using the pre processor to generate name lists

lập trình C++ hackers guide

lập trình C++ hackers guide

... the API .96 Hack 66: Use the Linux Cross Reference to Navigate Large Coding Projects 99 Hack 67: Using the Pre- processor to Generate Name Lists 103 Hack 68: Creating Word Lists Automatically ... Analyze the terrain to discover the best method of getting you to the bottom in one piece If you answered #1, then you code like most of the programming drudges out there out there It's the fastest ... you have to remember to the flush for every statement The other way is to set the unitbuf flag which tells C++ to flush after every output operation This only has to be done once at the top of...

Ngày tải lên: 14/09/2015, 14:50

231 1,5K 0
Báo cáo y học: " Experimental ablation of the pancreas with high intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU) in a porcine model"

Báo cáo y học: " Experimental ablation of the pancreas with high intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU) in a porcine model"

... monitoring the energy deposition and the therapeutic effect, and also controlling the US exposure based on the feedback digital data from the ultrasonograms in the process of HIFU treatment The therapeutic ... well locate the target region The real-time US imaging device was used to locate the head of pancreas as the pre- designed target region The spatial volumes of the target regions in the X, Y and ... continuously at a speed of 0.5 to mm/s The treatment focus was moved from points to lines, then to planes and thereafter volume (total time of ablation: 145 s) Eventually the entire target region was...

Ngày tải lên: 25/10/2012, 11:18

7 482 0


... Calibrator standards were prepared using 194 bp 16S rRNA DNA fragment of C pneumoniae cloned into the pGEM-T plasmid vector (pVU56) using the TA cloning kit (Invitrogen, San Diego, CA) similarly to ... addition to PCR and in situ hybridization protocols (12) There are multiple reports validating the presence of C pneumoniae in respiratory secretion fluid, nasal, tracheal and lung tissues of the ... The cycle threshold (CT) values, defined as the number of cycles at which the fluorescence of the reporter dye first exceeds the calculated background level, were automatically estimated by the...

Ngày tải lên: 26/10/2012, 08:57

10 784 0


... all folks on, thank to all members of (especially fly and linhanshi) Great thanks to lena151(I like your tutorials) And finally, thanks to RICARDO NARVAJA and all members ... đ cho không ph i câu l nh t i đ a ch vi c ch n dòng l nh nh n c a EIP s thay đ i theo : d ng Trong ph n ti p theo c a vi t này, s làm quen v i c Trong c a s Registers c s n m bên dư i ghi ☺ ... : Ok th y r ng PF b ng b i giá tr ghi EAX = 1, mà t ng s bit ghi EAX lúc 1, v y theo đ nh nghĩa giá tr PF = hoàn to n xác Quay tr l i v n đ , lúc ta chu t ph i t i đ a ch 0x00401000 ch n New Origin...

Ngày tải lên: 19/10/2013, 14:15

14 863 3


... all members of (especially fly and linhanshi) Great thanks to lena151(I like your tutorials) And finally, thanks to RICARDO NARVAJA and all members on CRACKSLATINOS >>>> If you have ... default v y hoàn to n h p lý Các b n có th luân chuy n sang h khác r t đơn gi n thông qua tùy ch n L y m t ví d , mu n chuy n m t s t h 10 sang h 16 làm th nào? T i hình Calculator b n ch n Dec ... t tính quan tr ng khác c a stack grows down theo không gian đ a ch : có nghĩa nhi u d li u đư c thêm vào stack, đư c thêm vào t i giá tr đ a ch th p theo ch tăng d n Xem hình minh h a v sơ đ không...

Ngày tải lên: 19/10/2013, 14:15

9 669 1
Franklin Road Academy Prepares for the Future With ADC’s CopperTen® 10-Gigabit Cabling

Franklin Road Academy Prepares for the Future With ADC’s CopperTen® 10-Gigabit Cabling

... When the academy set out to renovate outdated spaces and build new facilities to accommodate the 960 students and 140 faculty members, Steven Compton, FRA’s director of IT, needed to implement the ... if switch protocols changed in the future," said Compton "With that assurance, and the fact that the new solution is backwards compatible with our existing Category 5e and cabling, there was essentially ... streaming and use of classroom projectors are commonplace around campus Over the next several years, Compton is looking forward to continuing to upgrade the campus cabling with ADC’s CopperTen...

Ngày tải lên: 22/10/2013, 17:15

4 337 0
Tài liệu Creating Applications with Mozilla-Chapter 7. Extending the UI with XBL- P1 pptx

Tài liệu Creating Applications with Mozilla-Chapter 7. Extending the UI with XBL- P1 pptx

... wish to use the xul: prefix repeatedly, you can declare the XBL namespace as xmlns:xbl; you won't need to use prefixes on the XUL content since it is set as the default Another option is to namespace ... are the -moz-binding property, the url binding locator that takes the bindings file (and possibly the path to it) as a parameter, and the id of the binding denoted with the # notation For the ... Constructor In the example binding, some variables and style rules are set up for access by the rest of the binding to make the code cleaner These rules are set up by using the constructor:

Ngày tải lên: 14/12/2013, 12:15

17 367 0
Tài liệu Creating Applications with Mozilla-Chapter 7. Extending the UI with XBL- P2 pptx

Tài liệu Creating Applications with Mozilla-Chapter 7. Extending the UI with XBL- P2 pptx

... To use the method to print text to the command shell, call the name that is specified in the name attribute All methods created in a binding are added to the binding element ... added to a binding that carry out functionality related to that binding These functions are the behavior of a binding The ideal way to add behavior is to add methods to your binding with the ... used internally to represent the latest property value The request to change the property or retrieve its value can come from another property in the same binding (this.), from a...

Ngày tải lên: 14/12/2013, 12:15

11 391 0
Tài liệu Creating Applications with Mozilla-Chapter 7. Extending the UI with XBL- P3 docx

Tài liệu Creating Applications with Mozilla-Chapter 7. Extending the UI with XBL- P3 docx

... buttons, each of which brings up an alert when activated The alert simply shows the name of an element that is accessed in the code attached to the button In Button A, the parent node is the ... Notice that the URL used to access the binding takes the same format as in the CSS property i.e., the path to the file and the id of the binding qualified by # Neither addBinding nor removeBinding ... point you would pass the results back to the UI return response.message; ]]> The value of the search string is set to the value that has been given to the property: var q...

Ngày tải lên: 14/12/2013, 12:15

12 353 0
Tài liệu Creating Applications with Mozilla-Chapter 7. Extending the UI with XBL- P4 pptx

Tài liệu Creating Applications with Mozilla-Chapter 7. Extending the UI with XBL- P4 pptx

... This code uses the action attribute to point to script that is executed when the event is triggered The alternative way to set up the actions is to put the executable script between the handler ... attribute contains the URL of the binding that you inherit from This URL is made up of the location and name of the file that contains the binding (the # symbol), and the id of the specific binding ... is in fact a tooltip via the document's tooltipNode property and then extracts the text from it This text is assigned to the binding's label, which will propagate via inheritance to the text display...

Ngày tải lên: 14/12/2013, 12:15

19 312 0
Tài liệu The Problem with Objects docx

Tài liệu The Problem with Objects docx

... determine the real type of the object being dequeued at runtime Another disadvantage of using the object approach to create generalized classes and methods is that it can use additional memory and processor ... myQueue.Enqueue(myInt); // box the int to an object myInt = (int)myQueue.Dequeue(); // unbox the object to an int The Queue data type expects the items it holds to be reference types Enqueueing ... requires that it is boxed to convert it into a reference type Similarly, dequeueing into an int requires that the item is unboxed to convert it back to a value type See the sections “Boxing” and...

Ngày tải lên: 15/12/2013, 00:15

2 341 0


... all folks on, thank to all members of (especially fly and linhanshi) Great thanks to lena151(I like your tutorials) And finally, thanks to RICARDO NARVAJA and all members ... all folks on, thank to all members of (especially fly and linhanshi) Great thanks to lena151(I like your tutorials) And finally, thanks to RICARDO NARVAJA and all members ... tr ng thái đư c qu n lý t i c a s - The Dump Window : T i c a s b n có th xem ho c ch nh s a theo d ng hex Ascii b nh c a chương trình mà b n mu n debug - The Stack Window : M t c a s không ph...

Ngày tải lên: 22/12/2013, 21:18

55 1,2K 2
Tài liệu Helping the elderly with activity limitations docx

Tài liệu Helping the elderly with activity limitations docx

... larger proportion of blacks than whites expects to buy or rent a home or to move to another person’s home The proportion of blacks that expects to move into a nursing home is less than half that of ... compared to 46 percent of whites, think they will have a caregiver available in the future FIGURE Availability of Caregivers in the Future The majority of people who not have help now not expect to ... likely to move in with or closer to an adult child than whites Two-thirds of blacks would try to live with or closer to an adult child, compared to 52 percent of whites Expectations about care in the...

Ngày tải lên: 14/02/2014, 06:20

6 451 0
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: Delineation of exoenzyme S residues that mediate the interaction with 14-3-3 and its biological activity ppt

Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: Delineation of exoenzyme S residues that mediate the interaction with 14-3-3 and its biological activity ppt

... penicillin, streptomycin and gentamicin to ascertain the reversibility of this cytotoxic response (E–H) speculate that the weak interaction is able to induce a conformational change of the ExoS protein ... substitution mutants of ExoS were constructed together with some additional variants (Table 1) These variant alleles were then fused to GST giving rise to the following fusion proteins: GST-ExoS(wt), ... proteins used in the pull-down experiment motif of Raf-1, which would perhaps explain the binding of 14-3-3 proteins to this motif [28] To test the hypothesis put forward by Petosa et al [28],...

Ngày tải lên: 19/02/2014, 08:20

9 525 0


... intended to and was not an aesthetic failure in the manner described It was nevertheless sentimental and presumably aesthetically flawed to the degree that it was A satisfactory aesthetic critique ... in the case of works like Roses for Stalin—that present themselves precisely as morally significant artworks—their sentimentality is tantamount to their aesthetic failure This is because the ... are meant to assent to and admire the rightness of this vision, our commitment to it being thereby made emotionally explicit Correspondingly, the aesthetic merit of the work is meant to arise...

Ngày tải lên: 19/02/2014, 17:20

11 298 0
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: "The Problem with Kappa" pdf

Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: "The Problem with Kappa" pdf

... conveyed by the prediction about the class in the case of Informedness, and the information conveyed to the predictor by the class state in the case of Markedness To the extent that Prevalence ... interpolation of the systems at each end, the gradient represents the cost ratio and all points along the segment, including the endpoints have the same effective cost benefit AUC is the area under the curve ... difference of the logs corresponds to the log of the ratio, mapping into the information domain Warrens (2010c) further shows (in costweighted form) that Cohen Kappa is given by the following (in the notation...

Ngày tải lên: 22/02/2014, 02:20

11 361 0
Preventing Disability in the Elderly With Chronic Disease doc

Preventing Disability in the Elderly With Chronic Disease doc

... required to produce a desired outcome, is crucial to the success of the CDSMP.2 The more self-efficacy people have, the more control they believe they have over their behavior.2,11 Therefore, ... fewer visits to the emergency room and 0.97 fewer hospital days compared to the year prior to completing the CDSMP As a result, they reduced their health care costs For example, if the average ... over the 2-year duration of the study.10 For example, during the first months, CDSMP participants were hospitalized 0.15 fewer days than they had been during the months before they began the program...

Ngày tải lên: 05/03/2014, 21:20

8 519 0
The World with a Thousand Moons pdf

The World with a Thousand Moons pdf

... Captain Walls and the men of the Sunsprite crew hastily started the newly-installed cyclotrons while Kenniston and the others raced up to the bridge Kenniston took the controls He sent the big black ... corridor together "Our only chance is to make the bridge and grab the controls!" Kenniston cried as they raced down the corridor "We can keep them long enough to land on Vesta—" Hiss—flash! The crackling ... open," Dark retorted "Get to work, now! We've got to get the stuff up there and repair the Falcon at once I'll take these prisoners up to camp." Kenniston was grouped with the other prisoners...

Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 00:20

52 408 0
Sexuality for the Man With Cancer doc

Sexuality for the Man With Cancer doc

... cases, the only way to stop the cancer is to remove the affected part of the penis Partial penectomy removes only the end of the penis The surgeon leaves enough of the shaft to allow the man to direct ... down on the bed, allowing the other partner to touch the entire back, from toes to scalp After about 15 minutes, the partner lying down turns over so the front of the body can be touched • The first ... mature, another tube called the vas deferens takes them from the epididymus into the body toward the prostate gland There the sperm is mixed with special fluids from the prostate and the seminal...

Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 01:20

56 413 0
Progress For Children - Achieving The MDGs With Equity pdf

Progress For Children - Achieving The MDGs With Equity pdf

... challenges to demonstrate their commitment to the MDGs and work together to hasten progress towards them Investing in equitable development for children The central challenge of meeting the MDGs ... governments as they, too, come under pressure from financial markets and external investors to undertake their own fiscal adjustments The extent to which ongoing economic uncertainty and other external ... MDG indicator levels may also be misinterpreted when comparisons of an indicator across groups are distorted by the presence of other, interrelated factors Intuitively, one would like the comparison...

Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 01:22

92 319 0