... reproduced by sectioning the original, beginning at the upper left-hand corer and continuing from left to right in equal sections with small overlaps Photographs included in the original manuscript ... marketing A good definition of consumer behavior is provided by Engel et al (1990): 31 Trang 37 We define consumer behavior as those actions directly involved in obtaining consuming and disposing ... time and location independent marketing Consumers will demand convenience in terms of being able to transact anywhere and anytime They identify eight emerging trends in consumer behavior: e Disintermediation
Ngày tải lên: 21/08/2014, 08:02
... 0.1% Coefficients in bold indicate signs of herding behavior Conclusion In this paper, we find obvious association of herding behavior and liquidity and foreign investor trading in different market ... herding can be divided into three main stands: papers that focus on institutional investor herding, individual investor herding, and papers that utilize aggregate market data to examine herding ... Economics and Finance, 2, 179-190 NOFSINGER, J R & SIAS, R W 1999 Herding and Feedback Trading by Institutional and Individual Investors Journal of Finance, 54, 2263-2295 SCHARFSTEIN, D S & STEIN,
Ngày tải lên: 04/02/2020, 03:32
Estimation and optimization of flank wear and tool lifespan in finish turning of AISI 304 stainless steel using desirability function approach
... the flank wear is influenced principally by the cutting time and in the second level by the cutting speed In addition, it is indicated that the cutting time is the dominant factor affecting workpiece ... surface methodology for predicting and optimizing surface roughness and cutting forces in hard turning by PVD coated insert International Journal of Industrial Engineering Computations, 6(2), 267-284 ... speed and cutting time The present study shows that a higher tool wear rate is noted at cutting speed 400 m/min and cutting time of 16 366 The flank wear is influenced principally by the cutting
Ngày tải lên: 14/05/2020, 22:29
Modelling and analysis of tool wear and surface roughness in hard turning of AISI D2 steel using response surface methodology
... conventional and wiper ceramic tools on cutting forces, surface roughness, and tool wear in hard turning AISI D2 steel Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of Engineering ... roughness and tool wear in turning Al/SiCp MMC, using conventional and soft computing techniques Advances in Production Engineering & Management, 10(2), 59 © 2017 by the authors; licensee Growing Science, ... P (2007) Modelling of surface finish and tool flank wear in turning of AISI D2 steel with ceramic wiper inserts Journal of materials processing technology, 189(1), 192-198 Sahin, Y (2009) Comparison
Ngày tải lên: 14/05/2020, 22:36
Uncertainty, agency costs and investment behavior in the Euro area and in the USA
... uncertainty shocks induce a long slump in investment and output after inducing a precautionary increase in investment We find that risk premium and bankruptcy rate play an important role in influencing ... slump in investment (and output) that sets in after about ten months is also the greatest in the USA – but very similar in Ireland While the initial drop and rebound in investment in Ireland and Austria ... affects investment demand, an increase in uncertainty will cause an increase in the price of capital and a fall in investment activity Our empirical results then indicate that the differences in financial
Ngày tải lên: 05/06/2020, 04:06
Expression of matrix metalloproteinases and their inhibitors in different immunohistochemical-based molecular subtypes of breast cancer
... carcinoma can be categorized as luminal A (ER-α + and/ or PR+ and HER2-); luminal B (ER-α + and/ or PR+ and HER2+); HER2-overexpressing (ER-α- and PR- and HER2+); basal-like (ER-α-, PR-, HER2- and ... 7, 9, 11, 13, and 14) and TIMPs (TIMP-1, 2, and 3) in breast carcinoma representing three subtypes, luminal A, HER2overexpressing, and basal-like, based on immunohistochemical findings We demonstrated ... collection and data interpretation processes SSK1, CC and SSK3 participated in the statistical analysis JSL was involved in the study design, data collection, interpretation of findings and editing
Ngày tải lên: 30/09/2020, 13:22
Gerontographics and consumer behavior in later life: Insights from the life course paradigm
... of replacing the commonly used measures of age and cognitive age which may be more successful in predicting than in explaining consumer behavior in later life Next, an interesting finding is the ... 此外还讨论了这些发现的影响以及未来进一步研究的方向° Introduction The study of older consumers’ behavior and well-being is becoming of increasing interest to several groups of people, including social workers, marketers, educators, and policy ... attitudes and behaviors in general, as people age differently biologically, psychologically, and socially, and at different rates The theories of aging that explain variability in the aging processes and
Ngày tải lên: 20/10/2022, 10:59
emotion in languaging languaging as affective adaptive and flexible behavior in social interaction
... emerges gradually from initial outbreaths and ‘laugh particles’ interpolated within wordings in line over the increase in volume, stress and smiley voice in line to the eruption and flow of a full-fledged ... into languaging behavior in the phenomenon of laughing while also being constrained by second order 4.3 Analysis: The ecology of laughter Laughter in interaction is an intriguing phenomenon in ... other and use cultural artefacts (including verbal patterns) (Pedersen and Linell forth.) The verbal and gestural actions in line and ‘comment’ on the situation by evoking a position viewing and
Ngày tải lên: 02/11/2022, 09:32
microstructure analysis of ti xpt alloys and the effect of pt content on the mechanical properties and corrosion behavior of ti alloys
... resistance, and difficulty in manufacturing, welding and machining [3,4] The other drawbacks of Ti are a high melting point (~1700 °C) and a high reactivity with surrounding impurities such as oxygen and ... oxidized, resulting in a significant increase in mass The weight change was increased by increasing the oxidation temperature All of the Pt-containing samples showed weight gain of about 0.1%–0.2% ... Ti3Pt phase The corresponding SAED patterns of dark regions in the TEM image could be indexed in terms of (111) zone axis (inset in Figure 3c) and (100) zone axis (inset in Figure 3d) of a cubic
Ngày tải lên: 02/11/2022, 14:33
Variability of candidate genes, genetic structure and association with sugar accumulation and climacteric behavior in a broad germplasm collection of melon (Cucumis melo L.)
... and CmSUS3, sucrose P phosphatases CmSPP1 and CmSPP2, fructokinase CmFK3, soluble acid invertase CmAIN2, cell wall acid invertases CmCIN3 and CmCIN4, and invertase inhibitors CmINH1, CmINH2 and ... FACTOR), EIN (ETHYLENE INSENSITIVE), EIL (ETHYLENE-INSENSITIVE LIKE), and EBF (EIN3-BINDING F-BOX) are involved in ethylene responses [26-28] In tomato, mapping of mutants showing defects in fruit ... acidulus and Indian and American wild types In Arabidopsis, the AtEIN3 transcription factor plays a role in ethylene signaling downstream of the ETR1 ethylene receptor, and is involved in fine tuning
Ngày tải lên: 27/03/2023, 04:40
How convenience, price, store layout and technology influence buying behavior of different millennial groups in the convenience stores in Vietnam
... as four independent variables; particularly, CON (including CON1 to CON5), LAY (including LAY1 to LAY5), PRI (including PRI1 to PRI5) and TEC (including TEC1 to TEC5) As a result of running factor ... buying behavior, convenience, store layout, price, technology, Vietnam Introduction * (Thailand), Ministop, Circle K and 7-Eleven (US), competing against local operators, such as VinMart, and ... purchasing behavior in grocery retailing However, most previous researches have been conducted in customer behavior in the Asian convenience store, focusing on Taiwan [8-10], China [11, 12] and
Ngày tải lên: 27/09/2020, 17:44
How convenience price store layout and technology influence buying behavior of different millennial groups in the convenience stores in vietnam
... as four independent variables; particularly, CON (including CON1 to CON5), LAY (including LAY1 to LAY5), PRI (including PRI1 to PRI5) and TEC (including TEC1 to TEC5) As a result of running factor ... buying behavior, convenience, store layout, price, technology, Vietnam Introduction * (Thailand), Ministop, Circle K and 7-Eleven (US), competing against local operators, such as VinMart, and ... purchasing behavior in grocery retailing However, most previous researches have been conducted in customer behavior in the Asian convenience store, focusing on Taiwan [8-10], China [11, 12] and
Ngày tải lên: 17/03/2021, 20:26
Electrochemical investigation on the effects of sulfate ion concentration, temperature and medium ph on the corrosion behavior of mg–al–zn–mn alloy in aqueous ethylene glycol
... tabulated in Table In impedance results, the value of Rhf increases with the increase in the pH of the media, indicating a decreasing trend in corrosion rate 3.5 Surface morphology and EDX analysis ... ions, indicating an increase in the corrosion rate Fig Potentiodynamic polarization plots for the corrosion of Mg–Al–Zn–Mn alloy in 30% aqueous ethylene glycol containing mM sulfate ions at different ... concentration and medium pH have remarkable influence on rate of corrosion of Mg–Al–Zn–Mn alloy 2) The rate of corrosion increases with increase in the concentration of the sulfate ion and increase in the
Ngày tải lên: 24/11/2022, 17:53
Báo cáo khoa học: Antioxidant defences and homeostasis of reactive oxygen species in different human mitochondrial DNA-depleted cell lines pot
... Reversal of agerelated increase in brain protein oxidation, decrease in enzyme activity, and loss in temporal and spatial memory by chronic administration of the spin trapping compound N-tert-butyl-aphenylnitrone ... were incubated in NaCl/Pi for 90 min, the intracellular fluorescence signal dramatically increased in all cases (Fig 9, Table 1) The increases, in comparison to the signals observed in standard ... quantities of protein utilizing the principle of protein-dye binding Anal Biochem 72, 248–254 Prohaska, J.R & Ganther, H.E (1976) Selenium and glutathione peroxidase in developing rat brain J Neurochem
Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 18:20
Báo cáo khoa học: Characterization of recombinant prolidase from Lactococcus lactis – changes in substrate specificity by metal cations, and allosteric behavior of the peptidase pdf
... orange) and metal-chelating residues (Asp221, Asp232, His296, Glu325 and Glu339; cyan) are shown. Corresponding residues in P. furiosus are indicated by thin lines. The size-limiting arginine, Arg295, ... fermentation can ultimately produce proline-containing dipeptides, such as Xaa-Pro and Pro-Xaa. Ishibashi et al. [5] reported two interesting observations regarding pro- line-containing dipeptides: most of these ... allosteric behavior is not common among proteinases ⁄ peptidases, it has been reported in several proteinases, e.g. cathepsin C [18] and Helicobacter pylori leucyl aminopeptidase [19]. Interestingly,
Ngày tải lên: 30/03/2014, 04:20
Standard and Innovative Strategies in Cognitive Behavior Therapy Edited by Irismar Reis de Oliveira pdf
... reward and dopamine in the addiction and whose functioning had been adversely affected (Bostwick and Bucci 2008) Craving for playing games in the internet, total gaming time and cue induced brain ... not in the internet, 178 Standard and Innovative Strategies in Cognitive Behavior Therapy but I am an important person in the internet’ and ‘I am a failure when I am not in the internet’ and ... internet use behavior is fully defined with all its aspects bearing in mind the possibility of the individual’s hiding and reducing his/her complaints (especially in online sex users) In order to
Ngày tải lên: 30/03/2014, 23:20
Báo cáo khoa học: "Age Prediction in Blogs: A Study of Style, Content, and Online Behavior in Pre- and Post-Social Media Generations" ppt
... Online -Behavior and Interests not statistically significant over Interests BOW, online -behavior, and lexical-stylistic features combined did best achieving accuracy of 77.45% and 80.88% in 1979 and 1984 ... change increase increase increase increase increase increase decrease fluctuates N/A N/A N/A N/A Table 1: List of all features used during classification divided into three categories (1,2) online behavior ... AIM and weblogs coincide with the earlier shifts at 1977 and 1979, SMS messaging coincide with both the earlier and later shifts at 1979 and 1982, and the social networking sites, MySpace and...
Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 22:20
Teenage Sexual and Reproductive Behavior in Developed Countries doc
... Barrett; in France, Nathalie Bajos and Sandrine Durand; in Great Britain, Kaye Wellings; in Sweden, Maria Danielsson, Christina Rogala and Kajsa Sundström; and in the United States, Jacqueline E ... according to the age the b Throughout this report we focus primarily on data and findings from Great Britain (including England, Wales and Scotland) In some cases, data are specific to England and ... education and training, job skills, access to job and training opportunities, the impact of geographic location and discrimination In general, in western European countries, and to some extent in Canada,...
Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 12:20
Báo cáo y học: "Morning and evening behavior in children and adolescents treated with atomoxetine once daily for Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD): Findings from two 24-week, open-label studie" potx
... measures 11 specific morning or evening behaviors (e g getting up and out of bed, doing or completing homework, sitting through dinner) The evening and morning subscores comprise and items, respectively ... difficulties in the evening Again, ratings then remained stable until week 24 Correlation of WREMB-R evening and morning subscores and the respective GIPD scores for the evening and morning items ... of Evening and Morning Behavior- Revised a Post-baseline parent-rated GIPD scores were considered only if rated by the baseline rater ficulties as being similar in the morning and the evening Until...
Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 18:21