XNA Game Studio 4.0 Programming ppt
... first XNA Game Studio game, you need to install the latest version of the product XNA Game Studio 4. 0 and set up your Xbox 3 60 and Windows Phone 7 device. Installing XNA Game Studio 4. 0 XNA Game Studio ... 33 Properties 34 GameTime 34 Game Loop 36 Update and Draw 36 Components 38 GameComponents 38 Summary 40 4 Introduction to 3D Graphics 41 3D Graphics in XNA Game Studio 41 What Are 3D Graphics? 42 Makeup ... applications. The tools install a special version of Visual Studio called Microsoft Visual Studio 201 0 Express for Windows Phone. If you have another version of Visual Studio 201 0 installed, XNA Game...
Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 13:20
... Vector3( 200 , 300 , 900 ), new Vector3 (0, 50, 0) , Vector3.Up); Matrix projection = Matrix.CreatePerspectiveFieldOfView( MathHelper.ToRadians (45 ), GraphicsDevice.Viewport.AspectRatio, 0. 1f, ... ArcBallCamera(Vector3.Zero, 0, 0, 0, MathHelper.PiOver2, 1 200 , 100 0, 200 0, GraphicsDevice); Second, we need to update the updateCamera() function to reect the way this new camera type moves: void updateCamera(GameTime ... we can use when calculating the projection matrix: Matrix projection = Matrix.CreatePerspectiveFieldOfView( MathHelper.ToRadians (45 ), GraphicsDevice.Viewport.AspectRatio, 0. 1f, 100 00. 0f); The...
Ngày tải lên: 14/03/2014, 21:20
Tài liệu Professional Windows Phone 7 Game Development: Creating Games using XNA Game Studio 4 pptx
... 386 GameLobby.cs 386 Message.cs 3 94 Creating the GameInfo Screen 397 GameInfo.cs 397 Adding the Dice Model 40 4 Die.cs 40 5 Creating the MainGame Screen 41 4 MainGame.cs 41 4 Creating the DiceSelect Screen 41 7 DiceSelect.cs ... 231 MainGame.cs 231 GameOver.cs 2 34 Proper Care and Feeding of the Back Button 237 Screen.cs 237 Title.cs 2 40 MainGame.cs 2 40 InGameMenu.cs 241 GameOver.cs 241 Creating a Base Game Template 241 Stripping ... <www.wowebook.com> xv CONTENTS MainGame.cs 215 InGameMenu.cs 219 GameOver.cs 221 Keeping Score 2 24 Score.cs 2 24 ScoreList.cs 225 Scores.cs 226 SerializableDictionary.cs 228 Screen.cs 231 MainGame.cs...
Ngày tải lên: 16/02/2014, 00:20
Microsoft® XNA™ Game Studio 3.0 Unleashed pot
... Particle Class 43 6 Creating the VertexPointSprite Struct 44 2 Microsoft XNA Game Studio 3 .0 Unleashed x From the Library of Neil Preston ptg 602 2785 24 CHAPTER 2 XNA Game Studio and the Xbox 3 60 FIGURE ... aspectRatio = (float)graphics.GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Width / (float)graphics.GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Height; Matrix.CreatePerspectiveFieldOfView(MathHelper.PiOver4, aspectRatio, 0. 000 1f, 100 0.0f, ... Platformer 18 2 XNA Game Studio and the Xbox 3 60 19 Creating an Xbox 3 60 Project 19 Buying the XNA Creators Club Subscription 20 Connecting the Xbox 3 60 to the PC 21 Deploying on the Xbox 3 60 23 Debugging...
Ngày tải lên: 29/03/2014, 02:20
XNA Game Studio Express Aula 4 pptx
... '.') ? CharacterWidth / 2 : CharacterWidth; } } XNA Game Studio Express XNA Game Studio Express Aula 4 Aula 4 Uso de Uso de Fontes Fontes no XNA no XNA Alexandre Santos Lobão Alexandre Santos ... para criar HUDs (Heads Up Displays)! Combustível = Velocidade = Vidas ou botão ativo (01 ) = Energia = Tipos de armas = 9876 543 2 10 9876 543 2 10 012 345 6789 01 2 345 6789 9876 543 2 10 9876 543 2 10 012 345 6789 01 2 345 6789 01 01 20 3. ... são são gerados gerados dois dois arquivos arquivos : : Program.cs – Game1 .run Game1 .cs – com os métodos: Initialize() LoadGraphicsContent() UnloadGraphicsContent() Chamados a cada game loop Update(GameTime gameTime) Draw(GameTime gameTime) 15 3....
Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 15:21
visual c# 2010 recipes (apress)
... is 07 0 200 000 0 2 40 00 0525 341 3 200 04 0 00 001 000 100 2b4ef 3c2 bbd 647 8 802 b64d0dd3f2e 7c6 5ee 647 8 802 b63cb894a782f3a1adbb46d3ee5ec5577e7dccc818937e964cbe99 7c1 207 6c1 9f2d7 ad179f15f7dccca 6c6 b72a Public key ... namespace Recipe01 _09 { class Recipe01 _09 { ■ CONTENTS xiii 8-18. Manage Print Jobs 41 2 8-19. Perform Text-to-Speech 41 7 8- 20. Recognize Characters in an Image (OCR) 41 9 ■Chapter ... Access 42 3 9-1. Connect to a Database 42 5 9-2. Use Connection Pooling 42 8 9-3. Create a Database Connection String Programmatically 43 1 9 -4. Store a Database Connection String Securely 43 3...
Ngày tải lên: 24/01/2014, 19:46
Tài liệu Professional Windows Phone 7 Game Development: Creating Games using XNA Game Studio docx
... Support Center 519 App Store Resource Center 519 iTunes Connect 5 20 News & Announcements 5 20 RSS Feed Subscription 5 20 Summary 5 20 APPENDIX C: COCOA TOUCH STATIC LIBRARIES 521 Xcode Project Template ... <www.wowebook.com> xx CONTENTS PERFORMANCE TUNING AND OPTIMIZATION 45 CHAPTER 13: 3 Profiling 45 4 Using the Simulator 45 4 Using the Device 45 4 Benefits of Profiling 45 4 A Simple Memory Leak Test 45 5 Development ... left. Choose Project Add To Project. Select your image and name it, grandpa.png. Use an image around 300 × 300 pixels and click Add as shown in Figure 1-5. Check Copy items into destination...
Ngày tải lên: 16/02/2014, 00:20
Wrox''''s Visual C# 2005 Express Edition Starter Kit pot
... Strong with Visual C# 200 5 Express Edition 3 What Is Microsoft Visual C# 200 5 Express? 4 The Differences between C# and C# Express 4 Members of the Express Series 4 Overview of C# Express Development ... Microsoft Visual BASIC. 3. BASIC (Computer program language) 4. Microsoft .NET. I. Title. QA76.73 .C1 54B42 200 5 00 5.13’3—dc22 200 501 203 6 No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored ... included in the C# Express IDE— much like this chapter does in the “Tools of the C# Express IDE” section 10 Chapter 1 05 _589555 ch01.qxd 12/29 /05 8:29 PM Page 10 Wrox’s Visual C# ® 200 5 Express Edition...
Ngày tải lên: 05/03/2014, 21:21
Microsoft XNA game studio
... 40 3 ContentTypeReader, 40 4 Custom Content Processor Example, 40 4 Building a Custom Content Processor in Windows, 40 5 Chapter 24 Review Exercises, 41 7 25 Terrain with Height Detection 41 9 Height Maps, 42 0 Creating ... 97 Chapter 7 Review Exercises, 101 8 Character Movement 103 Direction, 1 04 Calculating Direction Using Trigonometry, 1 04 Calculating Direction Using Speed, 105 Calculating Direction Using Vectors, ... Input Handling, 396 Zune Input Device Example, 397 Chapter 23 Review Exercises, 399 24 Content Pipeline Processors 40 1 Content Processors, 40 2 ContentImporter, 40 3 ContentTypeWriter, 40 3 ContentTypeReader,...
Ngày tải lên: 11/03/2014, 19:44
Beginning Visual C# 2010 docx
... Card Game Client for CardLib 3 90 Summary 398 CHAPTER 14: C# LANGUAGE ENHANCEMENTS 40 1 Initializers 40 2 Object Initializers 40 2 Collection Initializers 40 4 Type Inference 40 7 Anonymous Types 40 9 Dynamic ... 5 Managed Code 6 Garbage Collection 6 Fitting It Together 7 Linking 8 What is C# ? 8 Applications You Can Write with C# 9 C# in This Book 10 Visual Studio 201 0 10 Visual Studio 201 0 Express Products ... 46 5 RadioButton Events 46 5 CheckBox Properties 46 6 CheckBox Events 46 6 The GroupBox Control 46 6 The RichTextBox Control 47 0 RichTextBox Properties 47 0 RichTextBox Events 47 2 The ListBox and CheckedListBox...
Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 02:20
Wrox''''s Visual C# 2005 Express Edition Starter Kit docx
... language) 2. Microsoft Visual BASIC. 3. BASIC (Computer program language) 4. Microsoft .NET. I. Title. QA76.73 .C1 54B42 200 5 00 5.13’3—dc22 200 501 203 6 No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored ... Author v Acknowledgments ix Introduction xix Part I: Introduction and Concepts 1 Chapter 1: Starting Strong with Visual C# 200 5 Express Edition 3 What Is Microsoft Visual C# 200 5 Express? 4 The Differences ... the C# Express IDE— much like this chapter does in the “Tools of the C# Express IDE” section 10 Chapter 1 05 _589555 ch01.qxd 12/29 /05 8:29 PM Page 10 1 Starting Strong with Visual C# 200 5 Express...
Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 15:20
Sams Teach Yourself Visual C# 2010 in 24 Hours pot
... hours / Scott Dorman. p. cm. Includes index. ISBN 978 -0- 672-33 101 -5 1. C# (Computer program language) 2. Microsoft Visual C# . I. Millspaugh, A. C. (Anita C. ) II. Title. QA76.73 .C1 54D57 201 0 00 5.13’3—dc22 201 00 18992 ... http://www.opencontent.org/openpub/). ISBN-13: 978 -0- 672-33 101 -5 ISBN- 10: 0- 672-33 101 -2 Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Dorman, Scott, 1973- Sams teach yourself Visual C# 201 0 : in 24 ... TechEd and community-sponsored code camps), and contributes regularly to online communities such as The Code Project and StackOverflow. Scott also maintains a .NET Framework and C# -focused technology...
Ngày tải lên: 29/03/2014, 15:20
start here! - learn microsoft visual c# 2010
... 10 Start Here! Learn Microsoft Visual C# 201 0 Note The content of the Properties window reects the object you select. The contents will change when you select a form instead of a speci c control. ... second section of the chapter helps you launch Visual C# 201 0 CHAPTER 1 Getting to Know C# 7 FIGURE 1-3 The Visual Studio IDE opens with the Start Page showing. This rst view of Visual C# 201 0 ... using. Carefully follow these steps to get started. Create a New Web Project 1. Choose Start | All Programs | Microsoft Visual Studio 201 0 Express | Microsoft Visual Web Developer 201 0 Express. ...
Ngày tải lên: 31/03/2014, 16:44
Microsoft visual c# le re and gradient brushes
... x0 y0 w0 h0" alt=""
Ngày tải lên: 12/04/2014, 20:49
introducing visual c 2010
... 385 Chapter 14: Exceptions 41 9 Chapter 15: Generic and Anonymous Types 45 3 Chapter 16: Strings and Characters 48 1 www.it-ebooks.info Introducing Visual C# 201 0 Copyright © 201 0 by Adam ... Strings and Characters 48 1 Working with Characters 48 2 Expressing Characters Using Literals 48 2 Performing Operations on Characters 48 3 Using Struct Members 48 4 Using Strings 48 6 Expressing ... www.it-ebooks.info CONTENTS xvi Chapter 15: Generic and Anonymous Types 45 3 Using Generic Types 45 4 Defining a Generic Class 45 6 Creating Objects from Generic Classes 45 6 Implementing and Using Generic...
Ngày tải lên: 05/05/2014, 11:33