voltage to current converter

AN0823   analog design in a digital world using mixed signal controllers

AN0823 analog design in a digital world using mixed signal controllers

... a photo diode to convert the light-dependent reverse leakage into a voltage for IR based receivers and visible light sensors FIGURE 36: CURRENT TO VOLTAGE CONVERTER C VOLTAGE TO CURRENT CONVERTER* ... REFERENCE The new voltage comparator feature, unique to comparator C2, is the ability to synchronize the output of the comparator to the Timer1 clock The output of comparator C2 is common to the same ... is initiated, the feedback voltage from the current flow monitor feeds back through the voltage comparator When the current (voltage) exceeds the voltage from the max current set point, the PSMC...

Ngày tải lên: 11/01/2016, 14:27

54 449 0
Tài liệu DUTY CYCLE pdf

Tài liệu DUTY CYCLE pdf

... -30 to -15 dB Pulse Doppler - 50% = 0.05 - = -13 to -3 dB Continuous Wave 100% = = dB Intermediate Frequency Bandwidths of typical signals are: Pulse to 10 MHz Chirp or Phase coded pulse 0.1 to ... cycle can be expressed logarithmically (dB) so it can be added to or subtracted from power measured in dBm/dBW rather than converting to, and using absolute units Duty cycle (dB) = 10 log(duty cycle ... signals are: Pulse to 10 MHz Chirp or Phase coded pulse 0.1 to 10 MHz CW or PD 0.1 to kHz PRF is usually subdivided into the following categories: Low 0.25-4 kHz; Medium 8-40 kHz; High 50-300 kHz...

Ngày tải lên: 25/01/2014, 05:20

2 328 0
Báo cáo hóa học: " Research Article Trade-Offs between Energy Saving and Reliability in Low Duty Cycle Wireless Sensor Networks Using a Packet Splitting Forwarding Technique" docx

Báo cáo hóa học: " Research Article Trade-Offs between Energy Saving and Reliability in Low Duty Cycle Wireless Sensor Networks Using a Packet Splitting Forwarding Technique" docx

... comparison to the total packet length (or if the CRT is applied to the header too), (9) is still valid Equation (9) can be rewritten by considering that nc and n p can be expressed according to the ... how to obtain the prime numbers in a distributed manner, and how to cope with packet loss In [1], we have presented a solution to the previous problems In particular, we have discussed how to ... sufficient to increase the reliability For instance, when NCRT = 20 and f = 0, we have a reliability value of about 0.36, but it is sufficient to choose f = to increase the reliability to 0.92 Moreover,...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 11:20

11 352 0
AN1473   various solutions for calculating a pulse and duty cycle

AN1473 various solutions for calculating a pulse and duty cycle

... accumulator value is in terms of the clock source and must be scaled appropriately to find the pulse width A common solution to this is to create a look-up table with the NCO accumulator value ... 0x710 070F 2F11 GOTO 0x711 0710 2F15 GOTO 0x715 0711 1C11 BTFSS 0x11, 0712 2F14 GOTO 0x714 0713 2F15 GOTO 0x715 0714 2F0D GOTO 0x70d 100: CCP2CON = 0x00; // stop capture 0715 0025 MOVLB 0x5 0716 ... LINES OF C CODE while(!IOCBFbits.IOCBF4) //wait for falling edge GOTO 0x1f MOVLB 0x7 BTFSS 0x16, 0x4 GOTO 0x23 GOTO 0x24 GOTO 0x15 GOTO 0x25 count++; //increment the variable MOVLW 0x1 MOVLB ADDWF...

Ngày tải lên: 11/01/2016, 16:57

22 924 0
cell cycle regulation - Ebook USA ( biotechnology)

cell cycle regulation - Ebook USA ( biotechnology)

... Cycle Regulatory Genes Required for Initiation and Maintenance of Meiosis Transcriptional and Translational Factors Cell Signaling Cytoplasmic and Apoptotic Factors ... and respond to mitogens, in apparent contradiction to previous work suggesting that cyclin D-Cdk4/6 is ubiquitously required (Sherr and Roberts 1995) It therefore remains unclear how mitogen responsiveness ... They were less responsive to mitogen removal and failed to G1 arrest in response to cyclohexamide, consistent with the idea that Rb makes an important contribution to R point control and hence...

Ngày tải lên: 07/10/2012, 16:51

381 530 1


... receptors, preferentially NMDA receptor (38) The literature findings implicate neuronal NO generation in the pathogenesis of both direct and secondary excitotoxic neuronal injuries in vivo Excitotoxicity, ... et al Glutamate receptor-mediated oligodendrocyte toxicity in periventricular leukomalacia: A protective role for topiramate J Neurosci 2004; 24: 4412-4420 Johnston MW Excitotoxicity in perinatal ... glutamate receptor-mediated excitotoxicity has been described as a predominant mechanism of hypoxic injury to the developing cerebral white matter (5-8) In the CNS, the conversion of glutamate to glutamine...

Ngày tải lên: 26/10/2012, 09:07

8 622 0
Báo cáo y học: "BRCA1 May Modulate Neuronal Cell Cycle Re-Entry in Alzheimer Disease"

Báo cáo y học: "BRCA1 May Modulate Neuronal Cell Cycle Re-Entry in Alzheimer Disease"

... than succumbing to apoptosis immediately, neurons may attempt to survive by initiating cell cycle progression, and attempting to control the deregulated cell cycle and concurrent apoptotic signaling ... Zhu X, et al Abortive apoptosis in Alzheimer's disease Acta Neuropathol (Berl) 2001; 101: 305-10 Suzuki A, Tsutomi Y, Akahane K, et al Resistance to Fas-mediated apoptosis: activation of caspase ... no dementia to MCI to AD MCI cases, by their definition, are in the early stages of AD The differences in BRCA1 and tau co-localization in control versus MCI or AD cases may point to different...

Ngày tải lên: 26/10/2012, 10:04

6 441 0
Báo cáo y học: "Cell Cycle Arrest by a Natural Product via G2/M Checkpoint"

Báo cáo y học: "Cell Cycle Arrest by a Natural Product via G2/M Checkpoint"

... 2002; 66:233-238 Gillio Tos A, Cignetti A, Rovera G, Foa R Retroviral vector-mediated transfer of the tumour necrosis factor alpha gene into human cancer cells restores an apoptotic cell death program ... chinensis is shown to reduce prostate cancer cell growth and induce apoptosis by inhibiting androgen receptor expression [4] Panax ginseng and Ziziphus jujube are found to induce cytokine release ... pro-apoptotic effect of CKBM is further investigated in AGS, a gastric cancer cell line CKBM is found to inhibit cell proliferation through the induction of apoptosis and G2/M cell cycle arrest To...

Ngày tải lên: 02/11/2012, 11:12

6 319 0
Báo cáo y học: "Study of the early steps of the Hepatitis B Virus life cycle"

Báo cáo y học: "Study of the early steps of the Hepatitis B Virus life cycle"

... Over-expression of Serine protease inhibitor Kazal in the HBV insusceptible hepatoma cell lines If the refractoriness of HepG2 cells to HBV infection is related to the lack of requisite proteolysis, ... expression was observed in yet another hepatoma cell line Huh7, which is also refractory to HBV infection similarly to HepG2 (Figure Northern blot, lane 1) Taken together, these results demonstrate ... HBsAg to human hepatocytes and liver plasma membranes: putative external and internal receptors for infection and secretion of hepatitis B virus Hepatology 1990 12(1): 141-147 39 Bruin WC, Hertogs...

Ngày tải lên: 03/11/2012, 10:09

13 654 1
Six Sigma and the Product Development Cycle

Six Sigma and the Product Development Cycle

... sophisticated tools at their fingertips together What we did was to link a way of gathering detailed insights into customer needs, to a tool that would optimize the products or services to meet these ... to 22 What is Six Sigma? respond to an emergency call or the lengths of precut timber being delivered to a building site If we were to measure each one we would simply add to the boredom factor ... at the Roehampton Institute, the Gestalt Centre and the Tavistock Clinic Critical success factors and self-assessment at Motorola So far, the experiences at Motorola had confirmed to them the importance...

Ngày tải lên: 07/02/2013, 09:46

245 497 7
Global Strength Assessment Requirement of Ageing Fixed Offshore Structure with Joint Anomalies

Global Strength Assessment Requirement of Ageing Fixed Offshore Structure with Joint Anomalies

... load level will automatically scaled to make the applied force is ‘equal’ to the yield condition; As element forces reached to their yield surfaces, a plastic hinge is incorporated to demonstrate ... factor on non-environmental load = 1.0 FE = Partial load factor on environmental loads =1.0 FS = Partial material factor for structure = 1.0 FF = Partial material factor for foundation = 1.0 To ... and current forces for the non-linear collapse analysis are based on Morrison’s equation with account of hydrodynamic coefficients, wave kinematics factor, current blockage factor, using Stokes...

Ngày tải lên: 01/04/2013, 22:44

11 510 0
fixed income performance attribution

fixed income performance attribution

... are designed to identify the relevant factors that impact performance and to asses the contribution of each factor to the final result This information can then be communicated to clients, management ... sector spread return 30 100 20 10 Sector spread return (Bps.) 50 Sector spread return benchmark (Bps.) Sector spread return excess (Bps.) -50 Basis points Sector spread return excess (Bps.) Sector ... a solution to a stochastic differential equation The change in interest rates is decomposed into a drift term and a stochastic term The Longstaff-Schwartz model even includes two stochastic differential...

Ngày tải lên: 16/04/2013, 07:52

56 323 0


... by customer and territory, by product and territory, by product and customer, or by territory, product, and customer Sales force size: many companies use some form of workload approach to set ... are extremely necessary to attract customers, 28 enhance customers to buy products in order to increase sales of business items However, applying three important forms to duty-free business at ... of customers’ psychology Enterprises always evaluate that psychology of customers is one of the most important factors in sales Understanding psychology of customers will be a basic factor to build...

Ngày tải lên: 18/04/2013, 14:39

43 673 0
Life cycle assessment of 50 kWp grid connected solar photovoltaic (SPV) system in India

Life cycle assessment of 50 kWp grid connected solar photovoltaic (SPV) system in India

... estimated according to the full operational life cycle of each system from the commissioning of the plant to its full operation (cradle to grave) These emissions are found to vary widely within ... Table [10] Table Current renewable energy scenario in India [4] S No Sources Total Wind Power Small Hydro (up to 25 MW) Biomass Power (Agro residues) Cogeneration-bagasse Waste to Energy Solar ... is an urgent need to generate electricity by some other means which are environment friendly in nature Table Current electricity generation scenario in India [1] S No a b c Total* *Till 30/06/2009...

Ngày tải lên: 05/09/2013, 15:28

8 508 0
Thermodynamic analysis of gas – steam combined cycle with carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions saving

Thermodynamic analysis of gas – steam combined cycle with carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions saving

... Environment (IJEE), Volume 2, Issue 2, 2011, pp.219-230 wr = c pa (To − T1 )[ε eThc − {To ε e − (To − T1 )}] 221 (1) η r {ε eTo − (To − T1 )} where wr is the work of refrigeration (kJ/kg of air), ... evaporator and condenser, respectively Thc = b± (b − 4ac 2a ) (2) where a = X (To + T1 ) X = ε e (2 - ε c ) b = (2 X + Y )To2 + 2( X − Y )T 1To + Y 2T12 Y = ε c (2 - ε e ) c = ( X − Z )To3 − ZT12 ... and analysis The topping cycle is based on the Brayton cycle and the bottoming cycle on the Rankine cycle For the gas turbine blade cooling, air bled from the compressor of the topping cycle is...

Ngày tải lên: 05/09/2013, 15:28

12 352 0
Finite time exergoeconomic performance optimization for an irreversible universal steady flow variable-temperature heat reservoir heat pump cycle model

Finite time exergoeconomic performance optimization for an irreversible universal steady flow variable-temperature heat reservoir heat pump cycle model

... 2,opt ,Π ) versus COP ( β ) for Brayton, Otto, Diesel and Atkinson heat pump cycles It indicates that u H 2, opt , Π is a little greater than 0.5 for Brayton, Otto, Diesel and Atkinson heat pump ... considered to be counter-flow heat exchangers, the working fluid temperatures are different from the heat reservoir temperatures owing to the heat transfer The heat transfer rate ( QH ) released to the ... further, the Dual heat pump cycle is close to the Diesel heat pump cycle If U H → , U L = and y = further, the Dual heat pump cycle is close to the Otto heat pump cycle In this case, the range...

Ngày tải lên: 05/09/2013, 15:28

18 609 0
Life cycle assessment (LCA) of an energy recovery plant in the olive oil industries

Life cycle assessment (LCA) of an energy recovery plant in the olive oil industries

... Sugarcane to ethanol, Brazil, equal to 42 gCO2eq/MJ, medium value • Wheat to ethanol, EU, equal to 110 gCO2eq/MJ, medium value • Short rotation crop to biomass to liquid, EU, equal to 75 gCO2eq/MJ, ... results into an indicator for each impact category, and optional elements (normalization and weighting) that lead to a unique indicator across impact categories using numerical factors based ... the direct land use, the total soil carbon stock changes from tropical moist rain forest to palm oil is equal to -4 t C/ha Indirect land use change (iLUC) occurs when land currently used for feed...

Ngày tải lên: 05/09/2013, 16:10

12 647 1
Utilization of activated carbon for the removal of basic dyes in fixed-bed microcolumn

Utilization of activated carbon for the removal of basic dyes in fixed-bed microcolumn

... diameter from to (mm), enhanced the column performance and increased the volume treated at breakthrough point from 145 to 269 (cm3) and delayed the time for the breakpoint to occur from 72 to1 35 (min) ... needed which will reduce the construction cost Experimental 3.1 Material Due to the toxicity of basic dyes, their high tinctorial value and their high affinity for negatively charged adsorbent surfaces ... Teflon tubes from the sample tank to the top of the microcolumn at the design flow rate (down flow pattern) Samples were taken from a sample point (at the bottom of the column) at specific time...

Ngày tải lên: 05/09/2013, 16:11

10 561 0
Intake manifold design effect on air fuel mixing and flow for an LPG heavy duty engine

Intake manifold design effect on air fuel mixing and flow for an LPG heavy duty engine

... Minimum possible resistance in runners 3- To provide as direct a flow as possible to each cylinder, 4- To assist fuel atomization and vaporization 5- To provide equal aspiration intervals between ... equal to 1.013 bar for the air inlet and 1.5 bar for the propane inlet The alternative piston speed along the intake stroke is taken as final condition The piston speed is taken equal to 3.55 ... engine converted into bi-fuel gasoline-LPG type IVECO Its main characteristics are presented in Table For this current study, two designs of manifold (Figure 1) were considered to study the flow...

Ngày tải lên: 05/09/2013, 16:30

12 893 1
Android Activity Life Cycle

Android Activity Life Cycle

... lifetime: Từ phương thức onCreate( ) onDestroy( ) - Visible liftetime: Từ phương thức onStart( ) onStop( ) - Foreground lifetime: Từ phương thức onResume( ) onPause( ) Khi xây dựng Actitvity cho ứng ... trình android lớp viết *.java sử dụng XML để thiết kế giao diện cho ứng dụng Tất nhiên bạn hoàn to n thiết kế giao diện ý muốn mà không cần tới dòng XML nào, sd XML đơn giản công việc nhiều Đồng...

Ngày tải lên: 24/09/2013, 19:46

5 410 3