... Hai loại ph n tích, diễn dịch quy nạp, - lôgích lịch sử" Lênin thấy mối quan hệ ph ơng ph p lôgích v i ph ơng ph p diễn dịch, ph ơng ph p lịch sử v i ph ơng ph p quy nạp Sau nói ph ơng ph p nhận ... ph t triển làm sâu sắc thêm ba yếu tố ban đầu sơ lược ph p biện chứng v t Từ hình thành 16 yếu tố, tạo nên nội dung phong ph ph p biện chứng v t III V V N ĐỀ NHẬN THỨC LUẬN TRONG TÁC PH M V o ... thức v y, Lênin nêu rõ rằng, Mác Tư luôn gắn ph ơng ph p nghiên cứu, trình bày v i thực tiễn: "Ở đây, kiểm tra việc, thực tiễn, thực qua bước ph n tích" 72 V v n đề ph p biện chứng Lênin viết v o...
Ngày tải lên: 07/12/2013, 17:44
... nh v y nghiên c u c a b n s$ chi u sâu Ph ng Methodology C u Ph p Nghiên Ph n miêu t s l c ph ng ph p ng i nghiên c u s$ s d ng thu th p ph n tích d li u trình ti n hành nghiên c u Ph ng Ph p ... Ph ng Ph p Nghiên C u (tt) Ph p (tt) Gi i thích cách th c b n s$ ti n hành nghiên c u Ch n ph ng ph p nghiên c u ph h p Vi c ch n l a ph ng ph p nghiên c u ph thu c v o nh ng câu h i nghiên c ... ch ng v i ph n gi i thi u d"n nh p Gi i thích ng n g n m c ích vi c t(ng h p tài li u nghiên c u – Trong ph n gi ii thi u, vi t dàn ý mô t v ch ng – Trong ph n gi thi u, vi t dàn ý mô t v ch ng...
Ngày tải lên: 19/01/2014, 10:20
Adobe Illustrator.1Chúcm ngcácb nãnv iph nm mAdobe Illustrator.Adobe Illustrator.21.Làm quen v i Adobe Illustrator..Adobe Illustrator.3Màn hình làm vi c1 Thanh menu Ch a các menu l nh ph c v trong AI. 2 Thanh công pot
... t l K t h p v i ph m F d i ng k ngang v ph a d i i K t h p v i ph m V d i ng k ngang v ph a K t h p v i cách ch chuy n l i n v trí m i di K t h p v i ph m s ng k ngang K t h p v i ph m X d i ... n v trí ch m d t l i Elip K t h p v i ph m Shift v l i hình tròn A .V không k t h p v i ph m Shift B .V k t v i ph m Shift K t h p v i ph m F quay ng c chi u kim ng h ng k v h ng K t h p v i ph m ... Illustrator V 11 a giác V tr c ti p b n v Ch V t Nh n công c a giác m t ng chéo b n v , quan sát ng v t m hình chu t K t h p v i ph m giác V V v i kích th t ng gi m s c nh i a Ch V t Nh V v i kích...
Ngày tải lên: 30/03/2014, 17:20
Indoor and Outdoor Air Pollution Part 1 pptx
... Preface VII Part Outdoor Air Quality Chapter Air Polluted Environment and Health Effects Michael Theophanides, Jane Anastassopoulou and Theophile Theophanides Chapter Development and Evaluation of ... of ambient atmospheric pollution Deterioration and damage to both public health and environment due to poor air quality have been recognized at a legislative and international level Air pollution ... the data results In accordance with this point of view and previous concepts, different case studies about outdoor and indoor air quality have been analyzed in this book The first case study,...
Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 10:20
Indoor and Outdoor Air Pollution Part 2 doc
... derived: chlorophyll-l 6CO 6H O hv C 6H12 O 6O 2.2 Variable and trace gases in the atmosphere Variable gases have volume mixing ratios that can change significantly over time and vary ... low, to avoid high ozone exposures Everyone should avoid all outdoor exertion Hazardous Table Air Quality Index threshold levels (EPA) Indoor and Outdoor Air Pollution A simplified version of ... pollution The natural environment in which we live in is ever-increasingly threatened by human activity (Theophanides, M et al 2002) Both the inhabited and uninhabited environment is threatened...
Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 10:20
Indoor and Outdoor Air Pollution Part 3 doc
... for many children and many families and the impact on physical activity, 14 Indoor and Outdoor Air Pollution social activity, enjoyment of outdoor pursuits, community and neighbourhood is incalculable ... mandate evaluation of the potentially significant environmental impacts of development, including airport projects Beyond compliance with NEPA and state environmental review statutes, airport development ... particular water vapour content is relatively high in the troposphere and low in the stratosphere, whereas ozone levels are much higher in the stratosphere Stratospheric ozone absorbs radiation from...
Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 10:20
Indoor and Outdoor Air Pollution Part 4 pot
... than the orthophosphate esters Especially high levels of tributoxyethyl phosphate were found in the day care centers and high levels of diethylhexyl phthalate in dust 26 Indoor and Outdoor Air ... Analysis Environmental Epidemiology, 10: 427–436 Meklin, T.; Husman, T.; Vepsäläinen, T.; Vahteristo, M Koivisto, J.; Halla-Aho, J.; Hyvärinen, A.; Moschandreas, D & Nevalainen, A (2002) Indoor Air ... Pollution in Several Greek Cities, J Envir Scien Health, Part A, 42/6; 741-746 Theophanides, M & Theophanides, T Human environmental engineering and sustainability, in M Theophanides and T Theophanides...
Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 10:20
Indoor and Outdoor Air Pollution Part 5 pot
... Gas Model Evaluation with Field Observations, Atmospheric Environment, 27A (15), 2265-2285 Kumar A (1977), Pollutant Dispersion in the Planetary Boundary Layer, PhD Dissertation, The University ... This part focuses on deriving the analytical solution from the convection-diffusion equation using vertical velocity profile The following assumptions are used in deriving the equation: The wind ... non-fumigation type The velocity profile with height above the ground level is assumed to be the same for all downwind distances The magnitude of the wind velocity near the ground level changes rapidly...
Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 10:20
Indoor and Outdoor Air Pollution Part 6 ppt
... changes in stratospheric ozone, high above the troposphere, can affect tropospheric oxidants level [USEPA, 1998] If increased UV-B radiation penetrates a depleted ozone shield, the photochemical ... and Lagos Outdoor Air 45 Fig Generalized Plot of Atmospheric Concentrations of Species Involved In Smog Formation As A Function of Time of The Day Atmospheric photochemical reactioN The various ... propagation reactions, some of which involve NO NO2 + R products (e.g PAN) (7) A number of specific reactions are involved in the above overall scheme for the formation of photochemical smog, which is...
Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 10:20
Indoor and Outdoor Air Pollution Part 7 pptx
... 0693 Sulphur (IV) oxide passive bubbler comparator 7746 Table LaMotte sulphur (IV) oxide in air test kit code 7714 4.3.4 Sulphur (IV) oxide lamotte sampling procedure 10mL of Sulphur (IV) oxide ... Ilorin and Lagos Outdoor Air spoon was used to add a level measured of Sulphur (IV) oxide reagent #1 The test tube containing the mixture was capped and vigorously shaken to dissolve the powder ... Chemosphere 57, 889–896 Menezes, K A & Shively, T S (2001) Environmental Science & Technology 35, 2554– 2561 Norman, C (1987) Analyzing multivariate data San Diego, CA: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich...
Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 10:20
Indoor and Outdoor Air Pollution Part 8 pot
... the period of evaluation Figure shows the CL of indoors of electronics industry in Ensenada, indicating the level1, the major aggressive environment and levels the high aggressiveness grade (AG) ... generates dry vegetation and thus is an explosive fuel for fires acquaintances and often devastates the region Though winds are often of a destructive nature, may have some positive results too ... components (Valdez et al, 2006) The corrosion of copper specimens was evaluated by the gravimetric method; it was correlated with the minimum, average and maximum RH and outdoor temperature values...
Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 10:20
Indoor and Outdoor Air Pollution Part 9 ppt
... exposed to environmental factors in indoor and outdoor conditions The corrosion of copper in indoor environments may be viewed as a variation of outdoor atmospheric corrosion In contrast to outdoor ... indoor atmospheres ISO, Geneva, 2005 ISO 11844-1:2006 Corrosion of metals and alloys - Classification of low corrosivity of indoor atmospheres- Determination and estimation of indoor corrosivity ISO, ... Oceans; 2002 Valdez B and Schorr M.; El control de la corrosión en la industria electrónica; Revista Ciencia; 2006 (Spanish) Veleva L., Valdez B., Lopez G., Vargas L and Flores J.; Atmospheric corrosion...
Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 10:20
Indoor and Outdoor Air Pollution Part 10 ppt
... wall cavity posing a continuing threat to building materials Fig Water standing inside the wall cavity 90 Indoor and Outdoor Air Pollution Roof coverings have evolved over time allowing several ... # (C) (C)(iv) (C)(viii) (C)(x) (C)(xi) (C)(xii) (V) (H) (I) (M) Subject 87 Violation (rule language) All rooms and areas in the ASC shall have provision for positive ventilation The ventilation ... that vinyl wall coverings in a hot and humid climate are doomed to failure, yet vinyl wall coverings were specified and installed; 2) engineers know that buildings located in hot and 86 Indoor...
Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 10:20
Indoor and Outdoor Air Pollution Part 11 potx
... 92 Indoor and Outdoor Air Pollution Rule # Subject HVAC Violation (rule language) All rooms and areas in the ASC shall have provision for positive ventilation The ventilation rates ... Plumbing and vacuum vents that terminate five feet above the level of the top of the air intake may be located as close as 10 feet Ventilation systems shall be designed and balanced to provide directional ... conditions The primary design defect of the HVAC system was the variable air volume (VAV) application with the VE DX cooling roof top units that need constant volume air flow Frequent cycling of compressors...
Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 10:20
Indoor and Outdoor Air Pollution Part 12 pdf
... non-use values are the existence values derived from the demand to preserve the existence of resources unrelated to any use and the bequest and altruistic values The latter involve individuals’ ... to pay for an environmental resource for others, i.e children or future generations Total Economic Value (TEV) Use Values Actual Use Values Non Use Values Option Values Existence Values For Others ... demand curve for clean air Averting costs is the sum of the defensive and preventive expenditures that an individual is willing to make in order to avoid or reduce the risk of a negative impact...
Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 10:20
Indoor and Outdoor Air Pollution Part 13 doc
... studies mentioned have focused on ambient air quality Very few valuation studies have investigated the benefits generated by improved indoor air quality Chau et al (2007) combined revealed and stated ... Explanatory variables included physical characteristics of the houses, environmental, neighborhood, socio-demographic and geographic data Hedonic analysis showed that ecological variable had a negative ... (2000) Navrud, (2001) Halvoren B (1996) Dziegielewska & Mendelsohn, (2005) Study Area Valuation Environmental Impact / Technique Good to be Valued Sweden Contingent Valuation Benefits from improved...
Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 10:20
Indoor and Outdoor Air Pollution Part 14 ppt
... for the level of SPM is averting and reduced from current mitigating average level to the activities prescribed safe level Ecological variable had a negative sign while increasing the level of Relationship ... making In Navrud S (eds), Pricing the European Environment, Oslo, Scandinavian University Press Larson, B.A.; Avaliani, S.; Golub, A.; Rosen, S.; Shaposhnikov, D.; Strukova, E.; Vincent, J.R ... Review of Economic Valuation Studies 125 Komavora, V (2009) Valuing Envirnmental Impact of Air Pollution in Moscow with Hedonic Prices World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, Vol...
Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 10:20
Báo cáo hóa học: " Research Article Measurements of MIMO Indoor Channels at 1800 MHz with Multiple Indoor and Outdoor Base Stations" docx
... an outdoor- toindoor environment, while the other cases are indoor environment Thus, different environment types are addressed in the measurement campaign The receiver was moved along the same indoor ... each): indoor colocation (a), indoor medium spatial separation (b), indoor opposite location with larger separation (c), and outdoor location (d) The receiver module is moved along 22 indoor ... into the effect of received power and available spatial diversity in the capacity Several schemes with one or two base stations are also investigated, and the system improvement obtained when channel...
Ngày tải lên: 22/06/2014, 22:20
Báo cáo hóa học: " Research Article Indoor versus Outdoor Scene Classification Using Probabilistic Neural Network" pdf
... 83.1 84.5 89.4 Table 2: Comparison of various methods for indoor versus outdoor classification accuracy (%) IITM SCID2 Benchmark-2 Indoor Outdoor Indoor Outdoor Proposed (color + texture) 94.0 ... and retrieval,” Journal of Electronic Imaging, vol 7, no 3, pp 684–700, 1998 [2] A Payne and S Singh, Indoor vs outdoor scene classification in digital photographs,” Pattern Recognition, vol 38, ... absolute value of a filter response hl (x, y) is convolved with a low-pass Gaussian post filter g(x, y) to yield A2 H2 V2 D2 H1 Image V1 (a) D1 (b) Figure 3: (a) Input image, (b) decomposition at level...
Ngày tải lên: 22/06/2014, 23:20
... derived: chlorophyll-l 6CO 6H O hv C 6H12 O 6O 2.2 Variable and trace gases in the atmosphere Variable gases have volume mixing ratios that can change significantly over time and vary ... than the orthophosphate esters Especially high levels of tributoxyethyl phosphate were found in the day care centers and high levels of diethylhexyl phthalate in dust 26 Indoor and Outdoor Air ... low, to avoid high ozone exposures Everyone should avoid all outdoor exertion Hazardous Table Air Quality Index threshold levels (EPA) Indoor and Outdoor Air Pollution A simplified version of...
Ngày tải lên: 26/06/2014, 23:20