
Agile Web Application Development with Yii 1.1 and PHP5

Agile Web Application Development with Yii 1.1 and PHP5

... demo Create a Web application under '/Webroot/demo'? [Yes|No] Yes mkdir /WebRoot/demo mkdir /WebRoot/demo/assets mkdir /WebRoot/demo /css generate css/ bg.gif generate css/ form .css generate ... Design, Layout, Themes, and Internationalization(i18n) 253 Iteration planning 253 Designing with layouts 254 Specifying a layout 255 Applying and using a layout 255 Deconstructing the main.php layout ... your web server is running, you should be able to open up your browser and navigate to http://localhost/demo/index.php . Here you will be presented with a My Web Application home page along with...

Ngày tải lên: 03/01/2013, 08:56

368 574 20
Extended Web Services Security with WS-Security and WS-Secure Conversation

Extended Web Services Security with WS-Security and WS-Secure Conversation

... SystemUnauthorizedAccess exception. CHAPTER 7 ■ EXTENDED WEB SERVICES SECURITY WITH WS-SECURITY AND WS-SECURE CONVERSATION 157 701xCH07.qxd 7/17/06 1:23 PM Page 157 Extended Web Services Security with WS-Security and WS-Secure ... implement secure conversation in a Web farm, so that the client may communicate with different instances of the same Web service across multiple servers in a Web farm. Finally, secure conversation ... click OK. CHAPTER 7 ■ EXTENDED WEB SERVICES SECURITY WITH WS-SECURITY AND WS-SECURE CONVERSATION 143 701xCH07.qxd 7/17/06 1:23 PM Page 143 In WSE 3.0 solutions the Web service will typically also...

Ngày tải lên: 05/10/2013, 08:48

36 529 1
Use Policy Frameworks to Enforce Web Service Requirements with WS-Policy

Use Policy Frameworks to Enforce Web Service Requirements with WS-Policy

... PM Page 162 Use Policy Frameworks to Enforce Web Service Requirements with WS-Policy 171 Step 4: Configure the Policy The policy framework file should be stored as an XML file within the Web ... entire 3901c07_final.qxd 6/30/04 3:17 PM Page 180 Chapter 7 162 The policy expressions are contained within XML documents that are installed with the Web service. Optionally, you can use the ... This includes either an entire Web service or a specific endpoint within the Web service. Policy attachment The means by which a policy expression is associated with one or more policy subjects. The...

Ngày tải lên: 05/10/2013, 08:51

28 365 0
Web Client Programming with Perl-Chapter 3: Learning HTTP- P3

Web Client Programming with Perl-Chapter 3: Learning HTTP- P3

... client might also use a Content-type header with the POST or PUT method. Most commonly, with many CGI applications, clients use a POST or PUT request with information in the entity-body, and supply ... web client requests the document without sending an Authorization header. If the server denies access to the document, the server specifies the authorization method for the client to use with ... particular page is accessed again by the client. The cookie mechanism allows servers to personalize pages for each client, or remember selections the client has made when browsing through various pages...

Ngày tải lên: 17/10/2013, 19:15

27 521 0
Web Client Programming with Perl-Chapter 4: The Socket Library- P1

Web Client Programming with Perl-Chapter 4: The Socket Library- P1

... it's not fully compliant with the HTTP specs, the web server won't understand you! Perhaps your web client works with one web server but not another. Or maybe your web client works most of ... '/index.html'). We've saved this routine in a file called web. pl, and we'll use it in examples (with a require &apos ;web. pl' ) in this chapter. Hypertext UNIX cat # handle ... figure out which headers to use, the parameters with each header, and special cases like dealing with HTTP version differences and URL redirections. With the socket library, you do all of this...

Ngày tải lên: 20/10/2013, 10:15

26 491 0
Web Client Programming with Perl-Chapter 4: The Socket Library- P2

Web Client Programming with Perl-Chapter 4: The Socket Library- P2

... list of all the references in an HTML page, here's a utility you can use to fetch an HTML page from a server and print out the URLs referenced within the page. We've taken the hcat code ... returned at the end of the function. We've saved this in web. pl, and will include it in the hgrepurl program with a require &apos ;web. pl'. The second major change from hcat to hgrepurl ... shcat's STDIN, and it will forward it on to the web server you specify. This allows you to do things like HTML form postings with POST, or a file upload with PUT, and selectively look at the results....

Ngày tải lên: 20/10/2013, 10:15

26 463 0
Web Client Programming with Perl-Chapter 5: The LWP Library- P1

Web Client Programming with Perl-Chapter 5: The LWP Library- P1

... dereference the array within the list with: When invoked with no arguments, this method returns the current value of the identifier used in the User-Agent HTTP header. If invoked with an argument, ... most recent postings * This Week in Web Review: Tracking Ads Are you running your Web site like a business? These tools can help. * Traveling with your dog? Enter the latest Travelers' ... they appear within the HTML. But in some cases, you want to see the link as an absolute URL, with the full glory of a URL's LWP::Simple When you want to quickly design a web client,...

Ngày tải lên: 24/10/2013, 08:15

27 400 0
Web Client Programming with Perl-Chapter 5: The LWP Library- P2

Web Client Programming with Perl-Chapter 5: The LWP Library- P2

... section, the Robot Exclusion Standard gives webmasters the ability to block off certain areas of the web site from the automated "robot" type of web clients. It is arguable that the programs ... Top and bottom margin. Default is 2 cm. PageNo Boolean value to display page numbers. Default is 0 (off). FontFamily Font family to use on the page. Possible values are Courier, Helvetica ... example, and now the web client knows that it should use the proxy at proxy.ora.com at port 8080 for HTTP requests, but to avoid using the proxy if the request is for a web server in the ora.com...

Ngày tải lên: 24/10/2013, 08:15

32 439 0
Web Client Programming with Perl-Chapter 6: Example LWP Programs-P1

Web Client Programming with Perl-Chapter 6: Example LWP Programs-P1

... the URI::URL object with a call to $self->{'url'}query( ). A new HTTP::Request( ) object is made with the URI::URL object as a parameter. The request is issued with the call to $self->{'robot'}->request( ... programs with more user-friendly options and features. We present three broad categories of web client programs:  Simple clients programs that perform actions for users in real time, usually with ... user-specified web server and identify themselves in the User-Agent header. But one looks a lot cleaner than the other. Instead of using the nitty-gritty socket code that talks directly to the web server,...

Ngày tải lên: 28/10/2013, 15:15

41 469 0
Web Client Programming with Perl-Chapter 6: Example LWP Programs-P2

Web Client Programming with Perl-Chapter 6: Example LWP Programs-P2

... references if ($print_not _web) { my %notweb = $site->not _web; print "\nReferenced non-HTTP links:\n"; foreach $url (keys %notweb) { print "notweb: $url\n"; } } ... (URLs that have been visited) # %notweb $notweb{$URL}=1 if URL is non-HTTP # %badlist $badlist{$URL}="reason" (URLs that failed. Separated with \n) getopts('avlrRnbhm:p:e:d:'); ... not http based sub not _web { my $self = shift; %{ $self->{'not _web& apos;} }; } # return associative array of encountered urls that are local to the # web server that was queried...

Ngày tải lên: 28/10/2013, 15:15

34 329 0
Web Client Programming with Perl-Chapter 7: Graphical Examples with Perl/Tk- P1

Web Client Programming with Perl-Chapter 7: Graphical Examples with Perl/Tk- P1

... simple program that will just prompt for the word and go look it up without all that extra hassle. Anyone familiar with the xwebster client for the X Window System will find xword to be vaguely ... track, a graphical version of the FedEx example shown in Chapter 6.  webping, an at-a-glance display of the status of multiple web servers One caveat about Tk, and it's a serious one. At this ... place. We want lots of room to type, so we set it up with a default width of 40. Also note that we are storing anything that's been entered with the Entry widget in a global variable called...

Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2013, 09:15

14 465 0
Web Client Programming with Perl-Chapter 7: Graphical Examples with Perl/Tk- P2

Web Client Programming with Perl-Chapter 7: Graphical Examples with Perl/Tk- P2

... minutes. For this example, we'll interact with the Federal Express tracking page. When you ship a package via FedEx, they keep track of it with a shipping number (also called an airbill ... number) and they have been kind enough to make available via the Web a place for us to check up on our packages. If we look at their web page, they have a place to enter the airbill number, a place ... to keep this simple. Check on Package Delivery: Track Web browsers are great at what they do, but what if we want to query the same page for the same information several times in a row? We...

Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2013, 09:15

18 420 0
Web Client Programming with Perl-Chapter 7: Graphical Examples with Perl/Tk- P3

Web Client Programming with Perl-Chapter 7: Graphical Examples with Perl/Tk- P3

... going to use a default of today for the date field. The FedEx web page expects it in the form of "DayMonthYear", and digits with only one number require a leading zero. The string returned ... tracking client Chapter 7: Graphical Examples with Perl/Tk- P3 Our destinations list is an almost exact copy of the list you'd see on the web page. For ease in using, we placed "U.S.A." ... letter, it would scroll to the first entry starting with that letter. Or you could put an additional entry, and search for any word starting with those characters: my $response_f = $mw->Frame;...

Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2013, 09:15

19 426 0
Tài liệu Tổng quan SQL_ Internet Explorer Web Page Color Names docx

Tài liệu Tổng quan SQL_ Internet Explorer Web Page Color Names docx

... Articles A59 Part 9: Articles Article 4 Internet Explorer Web Page Color Names When you’re setting color properties in a data access page, you normally enter a hexa- decimal value that represents ... represents the red-green-blue (RGB) color value that your browser can understand. However, data access pages must run in Microsoft Internet Explorer, and Internet Explorer also understands a wide variety...

Ngày tải lên: 10/12/2013, 15:15

4 299 0
Tài liệu Web Client Programming with Perl-Chapter 7: Graphical Examples with Perl/Tk- P4 docx

Tài liệu Web Client Programming with Perl-Chapter 7: Graphical Examples with Perl/Tk- P4 docx

... put in other things to happen when a site is down. For instance, mail the web administrator, page the administrator with a text message, or whatever you'd like! sub add_site { return ... } } And finally, webping looks like Figure 7-4. Figure 7-4. webping client ## -i : Sets the autoping interval to <int> ## -f : Uses <filename> instead of .webping_sites as site ... Graphical Examples with Perl/Tk- P4 Check if Servers Are up: webping For the last example, we'll build a GUI interface that will allow us to check and see if several web sites are running,...

Ngày tải lên: 14/12/2013, 13:15

23 402 0
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