visual c 2010 express edition for absolute beginners tutorial

Wrox''''s Visual C# 2005 Express Edition Starter Kit pot

Wrox''''s Visual C# 2005 Express Edition Starter Kit pot

... database field for over 16 years, and with Visual Basic, SQL Server, and Microsoft Access for the last 14 years. Scott is a Microsoft MVP and holds a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science. Scott worked ... languages such as Visual Basic.NET and Visual C# . With the .NET platform, the playing field has been leveled out for Visual Basic and C# so that developers can choose which language they are comfortable ... Introduction and Concepts introduces various programming concepts, as well as takes you through the Visual C# Express environment. Also covered are some of the base commands and concepts of the C# ...

Ngày tải lên: 05/03/2014, 21:21

334 338 0
Wrox''''s Visual C# 2005 Express Edition Starter Kit docx

Wrox''''s Visual C# 2005 Express Edition Starter Kit docx

... iv Contents About the Author v Acknowledgments ix Introduction xix Part I: Introduction and Concepts 1 Chapter 1: Starting Strong with Visual C# 2005 Express Edition 3 What Is Microsoft Visual C# ... holds a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science. Scott worked at Microsoft for two years as a member of the Microsoft Access and FoxPro teams. After leaving Microsoft, he started his own company, ... software languages created. However, punch-card technology was used as far back as the 1800s. With this tech- nology, holes punched in each card told the computer specific commands based on their locations...

Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 15:20

334 391 0
visual basic 2005 express edition for dummies (2005)

visual basic 2005 express edition for dummies (2005)

... CharacterCasing property can be set to force all text to be lowercase, uppercase, or mixed. ContextMenuStrip You can add context menu controls to your form from the Toolbox. A particu- lar context ... Functions 80 Understanding Scope 81 When variables are local 82 Public: The greatest scope of all 84 Scoping procedures 85 Visual Basic 2005 Express Edition For Dummies xiv 02_597051 ftoc.qxd ... into a PictureBox in a cookbook application, let users click a location on the map, and then display a list of recipes typical to the locale that was clicked. (The x and y coordinates for the...

Ngày tải lên: 25/03/2014, 16:07

338 455 1
visual basic 2005 express edition for dummies (wiley, 2006)

visual basic 2005 express edition for dummies (wiley, 2006)

... CharacterCasing property can be set to force all text to be lowercase, uppercase, or mixed. ContextMenuStrip You can add context menu controls to your form from the Toolbox. A particu- lar context ... Author Richard Mansfield’s recent titles include Office 2003 Application Development All-in-One Desk Reference For Dummies, CSS Web Design For Dummies, Visual Basic .NET Weekend Crash Course, Visual ... the various scope decla- ration keywords: friend, public, and so on. This specifies which categories of other objects can communicate with the control. For details about scoping, see Chapter 5. MinimumSize Same...

Ngày tải lên: 25/03/2014, 16:07

337 390 0
Android Apps for Absolute Beginners, 2nd edition doc

Android Apps for Absolute Beginners, 2nd edition doc

... and practice them daily. You need to work through the examples and exercises in this book, more than once if necessary, to become comfortable with each concept and proficient in their execution. Just ... the more advanced features of the Android platform, as it continues to expand to encompass applications development for emerging consumer electronics platforms such as interactive television ... application visuals are concerned. 32 CHAPTER 3: Setting Up Your Android Development Environment Once these nine options are all checked and selected for installation, click...

Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 03:20

393 1,2K 0
visual web developer 2005 express edition for dummies dec 2005

visual web developer 2005 express edition for dummies dec 2005

... following manner: ߜ Active check box: Choosing the check box identifies the account as Active. Clearing the check box makes the account inactive (though does not remove the account from the database). ߜ ... more colors to choose from. You can choose any color from any tab just by clicking the color, and then clicking the OK button in the Color Picture dialog box. When you click OK, the Color Picker ... they’re obscure) deserve very little attention. For exam- ple, a Warning icon points out places where being careless could cause real problems, whereas a Technical Stuff icon points out facts nice to...

Ngày tải lên: 25/03/2014, 16:08

385 349 0
Objective-C for Absolute Beginners docx

Objective-C for Absolute Beginners docx

... shows the ASCII table of characters. Because 1 byte can represent 256 characters, this works well for Western characters. For example, hexadecimal 20 represents a space. Hexadecimal 7D represents ... where the code is executed. Eventually, some condition is reached that causes isTrue to become FALSE. After completing all the code in the loop body, the condition (isTrue) is checked once more, ... and Instances in Alice A group of objects with the same properties and same methods (actions) are called a class. For example, we could have a class called Airplane. In this class, we could have...

Ngày tải lên: 29/03/2014, 07:20

334 2,2K 0
microsoft c programming for absolute beginners

microsoft c programming for absolute beginners

... to type special characters, such as the tab character or quotation marks, to the screen or force a carriage return at a specific place. Take a look at the program in Figure 1.15, which illustrates ... 102 Adding a Constructor to the Critter Class 103 Creating the CritViewer Class 104 Reviewing the Static Keyword 105 Calling a Constructor from the Main() Method 106 Examining CritViewer’s Constructor ... Inheritance to Make New Classes 111 Creating a Class to View the Clone 112 Creating the Critter Class 113 Improving an Existing Class 113 Introducing the Glitter Critter 114 Calling the Base Class’s Constructors...

Ngày tải lên: 31/03/2014, 16:42

394 1,2K 0
   visual c# 2010 recipes (apress)

visual c# 2010 recipes (apress)

... 07020000002400005253413200040000010001002b4ef 3c2 bbd6478802b64d0dd3f2e 7c6 5ee 6478802b63cb894a782f3a1adbb46d3ee5ec5577e7dccc818937e964cbe99 7c1 207 6c1 9f2d7 ad179f15f7dccca 6c6 b72a Public key token is 2a1d3326445fc02a The public key ... to compile the HelloWorld.cs source file (from recipe 1-1) if the ConsoleUtils class is contained in the ConsoleUtils.dll library, use the command csc /reference:ConsoleUtils.dll HelloWorld.cs. ... which it runs, you can build runtime checks into the logic of your code that trigger the variations in operation. However, such an approach can bloat your code and affect performance, especially...

Ngày tải lên: 24/01/2014, 19:46

1K 3,7K 0
Pro ASP.NET 4 in C# 2010, 4th edition pot

Pro ASP.NET 4 in C# 2010, 4th edition pot

... The Connection Class 283 Connection Strings 283 Testing a Connection 286 Connection Pooling 287 The Command and DataReader Classes 289 Command Basics 290 The DataReader Class 291 The ExecuteReader() ... Freeman, Co-Author of Introducing Visual C# 2010 Pro .NET 4 Parallel Programming in C# Pro LINQ: Language Integrated Query in C# 2010 Visual C# 2010 Recipes Programming .NET Security Microsoft ... an object goes out of scope (or your application ends), the object becomes available for garbage collection. The garbage collector runs periodically inside the CLR, automatically reclaiming...

Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 20:21

1,6K 13,7K 0
Beginning Visual C# 2010 docx

Beginning Visual C# 2010 docx

... reference guide to the 2010 release of Visual Basic. The tutorial provides basic material suitable for beginners but also includes in-depth content for more advanced developers. BEGINNING Visual C# ... Programming  CHAPTER 9: Defining Classes  CHAPTER 10: Defining Class Members  CHAPTER 11: Collections, Comparisons, and Conversions  CHAPTER 12: Generics  CHAPTER 13: Additional OOP Techniques  CHAPTER ... unmanaged, and certain languages such as C+ + can be used to write such applications, which, for example, access low-level functions of the operating system. However, in C# you can write only code that...

Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 02:20

1,1K 1,2K 0
Sams Teach Yourself Visual C# 2010 in 24 Hours pot

Sams Teach Yourself Visual C# 2010 in 24 Hours pot

... JIT compiler is highly optimized for compiling CIL code into highly efficient object code, runs on demand, and caches the compiled code for future use. Memory Management and Garbage Collection Proper ... provide logic for either of the accessors, you need to add a back- ing field and the appropriate logic to both accessors. Fortunately, this change doesn’t affect the public interface of your class, ... deployment and reduces the chances of version conflicts. ptg 72 HOUR 3: Understanding Classes and Objects the C# Way Watch Out! In fact, the compiler transforms the code shown in...

Ngày tải lên: 29/03/2014, 15:20

547 1K 1
start here! - learn microsoft visual c# 2010

start here! - learn microsoft visual c# 2010

... Learn Microsoft Visual C# 2010 Note The content of the Properties window reects the object you select. The contents will change when you select a form instead of a speci c control. Each control ... least some code to create most applications. Of course, before you can create a C# application, you need some sort of tool to create it with. (Technically, you could write an application using ... is right-click objects, which then typically display a shortcut menu. Visual Studio’s shortcut menus contain all sorts of helpful items and actions. For example, if you right-click a form in...

Ngày tải lên: 31/03/2014, 16:44

396 876 0
microsoft visual basic 2005 express edition - build a program now

microsoft visual basic 2005 express edition - build a program now

... ,* L]Vi=VeeZchL]ZcVc:kZci>hIg^\\ZgZY4 6aaL^cYdlhVeea^XVi^dchVgZZkZci"Yg^kZc#I]^hbZVchi]Vil]ZckZgndjhZaZXiVbZcj^iZb! Xa^X`VWjiidcdgZkZcbdkZ[gdbdcZiZmiWdmidVcdi]Zg!ndjVgZ\ZcZgVi ^c\ VcZkZci# 7adX`hd[XdYZViiVX]ZYidZVX]d[ndjgVXi^dchZmZXjiZVhndjldg`#:kZcihVgZ\ZcZgViZY cdidcanWnndjgVXi^dch!WjiVahdWni]ZhjggdjcY ^c\ Zck^gdcbZci!cVbZanL^cYdlh^ihZa[ dgWndi]ZgZmiZgcVahdjgXZh#IdjcYZghiVcYl]ViÅdi]ZgZmiZgcVahdjgXZhÆbZVch!i] ^c`  VWdjiVcn>ciZgcZibZhhZc\ZgVeea^XVi^dca^`ZBHCBZhhZc\Zg#L]ZcndjX]Vil^i]hdbZ" dcZVcYZmX]Vc\ZYViVWVX`VcY[dgi]!ndjVgZVXijVaan\ZcZgVi ^c\ ZkZcih#> ;c cdciZX ]c^ XVa iZgbh!YViV^cXdb ^c\ [gdbndjg[g^ZcYdkZgi]Z>ciZgcZi^hVcZkZci# I]ZhZZkZcihZm^hi[dgVbjai^ijYZd[VXi^dchndjjhjVaanYdl^i]djigZVa^o ^c\ i]ZnVgZ ZkZcih#HdbZZkZcihVgZ]VcYaZY[dgndjWnVjid\ZcZgViZYXdYZa^`ZXa^X` ^c\ i]ZgZYM ^c i]Zg^\]iXdgcZgd[VcVeea^XVi^dcVcYhdbZdi]ZghcZZYidWZ]VcYaZYWnndjgXdYZ# L^i]i]^hhZXi^dc!lZÈaahiVgiidldg`dcl^g ^c\ hdjgXZXdYZidZkZcih#;dgegVXi^XZ!lZl^aa l^gZilddW_ZXih[gdbdjgiZhiegd_ZXi#7Z[dgZWZ\^cc ^c\ !jhZl]VindjkZaZVgcZYhd[Vgid bV`Zi]ZiZhiegd_ZXiadd`a^`Z;^\jgZ*"&,# ;^\jgZ*"&, 6hfgb`Xe<aYbe`Tg\ba9be` IdVYYi]ZbZcjhVcYiddaWVg Wjiidch!\didi]ZiddaWdm ^c i]Z BZcjhIddaWVghXViZ\dgnVcY VYYVBZcjHig^eXdcigdaVcYV IddaHig^eXdcigdaidi]Z[dgb# CZmi!hZaZXiZVX]Xdcigda!deZci]Z hbVgiiV\bZcj!VcYhZaZXi>chZgi HiVcYVgY>iZbh# ABG8 &LQGG ... UbXhfmU[U]b"H\YfYUfYU jUf]YhmcZhcc`g]bJ]giU`6Ug]W&$$)9ldfYgg9X]h]cbUbXUfYh\YfYZcfYaUbmdcgg]V]`]h]Yg"Mcik]```YUfbhcigY acghcZh\YgYhcc`gVmig]b[h\]gVcc_ Vih]hÇg]adcgg]V`Yhc`YUfbU``jUf]Uh]cbgUbXdcgg]V]`]h]Yg]ZmciXcbÇh XcgcaYYld`cf]b[cbmcifckb"K]h\h\Uh]ba]bX hcibXYfghUbXh\YYZZYWhcZUW\Ub[YcbUdUfh]Wi`Uf dfcdYfhm ... UbXh\YbcdYb]b[]hhcj]Yk]hgWcbhYbhg" i]Vii]ZXdbbZcihVgZcZkZg Xdbe^aZY ^c i]ZVeea^XVi^dcndj ZmZXjiZhdi]Znl^aacZkZghadl Ydlci]ZeZg[dgbVcXZd[ndjg Veea^XVi^dc# 6hndjXVchZZ ^c i]Za^hi" ^c\  ^c hiZe-!ndjXVcXdb" bZcindjgXdYZWn^chZgi ^c\ V h ^c\ aZfjdiZVcYi]Zcine ^c\  ndjgXdbbZci#NdjgXdbbZci h]djaYVeeZVg ^c \gZZc0^[cdi! i]Zcndjga^cZ^hcdihZZcVh VXdbbZciWni]ZXdbe^aZg# 6cdi]Zg\ddYlVnidXdbbZci ndjgXdYZ^hidjhZildWji" idch[gdbdcZd[i]ZiddaWVgh# AZiÉhhVnndjYZX^YZi]ViVaa i]ZegZk^djhXdYZ ^c i]Z;^aZD` ZkZci^hcdii]ZXdYZndjlVci idZmZXjiZWZXVjhZndjlVci idiZhihdbZi] ^c\ ZahZ#NdjYd cdilVciidYZaZiZVaai]ZiZmi WjindjXVcXdbbZcidjii]Z XdYZWnhZaZXi ^c\ ^iVcYi]Zc Xa^X` ^c\ dci]Z8dbbZciDji i]ZHZaZXiZYA^cZhWjiidc#6cY ^[ndjlVciidjcXdbbZciV WadX`d[XdYZ!ndj_jhi]VkZ idhZaZXii]ZXdYZndjlVciid jcXdbbZciVcYi]ZcXa^X`i]Z JcXdbbZcii]ZHZaZXiZYA^cZh Wjiidc# 6bag\ahXWYeb`cTZX** &LQGG...

Ngày tải lên: 17/04/2014, 09:17

224 485 0
Android apps for absolute beginners (2011, jackson w )

Android apps for absolute beginners (2011, jackson w )

... practice them daily. You need to work through the examples and exercises in this book, more than once if necessary to become comfortable with each concept. Just because you understand a concept ... described in this chapter, you need to be connected to the Internet. Follow these steps to perform the installation: 1. Click the Eclipse Quick Launch bar icon to start Eclipse. 2. Accept ... applications to wirelessly connect with any Bluetooth device, and even provide for multiple connections. We’ll cover the concept of creating app widgets, or miniature applications that can be...

Ngày tải lên: 24/04/2014, 11:03

340 864 0