07 X2:...
Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 09:20
báo cáo khoa học: "An epidemiological investigation of leukemia incidence between 2003 and 2007 in Nanjing, China" pdf
... better understanding of characteristics of leu- kemia in Nanjing, including etiology, survival and risk indicators, which may lend support to the corresponding protocols for prevention and intervention. Abbreviations FAB: ... epidemiology in Nanjing in recent years. We aimed to explore the incidence rate, gender and age distribution of leukemia in Nanjing using the leukemia database of the city. Results: The average yearly incidence ... of making a definite diagnosis of leuke- mia. We diagnosed leukemia by blood test, bone marrow puncture, histochemical staining and typing and classi- fied by the "French American British"...
Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 22:21
Báo cáo y học: "TLR4 signalling in pulmonary stromal cells is critical for inflammation and immunity in the airways" pdf
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 14:20