... RHDB database using the Python Database API, you must load the RHDB Python Database API module, pgdb.py Start the Python interpreter: $ python and then load the RHDB Python Database API module: ... to the database def initialize (): # Connect to the basketball database Use the dsn as the connection # parameter The Python DB -API details the other valid connection # parameters Notify the ... Object • • Insert a row using the Cursor Object Close the Cursor Object • • Commit the transaction using the Connection Object Disconnect from the database using the Connection Object Sample Application...
Ngày tải lên: 19/02/2014, 12:20
... via the API Browser Support At the time of writing, Google Chrome is the only browser to implement the Filesystem API Version of the browser was the first to see a partial implementation, but the ... The specification defines two versions (asynchronous and synchronous) of the same API The asynchronous API is useful for normal applications and prevents blocking UI actions The synchronous API ... is an error callback The following code retrieves the file named log.txt Its contents are read into memory as text using the FileReader API, and the result is appended to the DOM as a new ...
Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 02:21
Using the Renesas Graphics API to Create a User Interface
... 1.Where are the bitmaps and fonts source files being stored within the MCU? 2.How are they being located there? 3.What types of issues are you seeing with these methods of writing to the frame ... Screens Other Application Code FrameWork GAPI USB -API Ethernet -API RTOS Ext Bus Driver Direct Drive USB Driver Hardware 13 © 2012 Renesas Electronics America Inc All rights reserved Ethernet Driver ... reserved Lab Questions: - How are we changing the color of the slider button? Determines the visual behavior of an associated object The usage of the scheme is dependent on object: In case...
Ngày tải lên: 22/06/2015, 14:17
Using the Renesas Graphics API to Create a User Interface_Part2_LabProcedure
... see the “FileFind” framework call to locate the “Med_BG” bitmap file and pass it to the “R_expand_jpeg” API function to display the image at the 0,0 screen location You can also see the call the ... per time tick, the “heartbeat” array contains the simulated data for the graph The “EventValues” array in “genEvents” contains the values used to signal the screen objects that they should update ... hold the slider (note the graph waveform), hold and move the slider Press the “Run” button (note slider behavior) Press the “Mode” and “Power” Buttons and note the behavior Step 5.8 In the “MedStatus”...
Ngày tải lên: 22/06/2015, 14:17
Working with XML - The Java API for Xml Parsing (JAXP) Tutorial
... with respect to the major Java APIs for XML: JAXP: Java API for XML Parsing This API is the subject of the present tutorial It provides a common interface for creating and using the standard SAX, ... those services The JAXP APIs Now that you know where JAXP fits into the big picture, the remainder of this page discusses the JAXP APIs The main JAXP APIs are defined in the javax.xml.parsers ... instructions, then the transformer object simply copies the source to the result The XSLT Packages The XSLT APIs are defined in the following packages: Package Description http:/ /java. sun.com/xml/jaxp-1.1/docs/tutorial/overview/3_apis.html...
Ngày tải lên: 16/10/2013, 12:15
... include neither of them, one of them, or both of them The javax.bluetooth package contains the Bluetooth API, and the javax.obex package contains the APIs for OBEX Figure 3.2 shows the package ... a stack The details of the BCC are discussed in Chapter Unlike the Bluetooth part of the API, the OBEX API can either be implemented completely in the Java programming language within the JABWT ... TCP) Therefore, the OBEX API is defined to be transport independent The OBEX API is in a separate javax.obex package Use of the OBEX API without the Bluetooth API An IrDA device could implement the...
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 09:21
... } To verify the code was properly copied from the book, build the code using the Wireless Toolkit by pressing the ‘‘Build’’ button Once the build succeeds, package the build using the ‘‘Project->Package-> ... it must ask the other Bluetooth device to so also If the other device accepts the request, all packets between the devices are encrypted If the other device rejects the request, the connection ... service, the device initiating the connection must give up the master role If the master parameter is false, the device does not care whether it is the master or the slave There is no API to force...
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 09:21
... that support the Bluetooth APIs not support the OBEX APIs In theory, the reverse is also possible—there could be support for the OBEX API in devices that not support the Bluetooth APIs The reason ... authentication is handled at the application layer OBEX authentication and Bluetooth authentication can be used at the same time The OBEX API uses an API similar to the Java SE authentication API ... to the protocol, the OBEX API hides some of the details of the protocol from developers The OBEX API handles all the translation of OBEX headers to their corresponding byte representation The API...
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 09:21
... paired previously The authenticate() method returns true if the remote device is authenticated; otherwise, it returns false If the remote device has already been authenticated, the authenticate() ... device by the authenticate(), encrypt(), and authorize() methods, respectively The authenticate() method authenticates the remote device represented by the RemoteDevice object The authenticate() ... Alert saying so is displayed to the user Because the user may exit from the MIDlet before the inquiry ends, code must be added to cancel the inquiry Therefore the commandAction() method is modified...
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 09:21
... in the service record in the SDDB seen by clients This is because the service record in the SDDB is essentially a copy of the service record Java object at the time of the first call to acceptAndOpen() ... example, the server application makes no modifications to the service record This is the simplest case Figure 7.4 shows the output produced by the DefaultBtsppRecordMIDlet The display shows the connection ... waits for the next client to * connect to this service The first time through * the loop, acceptAndOpen() adds the service record * to the SDDB and updates the service class bits * of the device...
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 09:21
... register the connection The connection string must be exactly the same as the string used in the registerConnection() method The method returns true if the connection string was removed from the Push ... to unregister the connection if the connection string was in the Push Registry Programming with the API 267 (A) (B) (C) (D) Figure 9.4 The RegisterEchoServer MIDlet running in the wireless toolkit ... Push Registry will accept the connection and ask the JAM to start the MIDlet specified in the registration If the remote device sends data prior to the MIDlet starting, the JAM is responsible for...
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 09:21
Using The Java Native Interface
... leaks The Java side The first step in using the JNI is to create a Java file that will call our native C code Create a Java file called Hello .java with the following contents: //File: Hello .java ... sayHello() is called The fact that the method is native is irrelevant to the caller Simply compile Hello .java as you would for any other Java source file (using javac Hello .java) The result will be ... any other Java program java Hello The message displayed on the console should be the expected “Hello world!” If this is what you see, then you have successfully used the JNI to link Java together...
Ngày tải lên: 10/03/2015, 10:56
Bluetooth application programming with the java APIs essentials edition
... TCP) Therefore, the OBEX API is defined to be transport independent The OBEX API is in a separate javax.obex package Use of the OBEX API without the Bluetooth API An IrDA device could implement the ... a stack The details of the BCC are discussed in Chapter Unlike the Bluetooth part of the API, the OBEX API can either be implemented completely in the Java programming language within the JABWT ... hands-free mode Using Bluetooth communication the user can continue the phone conversation using the microphone and speakers equipped in the dashboard of the automobile Another use case is the instant...
Ngày tải lên: 14/09/2015, 10:29
Expert Service Oriented Architecture in C Sharp Using the Web Services Enhancements
... some it is the freedom to recompile their C++ code on another compiler Others think of freedom as the ability to see and modify the source code of underlying libraries The portability of Java appeals ... part of the same domain where the service components reside The second category of front-end consumers is the external Web service clients and other services, shown at the top of the diagram These ... guarantees They are what they are, and you simply use them But what happens if the type definition gets out of sync with the component it is supposed to describe? This happens all the time in the COM+...
Ngày tải lên: 20/08/2012, 13:59
... to the others For example, the flow from University to Industry and vice versa Therefore, these flows become the main factor in the individual model and are considered as the third level The ... structural The former is the familiar contextual dependence of elements on other elements in performing their function, whereas the later is the dependence of the priority of elements on the priority ... from the top with the goal having the greatest influence of importance The AHP model formulation process starts both from bottom (the alternatives) and from the top (the objective, goal) or the...
Ngày tải lên: 23/04/2013, 10:29
Nghiên cứu đặc điểm hình thái, sinh học phân tử (ADN ty thể) của các quần thể ong nội apis cerana fabricius phân bố ở việt nam
... màng (Hymenoptera) thuộc họ Apidae Trong họ có phân họ Apinae có tộc (tribe) Apini gồm loài là: Apis mellifera Linnaeus, Apis cerana Fabricius, Apis dorsata Fabricius Apis florea Fabricius (Ruttner ... tên 24 phân loài cha đợc đặt tên: Apis cerana cerana Fabricius 1793, Apis cerana indica Fabricius 1798, Apis cerana japonica Radoszkowski 1877, Apis cerana javana Enderlein 1906, A cerana himalaya ... (2002)[113] 25 xác lập đợc trình tự loài ong mật Apis nigrocincta, Apis nuluensis Philippines Apis cerana Đài loan ngắn so với Apis koschevnikovi Apis cerana vùng khác Villafuerte L S et al (2004)[122]...
Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2013, 22:16
... that the organic matter for the rest of the soil profile (the third layer to the eighth layer) were half of the previous layer We did not have field measurements for the microbial pools; therefore ... load into the RBS and the runoff depth from the cornfield increased the atrazine mass loss in runoff leaving the RBS increased (Table 4) Atrazine mass in runoff leaving the RBS were in the range ... conducted using soils from these sites (Reungsang, 2000), which we used in the RZWQM input file (Table 3) The differences may be explained by the fact that some of the soil parameters in the model...
Ngày tải lên: 05/09/2013, 09:08
Removal of arsenic from synthetic groundwater by adsorption using the combination of laterite and ironmodified activated carbon
... is also possible to realize that the longer the portion of AC-Fe, the higher the adsorbent cost Therefore, optimizing the AC-Fe portion in the column is one of the key factors for a feasible arsenic ... ratio, the value of V/WACFe (V, the volume of drinkable water produced from the start using adsorbents until breakthrough / WACFe, the weight of AC-Fe in the column) was calculated and found that the ... solute (arsenic anions) in the bed is decreased resulting to shorter contact between the feed and the adsorbent In addition, the higher the flow rate, the smaller the film resistance, implying...
Ngày tải lên: 05/09/2013, 09:38
Using the Shell
... Check whether the file has the set-group-id bit set -h file Check whether the file is a symbolic link (same as –L) -k file Check whether the file has the sticky bit set -L file Check whether the file ... displays only the path to the man page (the second element on the line) Using backticks, you can execute one section of a command line first and feed the output of that command to the rest of the command ... bash` The first command line in the preceding example finds the full path of the ps command and finds the package that contains that ps command The second command line finds the full path to the...
Ngày tải lên: 29/09/2013, 22:20