... m http://www.verticalrespo nse.com/blo g/writing-fo r-the-web-its-no t -what- you- learned -in- english- class/ Writing for the Web (It’s Not What You Learned in English Class) Content Marketing/Copywriting Published on January ... Tags: copywriting, how to write f or the web, online writing, search engine optimization, SEO, web writing, website copywriting, website writing, writing, writing f or the web, writing tips About ... building my website, but I have no idea how to write anything f or it. Help!” Writing doesn’t come easy f or many people, let alone writing f or the Web. Sure, we’ve all plowed through English classes...
Ngày tải lên: 27/01/2014, 11:07
Learn how to say things and what you think in English
... see interesting differences), write them down in their Đinh Gia H ngư 1 ghung71@yahoo.com Lecturer in English, DNU 0914622207 Cultural Affairs Assistant, USE. I. Define everything in English ... where you can surf the Internet/Net/Web. [T] I was surfing until midnight last night. [I] Cybercafé noun [C] a cafe where you can eat and drink while using computers to read information on the Internet E-mail ... repeated movements, esp. in order to relax them or to reduce stiffness or pain in their joints or muscles I've got a dreadful ache in my neck. Would you mind massaging it for me? She gave...
Ngày tải lên: 23/04/2014, 22:02
Tiết dạy chuyên đề " Using games in English class"
... kites -Play soccer -Play badminton -Play tennis -Go swimming -Go jogging -Go camping -Go to the zoo -Go fishing What s the weather like in the Spring ? Answer the questions,using given picture : ... swimming. He plays soccer. He goes jogging. He goes fishing. Hot Cold Warm Cool * Labeling pictures : What does Ba usually do when It’s hot/cold/cool/warm? When it’s hot, Ba goes swimming. When ... What does Ba do when it’s hot ? Answer the questions,using given picture : Go swimming Back What s the weather like in the Fall ? Answer the questions,using given picture...
Ngày tải lên: 29/09/2013, 14:10
Language games using homophones in english classes=trò chơi ngôn ngữ sử dụng từ đồng âm trong các lớp học tiếng anh
Ngày tải lên: 19/12/2013, 15:01
Báo cáo y học: "Endothelial How did you sleep in the ICU" pps
Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 07:21
factors affecting students’ willingness to communicate in english classroom = nghiên cứu yếu tố ảnh hưởng đến sự tự giác giao tiếp của sinh viên bằng tiếng anh trong lớp học
... number of areas in both ESL and EFL settings, including examination of learner perceptions of their WTC in L2 in class. Some research has focused on learner perceptions of WTC in class. For example, ... these mainly affected factors affecting students‟ WTC in class in this study. 1.3 Factors affecting students’ WTC In order to gain insight into the relationship between WTC and its determinants, ... in L2 in class. Another study that employed the triangulation technique in investigating WTC in L2 was Liu‟s (2005) study. This study examined Chinese tertiary students‟ reticence in oral English...
Ngày tải lên: 02/03/2015, 14:31
face - saving strategies in teachers' oral feedback in english classrooms - a vietnamese - american cross-cultural study
... in five minutes.‟ In saying this, the bartender is performing an act of informing the patrons of the bar's imminent closing and perhaps also the act of urging them to finish their drink. ... Chapter III: Findings and Discussion This chapter deals with the findings drawn out from the analysis of data. The findings and discussion are based on describing and contrasting face-saving strategies ... uses indirect language and removes the speaker from the potential to being imposing. For example, a speaker using the indirect strategy might merely say “wow, it‟s getting cold in here” insinuating...
Ngày tải lên: 02/03/2015, 14:32
101 english words you ll never learn in school
... situations. Example: ã You see your friends sitting down and say, “Hey what s happening guys?” What s new? When to use it: When greeting someone you haven’t seen in a while. Add-ons: What s new with you? 9 _____________________________________________________________________________ 101 ... greeting a friend. Add-ons: What s good in the hood? Usage Notes: This is a more informal way of saying Whats up? Example: ã You give your friend a high five and say, What s good?” What s cracking? ... When you are greeting someone you see often. Variations: What s crackin’? Add-ons: What s crackin’ yo? Example: ã You meet up with a friend that you see every week and say What s crackin'...
Ngày tải lên: 27/03/2015, 19:47
Classroom activities to stimulate 10-form students’ presentation in english speaking lessons at marie curie high school, hai phong
... Their opinions of difficulties when teaching presentation task in English speaking classes (question 7 – What are the difficulties when you teach your students presentation in your English classes?) 60% ... Aims The survey is aimed to investigate the current situation of teaching and learning the speaking skill in general and learning how to make presentation in English in particular. First, the ... study has indicated the presentation activities which students prefer and find them most motivating and useful in an English speaking class including discussions, and role–plays. In addition,...
Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2012, 15:01
Facilitating English Conversation Development in Large Classrooms
... interaction in EFL classrooms began with research in the early 1980s by Long which eventually culminated in his Interaction Hypothesis (1983; 1996). Long found that interaction in L2 learning ... discipline to be able keep to this course design week in and week out will result in an English conversation course that lives up to its billing. Facilitating English Conversation Development in ... couple of lines that indicate that you read their e-mail and that you are aware of the content of their message. Conclusion For EFL instructors teaching English conversation we need to continuously...
Ngày tải lên: 06/09/2013, 10:10
what are you doing lets learn 3
... book? Yes, I am. Sing a song ã Sing a song singing a song ã Watch TV watching TV ã Read a book reading a book. ã Draw a picture drawing a picture ã Have breakfast having breakfast ã Write ... riding a bicycle. 8. They are 50.000 dong. 9. I’m a student. 10.I’m drawing a picture. Are you reading a book? No, I’m not. I’m drawing a picture An trua An toi Are you reading ... trua Read a book What are you doing? I m writing a letter’ 1. What/ watch TV 2. Ride a bicycle/ Yes 3. What/ write a letter 4. Draw a picture/ No/ Read a book 5. Sing a song/ Yes 6. Have...
Ngày tải lên: 17/10/2013, 02:11