what is a web service in asp net with example

Tài liệu What Is a Web Service? ppt

Tài liệu What Is a Web Service? ppt

... a Web service can be thought of as a component with a truly global reach. Web services use a standard, accepted, and well-understood protocol called HTTP to transmit data, and a portable data ... mainstream technology for integrating distributed services together, it became apparent that there were issues that SOAP and HTTP alone could not address. These issues include: What Is a Web Service? ... calls into SOAP requests. You will do this later in this chapter. For now, you can concentrate on building a Web service. Web Services Enhancements Not long after Web services became a mainstream...

Ngày tải lên: 15/12/2013, 00:15

6 523 0
4-Tier Architecture in ASP.NET with C#

4-Tier Architecture in ASP.NET with C#

... application, I am going to take example of a Person that will have 3 properties: FirstName, LastName, Age. We will create a separate pages to insert these records (default.aspx) into database and ... going to take example of a Person that will have 3 properties: FirstName, LastName, Age. We will create a separate pages to insert these records (default.aspx) into database and list,update,delete ... virtual directory name), you should see your screens as shown above (default.aspx and list.aspx pages). Try manipulating data and see how effectively its happening. This was a simple application,...

Ngày tải lên: 17/10/2013, 14:15

26 450 0
Tài liệu Module 7: Building and Consuming a Web Service That Uses ADO.NET ppt

Tài liệu Module 7: Building and Consuming a Web Service That Uses ADO.NET ppt

... students in your class. ! What are some other ways that you could fill the local DataSet with data other than by using a DataAdapter? ! What is the purpose of creating an empty, local instance ... typed DataSet based on this class. 4 Module 7: Building and Consuming a Web Service That Uses ADO .NET How to Build a Web Service That Returns Database Information ! Web services that return ... a DataSet? ! Why use a strongly typed DataSet? Transition to Practice Exercise: Now that you have seen examples of creating a Web service, you can practice creating a Web service programmatically....

Ngày tải lên: 10/12/2013, 16:15

34 583 0
Ứng dụng Web đầu tiên ASP .NET

Ứng dụng Web đầu tiên ASP .NET

... c a event. Giới thiệu VMWare Workstation 5 Loại Project Loại Project • Class library • Windows control library • Console application • Windows service • ASP. NET Web application • ASP. NET Web service • Web ... kh a cạnh c a Win /Web app aspnet aspnet Ứng dụng Web đầu tiên Ứng dụng Web đầu tiên (Your First Web Application) (Your First Web Application) Trình bày: Hà Đồng Hưng Giới thiệu VMWare Workstation 6 Mục ... Workstation 4 Visual Studio .NET & C# Visual Studio .NET & C# • IDE – Visual Studio .NET – Visual Studio .NET là môi trường để phát triển các Ưng dụng Windows và Ứng dụng Web • C# – Chỉ là một...

Ngày tải lên: 06/09/2012, 16:30

19 688 4
 What is a Company Visual Identity?

What is a Company Visual Identity?

... Functional and departmental indications Functional and departmental indications start with a capital. For example: Mrs. A. Persoon, Manager Research & Development. Department names are written ... Internal forms with a representative character are also printed in 'Heineken green'. - Other internal forms are printed in black. In the case of a small circulation, photocopying may ... Heineken organisation's key values are an essential starting point for image manipulation and photography. The following pages explain how each of these values can be applied to photographic...

Ngày tải lên: 23/10/2012, 13:53

14 880 0
Building a Sample Application Using ASP.NET AJAX

Building a Sample Application Using ASP.NET AJAX

... USING ASP. NET AJAX Figure 10-1. An ASP. NET AJAX-based stock application Understanding the Application Architecture The application is built as a typical logical n-tier application comprising a ... start by creating a new ASP. NET AJAX-enabled web site. Create the basic lay- out of the application along with the corresponding TabContainer and TabPanel controls from the ASP. NET AJAX Control ... the DataTable back. The DataTable then loads the graph with the appropriate data. CHAPTER 10 ■ BUILDING A SAMPLE APPLICATION USING ASP. NET AJAX244 828-8 CH10.qxd 10/11/07 10:47 AM Page 244 toString...

Ngày tải lên: 05/10/2013, 10:20

44 497 0
Introducing Server Controls in ASP.NET AJAX

Introducing Server Controls in ASP.NET AJAX

... Additionally, you looked at the UpdatePanel control, which is at the heart of how ASP. NET AJAX enables AJAX functionality in existing ASP. NET pages using partial-page updates. This chapter gave ... AJAX. Using ASP. NET AJAX server controls is the easiest and quickest path to implementing AJAX functionality in your ASP. NET application. They are also ideal for when a minimal amount of change in ... It walked you through using the ScriptManager control, which is at the heart of ASP. NET AJAX. This control takes care of managing the ASP. NET AJAX runtime as well as associated scripts. Additionally,...

Ngày tải lên: 05/10/2013, 10:20

28 478 0
Using Server Controls in ASP.NET AJAX

Using Server Controls in ASP.NET AJAX

... sophisticated apps that need logical and physical separation of the data tier that has complex data objects and a data access layer. Summary The ToDo List application is an excellent example of an ASP. NET ... following scenario: You have a data-driven web page that needs to continuously alert the user with fast changing data, for instance, a page that displays the major financial indices in the U.S. capital ... showcase some of the features of ASP. NET AJAX. This application, called Scott’s ToDo List, is a great example of a simple data-driven AJAX-enabled ASP. NET web application. But before that, let’s...

Ngày tải lên: 05/10/2013, 10:20

22 592 0
What is a project

What is a project

... projects are often distinct elements in wider organizational change. Example 1.1 A project as part of change management A large hospital was merging with a smaller community healthcare organization ... time. PROJECTS IN HR, TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT Inevitably, any project that takes place in a setting concerned with training and developing people or managing the performance and welfare of people at work ... repeated. As in any activity within an organization, there are constraints which limit the process in various ways. For example, policies and procedures may con- strain the ways in which things are...

Ngày tải lên: 24/10/2013, 08:20

12 692 0
Viewing a WSDL File and Testing a Web Service

Viewing a WSDL File and Testing a Web Service

... method. With this whereClause, the RetrieveCustomers() method returns a DataSet with a DataTable containing the one row from the Customers table with a CustomerID of ALFKI, as shown in Figure ... IS NOT NULL This causes the RetrieveCustomers() method to return a DataSet with a DataTable containing all the rows from the Customers table (see Figure 17.6 ). Notice that the space characters ... the Web service. You'll see how to write a client program in the next section . Let's take a look at another example; enter the following string as your whereClause and click the Invoke...

Ngày tải lên: 24/10/2013, 12:15

7 382 0
Creating a Web Service

Creating a Web Service

... IContainer components = null; Creating a Web Service In this section, you'll create a Web service that contains a method that returns a DataSet containing rows from the Customers table. ... SqlCommand mySqlCommand = mySqlConnection.CreateCommand(); mySqlCommand.CommandText = selectString; SqlDataAdapter mySqlDataAdapter = new SqlDataAdapter(); mySqlDataAdapter.SelectCommand = ... Customers class is derived from the System .Web. Services.WebService class, which indicates that the Customers class forms part of a Web service. Near the end of Listing 1.1 , you'll notice a method...

Ngày tải lên: 28/10/2013, 19:15

5 361 0
Module 5: Using Trace in ASP.NET Pages

Module 5: Using Trace in ASP.NET Pages

... such drawbacks by introducing an automatic tracing mechanism. This tracing mechanism can be enabled and disabled either on a page-by-page basis, or for an entire application, and can be configured ... learn about the two tracing techniques in ASP. NET, page-level tracing and application- level tracing. In the lab, students will enable and disable tracing for an ASP. NET page. They will also ... Trace 4 Application-Level Trace 9 Lab 5: Adding Trace to an ASP. NET Page 14 Review 15 Module 5: Using Trace in ASP. NET Pages Module 5: Using Trace in ASP. NET Pages 7 BETA MATERIALS...

Ngày tải lên: 05/11/2013, 12:15

20 445 0
Registering a Web Service

Registering a Web Service

... organization's intranet and build an internal system made up of Web services written internally. In this section, you'll register the NorthwindWebService you created earlier in this chapter. ... Registering a Web Service In this section, you'll see how to register a Web service using Microsoft's Universal Description, Discovery, and Integration (UDDI) service. You can think of ... You can think of UDDI as a distributed directory of Web services that you can use to register and locate Web services published by organizations. UDDI is an industry standard developed by Microsoft,...

Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2013, 15:15

5 301 0
Tài liệu Using a Web Service doc

Tài liệu Using a Web Service doc

... Using a Web Service In this section, you'll see how to use a Web service in a Windows application. Start VS .NET and select File ➣ New ➣ Project. Create a new Windows application named ... located and a test page displayed (see Figure 17.8 ). Note Once again, if your Web service is not deployed on the local computer, then replace localhost in this code with the name of your ... Add Web Reference dialog box, which allows you to search for Web services. Enter the following URL in the Address box, and press the Enter key on your keyboard: http://localhost/NorthwindWebService/Customers.asmx...

Ngày tải lên: 14/12/2013, 22:15

3 384 0
Tài liệu Unit 1- What is a computer? pptx

Tài liệu Unit 1- What is a computer? pptx

... magnetized or demagnetized. The machine is capable of storing and manipulating numbers, letters, and characters. The basic idea of a computer is that we can make the machine do what we want ... information, perform mathematical and/or logical operations then supply new information. 2. All computers have three basic capabilities. 3. A computer is a machine that can be made to operate ... their meaning from the context – read the same passage a few times. When you have read the whole text, check new words in a dictionary. A computer is a machine with an intricate network of...

Ngày tải lên: 21/12/2013, 20:15

4 867 3

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