visual basic 2010 express serial port example

Beginning microsoft Visual Basic 2010 phần 1 potx

Beginning microsoft Visual Basic 2010 phần 1 potx

... Visual Basic 2 010 Professional Edition or ➤ Microsoft Visual Basic 2 010 Premium Edition or ➤ Microsoft Visual Basic 2 010 Ultimate Edition or ➤ Microsoft Visual Basic ... Programmer to Programmer™ Join the discussion @ Beginning Visual Basic ® 2010 Microsoft ® Visual Basic ® 2010 Microsoft ® Thearon Willis, Bryan Newsome Beginning Get more out of ... exception handling and debugging, Visual Studio features, and ASP.NET web programming. Visual Basic 2010 Programmer’s Reference ISBN: 978-0-470-49983-2 Visual Basic expert Rod Stephens shows you

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 14:21

73 374 0
Beginning microsoft Visual Basic 2010 phần 3 docx

Beginning microsoft Visual Basic 2010 phần 3 docx

... you use a VisualBrush A VisualBrush paints an area with a visual image — in this case, the image of the credit card The Visual attribute shown in the following code is used to set the visual content ... 4-22 Again, when you get to the Loop statement, Visual Basic 2010 moves back up to the Do While statement When it gets there, it evaluates the expression again If it’s True, you run the code ... interface, and should not be confused with a programming language such as Visual Basic 2010 To illustrate this point, Figure 6-1 shows a basic Windows application defined in XAML, and the output that it

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 14:21

72 389 0
Beginning microsoft Visual Basic 2010 phần 5 pdf

Beginning microsoft Visual Basic 2010 phần 5 pdf

... Outlook or Visual. .. Nearly everyone is familiar with the images on the menus in applications such as Microsoft Outlook or Visual Studio 2010 In earlier versions of Visual Basic, developers ... installation of Visual Studio 2010 and that you extracted the contents of the VS2008ImageLibrary zip file In the Open dialog box, select AlignTableCellMiddleLeftJustHS.PNG... Take, for example, Visual ... the Select Resource dialog, click the Import button and browse to the C:\Program Files \Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\Common7\VS2010ImageLibrary\1033\VS2010ImageLibrary\ Actions\pngformat folder

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 14:21

72 395 0
Beginning microsoft Visual Basic 2010 phần 6 pptx

Beginning microsoft Visual Basic 2010 phần 6 pptx

... build a software object, you have to understand how the internals work You express those internals with Visual Basic 2010 code So, when the software developer using your object says, ‘‘Turn ... applications using Visual Basic 2010 UNDERSTANDING OBJECTS An object is almost anything you can think of We work with physical objects all the time: televisions, cars, customers, reports, light ... download at In this example, you will create a simple Car class To learn how to add a class to a project, follow these simple steps: 1 Start Visual Basic 2010 and select File ➪ Add

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 14:21

72 382 0
Beginning microsoft Visual Basic 2010 phần 7 pdf

Beginning microsoft Visual Basic 2010 phần 7 pdf

... download at In this example, you will add a new project 1. Using Visual Studio 2010, select File ➪ Add ➪ New Project from the menu and create a new Visual Basic 2010 Windows Forms Application ... the instance of Visual Studio 2010 containing the Internet Favorites project Save the project and then close Visual Studio 2010 Switch to the instance of Visual Studio 2010 containing ... purchaser’s... and revision number will be generated by Visual Studio 2010 Every time you recompile the assembly, Visual Basic 2010 will adjust these numbers to ensure that every compilation

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 14:21

72 383 0
Beginning microsoft Visual Basic 2010 phần 8 ppsx

Beginning microsoft Visual Basic 2010 phần 8 ppsx

... in Visual Studio 2010 that assist you in accessing the data in an Access database. DATA ACCESS COMPONENTS AND CONTROLS Start by looking at three of the data access components in Visual Basic 2010 ... automatically displayed in the control for the user to see and manipulate. In Visual Basic 2010, most controls support some level of data binding. Some are specifically designed for it, such as ... these results, which just goes to prove how powerful the data wizards in Visual Basic 2010 are. The preceding approach for this example is the easiest and most straightforward approach for data access.

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 14:21

72 335 0
Beginning microsoft Visual Basic 2010 phần 9 doc

Beginning microsoft Visual Basic 2010 phần 9 doc

... focus on the basics for website development and moving to database-driven applications. With Visual Studio 2010, you will be building data-driven sites in no time. Visual Studio 2010 is the best ... Forms applications In addition, ASP.NET also supports all NET-compatible languages By default, Visual Basic and C# are available in Visual Studio 2010 Special Website Files When you work with ... Web Site Make sure Visual Basic is the language, and select ASP.NET web site For the Location, change the drop-down box to File System and enter [The default path for VS 2010] \Client_ServerProcessing

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 14:21

72 416 0
Beginning microsoft Visual Basic 2010 phần 10 pot

Beginning microsoft Visual Basic 2010 phần 10 pot

... However, Visual Studio 2010 does provide some basic deployment functionality, which is tremendously helpful for the standard developer and smaller installations. Under the Visual Studio 2010 banner, ... and terminology ➤ How to deploy a ClickOnce Application with Visual Studio 2010 ➤ How to create a setup program with Visual Studio 2010 ➤ How to edit the installer user interface Deploying an ... using the System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer class to save entire objects to disk (known as serialization). This same object was used to load objects from disk (known as deserialization). You

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 14:21

75 334 0
Mastering Microsoft Visual Basic 2010 phần 2 pot

Mastering Microsoft Visual Basic 2010 phần 2 pot

... the string Visual in the text: Dim location As Integer location = TextBox1.Text.IndexOf("Visual") For more information on locating strings in a TextBox control, see the section ‘‘VB 2010 at Work: ... array (2 × 100 for our example) To find out the number of elements in a specific dimension, use the GetLength method, passing as an argument a specific dimension The following expressions will return ... Locked property to True Oddly, the Locked property is also supported, but now it has a very different function The Locked property of VB 2010 locks the control at design time (so that you won’t move

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 21:20

105 328 0
Mastering Microsoft Visual Basic 2010 phần 3 pdf

Mastering Microsoft Visual Basic 2010 phần 3 pdf

... AutoCompleteStringCollection knownWords.Add("Visual Basic 2008") knownWords.Add("Visual Basic .NET") knownWords.Add("Visual Basic 6") knownWords.Add("Visual Basic") knownWords.Add("Framework") ... Forms In Visual Basic, the form is the container for all the controls that make up the user interface When a Visual Basic application is executing,... indicator by LargeChange VB 2010 at ... some type of visual feedback The vertical scroll bar that lets a user move up and down a long document is a typical example of the use of the ScrollBar control The scroll bar and visual feedback

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 21:20

105 427 0
Mastering Microsoft Visual Basic 2010 phần 6 ppt

Mastering Microsoft Visual Basic 2010 phần 6 ppt

... out the strings that don’t contain the word visual from the words array: Dim words() As String = {"Visual Basic", "Java", "Visual Studio"} Dim selectedWords() As ... extracts the strings that con- tain the word visual, similar to the preceding sample: Dim words() As String = {"Visual Basic", "Java", "Visual Studio"} Dim selectedWords ... COLLECTIONS If you execute the preceding statements, the message box will display the following: Visual Basic Visual Studio There are a few more interesting array methods, such as the FindAll method,

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 21:20

105 688 0
Mastering Microsoft Visual Basic 2010 phần 7 pps

Mastering Microsoft Visual Basic 2010 phần 7 pps

... document (or an expression hole), and the expression you insert in them is an embedded expression: You embed a VB expression in your document, and the compiler evaluates the expression and inserts ... principles... all major DBMSs support it 632 CHAPTER 15 PROGRAMMING WITH ADO.NET The recommended DBMS for Visual Studio 2010 is SQL Server 2008 In fact, the Visual Studio 2008 setup program ... HTML tags and embedded holes for inline expressions, which are the fields of the item object. Note the VB code for formatting the date in the last inline expression. The output of the previous

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 21:20

105 434 0
Mastering Microsoft Visual Basic 2010 phần 8 pptx

Mastering Microsoft Visual Basic 2010 phần 8 pptx

... of project types supported by Visual Studio 2010 For this exercise, you will start by creating a new Windows Forms project: 1 Open a new instance of Visual Studio 2010, and choose File ... an EDM file (.edmx extension) in Visual Studio Figure 17.3 shows the EDM Designer with the Northwind EDM open Figure 17.3 The EDM Designer in Visual Studio 2010 The EDM diagram... connect ... engineering, it would result in a loss of important information in the conceptual model THE ENTITY FRAMEWORK: RAISING THE DATA ABSTRACTION BAR In Visual Studio 2010, you can start with a blank EDM...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 21:20

105 442 0
Mastering Microsoft Visual Basic 2010 phần 9 docx

Mastering Microsoft Visual Basic 2010 phần 9 docx

... the address visualization functionality You can take a look at the complete code of the form in Listing 19. 9 Listing 19. 9: Imports Imports Imports Imports Imports Imports Address visualization ... ever discover that they are not communicating with a web browser but with your Visual Basic program instead. Support for such access comes in the form of the WebClient class and, in sit- uations ... the autogenerated class. Master It Describe the basic components generated by the wizard when you create a typed DataSet with the visual tools of Visual Studio. Bind Windows forms to typed DataSets.

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 21:20

105 390 0
Mastering Microsoft Visual Basic 2010 phần 10 pdf

Mastering Microsoft Visual Basic 2010 phần 10 pdf

... Persons(1 To 100 , 1 To 1) As String Chapter 3: Visual Basic Programming Essentials Use Visual Basic s flow-control statements Visual Basic provides several statements for controlling ... 1: Getting Started with Visual Basic 2 010 Navigate the integrated development environment of Visual Studio To simplify the process of application development, Visual Studio provides ... possible with visual tools before writing code... window Understand the basics of a Windows application A Windows application consists of a visual interface and code The visual interface

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 21:20

112 879 0
Professional Visual Basic 2010 and .neT 4 phần 2 docx

Professional Visual Basic 2010 and .neT 4 phần 2 docx

... object. Visual Basic provides an easier solution for working with these: the Microsoft.VisualBasic.Constants class. The Constants class, which you can tell by its namespace is specific to Visual Basic, ... longNumber This is possible for two reasons. One is based on Visual Basic’s legacy support. Previous versions of Visual Basic supported the capability to implicitly cast across types that don’t ... conversion. By default, Visual Basic supports certain unsafe implicit conversions. Thus, adding the following line will not, by default, cause an error under Visual Basic: shortNumber = longNumber

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 23:23

133 315 0
Professional Visual Basic 2010 and .neT 4 phần 3 pot

Professional Visual Basic 2010 and .neT 4 phần 3 pot

... Microsoft.VisualBasic, and the accompanying Microsoft.VisualBasic.dll Every Visual Basic 2010 project includes the namespace Microsoft.VisualBasic This namespace is part of the Visual ... like Visual Basic, you’ll fi nd it easier to master XAML; and. .. methods of Visual Basic 2010 directly The only difference in the default namespaces included with Visual Basic 2010 ... Visual Studio 2010, create a new Visual Basic Windows Forms Application project called Namespace_Sampler The Microsoft.VisualBasic.Compatibility.VB6 library is not part of Visual Basic

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 23:23

133 328 0
Professional Visual Basic 2010 and .neT 4 phần 6 ppt

Professional Visual Basic 2010 and .neT 4 phần 6 ppt

... the changes to be made in the Visual Basic code is the addition of these symbols to the button label. First, however, review the XAML code and ensure that, for example, the Image control is ... handlers in order to get the basic behavior of the application in place. Event Handlers In previous versions of Visual Studio you could click on a control and Visual Studio would automatically ... bottom portion of the display. At this point the controls can be aligned. You can do this through a combination of editing the XAML directly and positioning things on the screen. For example,

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 23:23

133 294 0
Microsoft Visual Basic 2010 Step by Step potx

Microsoft Visual Basic 2010 Step by Step potx

... you might be trying to load Visual Basic 2010 files into an older version of the Visual Basic software. (Earlier versions of Visual Basic can’t open the Visual Basic 2010 projects included on ... in a Visual Basic program by using the Visual Studio Properties window—one of the important skills in becoming a Visual Basic programmer. Introduction xix Downloading Visual Basic 2010 Express As ... have Visual Studio 2010 Professional, Visual Studio 2010 Premium, or Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate, you can complete most of the exercises in this book by downloading Visual Basic 2010 Express...

Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 15:20

576 1,5K 0
visual basic 2005 express edition for dummies (wiley, 2006)

visual basic 2005 express edition for dummies (wiley, 2006)

... The Basics of Visual Basic Express 11 Chapter 1: What It’s All About: Visual Basic Express Takes a Bow . . .13 Something Strange Happened in Orlando 14 Visual Basic through the years 14 Visual Basic ... Design For Dummies, Visual Basic .NET Weekend Crash Course, Visual Basic .NET Database Programming For Dummies, Visual Basic .NET All-in-One Desk Reference For Dummies, and Visual Basic 6 Database ... deselected. In 52 Part I: The Basics of Visual Basic Express 08_597051 ch04.qxd 10/20/05 1:33 PM Page 52 Chapter 2 Up and Running In This Chapter ᮣ Getting started with VB Express: Resources for beginners ᮣ...

Ngày tải lên: 25/03/2014, 16:07

337 390 0

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