using intermediate restorative material irm

Increasing energy efficiency of HVAC systems of buildings using phase change material

Increasing energy efficiency of HVAC systems of buildings using phase change material

... Thermal Storage by Latent Heat Using Phase Change Materials Energy Conversion and Management 2004, 45, 263-275 [14] Richardson M.J., Woods A.W., An Analysis of Phase Change Material as Thermal Mass ... Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes (URANS) equations using the finite-volume method on a collocated grid It can model fluid flow and heat transfer in complex geometries using an interactive, menu-driven interface ... radiation calculation was employed The governing equations are solved using the First-Order-Upwind scheme and the pressure is calculated using the PRESTO! scheme The SIMPLE algorithm was employed for...

Ngày tải lên: 05/09/2013, 15:28

20 405 0
Báo cáo hóa học: " Synthesis of magnetic nanofibers using femtosecond laser material processing in air" ppt

Báo cáo hóa học: " Synthesis of magnetic nanofibers using femtosecond laser material processing in air" ppt

... was irradiated with laser using 1040 nm wavelength with 15 W power and a pulse repetition rate of MHz The experiment was repeated to generate nanofibers on the specimen using the same power and ... irradiated sample was characterized using SEM, TEM, EDX, and XRD analysis Results and discussion The energy of the femtosecond laser is delivered into the material in a short time scale that ... the XRD peaks using the Scherrer formula [25] This value is consistent with nanofiber size obtained by TEM analysis as shown in Figure In comparison, the size of nanofibers prepared using the conventional...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 03:20

7 336 0
A study of using english songs as a type of supplementary material in teaching listening for first year non major students of english at phuong dong university

A study of using english songs as a type of supplementary material in teaching listening for first year non major students of english at phuong dong university

... the blanks 3.3 IMPLICATION IN USING ENGLISH SONGS IN TEACHING LISTENING SKILL 3.3.1 How to use songs as supplementary materials? As said above the main purpose for using songs to supplement a lesson ... study did not mean a collection of English songs but studying the efficiency of using songs as a supplementary teaching material and also discussing an appropriate method of exploiting them in classroom ... of the study • Part investigated the situation of using English songs at Phuong Dong university and find out the students’ point of view about using songs in classes • Part dealt with some personal...

Ngày tải lên: 29/01/2014, 10:33

39 1,1K 3
Báo cáo " Using Bloom’s revised taxonomy to design in-class reading questions for intermediate students in the context of Vietnam " ppt

Báo cáo " Using Bloom’s revised taxonomy to design in-class reading questions for intermediate students in the context of Vietnam " ppt

... Knowledge: Remembering previously learnt materials, e.g., definitions, concepts, principles and formulas Comprehension: Understanding the meanings of remembered materials, usually demonstrated by explaining ... Breaking a piece of materials into its parts and explaining the relationship between parts Synthesis: Putting parts together to form a new whole, pattern or structure Evaluation: Using a set a criteria, ... classifying - Identify the main ideas and organization of the information - Intermediate Skimming, Surveying - Infer and/or predict - Intermediate Inference Nguyen Chi Duc / VNU Journal of Science, Foreign...

Ngày tải lên: 14/03/2014, 11:20

9 744 3
Báo cáo vật lý: "Using of HPLC Analysis for Evaluation of Residual Monomer Content in Denture Base Material and Their Effect on Mechanical Properties" pptx

Báo cáo vật lý: "Using of HPLC Analysis for Evaluation of Residual Monomer Content in Denture Base Material and Their Effect on Mechanical Properties" pptx

... heat-cure and self-cure denture base materials were checked out in both dry and wet condition using distilled water EXPERIMENTAL 2.1 Materials Two denture base materials that were commercially available, ... monomer in the denture base materials using HPLC HPLC was used to quantity the residual methyl methacrylate (MMA) content in the sample of heat-cure and self-cure material A sample of 50 mg was ... from heat-cure and self-cure denture base materials and concluded that the selfcure materials released considerably more residual MMA than the heat-cure materials (1–2 wt %) Moreover, the authors...

Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 14:20

9 580 0
Báo cáo y học: "Patent applications for using DNA technologies to authenticate medicinal herbal material" doc

Báo cáo y học: "Patent applications for using DNA technologies to authenticate medicinal herbal material" doc

... differentiating four medicinal Fritillaria species using this Table 1: Patents for using DNA techniques to authenticate high-value Chinese medicinal materials Medicinal material Description of the patent Radix ... amplification of DNA from medicinal materials, as in many cases the DNA of processed material is difficult to extract or highly degraded Also, DNA extracted from dried medicinal materials may be contaminated ... phenolic compounds of the herbal material may inhibit downstream reactions, such as PCR US Patent 5106966 was issued for an innovative DNA extraction method using polyester silica gel in the...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 15:21

11 324 0
investigation into compatibility between repair material and substrate concrete using experimental and finite element methods

investigation into compatibility between repair material and substrate concrete using experimental and finite element methods

... Repair Materials 2.2.1 OPC Mortar or Concrete Repair Materials 2.2.2 Rapid hardening Repair Materials 2.3 Selection of Repair Material 2.4 Compatibility between Repair Material ... selection of repair material based on repair material properties, without investigating compatibility between repair material and substrate concrete The compatibility between repair material and substrate ... Between Repair Materials and Substrate Concrete 10 Step and 5, Figure 1.5 shows the material properties of the repair material considered to correlate with the compatibility between repair material...

Ngày tải lên: 13/11/2014, 09:21

168 223 0
using the textbook to promote thinking skills in intermediate school efl classrooms in saudi arabia

using the textbook to promote thinking skills in intermediate school efl classrooms in saudi arabia

... more focus nowadays on student-centred teaching and using active tasks (Alabdelwahab, 2002) 2.5 Aims of Teaching EFL in intermediate schools The intermediate stage is preparation for the secondary ... Saudi Arabia 2.6 Textbook for the third intermediate grade In 2005, TMOE introduced the textbook Say It in English to the third intermediate grade in intermediate schools designed by a team in ... classroom; (4) interviews with EFL teachers Analysis of the third intermediate grade textbook has been undertaken and six EFL teachers from five intermediate schools were involved in the study Data analysis...

Ngày tải lên: 22/12/2014, 21:50

265 271 0
Creation of new magnesium based material using different types of reinforcements

Creation of new magnesium based material using different types of reinforcements

... Material Using Different Types of Reinforcements by S Fida Hassan 19 Chapter 3: Materials and Methods Materials and Methods Chapter 3: Materials and Methods 3.1 Overview In this study, base material ... processed using different routes ended up with a better combination of mechanical properties when compared to the unreinforced matrix materials The ability Creation of New Mg-Based Material Using ... Mg-Based Material Using Different Types of Reinforcements by S Fida Hassan iv Table of Contents 2.6 Compocasting Summary Chapter 17 18 Materials and Methods 3.1 Overview 20 3.2 Materials...

Ngày tải lên: 30/09/2015, 05:49

181 1,3K 0
Heterogeneous catalysts for production of chemicals using carbon dioxide as raw material

Heterogeneous catalysts for production of chemicals using carbon dioxide as raw material

... forms the formate intermediate [20,21] Then, the C–O bond is broken simultaneously when H atoms attack the formate species on the C and O atoms, which then generates formaldehyde intermediate on ... solvents, precursors for polycarbonate materials synthesis, electrolytes in lithium secondary batteries, in the production of pharmaceutical, and as raw materials in various chemical reactions ... recyclability and immiscibility with some of the organic and inorganic materials [38,54–56] Ionic liquids are able to dissolve a variety of materials such as proteins, surfactants, salts, sugars, amino...

Ngày tải lên: 08/10/2015, 23:14

14 656 0
talk a lot intermediate book 1 answers to supporting material

talk a lot intermediate book 1 answers to supporting material

... c) j) b) d) 39 Common English Idioms f) h) b) e) Talk a Lot Intermediate Book English 119 Talk a Lot Answers to Supporting Material 40 Common English Idioms – Parts of the Body 1 head, ... either know to be useful, or believe to be beautiful Talk a Lot Intermediate Book English 120 Talk a Lot Answers to Supporting Material 16 c) Whatever doesn’t kill you can only make you ... reputation A vehicle that needs a lot of repair work Talk a Lot Intermediate Book English 121 Talk a Lot Answers to Supporting Material S T U V W X Y Z The roll of fat around a fat person’s...

Ngày tải lên: 26/08/2016, 08:06

6 291 0
Studying the capability of greywater treatment on site by using laterite material

Studying the capability of greywater treatment on site by using laterite material

... problem can improve with using laterite according multilayer soil layering engineering3 Thesis "Studying the capability of greywater treatment on site by using laterite material" was conducted ... scientific, material and studying method for greywater treatment by using laterite with Multi Soil Layering Engineering Chapter The research results of greywater treatment on-site by using laterite ... anerobic bateria Lining: Using of material such as activated carbon, zeolite, gravel for adsorption and decomposition the contaminants base on the adsorption capactity of material and activities...

Ngày tải lên: 06/10/2016, 19:16

27 395 0
Liquid-Phase Adsorption Of Phenols Using Activated Carbons Derived From Agricultural Waste Material

Liquid-Phase Adsorption Of Phenols Using Activated Carbons Derived From Agricultural Waste Material

... was adjusted using reagent grade dilute sulfuric acid and sodium hydroxide 2.1 Adsorbent development and characterization The raw material, i.e coconut shells (agricultural waste materials) was ... aqueous solution using low-cost activated carbons derived from agricultural waste material, Carbon 43 (2005) 1680–1693 [42] L.R Radovic, C Moreno-Castilla, J Rivera-Utrilla, Carbon materials as adsorbents ... purpose by converting unwanted, surplus agricultural waste to useful, valuable material and provides an efficient adsorbent material for the removal of organic pollutants from water/waste water Activated...

Ngày tải lên: 25/11/2016, 21:53

16 762 0
Liquid-Phase Adsorption Of Phenols Using Activated Carbons Derived From Agricultural Waste Material

Liquid-Phase Adsorption Of Phenols Using Activated Carbons Derived From Agricultural Waste Material

... was adjusted using reagent grade dilute sulfuric acid and sodium hydroxide 2.1 Adsorbent development and characterization The raw material, i.e coconut shells (agricultural waste materials) was ... aqueous solution using low-cost activated carbons derived from agricultural waste material, Carbon 43 (2005) 1680–1693 [42] L.R Radovic, C Moreno-Castilla, J Rivera-Utrilla, Carbon materials as adsorbents ... purpose by converting unwanted, surplus agricultural waste to useful, valuable material and provides an efficient adsorbent material for the removal of organic pollutants from water/waste water Activated...

Ngày tải lên: 09/12/2016, 23:02

16 698 0