... e-commerce competitors and keep customers in their stores… © faberNovel 2012 ••• 7 Give your staff the answer to every question a customer could ask 1 © faberNovel 2012 ••• 8 ••• 1. Give your staff ... to every question a customer could ask Empower your employees with mobile tools that let them quickly and easily access information on every product in your store Recommendation: In online stores, ... answers to customers? ?? questions are always just a click away. By comparison, store employees often come off as knowing very little about the items they sell. Today’s brick-and-mortar stores can
Ngày tải lên: 06/08/2013, 11:28
... Business 101 Ways to Satisfy Your Customers 101 Ways to Advertise Your Business Secrets to Building a Winning Business COMING SOON 101 Ways to Balance Your Business and Your Life 101 Ways to Build ... tips to help your business survive and prosper PLUS 20 BONUS TIPS ANDREW GRIFFITHS BOOST your business 101 ways to 101 WAYS TO BOOST YOUR BUSINESS ALSO BY ANDREW GRIFFITHS 101 Ways to Market Your ... Section 6: Customer service booster tips 80 #38 Build a relationship with your customers 81 #39 Learn to say ‘no’ 83 #40 Use simple market research to keep on track 85 101 WAYS TO BOOST YOUR BUSINESS
Ngày tải lên: 29/12/2013, 23:03
12 Simple Ways to Promote Your Website
... Ways to Promote Your Website by Tim Priebe Introduction I'm a web designer who has promoted websites since 1997. In that time, I have discovered that there are tons of ways to promote your ... and go to the Internet second. So use the newspaper ad to direct people to your website. 3 Of course, you should always carry a business card with you. Having your website address on your card ... Write articles in your field of expertise, and include a link to your website. Publish the articles to sites like www.ezinearticles. com and www.goarticles.com. You can also use them to start a blog
Ngày tải lên: 05/01/2014, 14:58
easy ways to lower your taxes, simple strategies every taxpayer should know (2008)
... [...]... are many easy- to- understand ways to lower your taxes you can implement yourself—for example, opening an IRA or hiring your children to work in your business Others are ... The idea behind tax planning is to use all legal means available to keep your taxable... resulting number is 8 | easy ways to lower your taxes your adjusted gross income (AGI) ... using days or months 24 | easy ways to lower your taxes Tip How will you back up your excuse? No need to send anything to the IRS when you file your taxes But if you’ve lived
Ngày tải lên: 18/04/2014, 14:04
16 Proven Ways to Grow Your E-Business
... Grow Your E-Business. .. link to your online store, too! (16) Monitor Activity on Your Web Site Once you invest in an online store, you owe it to yourself to monitor how well your ... referring customers to your online store In other words, you reward other Web sites for sending new customers to you The idea is to find Web sites with visitors who... Smith, I’d be happy to ... to be able to track the number of people who visit your online store, where they come from, and which search engines and directories they use to find... affiliate to include links to
Ngày tải lên: 11/06/2014, 05:00
Save Your Brain: The 5 Things You Must Do to Keep Your Mind Young and Sharp_2 potx
... this book is to educate you on the basics of your brain, to create an urgency to treat your brain as the Save Your Brain6 most important part of your being, and to show you how to implement ... help to develop a healthy brain but will maximize your opportunity to delay the onset of neurode- generative disease. Brain health is ultimately your commitment to maintaining access to your story ... brain. It is your brain, after all, that contains and expresses your identity, enables your connection to others, creates and stores your memories, and most important, tells your life story. This
Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 14:20
Save Your Brain: The 5 Things You Must Do to Keep Your Mind Young and Sharp_3 pot
... domain, add the scores of your circled responses and insert the total score into the formula listed for each one. 2. To derive your quarterly total brain health score, add the total scores for each ... you have considered your own brain health! You will notice improvement if you remain loyal to your brain health lifestyle! Calculate and Interpret Your Scores 1. To derive your quarterly brain ... plate. 3 points I tend to overeat regardless of portion size. 0 points Nutritional Domain Total Points Ϭ 30 What Your Score Means You may use the following guide to interpret your scores: 100–90:
Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 14:20
Save Your Brain: The 5 Things You Must Do to Keep Your Mind Young and Sharp_4 doc
... need to store the. .. input: sound, touch, taste, and smell Your hippocampi represent your vital learning and encoding structures, thereby helping you to build your life story ... something new about yourself. The fi rst learning technique is to think of the brain divided into a “top-down” orientation, with cortex at the top and the subcortex at the bottom. While these ... fl exibility, and stabilize mood. Your personality is thought to reside in the frontal region of your brain. Your temporal lobes are the site of your auditory brain, memory and new learn- ing,
Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 14:20
Save Your Brain: The 5 Things You Must Do to Keep Your Mind Young and Sharp_5 pot
... change in order to increase your chance of maintaining access to your life story! Commit to a Healthy Brain... process for brain health is to continue exposing your brain to the novel ... your personal challenge to expose your brain to novel and complex experiences and enriched environments on a daily basis. Studies suggest the earlier in life you begin to expose yourself to ... will help to develop brain reserve, pro- [...]... Overcome the Automatic Resistance to Change Your Lifestyle Your understanding of how and why the novel and complex leads to brain
Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 14:20
Save Your Brain: The 5 Things You Must Do to Keep Your Mind Young and Sharp_6 pptx
... across your entire life span. Similar to animals, the human brain can generate new brain cells and respond to environmental input. Your goal is to expose your brain to enriched environments, to ... Nutrition Each of these factors is necessary to your brain health life- style, and together they form an integrated whole for you. The fi ve factors need to be understood as one lifestyle and ... you can do to keep your brain young, fi t, and sharp! This page intentionally left blank 61 4 The Five Critical Areas of Brain Health I have a wonderful opportunity to care for and to shape
Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 14:20
Save Your Brain: The 5 Things You Must Do to Keep Your Mind Young and Sharp_7 ppt
... to an ongoing enterprise. What will it take for you to explore the opportunities in your com- munity where you can provide input and value? What skills do you have to offer? We tend to be too ... inner talents and passions, you will be able to defi ne what you are “called to do.” This, in turn, will lead to your sharing your passion with others to benefi t the community around you. Social ... recommendations to encourage parents to engage in social functions; this may even involve you literally taking them to events. While your parent may not like your motives initially, you can continue to
Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 14:20
Save Your Brain: The 5 Things You Must Do to Keep Your Mind Young and Sharp_8 pot
... been proven to be a robust correlate to heart health. Today we are able to say with confi dence that many different forms of physical activity are also good for your brain, so we need to get moving. ... shopping mall or sports store. You will derive tremendous value for your purchase, as the pedometer will keep track of your daily steps, and it will also remind you to walk. I always recommend you ... t to your brain. Physi- cal activity helps to increase brain health, and you have been taught a practical tip, purchasing a pedometer, to help change your behavior. You will be interested to
Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 14:20
Save Your Brain: The 5 Things You Must Do to Keep Your Mind Young and Sharp_9 pot
... likely your mind is to stay young and sharp. Ultimately, envi- ronmental input can shape the structure and function of your brain across your entire life span, which is why it’s important to Save ... traditional environments, such as school and work, tend to adhere to a highly structured and program- matic approach to life. We need to be able to think more cre- atively and approach the same problems ... infants sign language prior to their neurological ability to speak. Infants can learn about twenty signs prior to being able to speak words. When the infants exposed to sign language are followed,
Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 14:20
Save Your Brain: The 5 Things You Must Do to Keep Your Mind Young and Sharp_10 doc
... rid yourself of toxic... Listen to Your Body’s Stress Indicators It is important not only to identify the stressors in your life but also to understand and locate what part of your ... tend to rely heavily on our visual and auditory systems Save Your Brain122 to the neglect of our ability to taste, smell, and touch. Your brain can be stimulated using all the sensory pathways. ... criminal [...]... through your nose using your stomach muscles and holding the breath for several seconds will result in your feeling some tension in your stomach and chest Now, slowly
Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 14:20
Save Your Brain: The 5 Things You Must Do to Keep Your Mind Young and Sharp_11 docx
... example of how you can focus on any muscle group in your body to release stress. Tightening and releasing muscles all over your body (head to toe) two to three times a day will provide much-needed ... practical ways to boost spirituality at work: • Engage in a quiet moment of daily prayer, meditation, and simply closing your eyes when you’re commuting on your way to work. • Consider your lunch ... and remove stress from your body. • Give yourself thirty minutes a day every day for your own quiet time to be refl ective. • Keep guided meditation cards or prayers at your fi ngertips for moments
Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 14:20
Save Your Brain: The 5 Things You Must Do to Keep Your Mind Young and Sharp_12 pot
... no fi shy aftertaste, and it is touted as one of the most powerful omega-3s available. Remember, it’s always important to com- municate any change in your diet to your physician before try- ing ... following ideas to promote brain health nutrition in your life: • Consider working with a few local restaurants and even your grocery store to develop a section of the menu or the store where foods ... basic points to consider if you intend to change your diet to benefit your brain Tips to Promote Brain Health: Quick Review • Increase your fish intake every week, especially fatty
Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 14:20
Save Your Brain: The 5 Things You Must Do to Keep Your Mind Young and Sharp_14 potx
... least 10 minutes to set. Serve with whipped topping or vanilla ice cream. One serving—Calories: 230; Total fat: 6 g; Total carbohydrates: 47 g; Protein: 2 g; Sodium: 190 mg Save Your Brain184 ... our history All one has to do is look up an idea to realize how much information exists today With all these advances, the rapid... of information, and the ongoing upgrades to technology, ... Preheat the oven to 350°F. Fill a small saucepan with water and bring to boil while preparing recipe. Put the blueberries into an 8-inch square baking dish. In a bowl, whisk together the butter
Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 14:20
Save Your Brain: The 5 Things You Must Do to Keep Your Mind Young and Sharp_15 pot
... use. I refer to this as your autobiography, your life story, the most precious gift you have. It is critical that you maintain access to your life story so you can share it with your next great ... us to engage in the proactive path toward brain health. You have been encoding experiences most of your life, and your brain has placed them systematically into a long-term storage for your ... you to engage in a brain health lifestyle across your entire life span, which is desirable because the goal of main- taining access to your life story is so meaningful. It is important to try
Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 14:20
The 5 Things You Must Do to Keep Your Mind Young and Sharp_14 docx
... use. I refer to this as your autobiography, your life story, the most precious gift you have. It is critical that you maintain access to your life story so you can share it with your next great ... us to engage in the proactive path toward brain health. You have been encoding experiences most of your life, and your brain has placed them systematically into a long-term storage for your ... you to engage in a brain health lifestyle across your entire life span, which is desirable because the goal of main- taining access to your life story is so meaningful. It is important to try
Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 20:20
The 5 Things You Must Do to Keep Your Mind Young and Sharp_1 doc
... this book is to educate you on the basics of your brain, to create an urgency to treat your brain as the Save Your Brain6 most important part of your being, and to show you how to implement ... help to develop a healthy brain but will maximize your opportunity to delay the onset of neurode- generative disease. Brain health is ultimately your commitment to maintaining access to your story ... brain. It is your brain, after all, that contains and expresses your identity, enables your connection to others, creates and stores your memories, and most important, tells your life story. This
Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 20:20