... Avoid using 's to form the possesive of a noun that does not name a person Instead of: Your foot’s bottom is soft and vulnerable to infections, cuts, and bruises Write: The bottom of your ... vulnerable to infections, cuts, and bruises Write: The bottom of your foot is soft and vulnerable to infections, cuts, and bruises About author Hans Anderson 2007-Present: Lecturer at FPT Greenwich...
Ngày tải lên: 13/12/2013, 10:15
... expected The effort of this study is to investigate into questioning techniques, and using eliciting questions to teach English to the eleventh form pupils, and to help pupils find learning English ... examples of using eliciting questions to teach english In conclusion, we have conducted the investigation into the using eliciting questions as a technique to teach English to 11th form pupils.The ... made to study the using of other kinds of question mentioned in chapter of this study in English teaching, to investigate the using of eliciting questions to teach English to pupils of other forms...
Ngày tải lên: 27/12/2013, 20:26
Using group work to teach vocabulary to 12th form students
... that encourage me to choose the thesis: "Using group work to teach vocabulary to 12th form students" The aims of the study: The thesis has been done in order to make a contribution to the improvement ... NguyÔn ThÞ ¸nh NguyÖt 40 A2 Using group work activities to teach vocabulary to 12th form students This thesis is about using group work to teach vocabulary in the 12th form The design of the study ... asked to so NguyÔn ThÞ ¸nh NguyÖt 40 A2 19 Using group work activities to teach vocabulary to 12th form students Chapter 3: Suggested group work activities for teaching vocabulary to 12 th form...
Ngày tải lên: 27/12/2013, 20:41
Báo cáo sinh học: "Using the realized relationship matrix to disentangle confounding factors for the estimation of genetic variance components of complex traits" pdf
... variance due to additive genetic effects was increased to 25%, and the variance due to family effects was decreased to 7% of the total phenotypic variance The model log-likelihood increases to 1633.91 ... increased slightly to 30% of total phenotypic variance, e.g 18% due to polygenic and 12% due to specific SNPs The variances for family and cage effects did not change much compared to model The averaged ... families, compared to that when predicting phenotypes within full-sib families The reduction in accuracy due to lack of family information was larger when using model than when using model This...
Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 13:21
20044 using prefixes to form opposites
... uncontrollable unkind unwrapped unforgettable discontinue 10 impossible 11 displeased 12 unsatisfactory 13 incorrect 14 irresponsible 15 uncertain 16 unlucky 17 unhappy 18 unwell 19 invisible 20...
Ngày tải lên: 27/08/2016, 06:30
Optimal cost and allocation for UPFC using HRGAPSO to improve power system security and loadability
... inverters These two inverters share a common DC-link storage capacitor [7] They are connected to the power system through two coupling transformers The series inverter injects a controllable AC ... optimization The aim of optimization is to perform the best utilization of the existing transmission lines UPFC is located in order to enhance power system security and to maximize the system loadability ... large constant positive constant M is selected to convert the MLL into a maximum one The coefficient a1 to a3 are optimized by trial and error to 0.237 , 0.315 and 0.448 respectively 3.5 Problem...
Ngày tải lên: 05/09/2013, 15:28
Using Expectations to Improve Learning
... time, work together to exceed those expectations Students will live up, or down, to your expectations Encourage your students to set high expectations of themselves, then challenge them to exceed ... your administration expects a certain percentage on a test or has a goal to reduce absenteeism, work together with the class to exceed those expectations Whatever expectations your students or their ... our expectations Some expectations will be easy to exceed if students not expect to learn anything, for example Work as a team with your class to exceed expectations If your administration expects...
Ngày tải lên: 06/09/2013, 10:10
Using Games to Promote Communicative Skills in Language Learning
... Man, etc) After listening to the entire excerpt, competitors correctly identify the title of the story from a provided list The recorded stories are all classical bedtime stories for young children ... Competitors revealed that they felt less afraid of using their English during game play I also observed that they were more willing to ask questions and think creatively about how to use English to ... translated into most of the major languages worldwide Students should be familiar with those stories This game focuses on gist-listening skills Students only need to catch the key terms to figure...
Ngày tải lên: 06/09/2013, 10:10
Using participles to join sentences (Exercise with key)
... murderer was still at large, I was 26 Having stolen the silver, he looked 27 Soaked to the skin, we reached 28 Sitting/Seated in the front row, and using I saw 29 sitting by the fire, you ... his cage door open and seeing no sign of his keeper, left 34 The government, trying to tax people according to the size of their houses, once put a tax 35 Having heard that the caves were dangerous, ... Becoming tired of my complaints, she turned it off Finding/having found no one at home, he left Hoping to find the will, she searched Having removed all traces of his crime, he left Realizing that he...
Ngày tải lên: 13/09/2013, 21:10
Using LINQ to DataSet
... aren’t able to first reduce the number of ADO.NET-managed rows, you might wish to consider alternatives to LINQ to DataSet LINQ to Entities, discussed in Chapter 19, Using LINQ to Entities,” ... DataTable instances You must link tables together using LINQ’s standard Join operator or use the Where clause to create an implicit join 306 Chapter 18 Using LINQ to DataSet 307 C# // - Explicit ... Writing Queries with LINQ to DataSet With the exception of the new enumerated methods specific to LINQ to DataSet, using ADO.NET DataTable objects in LINQ queries is identical to using standard collection...
Ngày tải lên: 03/10/2013, 00:20
Using LINQ to Entities
... logic directly to the database within a custom function and using the preceding steps to enable LINQ to call the custom functionality 326 Microsoft ADO.NET Step by Step Calling Custom Database ... Where cu.ID = ord.Customer Select CustomerID = cu.ID, CustomerName = cu.FullName, OrderID = ord.ID, OrderDate = ord.OrderDate, OrderTotal = ord.Total, ord.StatusCode Order By CustomerName, OrderID ... Switchboard form appears, click Order Viewer When the OrderViewer form appears, select the Include One Customer By ID option, enter in the Customer ID field and then click View Chapter 19 Using LINQ to...
Ngày tải lên: 03/10/2013, 00:20
Using LINQ to SQL
... LINQ to SQL Chapter 20 Using LINQ to SQL 333 Using LINQ to SQL, especially when building models with its visual designer, is straightforward and often much quicker than setting up a LINQ to Entities ... code block, inform LINQ to SQL how to map class members to tables and columns in the database Additional attributes identify storage-level data types, intertable relationships, stored procedure ... “SqlMetal.exe (Code Generation Tool)” entry in the Visual Studio online help for information on using this application Chapter 20 Using LINQ to SQL 337 Building a LINQ to SQL Model Open the “Chapter...
Ngày tải lên: 03/10/2013, 00:20
Module 4: Using ADO to Access XML Data
... ADO to transform recordsets into XML and retrieve data in XML format, and also describes the XML-related properties of the SQLOLEDB Provider Module 4: Using ADO to Access XML Data Using ADO to ... Using ADO to Access XML Data 31 Best Practices Topic Objective To identify best practices for using ADO to retrieve XML data Lead-in Keep in mind the following best practices when using ADO to ... FOR XML AUTO 12 Module 4: Using ADO to Access XML Data Assigning a Query to a Command Object Topic Objective To discuss how query templates can be assigned to ADO Command...
Ngày tải lên: 22/10/2013, 16:15
Module 9: Using Dfs to Share File Resources
... Nodes Fault-Tolerant Dfs Root Fault-Tolerant Dfs Root ? Stores the Dfs Topology in Active ? Stores the Dfs Topology in Active Directory Directory ? Continues to Function When a ? Continues to Function ... Resources Creating a Fault-Tolerant Dfs Root Slide Objective To Create a Fault-Tolerant Dfs Root To Create a Fault-Tolerant Dfs Root To describe how to create a fault- tolerant Dfs root Lead-in ... Module 9: Using Dfs to Share File Resources 11 Setting Up Dfs Child Nodes Slide Objective To Create a Fault-Tolerant Dfs Root To Create a Fault-Tolerant Dfs Root To describe how to set up Dfs...
Ngày tải lên: 26/10/2013, 23:15
Module 5: Using HTTP to Access XML Data
... Module 5: Using HTTP to Access XML Data Using an HTML Form to Post a Template Topic Objective To describe how an HTML form can be used to post a template Add a FORM tag containing a template to a ... by using an HTML form Forms are a common way to post data from a Web page to a Web server Adding a FORM Containing a Template to a Web Page You specify a form on a Web page by using the ... learn how to use a Uniform Resource Locator (URL) query to test a virtual directory Module 5: Using HTTP to Access XML Data Publishing SQL Server Data over HTTP Topic Objective Supplier To describe...
Ngày tải lên: 04/11/2013, 13:15
Better Writing Right Now: Using Words to Your Advantage
... assignment is to write a paragraph, don’t choose a topic that requires 10 pages to introduce Your topic should be narrow enough to fit into the given length, yet broad enough for you to be able to write ... purpose might be to inform, persuade, or entertain your audience It might be to tell a story or simply to express yourself Make sure that your topic fits your purpose Use these questions to help you ... brainstorming is to let your ideas flow without judging them First, you generate the ideas Later, you can come back to them and toss out the ones that won’t work One way to brainstorm is to begin...
Ngày tải lên: 08/11/2013, 07:15
Tài liệu Module 6: Using XPath to Navigate a Tree of Nodes ppt
... ancestor-or-self axis can only be expressed by using unabbreviated syntax Module 6: Using XPath to Navigate a Tree of Nodes 11 Lesson: Using XPath ! How to Construct a Location Path ! How to Define ... More complex documents take more time to interpret 14 Module 6: Using XPath to Navigate a Tree of Nodes Operators and Functions ! Union operator (|) allows you to merge node-sets ! Node-set functions: ... language name Note For more information about Boolean operators and functions, see Course 1913A, Exchanging and Transforming Data Using XML and XSLT Module 6: Using XPath to Navigate a Tree of Nodes...
Ngày tải lên: 10/12/2013, 16:15
Tài liệu Module 8: Using XQuery to Link and Query XML Documents ppt
... Module 8: Using XQuery to Link and Query XML Documents iii Instructor Notes Presentation: 50 Minutes Lab: 20 Minutes This module is designed to provide participants with an introduction to the core ... Exchanging and Transforming Data Using XML and XSLT, is a fiveday course on Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformations (XSLT), it is possible to devote a full five-day course to XQuery after ... you are familiar with the topics presented there Become familiar with the behavior of the Web page You will need to refresh the page or use the Back button to return to the XQuery page after you...
Ngày tải lên: 10/12/2013, 16:15
Tài liệu Using Actionscript to Draw Lines Dynamically pptx
... time using moveTo() When a line is drawn, the drawing position is updated to the endpoint of the drawn line The following is the syntax for using moveTo(): path.moveTo(x, y); All you need to is ... 10 Using moveTo() All movie clip instances have a drawing position that indicates the coordinate at which a line would start—in other words, the beginning point of a line (You use lineTo() to ... _root.myClip_mc.lineStyle(10,0x009900,100); _root.myClip_mc.moveTo(100,100); This ActionScript sets the line style and then moves the drawing position Using lineTo() The lineTo() drawing method of the Movie Clip class...
Ngày tải lên: 14/12/2013, 22:15
Applying communicative activities to teach apeaking skills to 11th form students
... spend up to $1400 on a hotel b> To be as near as possible to the town centre c> To go to a hotel with a good discotheque d> There to be a children’s swimming pool for your small son e> There to be ... activities to teach speaking skills to 11th form students 20 T: I travel to work by bus S: I travel to work by bus T: Mr Nam S: Mr Nam travels to work by bus T: Question S: Does Mr Nam travel to work ... activities to teach speaking skills to 11th form students 28 Students are told they are going to work in pairs In each pair, student A is given the following pictures and not to show them to student...
Ngày tải lên: 18/12/2013, 10:29