variables constants and control groups

Open distributed automation and control with iec 61499.pdf

Open distributed automation and control with iec 61499.pdf

... OPEN DISTRIBUTED AUTOMATION AND CONTROL WITH IEC 61499 JHC/2001-04-03 p. 18 Open Distributed Automation and Control with IEC 61499 Open Distributed Automation and Control with IEC 61499 ã Background ã ... AUTOMATION AND CONTROL WITH IEC 61499 JHC/2001-04-03 p. 15 Encapsulation and Reuse: Basic Function Block Types Encapsulation and Reuse: Basic Function Block Types Output variablesInput variables Event ... Distributed Automation and Control with IEC 61499 Open Distributed Automation and Control with IEC 61499 ã Background ã Architecture ã Object Models ã Software Tool Requirements ã Status and Future OPEN...

Ngày tải lên: 20/08/2012, 11:15

25 2,1K 3
Managing people working as individuals and in groups

Managing people working as individuals and in groups

... adaptability and personality.  People are motivated by interaction, recognition and personal development.  Software development groups should be small and cohesive. Leaders should be competent and should ... provided by the candidates. ã Information gained by interviewing and talking with candidates. ã Recommendations and comments from other people who know or who have worked with the candidates. ©Ian ... discussed by the group as a whole and tasks are allocated according to ability and experience.  This approach is successful for groups where all members are experienced and competent. âIan Sommerville...

Ngày tải lên: 14/09/2012, 11:41

15 779 0
Introduction to logistics systems planning and control

Introduction to logistics systems planning and control

... inventories (Chapter 4); designing and operating warehouses and crossdocks (Chapter 5); planning and controlling long-haul and short-haul freight transportation (Chapters 6 and 7). Finally, Chapter 8 ... characteristics, as well as demand volume and variability. MTO systems are more suitable whenever lead times are short, products are costly, and demand is low and highly variable. In some cases, ... demand. When demand is lumpy or irregular (see Figure 2.1), there is so much randomness in the demand pattern that no reliable prediction can be made. This is typically the case when large and...

Ngày tải lên: 16/08/2013, 08:50

377 780 1


... reduction of milk production and weight gain, and increase of veterinary, diagnosis and replacement purchase costs. Various methods have been studied to prevent and control N. caninum infection ... Gottstein, and M. Reist (2006). Financial analysis of various strategies for the control of Neospora caninum in dairy cattle in Switzerland. Prev Vet Med 77, 230-53. Hernandez, J., C. Risco, and ... Nogareda, and S. Almeria (2007). Chronic Neospora caninum infection and repeat Neospora caninum infection in cattle - Economic loss, prevention and control bull semen. Among of all groups, ...

Ngày tải lên: 29/08/2013, 08:14

7 443 0
Variables, Expressions, and Statements (Oh My)

Variables, Expressions, and Statements (Oh My)

... declared a couple of variables. We haven't used them yet, and they're both uninitialized. One holds an integer number (random, to start, since we never initialized it), and the other holds ... 10 < 10? Nope, that'll be false and zero, so the while statement is finally completed and we continue to the next line. 12. And lastly printf is called, and we get our parting message: “All ... an insane android bent on killing its innocent masters. Or something. Here's an example of a while loop that should clarify this up a bit and help cleanse your mind of the killing android...

Ngày tải lên: 29/09/2013, 16:20

8 313 0
Project Planning and Control Part 9

Project Planning and Control Part 9

... 31.8 Figure 31.9 Project Planning and Control Spares lists (usually priced) divided into operating and strategic spares Lubrication schedules Quality control records and audit trails Material test ... certificates Equipment test and performance certificates Equipment, material and system guarantees All contracts (and subcontracts) must be properly closed out and (if possible) all claims and back charges ... checked and updated to reflect the latest version and as-built condition. In addition, certain documents obtained and collated during the various phases of the project have to be bound and handed...

Ngày tải lên: 17/10/2013, 21:15

24 353 0
Modeling, Measurement and Control P18

Modeling, Measurement and Control P18

... Figures 18.5, 18.6, and 18.7 where (18.30) and for i = 1, 2, …, n, j = 1, 2, …,m we have (18.31) For j = 1 we replace t 2ij with For j = m we replace t 6ij and t 7ij with where and i + n = i. ... (18.21) and (18.22) into (18.24) yields the relationship between q and the independent variables t 5 , t 1 , r 1 , r 2 as follows: (18.27) To put (18.27) in a matrix form, define the matrices: and P II II II II II II II II 1 33 33 33 33 1 33 33 33 33 1 2 = − −             = − −             − ∆∆ 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 qrtttr qr qrttt 111 11 1 11 ... (36 ì 25) = (36 ì 75) (75 × 25). and the dimensions are (36 × 6) = (36 × 18) ∗ (18 × 6). and the dimensions are (36 × 24) = (36 × 36) ∗ (36 × 31) (31 ì 24). The control inputs u ij are dened...

Ngày tải lên: 18/10/2013, 09:15

62 365 0
Using Variables, Statements, and Operators

Using Variables, Statements, and Operators

... it. How to… ■ Write and execute a simple PHP script ■ Create statements and comments, and name variables ■ Use variables to store values ■ Choose between PHP’s data types ■ Understand the special ... Understand the special NULL data type ■ Read GET and POST form input, and store it in variables ■ Perform calculations and comparisons using operators ■ Use and override operator precedence rules Embedding ... special <?php ?> PHP tags, and taught you the basic syntactical rules for statements, comments, and variables. It showed you how to assign values to variables and use PHP to easily store user...

Ngày tải lên: 18/10/2013, 23:20

25 336 0
Transactions in measurement and control

Transactions in measurement and control

... a function of allowable accuracy and rangeability, is between 8 and 30 centipoises. One can expect a better than 20:1 rangeability for gas and steam service and over 10:1 for low-viscosity liquid ... in rac- ing cars and Air Force fighter jets. In industrial applications, pitot tubes are used to measure air flow in pipes, ducts, and stacks, and liquid flow in pipes, weirs, and open channels. While ... that accept the inputs of the d/p transmitter and the other sensors and can simultaneously calculate mass and volumetric flow. To minimize error (and the need for density correction) when dealing...

Ngày tải lên: 20/10/2013, 01:15

100 457 0
Project Planning and Control Part 10

Project Planning and Control Part 10

... Identity code given to a work element for cost control purposes. Cost control The ability to monitor, compare and adjust expenditures and costs at regular and sufficiently frequent intervals to keep ... requirements for risk assessment and procedures. 368 Project Planning and Control Heldman, Kim, PMP Project Management Professional, Sybex (2001) Hillebrandt, P.M., Economic Theory and the Construction ... defined time, cost and quality/performance parameters. Project life cycle All the processes and phases between the conception and termination of a project. 367 Project Planning and Control Baguly,...

Ngày tải lên: 20/10/2013, 13:15

22 427 0
Monitoring and control

Monitoring and control

... dependent on them. Monitoring and control 121 10 Monitoring and control In an ideal world, projects would be completed on time, within specified budgets and to the standards set out in the plans. ... to control the project ensures that the focus is kept on achieving the outcomes within the budget and timescale agreed. The word control sounds very authoritarian and inflexible. However, control ... impact on the project plan (monitoring) and to revise the plans if neces- sary (controlling). The plan itself is at the heart of effective monitoring and control. If the plan is not kept up to...

Ngày tải lên: 24/10/2013, 08:20

8 474 0
Modeling, Measurement and Control P21

Modeling, Measurement and Control P21

... problems, increased reliability and improved thermal capacity are achieved. On the other hand, brushless motors require more complex and expensive control systems. Sensors and switching circuitry are ... cheap, robust, and reliable, and at the same time offer good torque characteristics. However, control of such motors is rather complicated. Advanced vector controllers are expensive and do not guarantee ... becomes (21.5) and the number of state variables reduces to two. The state vector and the system matrices in eq. (21.3) are (21.6) The motor control variable is u . By changing the voltage, one may control...

Ngày tải lên: 25/10/2013, 13:15

34 359 0
Modeling, Measurement and Control P23

Modeling, Measurement and Control P23

... the command and control of a vector such as position or force is not enough to control the interaction between systems (dynamic networks). The controller must also be able to command and control ... measurements, and a controller involving a PD regulator and robust control part. The purpose of the robust controller is to ensure that the control tracking error (i.e., the difference between target and ... Maples and Becker 15 and is referred to as outer/inner loop stiffness control. The control scheme consists of two parallel feedback loops superimposed to the internal position control and closed...

Ngày tải lên: 29/10/2013, 20:15

52 392 0
Modeling, Measurement and Control P24

Modeling, Measurement and Control P24

... B 1m R 2 : if X 1 is A 21 andand X n is A 2n , then Y 1 = B 21 and … Y m = B 2m R r : if X 1 is A r1 andand X n is A rn , then Y 1 = B r1 andand Y m = B rm where: X 1 , ... antecedent is a condition and the consequent is a control action. Thus, the rule base can be represented as: R 1 : if X 1 is A 11 andand X n is A 1n , then Y 1 = B 11 andand Y m = B 1m R 2 : ... to characterize fuzzy control rules and manipulation of fuzzy data. The rule base consists of heuristic fuzzy control rules that describe control goals and policy. A fuzzy control rule is a fuzzy...

Ngày tải lên: 29/10/2013, 20:15

46 341 0