wall street vetoes the president

muolo & padilla - chain of blame; how wall street caused the mortgage and credit crisis (2008)

muolo & padilla - chain of blame; how wall street caused the mortgage and credit crisis (2008)

... saying Wall Street would snuff it out.” He wasn’t crazy about the Street, but he believed that because Wall Street firms were the gatekeepers between the lenders (and hence the homeowners) and the ... living in the San Fernando Valley in Southern California After the loan was made, he would service the debt (collect the monthly payments), and in the event the loan became late, cure the In the consumer ... “If the marshal had to, he’d kick in the door, guns drawn, dogs barking,” Cugno said “You might have the bald granny in there, the kids, the grandkids We’d put all their stuff on the sidewalk Then...

Ngày tải lên: 01/11/2014, 21:29

354 309 0
Tài liệu The New Reality Of Wall Street ppt

Tài liệu The New Reality Of Wall Street ppt

... longrange weather forecasts They carry with them foul-weather gear, and they 34 THE NEW REALITY OF WALL STREET pull ashore and into campsites if telltale cloud and wind changes signal that the official ... have collapsed At the time, I was a portfolio strategist for Wertheim, a leading Wall Street research shop (I recall the anguish of that day vividly, 16 THE NEW REALITY OF WALL STREET CHART 1-4 ... utterance The typical postwar economic cycle comes in stages: The existence of the recession becomes apparent The Fed slashes interest rates and expands the money supply 20 THE NEW REALITY OF WALL STREET...

Ngày tải lên: 17/01/2014, 02:20

290 509 0
Tài liệu The new reality of wall street ppt

Tài liệu The new reality of wall street ppt

... longrange weather forecasts They carry with them foul-weather gear, and they 34 THE NEW REALITY OF WALL STREET pull ashore and into campsites if telltale cloud and wind changes signal that the official ... have collapsed At the time, I was a portfolio strategist for Wertheim, a leading Wall Street research shop (I recall the anguish of that day vividly, 16 THE NEW REALITY OF WALL STREET CHART 1-4 ... utterance The typical postwar economic cycle comes in stages: The existence of the recession becomes apparent The Fed slashes interest rates and expands the money supply 20 THE NEW REALITY OF WALL STREET...

Ngày tải lên: 17/01/2014, 02:20

289 615 0
Tài liệu The E-book Of Technical Market Indicators Ver 1.1 (Wall Street Courier) (pdf) pdf

Tài liệu The E-book Of Technical Market Indicators Ver 1.1 (Wall Street Courier) (pdf) pdf

... how the market reacts Then they move in the big way These heavy hitters also have the best possible information available to them and they have the edge on all the other market participants The ... 01-05-18 The E-Book of Technical Market Indicators © WallStreetCourier.com 12000 © WallStreetCourier.com 1600 www.wallstreetcourier.com Appendix The enclosed charts of the indices have exactly the ... indicator and therefore when these signals are given, they will be most likely contrary to most of the news of the moment and the opinions of the well known and most widely quoted gurus of Wall Street...

Ngày tải lên: 17/01/2014, 03:20

49 529 0
Tài liệu How the Drive for Quarterly Earnings Corrupted Wall Street and Corporate America doc

Tài liệu How the Drive for Quarterly Earnings Corrupted Wall Street and Corporate America doc

... accounting and Wall Street in the twentieth century, beginning with the boom and bust of the 1920s and the creation of the S.E.C in 1934 For the seeds of the system’s failure were present from the very ... figure options as income, either, until you cash them in Then there’s the other side of the ledger: spending and saving The distinction is usually clear, although the line blurs at your mortgage ... know the answer, without much trouble Why shouldn’t Exxon and General Motors? They should, and they Every quarter they add up their sales and costs, and figure out where they stand Then they...

Ngày tải lên: 14/02/2014, 04:20

915 482 0
As Required by Section 939(h) of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act ppt

As Required by Section 939(h) of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act ppt

... analysis of the effectiveness of the firm’s management team, the competitive environment of its industry, the regulatory environment, and the effectiveness of the firm’s corporate governance The financial ... considered or the quantitative definition of the rating, greater benefit can be provided to the market and the users of ratings via further enhancements to the transparency and clarity of the rating ... with the terms of the obligation Nature and provisions of the obligation Protection afforded by, and relative position of, the obligation in the event of the bankruptcy, reorganization, or other...

Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 08:20

60 477 0
Báo cáo khoa học: " Parsing the Wall Street Journal using a Lexical-Functional Grammar and Discriminative Estimation Techniques" doc

Báo cáo khoa học: " Parsing the Wall Street Journal using a Lexical-Functional Grammar and Discriminative Estimation Techniques" doc

... both the c-structure and the f-structure of the parse For example, the WSJs ADJP-PRD label must correspond to an AP in the c-structure and an XCOMP in the f-structure In this version of the corpus, ... of the same lexical item are indicated explicitly in the LFG representation but not in the DR representation The main conceptual difference between the two annotation schemes is the fact that the ... of the cases The average sentence length of the WSJ f-structure bank is 19.8 words; the average number of predicate-argument relations in the goldstandard f-structures is 31.2 Performance on the...

Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 20:20

8 477 0
Báo cáo khoa học: "Parsing the Wall Street Journal with the Inside-Outside Algorithm" potx

Báo cáo khoa học: "Parsing the Wall Street Journal with the Inside-Outside Algorithm" potx

... for recovering these labels The following is ,an ex~unple of a partially parsed sentence found in the Penn Treeb~mk: S NP I Training Corpus The experiments use texts from the Wall Street Journ~d ... negligible In the above formula, the probability P(c) of the partially bracketed sentence c is computed as the sum of the probabilities of all derivations compatible with the bracketing of the sentence ... a variety of subsets of the corpus as training data When the entire Wall Street Journal corpus was used as training material, the time required for training has been further reduced by using a...

Ngày tải lên: 01/04/2014, 00:20

7 573 0
c r geisst - undue influence - how the wall street elite puts the financial system at risk

c r geisst - undue influence - how the wall street elite puts the financial system at risk

... put their fingers in the dyke In the interim between the outgoing Hoover administration and the first years of the New Deal, they would achieve their longest-lasting victories In the 1920s, they ... Lehman Brothers, and Goldman Sachs Between them, they formed the nucleus of early Wall Street underwriting syndicates They were so successful that many of them were dubbed the “money trust” in the ... and the ball began rolling for serious reform Since the first years of the twentieth century, Wall Street and the East Coast establishment had been at loggerheads with the rest of the country Wall...

Ngày tải lên: 23/04/2014, 16:26

333 337 0
The Other Side of Wall Street

The Other Side of Wall Street

... be in the world.” —David Gaffen, author of Never Buy Another Stock Again The Other Side of Wall Street provides an immensely personal, insider’s view of the turbulent past decade on Wall Street ... be true to themselves and find some semblance of balance The Other Side of Wall Street ends with Chapter 18 aptly titled The Journey,” but there are now another dozen chapters since the book was ... perspectives They resonated— people liked them It occurred to me that nobody had ever branded the Wall Street bull and bear CHAPTER • THE AGE OF INNOCENCE Hoofy the Bull and Boo the Bear There was...

Ngày tải lên: 20/05/2014, 14:03

193 442 0
THE NUMBER How the Drive for Quarterly Earnings Corrupted Wall Street and Corporate America doc

THE NUMBER How the Drive for Quarterly Earnings Corrupted Wall Street and Corporate America doc

... accounting and Wall Street in the twentieth century, beginning with the boom and bust of the 1920s and the creation of the S.E.C in 1934 For the seeds of the system’s failure were present from the very ... figure options as income, either, until you cash them in Then there’s the other side of the ledger: spending and saving The distinction is usually clear, although the line blurs at your mortgage ... know the answer, without much trouble Why shouldn’t Exxon and General Motors? They should, and they Every quarter they add up their sales and costs, and figure out where they stand Then they...

Ngày tải lên: 28/06/2014, 18:20

915 382 0
THE LAST PARTNERSHIPS Inside the Great Wall Street Money Dynasties phần 1 pps

THE LAST PARTNERSHIPS Inside the Great Wall Street Money Dynasties phần 1 pps

... chastened by events in the early 1930s The partnerships emerging from the turmoil of the Depression and World War II again led Wall Street in the 1950s when the bull market began during the Eisenhower ... so good that they began to erect a large granite headquarters at the corner of Wall and Hanover Streets, at the very southern tip of Manhattan But then the roof fell in, literally The new building ... brokers in the country, half of them failed in the wake of the panic, leading to the worst economic crisis the country had yet seen The Allens were not alone in their misery One of the Allens’...

Ngày tải lên: 06/08/2014, 20:22

36 329 0
THE LAST PARTNERSHIPS Inside the Great Wall Street Money Dynasties phần 2 doc

THE LAST PARTNERSHIPS Inside the Great Wall Street Money Dynasties phần 2 doc

... change their business and introduce them to securities selling Their idea was to use former connections to sell the bonds in Germany, known for its sympathies for the Northern rather than the Southern ... on the floor Unlike the Allens a generation before, the brothers 43 THE LAST PARTNERSHIPS realized that precipitously shifting from one business to the other was a mistake; they maintained their ... of the junior partners had escaped the debacle unscathed, apparently anticipating the fiasco by putting their own financial houses in order before the end came The bankruptcy court liquidated the...

Ngày tải lên: 06/08/2014, 20:22

40 402 0
THE LAST PARTNERSHIPS Inside the Great Wall Street Money Dynasties phần 3 pdf

THE LAST PARTNERSHIPS Inside the Great Wall Street Money Dynasties phần 3 pdf

... at the top of the Wall Street tree The great irony for many prestigious firms was that although their prowess in the market was never doubted, their capital was limited Some of the activities they ... for the line and that was the real source of their interest along with the subsidy They were challenged on the fact, and the issue wound its way through the courts After the Browns divested, the ... payments Crowds gathered outside the offices of many banks on Wall Street, including Brown Brothers, and there were threats of street violence as the panic spread But Brown Brothers remained intact...

Ngày tải lên: 06/08/2014, 20:22

31 362 0
THE LAST PARTNERSHIPS Inside the Great Wall Street Money Dynasties phần 4 pdf

THE LAST PARTNERSHIPS Inside the Great Wall Street Money Dynasties phần 4 pdf

... banking, so the new law forced them out of the commercial banking business while the commercial banks divested their securities affiliates The Wall Street revolution was complete, and Brown Brothers ... rather than play both sides of the fence, it declined an offer to underwrite, leaving the job to other sympathetic banks.15 The way was then clear to help Salmon Chase raise money for the Northern ... objectives for the future As the previously loose regulatory and professional framework under which the Wall Street firms operated became more formalized, the influence of the larger Wall Street houses...

Ngày tải lên: 06/08/2014, 20:22

35 348 0
THE LAST PARTNERSHIPS Inside the Great Wall Street Money Dynasties phần 5 docx

THE LAST PARTNERSHIPS Inside the Great Wall Street Money Dynasties phần 5 docx

... results for the balance of the 1930s But better days were coming, and Kidder waited for them along with the rest of Wall Street Starting Anew The new Kidder Peabody survived the ordeal of the 1930s ... although the wolf in the story is a floor trader on the NYSE, not an investment banker “Is there a market price for love?” asked the promotional material for the film If there is, the titan of the ... Getting the refinancing package past the board was not easy, but in the end Dillon prevailed, the money was raised, and the company survived Then the lawsuits began Shareholders sued the company...

Ngày tải lên: 06/08/2014, 20:22

29 355 0
THE LAST PARTNERSHIPS Inside the Great Wall Street Money Dynasties phần 6 pot

THE LAST PARTNERSHIPS Inside the Great Wall Street Money Dynasties phần 6 pot

... THE LAST PARTNERSHIPS The rise of the House of Morgan was quite different from that of the other prominent banking houses in the nineteenth century The founder of the dynasty, Junius ... understated the importance of the operation The gold trading was done at the gold room, a trading room located around the corner from the NYSE Trading in the metal took precedence there above ... the railroad’s president The two would battle again some years later in another project close to both their hearts, but the outcome, unfortunately for Villard, would be much the same During the...

Ngày tải lên: 06/08/2014, 20:22

36 313 0
THE LAST PARTNERSHIPS Inside the Great Wall Street Money Dynasties phần 7 pdf

THE LAST PARTNERSHIPS Inside the Great Wall Street Money Dynasties phần 7 pdf

... that the days of the Wall Street partnerships were limited As trading volume and the size of new issues grew, the amount of capital on the books would have to grow across the board if the Wall Street ... followed, reputations lingered The average man in the street remembered the stories about the great bankers of the past and the wealth they had accumulated The generation before the Second World War was ... for the house account or sold directly to the public Over the course of the nineteenth century, Wall Street was fairly isolated from trends affecting the great majority of the population Wall Street...

Ngày tải lên: 06/08/2014, 20:22

35 373 0
THE LAST PARTNERSHIPS Inside the Great Wall Street Money Dynasties phần 8 pdf

THE LAST PARTNERSHIPS Inside the Great Wall Street Money Dynasties phần 8 pdf

... position on Wall Street The 1984 rankings of the top brokers found Merrill Lynch in the top spot, followed by Shearson Lehman Brothers, Salomon Brothers, Dean Witter, and then Hutton.23 The firm ... temporarily with the stock market collapse in 1987 At the forefront of the trend was the consolidation on Wall Street itself Many of the mergers would not stand the test of time, but they were significant ... activity, they changed the name of the firm to the slightly grandiose The Discount House of Salomon & Hutzler This put them firmly in the money market, and the NYSE seat became an adjunct of their...

Ngày tải lên: 06/08/2014, 20:22

35 331 0
THE LAST PARTNERSHIPS Inside the Great Wall Street Money Dynasties phần 9 ppt

THE LAST PARTNERSHIPS Inside the Great Wall Street Money Dynasties phần 9 ppt

... professional models as escorts Milken was clearly the “king,” if not of Wall Street then certainly of junk The annual event became the symbol of the Decade of Greed the outing where everyone who ever performed ... longevity as a result The Seligmans were the first to enjoy success and became the model and envy of the others Kuhn Loeb followed, eclipsing the Seligmans by the turn of the twentieth century ... in the roaring bull market of the 1920s Less clear at the time was the fact that Henry Goldman’s departure also would spell the end of the firm’s association with Lehman Brothers Shooting for the...

Ngày tải lên: 06/08/2014, 20:22

32 303 0