visual studio add user control to windows form

Tài liệu Adding Search Capabilities to Windows Forms docx

Tài liệu Adding Search Capabilities to Windows Forms docx

... "Find", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Question); findTextBox.Focus( ); } [ Team LiB ] Recipe 7.15 Adding Search Capabilities to Windows Forms Problem You need to use a search criteria ... set to the CustomerID column, and it is bound to the data grid on the form. Finally, a CurrencyManager is created from the DataView. Go Button.Click Uses the Find( ) method of the DataView to ... to locate a record with the CustomerID specified by the user. If the CustomerID is found, the CurrencyManager created in the Form. Load event handler is used to select the matching record in...

Ngày tải lên: 14/12/2013, 18:16

3 370 0
Reporting with Visual Studio 2008 Windows Forms

Reporting with Visual Studio 2008 Windows Forms

... Click the Add button to complete the process and add a new report to the project. Adding a Header Let’s add the header to the report. As usual, adding a header is simple; all you have to do is right-click ... 3.5 also if you wish to create the Windows Forms application). 5. Click the OK button to finish the process. After you click OK, Visual Studio will create a new Windows Forms application project. ... T est Connection button to see if your connection works. 4. Click the OK button to finish adding the data connection. CHAPTER 14 ■ REPORTING WITH VISUAL STUDIO 2008 WINDOWS FORMS422 8547ch14final.qxd...

Ngày tải lên: 05/10/2013, 08:48

24 575 0
Tài liệu Using a DataView to Control Edits, Deletions, or Additions in Windows Forms pdf

Tài liệu Using a DataView to Control Edits, Deletions, or Additions in Windows Forms pdf

... or Additions in Windows Forms Problem You need to selectively prevent users from editing, deleting, or adding data in a Windows Forms application. Solution Bind a DataView to Windows Forms ... data bound on both Windows Forms and Web Forms. The DataView can be customized for editing, filtering, searching, and sorting. The DataView class can be used to add, edit, or delete records ... table and bound to the data grid on the form. Allow Delete Button.Click Sets whether the DataView allows records to be deleted based on the value in a check box. Allow Edit Button.Click Sets...

Ngày tải lên: 14/12/2013, 18:16

3 532 0


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Ngày tải lên: 05/08/2013, 15:41

11 655 0
Reporting with Visual Studio 2008 Web Forms.

Reporting with Visual Studio 2008 Web Forms.

... WITH VISUAL STUDIO 2008 WEB FORMS434 8547ch15final.qxd 8/30/07 3:35 PM Page 434 Reporting with Visual Studio 2008 Web Forms I n Chapter 14, you learned to develop reports using Visual Studio ... simi- lar to the one sho wn in F igure 15-7. CHAPTER 15 ■ REPORTING WITH VISUAL STUDIO 2008 WEB FORMS438 8547ch15final.qxd 8/30/07 3:35 PM Page 438 Adding a Header Let’s add the header to the ... Studio 2008 with Windows Forms. In this chapter, we will look at how to develop the report using Visual Studio 2008 with ASP.NET web forms. Developing VS 2008 reports with web forms is not hugely...

Ngày tải lên: 05/10/2013, 08:48

12 439 0
Displaying an Image from a Database in a Windows Forms Control

Displaying an Image from a Database in a Windows Forms Control

... Control Problem You need to display an image from a database in a Windows Forms control. Solution Read the image into a byte array and load it directly into a PictureBox control with a MemoryStream. ... Northwind, where the Photo field has been updated for all employees to remove the OLE image header. For more information, see the online sample code. Binding Windows Forms Controls The abstract ... BindingManagerBase class synchronizes all Windows Forms controls (i.e., Binding objects) that are bound to the same data source so that they display information from the object within the data...

Ngày tải lên: 28/10/2013, 18:15

5 391 0
Tài liệu Use a Single Windows Form to Update Multiple Lookup Tables Just about every database application pptx

Tài liệu Use a Single Windows Form to Update Multiple Lookup Tables Just about every database application pptx

... Update button to update the data back to the server. This includes modifying existing records, as well as adding and deleting records in the DataGrid control. 1. Create a Windows Form. Then ... used throughout the form. 6. On the form, add the code in Listing 8.9 to the Load event. Listing 8.9 frmHowTo8_2.vb: Establishing the Connection String and Pointing to the First Item in lstLookupTables ... Table to Edit Label Name Label2 Text Lookup Table Data ListBox Name lstLookupTables DataGrid Name dgTableData Button Name btnUpdate 2. Add data to the Items collection of lstLookupTables. To...

Ngày tải lên: 14/12/2013, 20:16

6 356 0
Tài liệu Work with Data-Bound Multi-Select List Boxes Using Windows Forms It is common to have to assign docx

Tài liệu Work with Data-Bound Multi-Select List Boxes Using Windows Forms It is common to have to assign docx

... Multi-Select List Boxes Using Windows Forms It is common to have to assign products to categories, which is a one -to- many relationship. Sometimes you want to be able to do this in a somewhat bulk ... solution. From the main Windows Form, click on the command button with the caption How -To 8.1. You will then see the form displayed in Figure 8.2. Figure 8.2. This form uses controls bound at runtime ... Sub 9. Add the code in Listing 8.8 to the Click event of the btnUnSelect command button. Again, this code is similar to the previous step, but it is used to set the CategoryID column to null...

Ngày tải lên: 14/12/2013, 20:16

11 447 0
Tài liệu Use Visual Studio .NET Tools to Speed Up Writing ADO.NET doc

Tài liệu Use Visual Studio .NET Tools to Speed Up Writing ADO.NET doc

... mdsCustomers As New dsCustomers MsgBox(mdsCustomers.Customers.CompanyNameColumn.MaximumLength) Although it is possible to create an XSD that is almost identical to the structure of the Customers ... select Add New Item from the Add menu. Choose DataSet and name it dsCustomers.xsd. 2. Visual Studio .NET opens dsCustomers.xsd in Design mode. Expand the Server explorer and drill down to Data ... value to your Visual Basic code. This requires dropping the Visual Studio .NET-generated data adapter code, so you need to weigh this slight performance gain against the time needed to maintain...

Ngày tải lên: 14/12/2013, 20:16

15 371 0
Tài liệu Using the Data Form Wizard to Create a Windows Form phần 1 pdf

Tài liệu Using the Data Form Wizard to Create a Windows Form phần 1 pdf

... won't be added to your form. 5. Click the Next button to continue. 6. Select the columns from the tables you want to display in your form. Because you added the Customers and Orders tables to your ... Using the Data Form Wizard to Create a Windows Form In this section, you'll use the VS .NET Data Form Wizard to create a Windows application that accesses both the Customers and Orders ... added. You add a table or view to your form by selecting it from the area on the left and clicking the right- arrow button. Tip You can also double-click on the table or view to add them to...

Ngày tải lên: 24/12/2013, 01:17

5 502 0
Tài liệu Using the Data Form Wizard to Create a Windows Form phần 2 doc

Tài liệu Using the Data Form Wizard to Create a Windows Form phần 2 doc

... displayed in a DataGrid control. o Cancel All The Cancel All button allows you to undo any changes you've made to the current row. o Add The Add button allows you to add a new row. o Delete ... row in the Customers table, the rows from the Orders table for that customer are automatically displayed in the DataGrid. Feel free to try out the other buttons on your form to add, modify, ... controls radio button. The other check boxes in the dialog box allow you pick the controls you want to add to your Figure 6.26: The completed form The managed provider objects in your form...

Ngày tải lên: 24/12/2013, 01:17

7 444 0
Tài liệu Intro to MVC 4 With Visual Studio doc

Tài liệu Intro to MVC 4 With Visual Studio doc

... need to write in order to represent and store the movie data in a database. Next, you'll build a new MoviesController class that you can use to display the movie data and allow users to ... uses a format like this to determine what code to invoke: /[Controller]/[ActionName]/[Parameters] The first part of the URL determines the controller class to execute. So/HelloWorldmaps to the ... from a controller to generate and format an HTML response to the browser. Controllers are responsible for providing whatever data or objects are required in order for a view template to render...

Ngày tải lên: 21/02/2014, 06:20

118 1,5K 14
Tài liệu LINQ to SharePoint DSL Extension for Visual Studio 2010 ppt

Tài liệu LINQ to SharePoint DSL Extension for Visual Studio 2010 ppt

... relation  Content type to list relation: to add a content type to list relation  Content type to content type relation: to add a content type to content type relation To add a tool in your schema, ... Inheritance: to add inheritance between a content type and a list. The relational tools  List to list relation: to add a relation between two lists  List to content type relation: to add a list to content ... VS toolbars, follow these steps: 1. On toolbar, click on the “More” button, click on Add or Remove Buttons”, and “Customize”: Picture: Customize the VS toolbars 2. Click on the “Toolbars”...

Ngày tải lên: 26/02/2014, 02:20

90 457 3
Moving to Microsoft® Visual Studio® 2010 doc

Moving to Microsoft® Visual Studio® 2010 doc

... <EntitySet Name="UserProfile" EntityType="Entities.Store.UserProfile" store:Type="Views" store:Schema="dbo" store:Name="UserProfile"> ... <DefiningQuery> SELECT [UserProfile].[UserName] AS [UserName], [UserProfile].[FullName] AS [FullName], [UserProfile].[City] AS [City], [UserProfile].[State] AS [State], [UserProfile].[PreferredActivityTypeId] ... [PreferredActivityTypeId] FROM [dbo].[UserProfile] AS [UserProfile] </DefiningQuery> </EntitySet> ASP.NET MVC 2.0 Users Browser JQuery Ajax View Controller Model Plan My Night Application Model Business...

Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 22:20

103 549 0