... Model for Assessing Health Workforce Needs In Tools for Planning and Developing Human Resources for HIV/ AIDS and Other Health Services Management Sciences for Health, World Health Organization, ... drive a higher demand for health care staff Our spreadsheet model allows for entertaining "what if" scenarios on both the demand and supply sides of the equations Additional file Workforce Modelling ... evaluate CD4 counts and make referrals to clinicians for ART therapy; 6) Phlebotomists, who can draw blood samples for CD4 and other blood tests and send them to laboratories for processing; 7)...
Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 17:20
... prompted for the nursing desk first) could be different from a dialog for a user in the community (who would be asked if they needed an ambulance first) Likewise, the grammar files (in JSGF format) and ... [3,4] In addition to an overall decline in health, aging is also often accompanied by significant social changes Many older adults live alone and become isolated from family and friends Social ... operator and the subscriber determine together who, if anyone, should be summoned to help The need for a dialog is based on the inherent uncertainty about the state of the occupant and about what...
Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 08:20
Báo cáo hóa học: " Research Article Titan: An Enabling Framework for Activity-Aware “Pervasive Apps ” in Opportunistic Personal Area Networks" pptx
... convergence, and by performing several runs The resulting performance is the maximum of the performance obtained in each runs The service graph is encoded for the GA as chromosome with |T | genes, one for ... Titan executes 6.5 times faster than the Mat´ virtual e machine and has a similar configuration size Deluge on the other hand has an application-specific image and is about 18x faster than Titan, ... rates e e higher than 10 Hz It neither can compute an FFT at 10 Hz in realtime, which Titan is able to Being able to compute an FFT in realtime is important as many features for activity recognition...
Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 07:20
Báo cáo khoa học: " What is an acceptably smoothed fluence? Dosimetric and delivery considerations for dynamic sliding window IMRT" ppt
... volumetric differences for the dose s80) plans Healthy and analysis: plans, as a function of differents50 (or Healthy tissue analysis: volumetric differences for the s50 (or s80) plans and the s25 plans, ... DVH for the target volumes, spinal cord, parotids and healthy tissue for the s25 and s80 experiments No significant difference is present to allow different ranking of the two concurrent plans ... table, data are reported only for the AAA and for 2.5 mm Results not change significantly for the other configurations showing variations smaller than 1% for MU/Gy (for the other parameters the...
Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 10:21
... door and secure an escape route Earthquakes can warp buildings, especially apartment buildings, making it impossible to open doors and escape Open doors and windows to secure an escape route and ... accurate information False rumors and information can spread during disasters, leading to further confusion Obtain accurate information from the TV or radio and don’t get tricked by misinformation ... signs and broken windows Tools and construction materials can fall down at a construction site Protect your head with your bag or coat and keep at a distance from tall buildings Stone walls and...
Ngày tải lên: 20/05/2015, 21:00
Designing an esp syllabus for the second-year students of library study at the national teachers training college
... apply no matter which language is being learned and taught French for specific purposes Russian for specific purposes Chinese for specific purposes - all of these exist and are constructed on ... participation, resources, and language influence their use in language teaching (Longman, 1997; 373) Function Function is the purpose for which an utterance or unit of language is used In language teaching ... filling * Scanning : - Scanning an index - Matching correct words and finding out on what page the topic is mentioned - Scanning the text for specific information - Identifying the topic of a paragraph...
Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2012, 14:36
... FLUENCY S - What can you substitute? C - What can you combine? A - What can you adapt? M - What can you magnify, miniaturize, or multiply? P - What can you put to other uses? E - What else? Who ... back to the old man, and said, "Your son wants $100." As the old man and his granddaughter left the store his granddaughter asked the old man what he was going to do, and he answered, "With that ... than others are SM MR-30 MANAGING MULTIPLE ROLES FOR THE COMPANY OFFICER Accountability to the company As we have unique personalities and standards, so does our company The "norm" in one company...
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2013, 10:10
The phenomenon of evaporative cooling from a humid surface as an alternative method for air-conditioning
... described before To clarify what has been exposed before, the evolution of an air stream originally at 25ºC and 30% of RH is described for different cases of water temperature The different possible ... permit sensible cooling and humidifying, and cannot normally dehumidify the mixture of outdoor and return air unless outdoor air temperature were below 15ºC This is an important difference with respect ... economic solution than installing an only system In 1986, Anderson tested an air conditioning system using a direct and an indirect evaporative cooler combined with an expansion battery, and compared...
Ngày tải lên: 05/09/2013, 16:10
A study on how to make an effective presentation for the fourth year english major at haiphong private university
... Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary) The Longman Dictionary of Language Teaching and Applied Linguistics regards an idiom as an expression which function as a single unit and whose meaning can ... can not be inverted or changed For example, “by twos and threes” are not being turned into “by threes and twos” (ăn miếng trả miếng) 10 Classification of idioms Idioms can be classified by different ... idioms are classified into two main ways: syntactic classification and semantic classification 4.1 Syntactic classification According to the syntactic classification, idioms can be classified into...
Ngày tải lên: 11/12/2013, 23:51
... circumstances and because of various reasons formally and informally Hence, presentation plays an important role in our communication life However, due to the restriction of time and limitation personal ... graduate and having to find jobs in the real life No company wants to employ us if we are bachelor of English but can not speak it well especially can not make a presentation good enough For such ... goals are providing information and promoting ideas Presentations are a form of communication, and if we can communicate effectively presentations cease to be difficult” (Andreja Tonc, 2002:7)...
Ngày tải lên: 11/12/2013, 23:51
Tài liệu An OrCAD Tutorial for ELEC 424 pptx
... you to define up to 16 different vias You might want more than one if you wanted slightly larger vias for carrying high-currents You can even assign specific vias to specific nets, but that is ... board for submission to a board shop for fabrication Revision 1.0 – Spring 2002 41 An OrCAD Tutorial – Page 42 of 55 8.5 PERFORMING ECOS & BACK ANNOTATION – What if you wanted to make some changes ... page (e.g Digi-Key) ManPartNum – The manufacturer’s part number Manufacturer – The manufacturer of the part Notes – Any miscellaneous information about the part that you want to record Maybe it...
Ngày tải lên: 12/12/2013, 21:16
Tài liệu What Is an Indexer? ppt
... solution for a moment and stop to remind ourselves what the problem is We'd like to use an int not as an int but as an array of 32 bits Therefore, the best way to solve this problem is to use an int ... |, and & These are some of the bitwise and shift operators, and they are used to manipulate the individual bits held in the int and long data types The ~ operator is a unary operator that performs ... problem is to use an int as if it were an array of 32 bits! In other words, if bits is an int, what we'd like to be able to write to access the bit at index is: bits[6] And, for example, set the bit...
Ngày tải lên: 15/12/2013, 00:15
Tài liệu What Is an Array? docx
... this example ,if you modify the value at pins[1], the change will also be visible by reading alias[1] If you want to make a copy of the array instance (the data on the heap) that an array variable ... you can change the contents of an array by assigning a value to an indexed element: myPin = 1645; pins[2] = myPin; Array indexes are zero-based The initial element of an array lives at index and ... issues For example, here's the previous for statement rewritten as an equivalent foreach statement: int[] pins = { 9, 3, 7, }; foreach (int pin in pins) { Console.WriteLine(pin); } The foreach...
Ngày tải lên: 15/12/2013, 00:15
Ngày tải lên: 21/12/2013, 01:19
Ngày tải lên: 21/12/2013, 01:19
Pseudo vector control – an alternative approach for brushless DC motor drives
... perform the direct transformation and the invert one, the rotor position will be needed The instantaneous rotor position and speed can be obtained from the Hall-sensors information using an observer ... communication instants The torque ripple is therefore inevitable If we can incorporate other information of the drive into calculation of the reference currents ia*, ib*, ic*, the performance of the ... emphasis the performance of the controlled system, the speed control loop is omitted in the Figs - and the currents are controlled by hysteresis (bang-bang) techniques A Performance of the conventional...
Ngày tải lên: 03/01/2014, 19:46
16 an interval method for linear IVPs for ODEs nedialkok
... II Let βmax be the largest angle among the angles between every two columns of C Let βmin be the smallest such angle Let θ, < θ π, be a constant Select: if βmin > θ and βmax < π − θ H = C, [r] ... g(t) If h and [y0 ] y0 are such that p−1 ti fi (y0 ) + fp ([y0 ]) ⊆ [y0 ] for all t ∈ [0, h], y0 + i=1 then (1) with y(0) = y0 has a unique solution in [0, h], and y(t; t0 , y0 ) ∈ [y0 ] for all ... QT [e] Can we combine them, or switch between them at run time? Two ad-hoc solutions: Approach I and II 24 Approach I We can (roughly) measure the overestimations in the parallelepiped and QR...
Ngày tải lên: 12/01/2014, 22:02
... ,t) and a family F of subsets of E, there is a pair of F-disjoint paths between s and t if and only if F can be partitioned into two non-empty sub-families F1 and F2, such that none of them is an ... of edge-sets F = {S1, S2, … Sk} is an s-t cut if S i is an s-t cut S i ∈F Minimal s-t Cut: A family of edge-sets F is a minimal s-t cut if it is an s-t cut and any proper sub-family of F is not ... Therefore, F2 is not an s-t cut In addition, since P1 and P2 are F-disjoint, P2 does not hit any set in F1 Therefore, the path P2 will remain in the graph if all the edges in F1 are removed Therefore,...
Ngày tải lên: 20/01/2014, 23:20