v data integrity and advanced query technique 

Data Integrity and Advanced Query Technique

Data Integrity and Advanced Query Technique

... • Distinct : Khi có keyword v o cho kết cột không trùng V dụ Orders table Norwind database (database mẫu di kèm v i SQL Server) chứa giá trị trùng lập (duplicate value) cột ShipCity Nếu ta muốn ... nhiệm v ghép nối kết hay nhiều queries lại thành kết V dụ: Giả sử có table1(ColumnA varchar(10), ColumnB int) table2(ColumnC varchar(10), ColumnD int) Ta muốn select data từ table1 ghép v i data ... Constraint trường hợp: Insert hay Update: Nếu data insert v o vi phạm ràng buộc có sẵn (violate constraint) hay constraint ta muốn áp dụng cho data thời mà data insert Tiến hành trình replicate Nếu...

Ngày tải lên: 25/08/2012, 09:00

9 726 0
Data Integrity and Advanced Query Technique

Data Integrity and Advanced Query Technique

... • Distinct : Khi có keyword v o cho kết cột không trùng V dụ Orders table Norwind database (database mẫu di kèm v i SQL Server) chứa giá trị trùng lập (duplicate value) cột ShipCity Nếu ta muốn ... nhiệm v ghép nối kết hay nhiều queries lại thành kết V dụ: Giả sử có table1(ColumnA varchar(10), ColumnB int) table2(ColumnC varchar(10), ColumnD int) Ta muốn select data từ table1 ghép v i data ... Constraint trường hợp: • Insert hay Update: Nếu data insert v o vi phạm ràng buộc có sẵn (violate constraint) hay constraint ta muốn áp dụng cho data thời mà data insert • Tiến hành trình replicate Nếu...

Ngày tải lên: 06/10/2013, 17:20

8 380 0
Data Integrity and Advanced Query Technique- P1 potx

Data Integrity and Advanced Query Technique- P1 potx

...  Data Type : Data type đảm bảo tính toàn v n data v dụ bạn khai báo data type cột Integer bạn đưa giá trị thuộc dạng String v o  Not Null Definitions : Null ... tính xác liệu nhập v o  Rules : Ðây object mang tính backwardcompatible chủ yếu để tương thích v i version trước SQL Server Rules tương đương v i CHECK Constraint SQL Server 2000 người ta có ... đương v i zero, blank hay empty string " " mà có nghĩa (unknown) hay chưa định nghĩa (undefined) Khi thiết kế database ta nên cẩn thận việc cho phép cột Null hay Not Null việc chứa Null data làm...

Ngày tải lên: 08/07/2014, 07:21

5 209 0
Data Integrity and Advanced Query Technique- P2 ppt

Data Integrity and Advanced Query Technique- P2 ppt

... Constraint trường hợp:  Insert hay Update: Nếu data insert v o vi phạm ràng buộc có sẵn (violate constraint) hay constraint ta muốn áp dụng cho data thời mà data insert  Tiến hành trình replicate Nếu ... Constraint để kiểm soát data chứa table có Foreign key (tức table con) thực chất kiểm soát data table chứa Primary key (tức table cha) V dụ ta delete data table cha data table trở nên "mồ côi" ... replicate data cản trở trình copy data từ source table tới destination table cách không cần thiết Check Constraint Check Constraint dùng để giới hạn hay kiểm soát giá trị phép insert v o cột Check...

Ngày tải lên: 08/07/2014, 07:21

5 233 0
Data Integrity and Advanced Query Technique- P3 pps

Data Integrity and Advanced Query Technique- P3 pps

...  Distinct : Khi có keyword v o cho kết cột không trùng V dụ Orders table Norwind database (database mẫu di kèm v i SQL Server) chứa giá trị trùng lập (duplicate value) cột ShipCity Nếu ta muốn ... mà việc kiểm soát tính hợp lệ data không áp dụng cho data Trường hợp thứ hai replication Muốn xem hay tạo Constraint Enterprise Manager làm sau: Click lên table chọn Design Table-> Click v o ... làm sau: Click lên table chọn Design Table-> Click v o icon bên phải "Manage Constraints " Advanced Query Techniques Trong phần đào sâu số câu lệnh nâng cao SELECT, INSERT Có thể nói biết qua...

Ngày tải lên: 08/07/2014, 07:21

5 258 0
Data Integrity and Advanced Query Technique- P4 ppt

Data Integrity and Advanced Query Technique- P4 ppt

... nhiệm v ghép nối kết hay nhiều queries lại thành kết V dụ: Giả sử có table1(ColumnA varchar(10), ColumnB int) table2(ColumnC varchar(10), ColumnD int) Ta muốn select data từ table1 ghép v i data ... "Units Sold" Revenue aggregate columns (cho giá trị tổng cột hàng có OrderID) HAVING Clause đóng vai trò filter dùng để lọc lại giá trị cần select mà HAVING Clause thường chung v i GROUP BY xuất ... trước V dụ: INSERT INTO EmployeeNames SELECT FirstName, LastName FROM Employers Chú ý chữ "Value" câu Insert The GROUP BY and HAVING Clauses GROUP BY dùng để tạo giá trị tổng (aggregate values)...

Ngày tải lên: 08/07/2014, 07:21

5 244 0
Data Integrity and Advanced Query Technique- P5 pot

Data Integrity and Advanced Query Technique- P5 pot

... loại join bạn cho chạy thử SQL Server làm phần tập số Tóm lại tìm hiểu data integrity SQL Server cách dùng loại Constraint Ngoài Chúng ta biết qua số kỹ thuật query nâng cao Sau học bạn cần làm ... select data từ hay nhiều tables tất cột bên table thứ hai không tồn bên table thứ select cộng v i giá trị cột inner join Số cột select v i số cột table thứ hai Tức phần tô màu đỏ hình V dụ: ... a.Au_lname ASC, a.Au_fname ASC Cross Joins Dùng Cross Join ghép data từ hai table số hàng thu v i số hàng table thứ nhân v i số hàng table thứ hai V dụ: USE pubs SELECT au_fname, au_lname, pub_name FROM...

Ngày tải lên: 08/07/2014, 07:21

5 285 0
Data Integrity and Protection

Data Integrity and Protection

... 12 D ATA I NTEGRITY AND P ROTECTION [K+08] “Parity Lost and Parity Regained” Andrew Krioukov, Lakshmi N Bairavasundaram, Garth R Goodson, Kiran Srinivasan, Randy Thelen, Andrea C Arpaci-Dusseau, ... to preserve data integrity is called the checksum A checksum is simply the result of a function that takes a chunk of data (say a 4KB block) as input and computes a function over said data, producing ... silent failures via data corruption How can we prevent users from getting bad data when corruption arises, and thus leads to disks returning bad data? C RUX : H OW T O P RESERVE D ATA I NTEGRITY...

Ngày tải lên: 16/08/2016, 19:06

12 642 0
Tài liệu Module 8: Protecting Communication Privacy and Data Integrity pptx

Tài liệu Module 8: Protecting Communication Privacy and Data Integrity pptx

... Hash value Hash algorithm Hash algorithm Data Data Hash algorithm Hash algorithm Data Data Hash value Hash value If hash If hash values values match, match, data is valid data is valid Hash value ... Howard and David LaBlanc (Redmond: Microsoft Press), 2001 Module 8: Protecting Communication Privacy and Data Integrity 11 Verifying Data Integrity with Hashes User B User A Data Data Hash value ... the original data Verifying the validity of data by using hash values When the hash value and the original data are sent to a recipient, the recipient can verify the validity of the data by applying...

Ngày tải lên: 24/01/2014, 10:20

86 354 0
Alfred v  aho   data structures and algorithms

Alfred v aho data structures and algorithms

... league: the Vultures, the Lions, the Eagles, the Beavers, the Tigers, and the Skunks The Vultures have already played the Lions and the Eagles; the Lions have also played the Beavers and Skunks ... language, the data type of a variable is the set of values that the variable may assume For example, a variable of type boolean can assume either the value true or the value false, but no other value ... about some of these languages 1.3 Data Types, Data Structures and Abstract Data Types Although the terms "data type" (or just "type"), "data structure" and "abstract data type" http://www.ourstillwaters.org/stillwaters/csteaching/DataStructuresAndAlgorithms/mf1201.htm...

Ngày tải lên: 19/03/2014, 13:32

620 644 0
robot builder's bonanza------v.useful for beginners and advanced robot builders

robot builder's bonanza------v.useful for beginners and advanced robot builders

... xxvi ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Through these workshops, I have learned a lot about what people want to get from robots and have seen their ideas take wing All the volunteers involved, both Celestica and ... robots can be conversation pieces all their own You must overcome many difficulties to design and Top View Side View Robot Midpoint and Center of Mass Drive Wheel Casters Robot Base Drive Wheels FIGURE ... Modified Servos Limitations of Modified Servos Modifying by Removing the Servo Control Board 22.11 Attaching Mechanical Linkages to Servos 22.12 Attaching Wheels to Servos 22.13 Mounting Servos on...

Ngày tải lên: 12/06/2014, 12:06

770 255 0
Private Real Estate Investment: Data Analysis and Decision Making (Academic Press Advanced Finance Series)_2 ppt

Private Real Estate Investment: Data Analysis and Decision Making (Academic Press Advanced Finance Series)_2 ppt

... prohibiting collusive and coercive activities govern domestic trade at a national level Our interest lies in local government For the private real estate investor, local land use regulation is ... that value Notice the importance of domain and range values with changes 30 Private Real Estate Investment TABLE 2-1 Numeric Values for Variables in Functions for Utility and Optimal Advertising ... received by the county; and (3) a variety of grants-in-aid, revenue sharing, assistance, subventions, and pass-throughs from the state Tax revenue generated from the hardware store operation over...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 20:20

31 452 0
Báo cáo y học: "Network security and data integrity in academia: an assessment and a proposal for large-scale archiving" potx

Báo cáo y học: "Network security and data integrity in academia: an assessment and a proposal for large-scale archiving" potx

... cracking programs and make them available to legions of novice but eager ‘script kiddies’ who help enact large and widespread attacks And there have been real and significant cases of data loss The ... goal of security in academia: to preserve data and results for posterity reviews There are common and effective lines of defense, such as firewalls and antivirus software, but “security is a process, ... would be to backup the databases and programs used to generate content, or even better, the entire ‘virtual machine’ if virtualization software such as Vmware [http://www.vmware.com] or Xen [http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/...

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 14:22

4 281 0
Efficient modeling of power and signal integrity for semiconductors and advanced electronic package systems 1

Efficient modeling of power and signal integrity for semiconductors and advanced electronic package systems 1

... (2.17) and (2.18) are A(r) = V (r) = µ 4π 4πη G(r, r )J(r )ejω/c|r−r | dv , (2.19) G(r, r )ρ(r )ejω/c|r−r | dv , (2.20) V V 1 respectively, in which V is the volume of all conductors, c = √ , and ... mV 340 mV 10% 2.5 µm - wide 393 mV 302 mV 23% µm - wide 452 mV 259 mV 43% 0.8 µm - wide 457 mV 343 mV 25% 2.5 µm - wide 531 mV 312 mV 41% µm - wide 619 mV 246 mV 60% 1000 µm - long 2000 µm - long ... domain methods provide better accuracy and efficiency than the time domain methods Theoretically, those full-wave methods are versatile and able to solve any power-ground planes and via problems In...

Ngày tải lên: 14/09/2015, 14:12

59 348 0
Efficient modeling of power and signal integrity for semiconductors and advanced electronic package systems 2

Efficient modeling of power and signal integrity for semiconductors and advanced electronic package systems 2

... planes, and µ and ε represent the permeability and permittivity of the dielectric sandwiched between the P-G planes The terms Cm and Sm stand for Cm = cos (βm z) and Sm = sin (βm z), respectively ... network and the top and bottom via anti-pad regions are designated as Port and Port 2, respectively In order to facilitate the subsequent signal and power integrity analysis, we need to evaluate ... Vias 3.5 60 Implementation of Effective Matrix-Vector Multiplication in Linear Equations To solve the matrix equation for multiple scattering of the vias given in (3.59), the effective matrix-vector...

Ngày tải lên: 14/09/2015, 14:12

51 495 0
Efficient modeling of power and signal integrity for semiconductors and advanced electronic package systems 3

Efficient modeling of power and signal integrity for semiconductors and advanced electronic package systems 3

... has more vias, compared to Example The signal via is also at the same location as in the previous example, and the total of 221 vias are distributed as 64 vias in center block and 156 vias in ... power-ground planes The relative permittivity of the substrate is 4.2 with a loss tangent of 0.02 The total of 100 vias are distributed as 64 vias in center block and 36 vias in four corner blocks ... to a finite one and the numbers of modes are M1, M2, and M3 for PPWG- I, II, and III, respectively For performing the mode matching, we can either test it over [0, h] (or [0, h1 ] and [h1, h]) Here...

Ngày tải lên: 14/09/2015, 14:12

38 243 0
Efficient modeling of power and signal integrity for semiconductors and advanced electronic package systems 4

Efficient modeling of power and signal integrity for semiconductors and advanced electronic package systems 4

... ⎣ Su VR ⎦, (5.56) ⎤ Sl VL Sl VR ⎥ ⎦, (5.57) Su Sl Su Sl where VL/R , VL/R , VL/R and IL/R, IL/R, IL/R stand for port voltages and currents de- fined in Fig 5.7 The split stripline is equivalent ... net = V net , with ⎡ V net = ⎢ ⎣ ⎡ I net = Since we have ⎢ ⎣ V net ⎥ L V ⎦, net R V net = L I net ⎥ L I net R ⎤ V ⎢ ⎢ ⎢ ⎢ ⎢ ⎣ I net L ⎦, = ⎢ ⎢ ⎢ ⎢ ⎢ ⎣ V net L,N 0 ⎥ TV ⎦ ⎥ ⎥ ⎥ ⎥, ⎥ ⎦ ⎡ V net ... because [Z][Y ] and [Y ][Z] are full matrices; i.e., each set of voltages and currents, Vi (z) and Ii(z), affects all the other sets of voltages and currents, Vj (z) and Ij (z) A change of variables...

Ngày tải lên: 14/09/2015, 14:12

66 254 0
Detection of cracks in plates and pipes using piezoelectric materials and advanced signal processing technique

Detection of cracks in plates and pipes using piezoelectric materials and advanced signal processing technique

... reduction in E at D12 and D13 respectively using (a) points and (b) 16 points 48 2.17 Relative change in mode for 50% and 20% reduction in E at D10 and D13 respectively using (a) points and (b) 16 points ... Actuators and Sensors The controlled actuation of elastic wave is vital in many NDE processes involving the use of propagating wave to reduce uncertainty and complexity in signal analysis and interpretation ... arrival times of flexural waves in beams and 17 CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION established the dispersive relation of the group velocity over a wide range of frequencies Liew and Wang (1998) adopted wavelet...

Ngày tải lên: 16/09/2015, 15:53

280 260 0
An empirical study of the effects of data model and query language on novice user query performance

An empirical study of the effects of data model and query language on novice user query performance

... compare data models and query languages for the query task respectively 2.1 A Cognitive Model of Database Query This section provides a cognitive perspective on how the factors, data model and query ... the main database variable is a combination of data model and query language Studies have typically required subjects to write queries The process involves a combination of data model and query ... and query languages, to evaluate their relative advantages Investigations have usually concentrated on the two major database tasks: data modeling and data retrieval (query) For example, the relational,...

Ngày tải lên: 28/09/2015, 13:21

113 482 0


... Attributes value) (v1 , v2 ∈ V) returns G = ∪ (V, E) and (v1 , v2 ) with the specified edge type is inserted into E, i.e E := E { (v1 , v2 )} (4) delete edge (G, v1 , v2 , edge type) ( (v1 , v2 ) ∈ ... of the major themes of database research over the past decades However, a comprehensive review of recent years activity in database and data mining conferences, shows that database support for ... general, involve making recursive inferences However, many real world data objects are recursive and associative in nature, so relational database cannot always be the appropriate tool for data storage...

Ngày tải lên: 04/10/2015, 10:24

78 314 0