what apos s the problem with sharp edges

What Teachers Make - The problem with teacher

What Teachers Make - The problem with teacher

... INSTEAD OF HIS rge eu t th is res D N A sist gue d th e urg r the the eo sts re in em to r din ner D N A tha rge t u o ab l u r the othe ist the sts res ind gue e em to r ner o tru say din s ... that asked me to be honest BECAUSE YOU SEE And I wish he hadn’t done that asked me to be honest BECAUSE YOU SEE I have this little policy in my classroom And I wish he hadn’t done that asked ... that asked me to be honest BECAUSE YOU SEE I have this little policy in my classroom about honesty, AND ASS-KICKING WH ICH ISif you a s k for it WH ICH ISif you a s k for t Ih en h to ave...

Ngày tải lên: 10/06/2014, 09:26

90 177 0
Tài liệu The Problem with Objects docx

Tài liệu The Problem with Objects docx

... this code will compile, it is not valid and throws a System.InvalidCastException at runtime The error is caused by trying to store a reference to a Circle in a Clock variable, and the two types ... Another disadvantage of using the object approach to create generalized classes and methods is that it can use additional memory and processor time if the runtime needs to convert an object into ... transparently, they add a performance overhead as they involve dynamic memory allocations While this overhead is small for each item, it adds up when a program creates queues of large numbers of...

Ngày tải lên: 15/12/2013, 00:15

2 341 0


... distinct set of characteristically sweet and innocuous emotions Mark Jefferson defines sentimentality by its “emphasis upon such things as the sweetness, dearness, littleness, blamelessness, and ... aesthetically detrimental in some cases than others What makes Roses for Stalin especially objectionable is the fact that it ostensibly derives its aesthetic power from its moral authority The ... of Savile s criticism is epistemic Judgments that are based on a sentimental disposition towards their objects are epistemically compromised because sentimentality consists of active misrepresentation...

Ngày tải lên: 19/02/2014, 17:20

11 298 0
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: "The Problem with Kappa" pdf

Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: "The Problem with Kappa" pdf

... Conclusions The asymmetric Powers Informedness gives the clearest measure of the predictive value of a system, while the Matthews Correlation (as geometric mean with the Powers Markedness dual) is ... observation with the place of DeltaP’ as the dichotomous case of 348 Powers’ ‘Informedness’ suggests that human association is in some sense optimal Powers (2007) also introduces a dual of Informedness ... valid classifications or ratings into an agreed number of classes Concordance measures should be used if number of classes is not agreed or specified For mismatch cases (15) Fleiss is always negative...

Ngày tải lên: 22/02/2014, 02:20

11 361 0
The problem with Social Marketing Why you can’t sell change like soap ppt

The problem with Social Marketing Why you can’t sell change like soap ppt

... significant positive effects in the short term Effects tended to dissipate in the medium and longer term… These results are broadly comparable with systematic reviews of other types of substance use prevention ... has no way of critically assessing the client s assumptions Social Marketing almost invariably assumes the clients’ prescribed behaviour or action is right, just, appropriate, and do-able As ... sprays them from afar with messages the same way a crop duster sprays a crop of canola But who still thinks that human societies change this way? Fifty years of Diffusion of Innovations scholarship...

Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 21:20

13 498 0
the problem with native javascript apis

the problem with native javascript apis

... jQuery, the library responsible for popularizing the use of CSS selectors to retrieve and manipulate DOM elements You can also retrieve elements simply using a CSS class via the getElementsByClassName() ... proclamations “You don’t even need a JavaScript library anymore,” some said “You can just use the native JavaScript APIs to the same thing.” Looking at the browser s JavaScript landscape, it s easy to see ... web pages are written by humans All humans have one thing in common: They make mistakes Browsers have bugs just like web pages have bugs just like any other software has bugs The native APIs you’re...

Ngày tải lên: 01/08/2014, 16:22

16 192 0
Holocaust Representation in ThirdGeneration Literary Nonfiction: Postmemory in Daniel Mendelsohn‘s The Lost: A Search for Six of Six Million and Edmund De Waal‘s The Hare with Amber Eyes: A Hidden Inheritance

Holocaust Representation in ThirdGeneration Literary Nonfiction: Postmemory in Daniel Mendelsohn‘s The Lost: A Search for Six of Six Million and Edmund De Waal‘s The Hare with Amber Eyes: A Hidden Inheritance

... a story, it is this story that is being searched in the story of the quest Besides these two levels there are also the tales that the surviving Bolechowers tell Mendelsohn In these stories, Shmiel ... and what they experienced The result of this quest is his novel, The Hare with the Amber Eyes, which answers these questions It is not as obvious to determine The Hare with Amber Eyes as a quest ... as it was for his grandfather, but Mendelsohn s approach is analytical and theoretical In his novel, Mendelsohn discusses several passages of the Torah He analyses passages with a retrospective...

Ngày tải lên: 14/04/2016, 18:03

75 408 0
unit 4 What''s the weather like?

unit 4 What''s the weather like?

... Discuss these questions Would you like to visit any of the places in part A? Is the weather important? What s the weather like today where you live? What was the weather like last weekend? Is ... work Discuss these questions Is the weather forecast better for Saturday or Sunday? What you think the weather will really be like next weekend? Which day last weed had the best weather? What did ... winds traffic accidents frostbite power losses wildfires Blizards Heat waves C join another pair Compare your ideas Can you add any more words and phrases to part B.? D Group work Discuss these...

Ngày tải lên: 03/07/2013, 21:51

13 995 2
Franklin Road Academy Prepares for the Future With ADC’s CopperTen® 10-Gigabit Cabling

Franklin Road Academy Prepares for the Future With ADC’s CopperTen® 10-Gigabit Cabling

... switches Tennessee-based System Integrations, Inc., a provider of security, network and telephony services for K-12 schools, assisted with the design and provided installation and testing services ... wireless access points (WAPs) and projectors in each classroom The new cabling also supports intercom/bell speakers, a 3Com VoIP telephony system, video network, community printers, and door access ... building that houses humanities and social studies, and the south campus that houses foreign language classrooms At the same time, planning began for a new state-of -the- art math and science building,...

Ngày tải lên: 22/10/2013, 17:15

4 337 0
Tài liệu Đề tài " The Calder´on problem with partial data " doc

Tài liệu Đề tài " The Calder´on problem with partial data " doc

... measurements at the boundary of the body Substantial progress has been made on this problem since Calder´n s pioneer contribution [3], and is o also known as Calder´n s problem, in the case where ... Here we use the straight forward scalar products between tensors of the same size (2 or 3) and consider that the first index in the tensor ∂x G is the one corresponding to the differentiations ∂xj ... we shall use in the construction of complex geometrical optics solutions for the Schr¨dinger o equation In Sections 4, we use the Carleman estimate for solutions of the inhomogeneous Schr¨dinger...

Ngày tải lên: 16/02/2014, 06:20

26 387 0
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: Delineation of exoenzyme S residues that mediate the interaction with 14-3-3 and its biological activity ppt

Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: Delineation of exoenzyme S residues that mediate the interaction with 14-3-3 and its biological activity ppt

... This This This This This This This This This This This This FEBS Journal 273 (2006) 638–646 ª 2006 The Authors Journal compilation ª 2006 FEBS study study study study study study study study study ... proteins: GST-ExoS(wt), GST-ExoS(SD), GST-ExoS(LDL426– 428AAA), GST-ExoS(DALDL424–428AAAAA), GSTExoS(D424A; D427A), GST-ExoS (S4 19I), GST-Exo- Table Summary of the various GST-fusion protein constructs ... 17, GST-ExoS(L428A) Lower panel: Coomassie blue stained SDS ⁄ PAGE showing the purified GST-fusion proteins used in this study The order corresponds to lanes 2–17 above S( Q420A), GST-ExoS(G421A),...

Ngày tải lên: 19/02/2014, 08:20

9 525 0
Trả lời câu hỏi "What''''s the date today?" thế nào? pdf

Trả lời câu hỏi "What''''s the date today?" thế nào? pdf

... Thursday Thu Friday Fri Saturday Sat Sunday Sun Năm Từ năm 2000 trở đi, năm đọc giống s đếm 2000 - two thousand 2003 - two thousand and three Những năm trước có cách đọc khác: nhóm s vào nhóm nối nhóm ... Feb August Aug March Mar September Sept April Apr October Oct May - November Nov June - December Dec Dạng viết tắt dạng đầy đủ Ngày: Ngày Viết tắt Monday Mon Tuesday Tue Wednesday Wed Thursday Thu ... What s the date today?” Với câu hỏi này, người Anh trả lời nào? Người Mỹ trả lời nào? Có khác văn nói văn viết không? Sau đọc xong viết sau, bạn trả lời tất câu hỏi...

Ngày tải lên: 19/03/2014, 19:20

7 1,1K 0
Đề tài " Existence and minimizing properties of retrograde orbits to the three-body problem with various choices of masses " potx

Đề tài " Existence and minimizing properties of retrograde orbits to the three-body problem with various choices of masses " potx

... constant, under the assumption that the mass center is at rest Each integral in (13) is of this form In this sense, expression (13) is essentially treating the system as three Kepler problems The ... [19], relates the configurations of the three bodies with points on the unit shape sphere In the figure Λj represents isosceles triangles with jth mass equally distant from the other two The equator ... because they are not covered by classical approaches, but also due to the amusing symmetries they exhibit On the other hand, these orbits were constructed under the assumption that some masses are...

Ngày tải lên: 29/03/2014, 07:20

25 287 0
What Janus Meant: The First Wave of Court Decisions Interpreting the Supreme Court’s “Ultimate Authority” Test in Securities Cases potx

What Janus Meant: The First Wave of Court Decisions Interpreting the Supreme Court’s “Ultimate Authority” Test in Securities Cases potx

... contents “As to other statements, such as those made in press conferences or in press releases, there is no allegation that anyone other than ES and the direct issuers of those statements had ... shape both the plaintiffs’ bar s claims alleging securities fraud, and defendants’ arguments for dismissal of such claims Within six months of the Supreme Court s decision, Janus has already led ... plaintiffs sued for alleged misstatements in the Bahamian equivalent of prospectus statements issued by the fund entity, Multiadvisors, about its Optimal Strategic U .S Equity Fund, all of whose assets...

Ngày tải lên: 30/03/2014, 14:20

9 435 0
báo cáo hóa học:" What do standard radiography and clinical examination tell about the shoulder with cuff tear arthropathy?" pptx

báo cáo hóa học:" What do standard radiography and clinical examination tell about the shoulder with cuff tear arthropathy?" pptx

... glenoid [16] The extent of this bony wear seems to be related to the seriousness of the disease [20,21] These AP-views are also useful to evaluate some morphological osseous properties of the shoulder ... on the clinical status of the patient This is in contrast with the statement of Nové-Josserand et al who demonstrates a strong statistical correlation between the Constant score versus Hamada stage ... radiograph is used today to document patients with rotator cuff tear arthropathy Furthermore this basic investigation is applied to distinguish various types of the disease with specific therapeutical...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 04:20

7 448 0
báo cáo hóa học:" What do standard radiography and clinical examination tell about the shoulder with cuff tear arthropathy?" docx

báo cáo hóa học:" What do standard radiography and clinical examination tell about the shoulder with cuff tear arthropathy?" docx

... glenoid [16] The extent of this bony wear seems to be related to the seriousness of the disease [20,21] These AP-views are also useful to evaluate some morphological osseous properties of the shoulder ... on the clinical status of the patient This is in contrast with the statement of Nové-Josserand et al who demonstrates a strong statistical correlation between the Constant score versus Hamada stage ... radiograph is used today to document patients with rotator cuff tear arthropathy Furthermore this basic investigation is applied to distinguish various types of the disease with specific therapeutical...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 07:20

7 521 0