using k and shift k to make your trims

Thảo luận tiếng anh: Provide stages in developing and launching the products and suggest         some solution to make your products always your customer’s wants.

Thảo luận tiếng anh: Provide stages in developing and launching the products and suggest some solution to make your products always your customer’s wants.

... solutions to make your products stand out I’d like to suggest some solutions to help your products get your customer’s expectation Before making a product you need to understand the customer's demands, ... service staff speak to your customers daily, hearing feedback about your products and the customers' needs Capture the feedback, product observations and ideas from your team Make sure you recognise ... packaging to sell bread to the market -In 2012, Kinh Do expected to produce 2,100 tons of moon cakes but just before week, the company's output has exceeded 15% planned to reach 2,400 tons and...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 16:07

15 9K 62
How to make your ads make money

How to make your ads make money

... từ khách hàng 10 Giải quyết những vấn đề của sự ảo tưởng (prospect) 11 Làm cho (your subconscious mind) hoạt động (work) 12 Chương 4: Lấy ý tưởng từ Tập kích não (Brainstorming) ... một cuộc tập kích não, người chủ trì cuộc họp nên thông báo trước với những người tham gia Không được đánh giá, phê phán các ý tưởng của người khác Khuyến khích sự tự ... với tập kích não thì có thể kéo dài 30 hoặc 40 phút) Bước 4: Trách nhiệm của người chủ to a Trước buổi họp, người chủ to a nên giải thích cách làm việc của tập kích...

Ngày tải lên: 31/08/2012, 09:33

5 1,8K 5
How To Make Your Mind a Money Magnet by Dr. Robert Anthony

How To Make Your Mind a Money Magnet by Dr. Robert Anthony

... go to see a mortgage broker or a banker You wouldn’t go to Pizza Hut to get a mortgage The key to being pursued and chased and being the most sought after person in your business, in your marketplace ... Chapter 7: How to Create Your Own Wealth   It's vital to understand and to remember that you are responsible for creating your own wealth In order to that you must also understand how to take these ... more cash to flow to us? Well, enough theory Let’s get down to the nuts and bolts of how you can get unlimited amounts of cash to flow into your wallet and into you bank account We are taking about...

Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2013, 18:15

28 505 0
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: "Using Cycles and Quasi-Cycles to Disambiguate Dictionary Glosses" pdf

Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: "Using Cycles and Quasi-Cycles to Disambiguate Dictionary Glosses" pdf

... according to a dictionary of choice, thus providing a way to further enrich lexical resources with external knowledge Acknowledgments Conclusions The author is grateful to Ken Litkowski and the ... noun sequences using semantic information extracted from on-line dictionaries, Ph.D Thesis Georgetown University, Washington, USA Yorick Wilks, Brian Slator, and Louise Guthrie, editors 1996 Electric ... 257–266, Tokyo, Japan Karin Kipper, Hoa Trang Dang, and Martha Palmer 2000 Class-based construction of a verb lexicon In Proceedings of AAAI 2000, pages 691–696, Austin, TX, USA Hideki Kozima and...

Ngày tải lên: 22/02/2014, 02:20

9 421 0
Báo cáo khoa học: "A Method for Relating Multiple Newspaper Articles by Using Graphs, and Its Application to Webcasting" pptx

Báo cáo khoa học: "A Method for Relating Multiple Newspaper Articles by Using Graphs, and Its Application to Webcasting" pptx

... introduced into the graph: 1308 sim(di,dj) = ~- ,k, ,, wkw k~ kWkw) 2The articles were k kw] originally written in Japanese dl: The prime minister of France says that it is necessary to restart ... Kohno, takes a critical attitude toward China, and asks France to understand Japan's position d6: The prime minister of New Zealand asks the French Government not to restart nuclear testing dT: ... Assemblin Books into Dy- 1313 namic Bookshelves Proc of RIAO K M c K e o w n and D Radev 1995 Generating Summaries of Multiple News Articles Proc of SIGIR, pages 74-82 S E R o b e r t s o n and K S Jones...

Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 06:20

7 419 0
Báo cáo khoa học: "Using lexical and relational similarity to classify semantic relations" pptx

Báo cáo khoa học: "Using lexical and relational similarity to classify semantic relations" pptx

... patterns, took just 1h21m For optimal efficiency, it seems best to use a gapweighted embedding with small set cardinality; averaged across five runs kjsd with q = 50 and l = Σ123 took 26m to calculate and ... Corinna Cortes and Vladimir Vapnik 1995 Support vector networks Machine Learning, 20(3):273– 297 Nello Cristianini, Jaz Kandola, Andre Elisseeff, and John Shawe-Taylor 2001 On kernel target alignment ... head and modifier were more than 10 words apart Punctuation and tokens containing non-alphanumeric characters were removed The compound modifier and head were replaced with placeholder tokens M:n and...

Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 21:20

9 416 0
The Filmmaker's Book of the Dead: How to Make Your Own Heart-Racing Horror Movie

The Filmmaker's Book of the Dead: How to Make Your Own Heart-Racing Horror Movie

... ­ irector to communicate with an actor on set? ENGLUND: Directors need to respect the fact that all actors work differently Directors should be able to adapt to each actor’s needs Some actors ... actors who have been used excessively or appear for only a few minutes, and others have none My advice is to treat your monster as your star and put as much money and effort into the makeup and ... trucks, etc It’s good to add the workers’ ­ ompensation c option to your policy, and it’s also an incentive for crew members to work on your show knowing they are covered if anything were to happen...

Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 17:30

329 797 0
The New Rules of Marketing and PR: How to use news releases, blogs, podcasts, viral marketing and online media to reach your buyers directly pptx

The New Rules of Marketing and PR: How to use news releases, blogs, podcasts, viral marketing and online media to reach your buyers directly pptx

... releases will make sense to them too And hey, if your releases generate a story about your organization, wonderful! Don’t forget to link to it from your site and to purchase the online and print ... and electronic information companies David has lived and worked in New York, Tokyo, Boston, and Hong Kong and has presented at industry conferences and events in over twenty countries To book ... used and how Understand through Web metrics what’s working and constantly tweak the content to make it better Meet regularly with salespeople to gain insights into the sales cycle and how your...

Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 03:20

22 562 0
How to make your own LED lightbulbs

How to make your own LED lightbulbs

... How to make your own LED lightbulbs a tutorial to making factory-made-look-a-like LED bulbs After many attempts to make all sorts of LED-conversions I finnaly found one solution that is simple and ... time to get to another task It's now time to make the LED support You'll need a template so make yourself one OR download the attached PDF file featuring all the layouts you could use with this kind ... accidentally touches another This is optional _to_ make_ your_ own_LED_lightbulbs/ _to_ make_ your_ own_LED_lightbulbs/ step 9: Now take...

Ngày tải lên: 18/04/2014, 09:15

13 517 0
nonprofit meetings minutes and records, how to run your nonprofit corporation so you don't run into trouble (2008)

nonprofit meetings minutes and records, how to run your nonprofit corporation so you don't run into trouble (2008)

... notice for your meetings) should keep Meeting Summary Sheets handy and refer to them often That way the secretary can keep track of upcoming meetings, and can make revisions and additions to the ... who participates in your nonprofit is to check your bylaws How Boards (and Members) Take Action There are two different ways for a nonprofit corporation to take action and make decisions You can ... • the hiring and firing of the executive director and other key officers and staff • salaries and fringe benefits for officers and key employees • the purchase of commercial or director and officer...

Ngày tải lên: 18/04/2014, 14:09

244 2K 0
ASTD 2003 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE AND EXPOSITIONS How To Make an Effective Presentation in 99 seconds pptx

ASTD 2003 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE AND EXPOSITIONS How To Make an Effective Presentation in 99 seconds pptx

... approach ( Your score depends on how many times your hand touches the table”) Poll Presenter conducts a quick poll and reveals the data by asking audience members to raise their hands or stand up ... participant to think of the type of reward that would motivate her to work more efficiently She asks participants to write this type of reward on a piece of paper and pass it to the back of the ... CD, or MP3) fails to work Solution: Have back ups Make sure you have another playback device and another copy of your recording in case something happens Sample Job Aid Gibberish Key Idea In this...

Ngày tải lên: 28/06/2014, 12:20

10 375 0
terrorism and development using social and economic development to inhibit a resurgence of terrorism

terrorism and development using social and economic development to inhibit a resurgence of terrorism

... the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks on the United States, RAND undertook several research projects related to counterterrorism and homeland security topics as elements of its continuing program ... University, Belfast The authors would also like to thank Ross Anthony and Kevin O’Brien from RAND, as well as Andrew Tan at the Institute for Defense and Strategic Studies in Singapore for their ... and Manila In addition, the authors have made separate research trips to the United Kingdom, Philippines, and the Occupied Territories In each of these interviews, the authors were asked to keep...

Ngày tải lên: 06/07/2014, 15:30

61 338 0
the jelly effect how to make your communication stick

the jelly effect how to make your communication stick

... senior decision maker, or someone who knows a senior decision maker And you know the weirdest thing? Once you know exactly who you want to bump into, you’re much more likely to bump into them! Here ... which to leave alone I’ll show you how to introduce yourself so people think you’re worth talking to, and the right questions to ask so they are pleased that they spoke to you The first step to address ... F OR YOU TO R E A D T H IS BOOK / Everything in this book is easy for you to incorporate into your standard way of working, and is fast-acting • Relevant – unless yours is a strange kind of business...

Ngày tải lên: 06/07/2014, 15:31

257 362 1
terrorism and development using social and economic development to inhibit a resurgence of terrorism

terrorism and development using social and economic development to inhibit a resurgence of terrorism

... the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks on the United States, RAND undertook several research projects related to counterterrorism and homeland security topics as elements of its continuing program ... University, Belfast The authors would also like to thank Ross Anthony and Kevin O’Brien from RAND, as well as Andrew Tan at the Institute for Defense and Strategic Studies in Singapore for their ... and Manila In addition, the authors have made separate research trips to the United Kingdom, Philippines, and the Occupied Territories In each of these interviews, the authors were asked to keep...

Ngày tải lên: 06/07/2014, 15:33

61 285 0
the jelly effect how to make your communication stick

the jelly effect how to make your communication stick

... senior decision maker, or someone who knows a senior decision maker And you know the weirdest thing? Once you know exactly who you want to bump into, you’re much more likely to bump into them! Here ... which to leave alone I’ll show you how to introduce yourself so people think you’re worth talking to, and the right questions to ask so they are pleased that they spoke to you The first step to address ... F OR YOU TO R E A D T H IS BOOK / Everything in this book is easy for you to incorporate into your standard way of working, and is fast-acting • Relevant – unless yours is a strange kind of business...

Ngày tải lên: 06/07/2014, 15:35

257 417 0
Ten things to make Your Blog Awesomer: Short guide

Ten things to make Your Blog Awesomer: Short guide

... sorry ÇÇ Badges can make you look cheap \'9'/ buy it already Irrelevant links can confuse visitors ` -} so don't confuse them Quality › Does it need to be on your site? › Does ... regularly Change your passwords often Stop using "admin" for your admin accounts Srsly BrIeB Yes, your readers know that your website still parties like it's 1999 And that is so not awesome Fix it ... page on Facebook to use for your blog Set up a page so you can get access to analytics (and not get reported for TOU viloations) You can't hide from Google So get a Google+ page and set up rel="author"...

Ngày tải lên: 12/07/2014, 20:20

32 192 0
how to make your communication stick phần 1 pps

how to make your communication stick phần 1 pps

... genius Right now you hold in your a hand a book packed with insight and ideas that makes the whole art of communication and connecting with people both easy to understand and apply Yes, you’ll have ... learn how to ask people who know, like and trust you to recommend you to others And you’ll learn a simple technique to achieve what you want from your presentations You’ll see that – to achieve ... F OR YOU TO R E A D T H IS BOOK / Everything in this book is easy for you to incorporate into your standard way of working, and is fast-acting • Relevant – unless yours is a strange kind of business...

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 11:20

26 423 0