... research We are, however, currently only taking snapshots, not yet making movies The challenge of the next decade will be to string all these pictures together, to really appreciate the complexity and ... antigenic presentation and the establishment of a low-level chronic disease The first decade of the genomics era has revolutionized our understanding of microbiology, and it is very likely that ... regions, where whale carcasses have sunk to the sea floor These environments are rich in lipid, and DNA encoding metabolic processes could be identified in samples that were geographically distinct...
Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 14:22
... from the Financial Crisis What have we learned about market efficiency from the financial crisis? The short answer is: some things we should have known beforehand 26 TCDN A Theory is Just a ... that prices were too high at the time, the clear implication is that by today—when we all know how inefficient the market is and how irrationally exuberant we were 13 years ago And after 13 ... desks and proprietary portfolios, whose strategies and very existence were premised on making money from market mispricing Investors who poured money into the property market, stock market, and...
Ngày tải lên: 14/07/2015, 11:45
Tiểu luận tài chinh doanh nghiệp The Global Financial Crisis and the Efficient Market Hypothesis What Have We Learned
... prices were too high at the time, the clear implication is that by today—when we all know how inefficient the market is and how irrationally exuberant we were 13 years ago, and after we have had ... tài So, what have we learned about market efficiency from the financial crisis? The Vậy, học thị short answer is: some things we should trường hiệu từ khủng hoảng tài have known beforehand chính? ... would have looked more closely at the leverage and risk-taking positions of Lehman Brothers, Bear Sterns, AIG, Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae, and banks and investment banks generally They might have...
Ngày tải lên: 14/07/2015, 11:49
báo cáo hóa học:" HIV prevention: What have we learned from community experiences in concentrated epidemics?" pdf
... in India, run by and for sex workers, has resulted in impressive coverage rates with HIV and other services for sex workers in the state of West Bengal and HIV prevalence rates have remained low ... conceived the manuscript BS and ID reviewed the literature and wrote the manuscript; HH participated to the writing and provide reports on community HIV testing All authors read and approved the final ... research and experience are needed to understand how to mobilize those most at risk Nonetheless, the empowerment of communities remains a global imperative and challenge It requires real empowerment...
Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 08:20
Báo cáo y học: "GOAL: What Have We Learned" pps
... quickly with the combination, the study does not confirm that the more expensive GOAL: What Have We Learned? — Vander Leek combination inhaled corticosteroid/long-acting  agonist devices are needed ... proportion of individuals achieved control with lower doses of inhaled corticosteroid, using combined inhaled corticosteroid and long-acting  agonist However, although a similar proportion of individuals ... that may have different causes and an underlying pathophysiology (eg, eosinophilic versus neutrophilic inflammation, allergic versus nonallergic) Therefore, asthma may not respond equally well in...
Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 20:23
Báo cáo y học: " What have we learned from clinical trials in primary Sjögren’s syndrome about pathogenesis" ppsx
... studies, a randomized controlled trial with infliximab was performed on 103 patients with pSS [15] Patients received mg/kg infliximab at weeks 0, 2, and 6, and were followed for 22 weeks This trial ... infliximab (three infusions of mg/kg at 0, 2, and weeks) showed improvement in subjective and objective assessments of glandular function after 12 weeks [12] With the exception of a slight decrease ... complaints of dryness, fatigue and arthralgia [38] B cells were strongly reduced in the peripheral blood and labial salivary glands but the focus score in the gland did not change and neither did the authors...
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 15:22
Tài liệu Bank heterogeneity and interest rate setting: What lessons have we learned since Lehman Brothers? pdf
... lending, or vice versa In the estimation we can include both bank and firm controls, but we have to exclude bank and firm effects For this reason we have enriched the set of variables by including ... obviously lowered firms’ cost of financing in a period of weak demand and subdued economic activity However, the reduction in the interest rates charged to firms was significantly lower than that ... Following Albertazzi and Marchetti (2010) and Hale and Santos For a survey on modelling the banking firm, see Santomero (1984), Green (1998) and Lim (2000) 9 (2009) we cluster standard errors ( ε...
Ngày tải lên: 17/02/2014, 03:20
Tài liệu The financial cycle and macroeconomics: What have we learnt? pdf
... relationship between money (deposits) and asset prices Increases in wealth tend to raise the demand for money (wealth effect) However, higher expected returns on risky assets, such as equity and real ... Spain and Ireland are telling The fiscal accounts looked strong during the financial boom: the debt-to-GDP ratios were low and falling and fiscal surpluses prevailed And yet, following the bust and ... sector debt.33 And it requires a forceful approach, in order to address the conflicts of interests between borrowers and lenders, between managers, shareholders and debt holders, and so on It is...
Ngày tải lên: 17/02/2014, 21:20
Thuyết trình The Global Financial Crisis and the Efficient Market HypothesisWhat Have We Learned
... prices generally, and crises in particular when What Doesn’t the EMH Say? The stock market should have known we were in an asset “bubble.” The stock market should have known we were in an asset ... this is precisely what many EMH critics have claimed But if more homeowners, speculators, investors, and banks had indeed viewed current asset prices as correct, they might not have bid them up ... losses, regulators have lost face, and scapegoats are needed The EMH is a natural candidate ??? It sounds academic It is not welcomed by most money managers because it states what they are not...
Ngày tải lên: 14/07/2015, 11:45
The Landscape of Integrated Reporting: Reflections and Next Steps Edited by Robert G. Eccles doc
... of goal and of audience: we must be able to answer not only what are we measuring, but why, and for whom? Are we seeking to answer the questions of managers and shareholders? Or are we also providing ... with narrative, what goals we have set and what steps we are taking to address our role in that crisis In short, we will set out on the road to restore society’s trust in us We will be proceeding ... analysis and policy decisions affecting society and its citizens We will then have analysis and policy disconnects even worse than we already have between government, business, investors and other...
Ngày tải lên: 27/06/2014, 23:20
Báo cáo sinh học: " What have we found out about the influenza A (H1N1) 2009 pandemic virus" doc
... three studies showed that the pandemic strains exhibit more extensive replication in the respiratory tract, particularly the lower respiratory tract, of infected ferrets, as well as in mice [11,12], ... Animal models, however, have produced conflicting data on the efficiency of aerosol transmission Using an influenza A (H1N1) 2009 strain isolated in The Netherlands, Munster and colleagues demonstrated ... demonstrated efficient aerosol transmission between infected ferrets and contact ferrets [8], whereas Maines and colleagues, using strains from the Mexican and Californian outbreaks, demonstrated inefficient...
Ngày tải lên: 06/08/2014, 19:21
báo cáo khoa học: " Functional genomics and rheumatoid arthritis: where have we been and where should we go?" pdf
... understand disease patho genesis and the complex interactions between genes and environment that are believed to be the basis of this disease [19] There have already been some surprises, and these ... information and methods that are emerging from the ENCODE project to under stand the pathology of RA at the molecular level, then we have very likely reached the limits of what we can achieve ... doi:10.1186/gm165 Cite this article as: Jarvis JN, Frank MB: Functional genomics and rheumatoid arthritis: where have we been and where should we go? Genome Medicine 2010, 2:44 ...
Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 12:20
engel & mccoy - the subprime virus; reckless credit, regulatory failure, and next steps (2011)
... rates were starting to rise It seemed that just when property values were going up in Cleveland, lenders and brokers were showing up to extract borrowers’ wealth In that instant, we knew we would ... to experience inner-city life and Stand and Deliver to get a feel for Hispanic borrowers.23 Loan officers and brokers were trained to make customers feel that they were acting in their best interests, ... late 1990s, we embarked on a journey to understand why high-risk loans were ravishing Cleveland’s neighborhoods Little did we know that our voyage would last for more than a decade and eventually...
Ngày tải lên: 03/11/2014, 17:25
sexual selections what we can and can’t learn about sex from animals
... only frequently distorts what we see when we look at other animals, it also in important ways determines what we not see, what we are blind to This book is about seeing what animals It is about ... insects What, then, is the relationship between feminism and the study of gender in other animals? What feminism and biology have to offer each other? I think the answer is complex On the one hand, ... out, we interpret what we see in terms of “gender schema,” ideas about what the sexes are like, physically, mentally, and emotionally If men are generally viewed as tall, we see them as tall, and...
Ngày tải lên: 01/06/2014, 10:54
Báo cáo sinh học : "What do we know about influenza and what can we do about it" ppsx
... induced by viral infection and in turn induces cellular anti-viral proteins that interfere with viral replication; and we have already mentioned the HA and the NA, and members of the viral polymerase ... the future and progress is being made in identifying conserved amino acid sequences associated with past pandemics [5] but we don’t yet know enough about what determines infectivity and virulence ... strategies and vaccine formulations for epidemic and pandemic influenza control Hum Vaccin 2009, 5: 126-135 Sui J, Hwang WC, Perez S, Wei G, Aird D, Chen LM, Santelli E, Stec B, Cadwell G, Ali...
Ngày tải lên: 06/08/2014, 19:20
Báo cáo y học: "What do we know about communicating risk? A brief review and suggestion for contextualising serious, but rare, risk, and the example of cox-2 selective and non-selective NSAIDs" pot
... probability and severity, and the complexities have been reviewed elsewhere [1] from gastrointestinal bleeding or cardiovascular events with NSAIDs and coxibs might be presented by using this method We ... Boston Between 40% and 60% of patients would have refused to have the test in the emergency room, with more refusing than accepting it, however the risk was presented Yet the additional risks were ... adverse events they were overestimated by at least 400-fold The way in which we perceive and process numbers seems to be very different from how we perceive and process words, and different in different...
Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 10:23
báo cáo khoa học:" Palatal development of preterm and low birthweight infants compared to term infants – What do we know? Part 1: The palate of the term newborn" ppt
... frenulum to a connecting line between the tubera) width and length with bodyweight and total body length in 100 male newborns were shown to be of low order (between 0.37 and 0.56), as the palatal dimensions ... distinguish between term and preterm children, included children up to three weeks of age, and did not consider the mode of presentation Correlations between palatal width and size or birthweight could ... Pubmed, Web of Science Additionally, 'hand search' was performed in text books and encyclopedias relevant to the subject, and in the following journals, including supplements and abstract bands:...
Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 23:22
báo cáo khoa học:" Palatal development of preterm and low birthweight infants compared to term infants – What do we know? Part 2: The palate of the preterm/low birthweight infant" pps
... PT/LBW and term infants' palatal measurements Results and Discussion Seventy-eight articles published between 1940 and 2000 were included in the analysis of descriptions of the palatal morphology and ... palatal bone growth and in resistance to postural deformation However, any significant differences between breast- and formula fed children with respect to palatal width and depth [46] have been refuted ... preterm infant, [BW] birthweight, [LBW] low birthweight, [NBW] normal birthweight, [VLBW] very low birthweight, [NBW] normal birthweight, [GA] gestational age, [GW] gestational weeks, [NS] not significant...
Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 23:22
Báo cáo y học: " What have transgenic and knockout animals taught us about respiratory disease?" pot
... http://respiratory-research.com/content/1/2/082 What we have learned from these models It is immediately obvious that our understanding of the role of the immune system in the initiation and propagation of the inflammatory ... understanding the role of cytokines, chemokines and growth related peptides in asthma because these substances are often detected in bronchial tissue and have a wide variety of pharmacological and ... because several studies have shown the ability of IL-6, IL-9 and IL-11 to promote fibroblast proliferation and subepithelial fibrosis The interaction between the immune system and resident cells such...
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 18:20
Báo cáo khoa học: "Endotracheal tubes and imposed work of breathing: what should we do about it, if anything" pps
... conclusion of the study by Brochard and colleagues [4,5] Weissman [6] evaluated flow–volume loops in 18 postoperative patients intubated with size 7.0 and 8.0 ET tubes and found that only ‘minimal limitation ... breathing as patient demand varies, preservation of a normal, variable breathing pattern, and improved synchrony In a recent trial of spontaneous breathing before extubation, Haberthur and coworkers [11] ... of Maeda and colleagues One issue not addressed in the study by Maeda and coworkers is the role of expiratory compensation One distinct difference in the operation of the Drager Evita and Puritan...
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 19:22