... Visual Basic since its installation, the Visual Basic window will probably look something like this: Many of the elements in the Visual Basic window are useful only when you are writing ... on Module : 54 ã Tutorial: Learning to Program Amos with Visual Basic Amos 4.0 User’s Guide 5. Tell Visual Basic how to find the Amos Engine In order to let Visual Basic know that you want ... display Visual Basic s Object Browser . In the Classes listbox, click on AmosEngine . 52 ã Tutorial: Learning to Program Amos with Visual Basic Amos 4.0 User’s Guide In the Add Module window,...
Ngày tải lên: 28/03/2014, 22:20
Ngày tải lên: 23/07/2014, 17:21
Giáo trình hướng dẫn lập trình bằng ngôn ngữ visual basic trên excel p1 ppt
Ngày tải lên: 25/07/2014, 15:20
Define a Class in Visual Basic .NET
... have written classes in Visual Basic 6, you might be scratching your head, wondering how the code sample in Listing 9.2 declares your properties read/write. In Visual Basic 6, all that mattered ... 3. Finally, add a ToString method to output all the data of the class in a string. This is extraordinarily useful for debugging. Your finished interface should look like Listing 9.8. Listing ... define two methods: save and delete. (The retrieve method will be defined in a subsequent section.) Add the save and delete methods to your interface, as in Listing 9.7. Listing 9.7 CustomerInterface9_1.vb:...
Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2013, 15:15
Tài liệu Make a Generic Search Form in a Visual Basic .NET docx
... mstrKeyField As String Public Property DisplayName() As String End If End Sub 3. Create the LoadIndividual routine by entering the code shown in Listing 8.18 into the form. Taking the strKeyValue ... btnSearch, add the code in Listing 8.17 to the Click event. This routine shows the power of creating custom properties. After instantiating an instance of the Search form -in this case, frmHowTo8_4b.vb-the ... column in the data row. Listing 8.18 frmHowTo8_4a.vb: Loading an Individual Record into Text Boxes on the Form Private Sub LoadIndividual(ByVal strKeyValue As String) Dim strSQL As String...
Ngày tải lên: 26/01/2014, 11:20
Tài liệu Data base Access and Management8-1Learn Visual Basic 6 tutorial ppt
... navigating in Visual Basic 6.0. You should be familiar with the simple tasks of using the menus, the toolbar, resizing windows, and moving windows around. Visual Basic 6.0 provides an excellent tutorial ... of Visual Basic ã The original Visual Basic for DOS and Visual Basic For Windows were introduced in 1991. ã Visual Basic 3.0 (a vast improvement over previous versions) was released in ... 10-14 Using the Windows Clipboard 10-17 Printing with Visual Basic 10-18 Multiple Form Visual Basic Applications 10-21 Visual Basic Multiple Document Interface (MDI) 10-25 Creating a Help...
Ngày tải lên: 24/02/2014, 11:20
ứng dụng visual basic applications trong excel để xây dựng một số chương trình hỗ trợ giáo viên
... cứu các tính năng trong chương trình Microsoft Excel, ứng dụng của Visual Basic Applications for Excel. 1 - Tiếp theo, giáo viên nhập tên học sinh, giới tính và dân tộc (Nữ nhập: X; Dân tộc nhập: ... sinh. Lúc này chương trình sẽ tự động xếp loại thi đua của học sinh theo đúng quy chế. - In bảng điểm: Chọn chức năng In_ bang_diem trên thanh công cụ, chương trình sẽ tự động định dạng trang in ... EMIS; in bảng điểm và in thống kê. - Màn hình làm việc của chương trình bao gồm năm Sheet: Main, HK1, HK2, Ca_nam và In_ TK - Thanh công cụ của chương trình có các chức năng: Nhập thông tin ban...
Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 09:01
Sams Teach Yourself More Visual Basic .NET in 21 Days doc
... 197 Building the Initial Design 198 Choosing the Tasks 198 Setting the Limits 204 Creating the Database 205 Building the Tables 205 Defining the Indexes 208 Building the Application Prototype 209 Using ... Professional Visual Basic Applications 7 A Brief Look at What’s New in Visual Basic. NET 8 Changes to the Visual Basic Language 8 The New Windows Forms 9 The New Web Forms 10 Transitioning from Visual Basic ... explains the routine’s overall purpose. In the routine, notice that two variables are public—meaning they were not defined by the routine (within the scope of the routine). By being defined earlier in...
Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 15:20
teach yourself visual basic 6 in 21 days 2004
... week's introductory nature, you will be working with Visual Basic in a hands-on mode starting in Day 1, "Welcome to Visual Basic. " In the opening lesson you create a working Visual Basic ... that you can increase Visual Basic& apos;s programmability and the tools that your users interact with by making your own interface objects ã Accessing the online help engine in Visual Basic so ... to BASIC by creating several incarnations of BASIC with names such as MBASIC (for Microsoft BASIC) , GWBASIC (for, some say, Gee-Whiz BASIC) , BASICA (for BASIC Advanced), QuickBASIC, and QBasic...
Ngày tải lên: 17/04/2014, 09:17
Using visual basic script in WinCC
... 03.04 1 Using Visual Basic Script in WinCC Introduction In addition to the C script, WinCC also provides the VBScript program language as a programming interface in order to make the WinCC runtime ... B ookmarks Bookmarks can be set in the code via the icons in the toolbar in order to find certain parts in the codes more easily. ã Set a bookmark in the line in which the cursor is currently ... is necessary to call in the procedure in which the tag is defined. In order to use a global tag in picture-independent actions in Global Script, observe the following: In order that access...
Ngày tải lên: 13/05/2014, 15:04
doing objects in visual basic 2005
... of the other books in this series, this book is about designing and developing great applications for Visual Basic using object- oriented principles. However, today’s Visual Basic developer is ... make the move to using object-oriented techniques in your Visual Basic applications? ■ Objects help you think about an application in terms of real-world things, aiding in the design process. ... 358 Object Binding Versus Data Binding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 360 Using Object Binding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 361 Configuring a Data...
Ngày tải lên: 01/06/2014, 01:21
Chương 24: Liên kết giữa Excel với Visual Basic 6.0 pptx
... Development: The Definitive Guide to Developing Applications Using Microsoftđ Excel and VBAđ By Stephen Bullen, Rob Bovey, John Green". 22 Chương 24: Liên kết giữa Excel với Visual Basic 6.0 Tác ... dụng Excel. Sau đó phải khai báo thêm hai hàm API: FindWindowA định vị handle ở cửa sổ ứng dụng Excel, và SetWindowLongA để thay đổi cửa sổ mẹ của Form. Hằng số mới GWL_HWNDPARENT sẽ xác minh ... với Form mới LIÊN KẾT GIỮA EXCEL VÀ VISUAL BASIC 6.0 25 Chương 24: Liên kết giữa Excel với Visual Basic 6.0 Tác giả: Phan Tự Hướng (tuhuongdcct36@gmail.com)-...
Ngày tải lên: 22/06/2014, 05:20
Professional ASP.NET 3.5 in C# and Visual Basic Part 170 doc
... from, 1189–1190 using external style sheets in, 864–865 using inline styles in, 866 using internal style sheets in, 865–866 Web Parts allowing user to change mode of page, 820–833 creating custom, ... 814 WebPartZone controls, dragging and dropping in, 817 XAML, viewing and editing in, 1612–1617 XHTML in, 1571–1573 XML Web service. See XML Web Services, building zone layouts, 817 Visual Studio Conversion ... editor, 1406–1407 tidying up code, 1591–1594 Visual Studio add-ins, 1594–1596 Web Site Administration Tool. See Web Site Administration Tool Windows Installer service. See Windows Installer service ToolTips SiteMapPath...
Ngày tải lên: 05/07/2014, 18:20
Professional ASP.NET 3.5 in C# and Visual Basic Part 2 ppsx
... Querying with LINQ 455 LINQ to Objects 455 Traditional Query Methods 455 Replacing Traditional Queries with LINQ 464 Data Grouping 472 Other LINQ Operators 473 LINQ Joins 473 Paging Using LINQ ... 475 LINQ to XML 476 Joining XML Data 479 LINQ to SQL 481 Insert, Update, and Delete Queries through LINQ 490 Extending LINQ 494 Summary 495 Chapter 10: Working with XML and LINQ to XML 497 The Basics ... 366 Menu 367 Inline Data-Binding Syntax 367 Data-Binding Syntax Changes 368 XML Data Binding 369 Expressions and Expression Builders 369 Summary 375 Chapter 8: Data Management with ADO.NET 377 Basic...
Ngày tải lên: 05/07/2014, 18:20
Professional ASP.NET 3.5 in C# and Visual Basic Part 3 pptx
... applications using mainly Visual Basic (VB). Visual Basic was not only a programming language; it was tied to an IDE that allowed for easy thick-client application development. In the Visual Basic model, ... 1607 Step 1: A Basic ASP.NET Application 1609 Finding Vector-Based Content 1610 Converting Vector Content to XAML 1611 Tools for Viewing and Editing XAML 1614 Integrating with Your Existing ASP.NET ... Rendering 1210 Adding Tag Attributes 1214 Styling HTML 1217 Themes and Skins 1220 Adding Client-Side Features 1222 Detecting and Reacting to Browser Capabilities 1231 Using ViewState 1234 Raising...
Ngày tải lên: 05/07/2014, 18:20
Professional ASP.NET 3.5 in C# and Visual Basic Part 4 potx
Ngày tải lên: 05/07/2014, 18:20
Professional ASP.NET 3.5 in C# and Visual Basic Part 5 ppsx
Ngày tải lên: 05/07/2014, 18:20